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[ Solved ] Better Text

Napisano: 04-05-2015
Edytowano: 06-05-2015

[ Solved ] Better Text

Better Text

May the 4th be with you.. Happy Star Wars Day gentlemen :)

On this site
The font size is very small for me
Even the colors are not that good.

1. Can the colors be changed from black background + white text to something pleasant?
Where eyes don't have to adjust during / after reading a long NFO.

2. I know there is no one size fits all.
Can the font size be adjusted to regular web or according to screen size / reso?
BTW mine is 1600 x 900

3. Now NFO's are meant to be read as it is, so If I zoom it
the line formating is preserved (which is good)
but the zoomed stuff moves to right hand side of the screen
so I have to scroll right & back.
Can the zooming part be skipped all altogether?


Napisano: 04-05-2015
Edytowano: 04-05-2015

This kind of stuff is done by writing a userstyle in the Stylish extension, use and its forum.

Napisano: 04-05-2015
Edytowano: 04-05-2015

Thank you wOxxOm

I'm aware of the sister site. In fact was using Youtube Subscriptions Grid Layout by fatratchet.
However it looks like he has abandoned it.

Anyways noob query.. if I request them to make a userstyle, will it work as userscript (user js) too?
I tend to avoid installing more addons wherever possible, so even if someone gives me the css code, I wont be able to use it.
Are all userstyles bound to accompany userscripts too?

I checked couple of them and they had userscripts too, except for Restyle "about:addons" for Firefox by bratishka
Guess the reason is that its not a userstyle for a site, but for firefox addon window itself.
Still I would like to confirm.

Napisano: 04-05-2015

if I request them to make a userstyle, will it work as userscript (user js) too?

Yes, by adding the two tokens to the url of any style:

For a new style just edit the urls and paste the new CSS in this template accordingly.

Napisano: 04-05-2015

thanks for the link mate

both of them are working (same), its just that google keeps on changing their code
hence this userstyle is broken.. have tested 2 others too & they also dont work.

Anyways a new request has been posted there.

Napisano: 06-05-2015
Edytowano: 06-05-2015


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