Greasy Fork is available in English.
Auto Respawn, Anti Aim, Base Warning, Bullet Distance, Leader Arrow Color, Watch enemies Level, copy party link, Team Switcher, Triflank, Freeze Mouse, Tank Aim Lines
< Opinie na (announcement)
what's the matter?
i honestly don't know if it's a troll or a clarification because i legit can't connect to any servers even with this script disabled
you are probably banned from using my script. I added a check for names and made it extra hard to unban yourself. NX clan as well as multiboxers should not use my script
i honestly don't know if it's a troll or a clarification because i legit can't connect to any servers even with this script disabled
wait it should only crash you when script is enabled? If you said that the script is disabled then it's not causing the crash/ban