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381 const autoTgl = createToggle('autoClose', 'Auto-close raids and hosts', prefs.autoClose, x => (prefs.autoClose = x));
382 const cinemaTgl = createToggle('autoCinema', 'Auto enable theatre mode', prefs.autoCinema, x => prefs.autoCinema = x);
What about this line 382 then? Doesn't look changed
my bad, forgot to do the parens thing on line 382
382 const cinemaTgl = createToggle('autoCinema', 'Auto enable theatre mode', prefs.autoCinema, x => (prefs.autoCinema = x));
Yeah, but this tells me that was not the reason the script was not working for you.
Parentheses are not required as per newer ES202X standards. Even more so with extraneous whitespace, some people use that to make multiple lines of assignments more readable.
Thanks for the feedback, it helped a lot.
Have a good weekend!
Hope this helps - script wasn't running on my machine before these changes (source editor was showing eslint errors) - script ran after changes YMMV
Code block below (with line numbers)