BlueCat Address Manager Auto-Switch to Tagged Objects

Automatically switch to Tagged Objects if no SubTags exist in BlueCat Address Manager

// ==UserScript==
// @name        BlueCat Address Manager Auto-Switch to Tagged Objects
// @namespace   *
// @description Automatically switch to Tagged Objects if no SubTags exist in BlueCat Address Manager
// @include     */app*
// @exclude     */app*sp=ScontextId%3Dtag
// @license		MIT
// @version     4
// @grant       none
// @copyright   2018, Marius Galm
// @license		MIT
// @icon
// ==/UserScript==

// give up after 5 tries = 2,5 sec
var k = 0, howManyTimes = 5;
function getNodes() {
    var count = k+1;
    console.log(" + looking for nodes "+count+"/"+howManyTimes);
    var nodes = document.getElementsByClassName("TreeNode").length;
    if(( k < howManyTimes )&&(nodes === 0)){
        setTimeout( getNodes, 500 );
    else if ((k === howManyTimes)&&(nodes === 0)) {
    } else {
        //console.log("nothing to do");

// Exclude Pattern will prevent endless loop :-)
if (document.readyState === "interactive" ) {
    var page = document.childNodes[2].nodeValue;
    if (/ Page: Tags /.test(page)) {
        // check subtab, should only be executed on Tags not Tagged Objects
        var subtab = document.getElementsByClassName("TabPanelLabelActive")[0];
        if (subtab.innerText === "Tags") {
            var info = document.getElementById("informal");
            if ((info !== undefined)&&(info !== null)) {
                //console.log("found informal table - assuming table view");
                // Table View
                if (document.getElementsByClassName("empty-table").length === 1) {
                    // empty -> switch to tagged objects
            } else {
                //console.log("informal id not found or null - assuming tree view");
                // checking nodes
                if (document.getElementsByClassName("TreeNode").length === 0) {