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Bilibilier Conf.

make Bilibili video player auto widescreen

< Feedback op Bilibilier Conf.

Recensie: Redelijk - het script werkt, maar bevat bugs

Geplaatst: 29-11-2022

Change the btn class-name to "bpx-player-ctrl-btn-icon bpx-player-ctrl-wide-enter" to fit the bilibili webpage of 29/11/2022.

Geplaatst: 29-11-2022

Change the btn class-name to "bpx-player-ctrl-btn-icon bpx-player-ctrl-wide-enter" to fit the bilibili webpage of 29/11/2022.

Sorry about the above post, the class-name should be "bpx-player-ctrl-btn bpx-player-ctrl-wide". However it does not always work:(

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