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YouTube Classic for 2018 (Polymer Disable)

Redirect YouTube pages to the classic design

< Feedback op YouTube Classic for 2018 (Polymer Disable)

Recensie: Slecht - het script werkt niet

Geplaatst: 16-06-2020

It appears Google Has Killed Polymer Disable

It appears Google has finally done it and forced us to use their new horrible interface permanently. About a month ago they killed the other tweak adjusted the cookies value, now Google has killed using Polymer Disable in the URL. RIP old YouTube, you will be missed

Geplaatst: 22-06-2020
Bijgewerkt: 22-06-2020

Doesn't seem so for me, ?disable_polymer=1 still works for me, at least on some pages.

Geplaatst: 22-06-2020
  1. install user-agent switcher
  2. make a new rule for youtube only and set it to googlebot
  3. profit
Geplaatst: 24-06-2020

@q1k said:

  1. install user-agent switcher
  2. make a new rule for youtube only and set it to googlebot
  3. profit

Thanks! But it only worked specifically with the User-Agent Switcher addon by Alexander Schlarb (the one with 3 silhouettes in the icon) though, which has a Google Bot UA option. This didn't work with other UA switchers with UA set to "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +". I wonder why.

Geplaatst: 26-06-2020

I tested the User Agent Switcher solution too. But i find a better and easy way to do: YouTube Classic by Mirza Brunjadze Yep it's for Firefox....

More infos usable in the description of my Userstyle: Youtube Dark Tweak WideScreen

PS: If you have a way (userscript/CSS/or Addon) to pin the player at it's place other to use "Video Pinner" OLD addon , i am interested....

Geplaatst: 26-06-2020

@decembre I use "Youtube+" script. It has a floater player you can put anywhere, along with a bunch of other useful features.

Geplaatst: 26-06-2020

@q1k a dit : @decembre I use "Youtube+" script. It has a floater player you can put anywhere, along with a bunch of other useful features.

Thanks : I know the floating player .... I want just the player stay pined at its place when i scroll.

Geplaatst: 26-06-2020

@decembre said:

@q1k a dit : @decembre I use "Youtube+" script. It has a floater player you can put anywhere, along with a bunch of other useful features.

Thanks : I know the floating player .... I want just the player stay pined at its place when i scroll.

Wouldn't that cover the search bar?

Geplaatst: 26-06-2020

btw, is the list view not being remembered for subs feed for you? it's so annoying

Geplaatst: 26-06-2020
Bijgewerkt: 26-06-2020

Just stay where it is :-) My userstyle work fine with the "Video pined" addon and Waterfox. But i can't use it with Firefox Quantum... _ want an alternative. I try by using CSS... but for now it's not very easy._

Geplaatst: 26-06-2020

You'll just have to listen for scrolling and get the video player position and size. Then add position fixed on it with top/left properties set to the actual distance from the edges of the page.

Geplaatst: 26-06-2020

@q1k a dit : You'll just have to listen for scrolling and get the video player position and size. Then add position fixed on it with top/left properties set to the actual distance from the edges of the page.

yes, that's simple .... But i am not coder! :-)

Geplaatst: 26-06-2020
Bijgewerkt: 26-06-2020

Here you go, but I don't like it

function repositionPlayer(){
    let tt = document.getElementById("player-api");
    let player = document.getElementById("movie_player");
    let playerOffset = document.getElementById("masthead-positioner-height-offset");
    if ( !(tt.getBoundingClientRect().y < playerOffset.getBoundingClientRect().height || player.classList.contains("ytp-fullscreen")) ){"relative";"auto";"auto";"100%";"100%";
    } else {"fixed";;;"px";"px";
Geplaatst: 27-06-2020
Bijgewerkt: 27-06-2020

Thanks, that's i wanted ! Now i can work around.... Why you don't like it ? PS: Now i know the existence of (seems useful) : element.getBoundingClientRect [FR] Element.getBoundingClientRect() [Us] The Element.getBoundingClientRect() method returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport. The element's size is equal to its width/height + padding + border-width in the case that the standard box model is being used, or width/height only if box-sizing: border-box has been set on it.

Geplaatst: 27-06-2020

I don't want it to cover my comments

Geplaatst: 27-06-2020

Yes, I understand. But i use my userstyle to solve that: Youtube Dark Tweak WideScreen

Geplaatst: 27-07-2020

To restore the Old Youtube....
You can too use this addon:
YouTube Classic by Mirza Brunjadze
For chrome see:
YouTube Classic: Chrome installation instructions:

The addon provide 3 ways to restore the Classic view...

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