Dyskusje » Greasy Fork Feedback

Script History not displayed correctly

Napisano: 08-01-2021

Can this please be fixed?

I think that the css for the history page should be changed site wide, so this would also fix other scripts that are not being displayed correctly for the same reason my script isn't being displayed correct.


Also the possibility to edit the history would be nice if it was added to greasyfork.

Napisano: 09-01-2021
What's the problem? The line wrapping?


Napisano: 10-01-2021
Better now?

Yes, except for https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/407734-remova-propagandas-e-temporizadores-ao-baixar-filmes/versions
I wanted the lines to be broken,so that the browser wouldn't show a scroll bar on the bottom of the page.

Napisano: 10-01-2021



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