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Youtube Fullscreen Mode

Automatically switch YouTube screens to 100 height and 100 width screens.

< Feedback op Youtube Fullscreen Mode

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Geplaatst: 20-04-2022

Nice job. Thanks.
Can I disable auto mode (is it the lines 39-47)?

Geplaatst: 21-04-2022

I thought no one want auto full screen mode when I made it.
you might disable by delete those lines for now.
I'll conside to add the option to select the option.

Geplaatst: 15-05-2022

Nice job. Thanks.
Can I disable auto mode (is it the lines 39-47)?

I tried to add the feature with toggle option, but I couldn't add it because the YouTube page was considerably slow with the toggle mode (tried GM.setvalue and GM.getvalue).
I hope you'll be satisfied with the code that some lines are erased.

Geplaatst: 15-05-2022

I perfectly fine with it. I never use theater mode in auto mode so I don't need the toggle button. Thanks.

Geplaatst: 09-06-2022

I perfectly fine with it. I never use theater mode in auto mode so I don't need the toggle button. Thanks.

I made a lot of changes to this script because I'm learning how to code properly and write it and I found it was so messy to read.
Hope you change line 72 to annotation to disable automatic mode by putting two slashes in front of the line. :)

Geplaatst: 10-06-2022

Thanks, I got it.

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