Old Google 2014

Adds back the 2014 google design. Changes google search, maps, translate, login, news, drive, shopping, photos, classroom and lens. ## DO NOT EXPECT MANY MORE UPDATES, GOOGLE HAS GONE TOO FAR SOUTH!! Also install "google 2014 row" for better search filter experience

< Opinie na Old Google 2014

Ocena: Dobry - skrypt działa

Napisano: 14-04-2023

Hello, could you move the "any time", "any country" and "all results" under "tools" back to the very left? The latest google update moved them to the right, and i hate it.


Napisano: 14-04-2023

Also, can you remove this annoying scroll bar in the phonetic section of texts? Back then when you click "show more", it will display full long text, but now it has a weird scroll bar to scroll the texts and I don't like it.



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