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MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.

< Opinie na MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Ocena: OK - skrypt działa, ale ma błędy

Napisano: 02-12-2016

Mturk Databse Mk/II down?

Something is wrong with Turk database. It keeps telling me to shut everything down so it can do an internal update, butr I have done that 3 to 4 times and it still will not work. Anyone else encountering this issue?

Napisano: 02-12-2016

Does the update actually complete successfully? You should only be told to do an internal update if it's trying to open an older database. After it completes successfully, the internal database version is updated to match what the script expects.

However, another possibility is that there's another issue. Open the console (f12) and see if there are any errors originating from the script reported there.


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