Kemono Browser

Adds a button at the bottom right of all kemono & coomer supported creator websites (but fansly) that redirects to the corresponding kemono/coomer page.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Kemono Browser
// @namespace     Violentmonkey Scripts
// @version       1.8.0
// @description   Adds a button at the bottom right of all kemono & coomer supported creator websites (but fansly) that redirects to the corresponding kemono/coomer page.
// @author        zWolfrost
// @license       MIT
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @match         *://**
// @connect
// @connect
// @icon
// @grant         GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant         GM.getResourceUrl
// @grant         GM.openInTab
// @resource      kemonoWhiteIcon
// ==/UserScript==
"use strict";

///////////////// OPTIONS /////////////////

// time in milliseconds for the script to update the button. i generally don't recommend setting it to less than 100.

// whether to open the url in a new tab by default. note that ctrl+clicking the button does the opposite of the default behavior.
const OPEN_IN_NEW_TAB = true;

// default button classes. remove them to customize the button!
const KEMONO_BTN_CLASSES = ["include-icon", "include-text", "animate-click"]

// kemono button css
const KEMONO_BTN_ID = "_kemono-btn";
	display: none !important;
	position: fixed !important;
	bottom: 0px;
	right: 0px;
	z-index: 10000000 !important;

	min-width: 0 !important;
	min-height: 0 !important;
	max-width: none !important;
	max-height: none !important;

	padding: 4px !important;
	margin: 12px !important;

	font-family: arial !important;
	font-weight: bold !important;
	font-size: 18px !important;
	text-transform: capitalize !important;

	line-height: normal !important;
	text-decoration: none !important;
	cursor: pointer !important;
	display: flex !important;
	align-items: center !important;
	justify-content: center !important;
	gap: 2px !important;
#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}:hover { filter: brightness(90%); }
#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}:active { filter: brightness(80%); }

	display: none !important;
#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}.include-icon img
	display: inline-block !important;
	width: 24px !important;
	height: 24px !important;
	margin: 0px 2px !important;

	box-shadow: black 0.5px 0.5px, black 1px 1px, black 1.5px 1.5px, black 2px 2px, black 2.5px 2.5px, black 3px 3px, black 3.5px 3.5px, black 4px 4px;
	bottom: -4px;
	right: -4px;
	box-shadow: none;

	transition-property: bottom, right, box-shadow;
	transition-duration: 0.05s;
	transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;

#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}[data-status-text=found] { background-color: green; color: white; }
#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}.include-text[data-status-text=found]::after { content: "creator: found"; }

#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}[data-status-text=incomplete] { background-color: gold; color: black; }
#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}[data-status-text=incomplete] img { filter: brightness(1) invert(1); }
#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}.include-text[data-status-text=incomplete]::after { content: "creator: incomplete"; }

#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}[data-status-text=missing] { background-color: red; color: white; }
#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}.include-text[data-status-text=missing]::after { content: "creator: missing"; }

#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}[data-status-text=pending] { background-color: gray; color: white; }
#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}.include-text[data-status-text=pending]::after { content: "creator: pending..."; }

#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}[data-status-text=error] { background-color: #444444; color: white; }
#${KEMONO_BTN_ID}[data-status-text=error]::after { content: "creator: unknown (error " attr(data-status-code) ")"; }

if (window.location.hostname.includes("")) KEMONO_BTN_CSS += `#${KEMONO_BTN_ID} { transform: translateY(-75px); }`;


let lastKemonoURL = "";

const KEMONO_BTN = document.createElement("a");

setInterval(updateKemonoButton, KEMONO_BTN_POLLING_MS);

/////////// KEMONO BUTTON STUFF ///////////

// initialize kemono button
function initKemonoButton()
	// append css to head
	const appendCSS = css => document.head.appendChild(document.createElement("style")).innerHTML = css;

	// set button attributes = KEMONO_BTN_ID; = OPEN_IN_NEW_TAB ? "_blank" : "_self";
	KEMONO_BTN.draggable = false;

	// set button classes

	// add kemono icon
	const KEMONO_ICON = document.createElement("img");
	GM.getResourceUrl("kemonoWhiteIcon").then(url => KEMONO_ICON.src = url);
	KEMONO_ICON.alt = "🐺";

	// add ctrl+click event listener
	KEMONO_BTN.addEventListener("click", function(e)
		if (e.ctrlKey)

			if ( == "_self") GM.openInTab(this.href);
			else, "_self");

	// append button to body

// update kemono button
function updateKemonoButton()
	// get page domain
	const domain = window.location.hostname.split(".").slice(-2).join(".");

	// get the respective kemono creator url using the correct domain method (see "domainMethods" object)
	const url = domainMethods[domain]?.();

	if (url)
		if (url != lastKemonoURL)
			// cache the url to prevent unnecessary requests
			lastKemonoURL = url;

			// set the button to the pending status, while waiting for kemono to respond
			KEMONO_BTN.href = url;
			Object.assign(KEMONO_BTN.dataset, {statusText: "pending", statusCode: 202});

			// check if the creator exists on kemono & set the button status accordingly
			getCreatorStatus(url).then(status => Object.assign(KEMONO_BTN.dataset, status));
		lastKemonoURL = null;

		delete KEMONO_BTN.dataset.statusText;
		delete KEMONO_BTN.dataset.statusCode;

///////// WEBPAGE INSPECTION STUFF /////////

const domainMethods = {
	"": getKemonoURLFromPatreon,
	"": getKemonoURLFromFanbox,
	"": getKemonoURLFromPixiv,
	"": getKemonoURLFromDiscord,
	"": getKemonoURLFromFantia,
	"": getKemonoURLFromBoosty,
	"": getKemonoURLFromDLsite,
	"": getKemonoURLFromGumroad,
	"": getKemonoURLFromSubscribeStar,
	"": getKemonoURLFromSubscribeStar,
	"": getKemonoURLFromOnlyFans,
	"": getKemonoURLFromCandFans

// create the creator url with the given parameters
function getKemonoURL({domain, service, userID=null, postID=null} = {})
	let redirectURL = `https://${domain}/${service}`;

	if (userID)
		redirectURL += `/user/${userID}`;

		if (postID)
			redirectURL += `/post/${postID}`;
	else return null;

	return redirectURL;

function getKemonoURLFromPatreon()
	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "patreon",
		userID: extract(select("#__NEXT_DATA__"), '"creator":{"data":{"id":"', '"'),
		postID: extractNextUrlPath("posts")?.split("-")?.at(-1)

function getKemonoURLFromFanbox()
	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "fanbox",
		userID: extract(select('meta[property="og:image"]', "content"), "/creator/", "/") ??
			extract(select(".styled__StyledUserIcon-sc-1upaq18-10[style]", "style"), "/user/", "/") ??
			extract(select('a[href^=""]', "href"), "/users/", "/"),
		postID: extractNextUrlPath("posts")

function getKemonoURLFromPixiv()
	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "fanbox",
		userID: extractNextUrlPath("users") ?? select("button[data-gtm-user-id]", "data-gtm-user-id")

function getKemonoURLFromDiscord()
	const splitPathname = window.location.pathname.split("/");

	if (splitPathname[1] == "channels" && splitPathname[2])
		let redirectURL = `${splitPathname[2]}`;
		if (splitPathname[3]) redirectURL += `#${splitPathname[3]}`;
		return redirectURL;
	else return null;

function getKemonoURLFromFantia()
	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "fantia",
		userID: extractNextUrlPath("fanclubs") ?? extract(select(".fanclub-header > a[href]", "href"), "/fanclubs/", "/"),
		postID: extractNextUrlPath("posts") ?? extractNextUrlPath("products")

function getKemonoURLFromBoosty()
	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "boosty",
		userID: extractNextUrlPath("/"),
		postID: extractNextUrlPath("posts")

function getKemonoURLFromDLsite()
	const addRE = str => str ? "RE" + str : null

	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "dlsite",
		userID: extract(select(".maker_name[itemprop=brand] > a", "href"), "/maker_id/", "."),
		postID: addRE(extractNextUrlPath("product_id")?.replace(/\D/g, ""))

function getKemonoURLFromGumroad()
	const json = select("script.js-react-on-rails-component")

	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "gumroad",
		userID: extract(json, '"external_id":"', '"') ?? extract(json, '"seller":{"id":"', '"'),
		postID: select('meta[property="product:retailer_item_id"]', "content")

function getKemonoURLFromSubscribeStar()
	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "subscribestar",
		userID: select('img[data-type="avatar"]', "alt").toLowerCase(),
		postID: extractNextUrlPath("posts")

function getKemonoURLFromOnlyFans()
	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "onlyfans",
		userID: select("#content .g-avatar[href]", "href")?.split("/")[1],
		postID: select("div.b-post:not(.is-not-post-page)", "id")?.replace(/\D/g, "")

function getKemonoURLFromCandFans()
	return getKemonoURL({
		domain: "",
		service: "candfans",
		userID: extract(select("div.v-main__wrap"), "user/", "/"),
		postID: extractNextUrlPath("show")

 * get query element attribute shorthand
 * @returns {string}
function select(query, attribute=null)
	const el = document.querySelector(query);
	return attribute ? el?.getAttribute(attribute) : el?.innerHTML

 * get string between a prefix and a suffix
 * @returns {string}
function extract(string, prefix, suffix)
	if (string == null) return null;

	let begIndex = string.indexOf(prefix);
	if (begIndex == -1) return null;
	else begIndex += prefix.length;

	let endIndex = string.indexOf(suffix, begIndex);
	if (endIndex == -1) endIndex = undefined;
	let result = string.slice(begIndex, endIndex);

	return result;

 * get next path segment in url pathname after a prefix.
 * if prefix is blank, return the first path segment.
 * @returns {string}
function extractNextUrlPath(prefix, suffix="/")
	return extract(
		(prefix == "/") ? "/" : `/${prefix}/`,

// check if the creator exists on kemono
async function getCreatorStatus(url)
	if (url)
		const splitPathname = new URL(url).pathname.split("/");

		if (splitPathname[1] == "discord")
			const response = await request({method: "GET", url: `${splitPathname[3]}`});

			if (response.status == 200)
				let channels = JSON.parse(response.responseText);

				if (channels.length == 0) return {statusText: "missing", statusCode: 404};
					if (url.includes("#") && channels.some(channel => == url.split("#")[1]))
						return {statusText: "found", statusCode: 200};
					else return {statusText: "incomplete", statusCode: 303};
			else return {statusText: "error", statusCode: response.status};
			const response = await request({method: "HEAD", url: url});
			const redirectUrl = response?.finalUrl;


			if (response.status == 200)
				if (redirectUrl == url) return {statusText: "found", statusCode: 200};
				else if (redirectUrl.includes("user")) return {statusText: "incomplete", statusCode: 303};
				else if (redirectUrl.includes("artists")) return {statusText: "missing", statusCode: 404};
			else return {statusText: "error", statusCode: response.status};

	return {statusText: "error", statusCode: 400};

// make a request
function request(details)
	return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
			onload: resolve,
			onerror: reject