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Dailymotion Raw Html5 Player

Replaces dailymotion's flash player with html5

< Feedback op Dailymotion Raw Html5 Player

Recensie: Goed - het script werkt zoals het hoort

Deleted user 128
Geplaatst: 25-12-2016
Bijgewerkt: 25-12-2016

Version 3.0 does it!

'Dailymotion Raw Html5 Player' version 3.0 fixes issues encountered with Dailymotion's latest update.
This is a splendid Christmas gift :) Many thanks, Colombo!

EDIT : for those using a whatever blocker to a site's external calls (such as uBlock Origin with external calls blocked by default) be sure to include as accepted for dailymotion, otherwise the script's icons won't appear. This happened to me until I found out a call was done to by the script for the purpose of a css which manages those icons. is a good site, no problem.

Geplaatst: 25-12-2016
Bijgewerkt: 25-12-2016

I knew you'd like it. ;)

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