Youtube Ad Cleaner(Include Non-Skippable Ads- works)

(Be Tested Daily) Bypass all youtube ads (skippable and non-skippable Ads) plus download youtube video on the fly

< Feedback op Youtube Ad Cleaner(Include Non-Skippable Ads- works)

Recensie: Redelijk - het script werkt, maar bevat bugs

Geplaatst: 17-10-2023

Makes YouTube shorts comment section blank and the video needs to be refreshed (ad block doesn't work right off the rip)

dumb dumbMaker
Geplaatst: 20-10-2023

The youtube short video comment section blank is a bug. However the video needs to be refreshed serveral times is not a bug. This is the way it works.
The script skips the video Ads by stopping and restarting the video playback. As for how many times the script restarts the video playback, it depends on how many video Ads in a row.

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