MTurk HIT Database Mk.II

Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.

< Feedback op MTurk HIT Database Mk.II


Geplaatst: 17-11-2015

Causing search delay?

First of - thanks a million for the script. It's amazing. My issue is weird and may not be connected, but I asked on MTF and I'm not the only one this has happened to. After downloading the new version of the HitDB - whenever a regular mturk page comes up, all of the font (the entire screen) flashes "larger" for a split second before reducing back to normal size. This screws things up when I trying to search and have to wait for it to get to normal before I can click any buttons. Missing hits due to the delay. I use it on Chrome if that makes any difference at all. Not sure how it would be related, or if it is at all, except it only started doing it after the new DB came. Thanks!

Geplaatst: 17-11-2015
Bijgewerkt: 17-11-2015

Yeah I've noticed that as well, but it's inconsistent and only happens a fraction of the time. It's admittedly annoying, but because I've seen it happen with or without this script enabled, I brushed it off as a side effect of Amazon's reflow handling. I'll investigate further to see if my script is exerting any negative influence on the issue.

The biggest impact to page loading is actually the Turkopticon extension, though, because its XHRs are forced synchronous which completely locks out input until the XHR is resolved.

Geplaatst: 17-11-2015

Thanks again - most of that actually makes sense. I don't know anything about coding, and couldn't make turk work without you creating these great scripts. Appreciate it.

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