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facebook - collect data from all Time-Stamp-Links (inner HTML) of 'Activity-Log'

Geplaatst: 26-08-2016

facebook - collect data from all Time-Stamp-Links (inner HTML) of 'Activity-Log'

Related to a former thread - here:

after my first very well solved question I have a superordinated target.

Does anyone knows a solution for collecting of ALL(?) my past time-stamps (inner HTML) from this position (see: former thread) into clipboard or a file?

I suppose, that it would be helpfull for performance to select these by start-date and end-date because data of all links could be a big amount of data.

Step 0 - Preliminary
I think that it would be possible to "open" all pages of activity log (click on "more activity" / "read more") [manually] which belong to a 'selected' quarter.
A script would be more simple but thats another problem.

Step 1 - Main
Ideally I would export the data to excel for rework.
a) filter, group, sort, truncate
b) find the common/original link of the "2. example" above. In the moment I think about manually retrieve. :open_mouth:

All the links (ending with colon and a number ":45") are a summary of one single post, that is commented by me. I want to isolate them out of the mass of links.

Step 2
I want to identyfy (important) discussions with much / important of my own comments and collect my old texts into a private database.


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