// ==UserScript==
// @name BADTAG
// @version 1.2.6
// @description Bilibili AD TAGging - tagging ad videos by analyzing danmaku stats
// @author jamesliu96
// @license MIT
// @namespace https://jamesliu.info/
// @homepage https://gist.github.com/jamesliu96/aeef912d74bdd184cbb6781f1f3939b1
// @match https://*.bilibili.com/*
// @icon https://www.bilibili.com/favicon.ico
// @connect bilibili.com
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/protobuf.min.js
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_addValueChangeListener
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant window.onurlchange
// ==/UserScript==
const RULES = [
const THRES = 0.001;
// https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SocialSisterYi/bilibili-API-collect/076712a93152c69c7f5437392267925d897a6e63/grpc_api/bilibili/community/service/dm/v1/dm.proto
const PROTO = `syntax = "proto3";
package bilibili.community.service.dm.v1;
service DM {
// 获取分段弹幕
rpc DmSegMobile (DmSegMobileReq) returns (DmSegMobileReply);
// 客户端弹幕元数据 字幕、分段、防挡蒙版等
rpc DmView(DmViewReq) returns (DmViewReply);
// 修改弹幕配置
rpc DmPlayerConfig (DmPlayerConfigReq) returns (Response);
// ott弹幕列表
rpc DmSegOtt(DmSegOttReq) returns(DmSegOttReply);
// SDK弹幕列表
rpc DmSegSDK(DmSegSDKReq) returns(DmSegSDKReply);
rpc DmExpoReport(DmExpoReportReq) returns (DmExpoReportRes);
message Avatar {
string id = 1;
string url = 2;
AvatarType avatar_type = 3;
enum AvatarType {
AvatarTypeNone = 0; //
AvatarTypeNFT = 1; //
message Bubble {
string text = 1;
string url = 2;
enum BubbleType {
BubbleTypeNone = 0; //
BubbleTypeClickButton = 1; //
BubbleTypeDmSettingPanel = 2; //
message BubbleV2 {
string text = 1;
string url = 2;
BubbleType bubble_type = 3;
bool exposure_once = 4;
ExposureType exposure_type = 5;
message Button {
string text = 1;
int32 action = 2;
message BuzzwordConfig {
repeated BuzzwordShowConfig keywords = 1;
message BuzzwordShowConfig {
string name = 1;
string schema = 2;
int32 source = 3;
int64 id = 4;
int64 buzzword_id = 5;
int32 schema_type = 6;
message CheckBox {
string text = 1;
CheckboxType type = 2;
bool default_value = 3;
bool show = 4;
enum CheckboxType {
CheckboxTypeNone = 0; //
CheckboxTypeEncourage = 1; //
CheckboxTypeColorDM = 2; //
message CheckBoxV2 {
string text = 1;
int32 type = 2;
bool default_value = 3;
message ClickButton {
repeated string portrait_text = 1;
repeated string landscape_text = 2;
repeated string portrait_text_focus = 3;
repeated string landscape_text_focus = 4;
RenderType render_type = 5;
bool show = 6;
Bubble bubble = 7;
message ClickButtonV2 {
repeated string portrait_text = 1;
repeated string landscape_text = 2;
repeated string portrait_text_focus = 3;
repeated string landscape_text_focus = 4;
int32 render_type = 5;
bool text_input_post = 6;
bool exposure_once = 7;
int32 exposure_type = 8;
// 互动弹幕条目信息
message CommandDm {
// 弹幕id
int64 id = 1;
// 对象视频cid
int64 oid = 2;
// 发送者mid
string mid = 3;
// 互动弹幕指令
string command = 4;
// 互动弹幕正文
string content = 5;
// 出现时间
int32 progress = 6;
// 创建时间
string ctime = 7;
// 发布时间
string mtime = 8;
// 扩展json数据
string extra = 9;
// 弹幕id str类型
string idStr = 10;
// 弹幕ai云屏蔽列表
message DanmakuAIFlag {
// 弹幕ai云屏蔽条目
repeated DanmakuFlag dm_flags = 1;
// 弹幕条目
message DanmakuElem {
// 弹幕dmid
int64 id = 1;
// 弹幕出现位置(单位ms)
int32 progress = 2;
// 弹幕类型 1 2 3:普通弹幕 4:底部弹幕 5:顶部弹幕 6:逆向弹幕 7:高级弹幕 8:代码弹幕 9:BAS弹幕(pool必须为2)
int32 mode = 3;
// 弹幕字号
int32 fontsize = 4;
// 弹幕颜色
uint32 color = 5;
// 发送者mid hash
string midHash = 6;
// 弹幕正文
string content = 7;
// 发送时间
int64 ctime = 8;
// 权重 用于屏蔽等级 区间:[1,10]
int32 weight = 9;
// 动作
string action = 10;
// 弹幕池 0:普通池 1:字幕池 2:特殊池(代码/BAS弹幕)
int32 pool = 11;
// 弹幕dmid str
string idStr = 12;
// 弹幕属性位(bin求AND)
// bit0:保护 bit1:直播 bit2:高赞
int32 attr = 13;
string animation = 22;
// 大会员专属颜色
DmColorfulType colorful = 24;
// 弹幕ai云屏蔽条目
message DanmakuFlag {
// 弹幕dmid
int64 dmid = 1;
// 评分
uint32 flag = 2;
// 云屏蔽配置信息
message DanmakuFlagConfig {
// 云屏蔽等级
int32 rec_flag = 1;
// 云屏蔽文案
string rec_text = 2;
// 云屏蔽开关
int32 rec_switch = 3;
// 弹幕默认配置
message DanmuDefaultPlayerConfig {
bool player_danmaku_use_default_config = 1; // 是否使用推荐弹幕设置
bool player_danmaku_ai_recommended_switch = 4; // 是否开启智能云屏蔽
int32 player_danmaku_ai_recommended_level = 5; // 智能云屏蔽等级
bool player_danmaku_blocktop = 6; // 是否屏蔽顶端弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockscroll = 7; // 是否屏蔽滚动弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockbottom = 8; // 是否屏蔽底端弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockcolorful = 9; // 是否屏蔽彩色弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockrepeat = 10; // 是否屏蔽重复弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockspecial = 11; // 是否屏蔽高级弹幕
float player_danmaku_opacity = 12; // 弹幕不透明度
float player_danmaku_scalingfactor = 13; // 弹幕缩放比例
float player_danmaku_domain = 14; // 弹幕显示区域
int32 player_danmaku_speed = 15; // 弹幕速度
bool inline_player_danmaku_switch = 16; // 是否开启弹幕
int32 player_danmaku_senior_mode_switch = 17; //
int32 player_danmaku_ai_recommended_level_v2 = 18; //
map<int32, int32> player_danmaku_ai_recommended_level_v2_map = 19; //
// 弹幕配置
message DanmuPlayerConfig {
bool player_danmaku_switch = 1; // 是否开启弹幕
bool player_danmaku_switch_save = 2; // 是否记录弹幕开关设置
bool player_danmaku_use_default_config = 3; // 是否使用推荐弹幕设置
bool player_danmaku_ai_recommended_switch = 4; // 是否开启智能云屏蔽
int32 player_danmaku_ai_recommended_level = 5; // 智能云屏蔽等级
bool player_danmaku_blocktop = 6; // 是否屏蔽顶端弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockscroll = 7; // 是否屏蔽滚动弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockbottom = 8; // 是否屏蔽底端弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockcolorful = 9; // 是否屏蔽彩色弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockrepeat = 10; // 是否屏蔽重复弹幕
bool player_danmaku_blockspecial = 11; // 是否屏蔽高级弹幕
float player_danmaku_opacity = 12; // 弹幕不透明度
float player_danmaku_scalingfactor = 13; // 弹幕缩放比例
float player_danmaku_domain = 14; // 弹幕显示区域
int32 player_danmaku_speed = 15; // 弹幕速度
bool player_danmaku_enableblocklist = 16; // 是否开启屏蔽列表
bool inline_player_danmaku_switch = 17; // 是否开启弹幕
int32 inline_player_danmaku_config = 18; //
int32 player_danmaku_ios_switch_save = 19; //
int32 player_danmaku_senior_mode_switch = 20; //
int32 player_danmaku_ai_recommended_level_v2 = 21; //
map<int32, int32> player_danmaku_ai_recommended_level_v2_map = 22; //
message DanmuPlayerConfigPanel {
string selection_text = 1;
// 弹幕显示区域自动配置
message DanmuPlayerDynamicConfig {
// 时间
int32 progress = 1;
// 弹幕显示区域
float player_danmaku_domain = 14;
// 弹幕配置信息
message DanmuPlayerViewConfig {
// 弹幕默认配置
DanmuDefaultPlayerConfig danmuku_default_player_config = 1;
// 弹幕用户配置
DanmuPlayerConfig danmuku_player_config = 2;
// 弹幕显示区域自动配置列表
repeated DanmuPlayerDynamicConfig danmuku_player_dynamic_config = 3;
DanmuPlayerConfigPanel danmuku_player_config_panel = 4;
// web端用户弹幕配置
message DanmuWebPlayerConfig {
bool dm_switch = 1; // 是否开启弹幕
bool ai_switch = 2; // 是否开启智能云屏蔽
int32 ai_level = 3; // 智能云屏蔽等级
bool blocktop = 4; // 是否屏蔽顶端弹幕
bool blockscroll = 5; // 是否屏蔽滚动弹幕
bool blockbottom = 6; // 是否屏蔽底端弹幕
bool blockcolor = 7; // 是否屏蔽彩色弹幕
bool blockspecial = 8; // 是否屏蔽重复弹幕
bool preventshade = 9; //
bool dmask = 10; //
float opacity = 11; //
int32 dmarea = 12; //
float speedplus = 13; //
float fontsize = 14; // 弹幕字号
bool screensync = 15; //
bool speedsync = 16; //
string fontfamily = 17; //
bool bold = 18; // 是否使用加粗
int32 fontborder = 19; //
string draw_type = 20; // 弹幕渲染类型
int32 senior_mode_switch = 21; //
int32 ai_level_v2 = 22; //
map<int32, int32> ai_level_v2_map = 23; //
// 弹幕属性位值
enum DMAttrBit {
DMAttrBitProtect = 0; // 保护弹幕
DMAttrBitFromLive = 1; // 直播弹幕
DMAttrHighLike = 2; // 高赞弹幕
message DmColorful {
DmColorfulType type = 1; // 颜色类型
string src = 2; //
enum DmColorfulType {
NoneType = 0; // 无
VipGradualColor = 60001; // 渐变色
message DmExpoReportReq {
string session_id = 1;
int64 oid = 2;
string spmid = 4;
message DmExpoReportRes {}
// 修改弹幕配置-请求
message DmPlayerConfigReq {
int64 ts = 1; //
PlayerDanmakuSwitch switch = 2; // 是否开启弹幕
PlayerDanmakuSwitchSave switch_save = 3; // 是否记录弹幕开关设置
PlayerDanmakuUseDefaultConfig use_default_config = 4; // 是否使用推荐弹幕设置
PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedSwitch ai_recommended_switch = 5; // 是否开启智能云屏蔽
PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedLevel ai_recommended_level = 6; // 智能云屏蔽等级
PlayerDanmakuBlocktop blocktop = 7; // 是否屏蔽顶端弹幕
PlayerDanmakuBlockscroll blockscroll = 8; // 是否屏蔽滚动弹幕
PlayerDanmakuBlockbottom blockbottom = 9; // 是否屏蔽底端弹幕
PlayerDanmakuBlockcolorful blockcolorful = 10; // 是否屏蔽彩色弹幕
PlayerDanmakuBlockrepeat blockrepeat = 11; // 是否屏蔽重复弹幕
PlayerDanmakuBlockspecial blockspecial = 12; // 是否屏蔽高级弹幕
PlayerDanmakuOpacity opacity = 13; // 弹幕不透明度
PlayerDanmakuScalingfactor scalingfactor = 14; // 弹幕缩放比例
PlayerDanmakuDomain domain = 15; // 弹幕显示区域
PlayerDanmakuSpeed speed = 16; // 弹幕速度
PlayerDanmakuEnableblocklist enableblocklist = 17; // 是否开启屏蔽列表
InlinePlayerDanmakuSwitch inlinePlayerDanmakuSwitch = 18; // 是否开启弹幕
PlayerDanmakuSeniorModeSwitch senior_mode_switch = 19; //
PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedLevelV2 ai_recommended_level_v2 = 20; //
message DmSegConfig {
int64 page_size = 1;
int64 total = 2;
// 获取弹幕-响应
message DmSegMobileReply {
// 弹幕列表
repeated DanmakuElem elems = 1;
// 是否已关闭弹幕
// 0:未关闭 1:已关闭
int32 state = 2;
// 弹幕云屏蔽ai评分值
DanmakuAIFlag ai_flag = 3;
repeated DmColorful colorfulSrc = 5;
// 获取弹幕-请求
message DmSegMobileReq {
// 稿件avid/漫画epid
int64 pid = 1;
// 视频cid/漫画cid
int64 oid = 2;
// 弹幕类型
// 1:视频 2:漫画
int32 type = 3;
// 分段(6min)
int64 segment_index = 4;
// 是否青少年模式
int32 teenagers_mode = 5;
int64 ps = 6;
int64 pe = 7;
int32 pull_mode = 8;
int32 from_scene = 9;
// ott弹幕列表-响应
message DmSegOttReply {
// 是否已关闭弹幕
// 0:未关闭 1:已关闭
bool closed = 1;
// 弹幕列表
repeated DanmakuElem elems = 2;
// ott弹幕列表-请求
message DmSegOttReq {
// 稿件avid/漫画epid
int64 pid = 1;
// 视频cid/漫画cid
int64 oid = 2;
// 弹幕类型
// 1:视频 2:漫画
int32 type = 3;
// 分段(6min)
int64 segment_index = 4;
// 弹幕SDK-响应
message DmSegSDKReply {
// 是否已关闭弹幕
// 0:未关闭 1:已关闭
bool closed = 1;
// 弹幕列表
repeated DanmakuElem elems = 2;
// 弹幕SDK-请求
message DmSegSDKReq {
// 稿件avid/漫画epid
int64 pid = 1;
// 视频cid/漫画cid
int64 oid = 2;
// 弹幕类型
// 1:视频 2:漫画
int32 type = 3;
// 分段(6min)
int64 segment_index = 4;
// 客户端弹幕元数据-响应
message DmViewReply {
// 是否已关闭弹幕
// 0:未关闭 1:已关闭
bool closed = 1;
// 智能防挡弹幕蒙版信息
VideoMask mask = 2;
// 视频字幕
VideoSubtitle subtitle = 3;
// 高级弹幕专包url(bfs)
repeated string special_dms = 4;
// 云屏蔽配置信息
DanmakuFlagConfig ai_flag = 5;
// 弹幕配置信息
DanmuPlayerViewConfig player_config = 6;
// 弹幕发送框样式
int32 send_box_style = 7;
// 是否允许
bool allow = 8;
// check box 是否展示
string check_box = 9;
// check box 展示文本
string check_box_show_msg = 10;
// 展示文案
string text_placeholder = 11;
// 弹幕输入框文案
string input_placeholder = 12;
// 用户举报弹幕 cid维度屏蔽的正则规则
repeated string report_filter_content = 13;
ExpoReport expo_report = 14;
BuzzwordConfig buzzword_config = 15;
repeated Expressions expressions = 16;
repeated PostPanel post_panel = 17;
repeated string activity_meta = 18;
repeated PostPanelV2 post_panel2 = 19;
// 客户端弹幕元数据-请求
message DmViewReq {
// 稿件avid/漫画epid
int64 pid = 1;
// 视频cid/漫画cid
int64 oid = 2;
// 弹幕类型
// 1:视频 2:漫画
int32 type = 3;
// 页面spm
string spmid = 4;
// 是否冷启
int32 is_hard_boot = 5;
// web端弹幕元数据-响应
// https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/dm/web/view
message DmWebViewReply {
// 是否已关闭弹幕
// 0:未关闭 1:已关闭
int32 state = 1;
string text = 2;
string text_side = 3;
// 分段弹幕配置
DmSegConfig dm_sge = 4;
// 云屏蔽配置信息
DanmakuFlagConfig flag = 5;
// 高级弹幕专包url(bfs)
repeated string special_dms = 6;
// check box 是否展示
bool check_box = 7;
// 弹幕数
int64 count = 8;
// 互动弹幕
repeated CommandDm commandDms = 9;
// 用户弹幕配置
DanmuWebPlayerConfig player_config = 10;
// 用户举报弹幕 cid维度屏蔽
repeated string report_filter_content = 11;
repeated Expressions expressions = 12;
repeated PostPanel post_panel = 13;
repeated string activity_meta = 14;
message ExpoReport {
bool should_report_at_end = 1;
enum ExposureType {
ExposureTypeNone = 0; //
ExposureTypeDMSend = 1; //
message Expression {
repeated string keyword = 1;
string url = 2;
repeated Period period = 3;
message Expressions {
repeated Expression data = 1;
// 是否开启弹幕
message InlinePlayerDanmakuSwitch {
bool value = 1;
message Label {
string title = 1;
repeated string content = 2;
message LabelV2 {
string title = 1;
repeated string content = 2;
bool exposure_once = 3;
int32 exposure_type = 4;
message Period {
int64 start = 1;
int64 end = 2;
message PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedLevel {bool value = 1;} // 智能云屏蔽等级
message PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedLevelV2 {int32 value = 1;} //
message PlayerDanmakuAiRecommendedSwitch {bool value = 1;} // 是否开启智能云屏蔽
message PlayerDanmakuBlockbottom {bool value = 1;} // 是否屏蔽底端弹幕
message PlayerDanmakuBlockcolorful {bool value = 1;} // 是否屏蔽彩色弹幕
message PlayerDanmakuBlockrepeat {bool value = 1;} // 是否屏蔽重复弹幕
message PlayerDanmakuBlockscroll {bool value = 1;} // 是否屏蔽滚动弹幕
message PlayerDanmakuBlockspecial {bool value = 1;} // 是否屏蔽高级弹幕
message PlayerDanmakuBlocktop {bool value = 1;} // 是否屏蔽顶端弹幕
message PlayerDanmakuDomain {float value = 1;} // 弹幕显示区域
message PlayerDanmakuEnableblocklist {bool value = 1;} // 是否开启屏蔽列表
message PlayerDanmakuOpacity {float value = 1;} // 弹幕不透明度
message PlayerDanmakuScalingfactor {float value = 1;} // 弹幕缩放比例
message PlayerDanmakuSeniorModeSwitch {int32 value = 1;} //
message PlayerDanmakuSpeed {int32 value = 1;} // 弹幕速度
message PlayerDanmakuSwitch {bool value = 1; bool can_ignore = 2;} // 是否开启弹幕
message PlayerDanmakuSwitchSave {bool value = 1;} // 是否记录弹幕开关设置
message PlayerDanmakuUseDefaultConfig {bool value = 1;} // 是否使用推荐弹幕设置
message PostPanel {
int64 start = 1;
int64 end = 2;
int64 priority = 3;
int64 biz_id = 4;
PostPanelBizType biz_type = 5;
ClickButton click_button = 6;
TextInput text_input = 7;
CheckBox check_box = 8;
Toast toast = 9;
enum PostPanelBizType {
PostPanelBizTypeNone = 0; //
PostPanelBizTypeEncourage = 1; //
PostPanelBizTypeColorDM = 2; //
PostPanelBizTypeNFTDM = 3; //
PostPanelBizTypeFragClose = 4; //
PostPanelBizTypeRecommend = 5; //
message PostPanelV2 {
int64 start = 1;
int64 end = 2;
int32 biz_type = 3;
ClickButtonV2 click_button = 4;
TextInputV2 text_input = 5;
CheckBoxV2 check_box = 6;
ToastV2 toast = 7;
BubbleV2 bubble = 8;
LabelV2 label = 9;
int32 post_status = 10;
enum PostStatus {
PostStatusNormal = 0; //
PostStatusClosed = 1; //
enum RenderType {
RenderTypeNone = 0; //
RenderTypeSingle = 1; //
RenderTypeRotation = 2; //
// 修改弹幕配置-响应
message Response {
int32 code = 1;
string message = 2;
enum SubtitleAiStatus {
None = 0; //
Exposure = 1; //
Assist = 2; //
enum SubtitleAiType {
Normal = 0; //
Translate = 1; //
// 单个字幕信息
message SubtitleItem {
// 字幕id
int64 id = 1;
// 字幕id str
string id_str = 2;
// 字幕语言代码
string lan = 3;
// 字幕语言
string lan_doc = 4;
// 字幕文件url
string subtitle_url = 5;
// 字幕作者信息
UserInfo author = 6;
// 字幕类型
SubtitleType type = 7;
string lan_doc_brief = 8;
SubtitleAiType ai_type = 9;
SubtitleAiStatus ai_status = 10;
enum SubtitleType {
CC = 0; // CC字幕
AI = 1; // AI生成字幕
message TextInput {
repeated string portrait_placeholder = 1;
repeated string landscape_placeholder = 2;
RenderType render_type = 3;
bool placeholder_post = 4;
bool show = 5;
repeated Avatar avatar = 6;
PostStatus post_status = 7;
Label label = 8;
message TextInputV2 {
repeated string portrait_placeholder = 1;
repeated string landscape_placeholder = 2;
RenderType render_type = 3;
bool placeholder_post = 4;
repeated Avatar avatar = 5;
int32 text_input_limit = 6;
message Toast {
string text = 1;
int32 duration = 2;
bool show = 3;
Button button = 4;
message ToastButtonV2 {
string text = 1;
int32 action = 2;
enum ToastFunctionType {
ToastFunctionTypeNone = 0; //
ToastFunctionTypePostPanel = 1; //
message ToastV2 {
string text = 1;
int32 duration = 2;
ToastButtonV2 toast_button_v2 = 3;
// 字幕作者信息
message UserInfo {
// 用户mid
int64 mid = 1;
// 用户昵称
string name = 2;
// 用户性别
string sex = 3;
// 用户头像url
string face = 4;
// 用户签名
string sign = 5;
// 用户等级
int32 rank = 6;
// 智能防挡弹幕蒙版信息
message VideoMask {
// 视频cid
int64 cid = 1;
// 平台
// 0:web端 1:客户端
int32 plat = 2;
// 帧率
int32 fps = 3;
// 间隔时间
int64 time = 4;
// 蒙版url
string mask_url = 5;
// 视频字幕信息
message VideoSubtitle {
// 视频原语言代码
string lan = 1;
// 视频原语言
string lanDoc = 2;
// 视频字幕列表
repeated SubtitleItem subtitles = 3;
/** @type {{decode:(b:ArrayLike<number>)=>{elems:{content:string;progress:number}[]}}} */
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const DmSegMobileReply = protobuf.parse(PROTO).root.lookup('DmSegMobileReply');
/** @type {Map<string,ReturnType<DmSegMobileReply['decode']>['elems']>} */
const segsCacheMap = new Map();
/** @param {string|undefined} oid */
const getSegs = async (oid) => {
if (oid) {
const cached = segsCacheMap.get(oid);
if (cached) return cached;
try {
const segs = [];
for (let i = 1; ; i++) {
const { elems } = DmSegMobileReply.decode(
new Uint8Array(
await (
await fetch(
`https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/dm/web/seg.so?${new URLSearchParams(
type: 1,
segment_index: i,
if (elems.length) segs.push(...elems);
else break;
segsCacheMap.set(oid, segs);
return segs;
} catch {}
return [];
const urlBvidRegex = /\/video\/(BV[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{10})/;
/** @type {Map<string,string>} */
const urlCidCacheMap = new Map();
/** @returns {Promise<string|undefined>} */
const getCidFromUrl = async (url = location.href) => {
const cached = urlCidCacheMap.get(url);
if (cached) return cached;
try {
const sp = new URLSearchParams(new URL(url).search);
const bvid = url.match(urlBvidRegex)?.[1] ?? sp.get('bvid');
if (!bvid) return;
const p = sp.get('p') ?? 1;
const res = await (
await fetch(
`https://api.bilibili.com/x/player/pagelist?${new URLSearchParams({
if (Array.isArray(res?.data) && res.data.length) {
const cid = (res.data.find((d) => d?.page == p) ?? res.data[0])?.cid;
if (cid) {
urlCidCacheMap.set(url, cid);
return cid;
} catch {}
/** @returns {Promise<string|undefined>} */
const getCurrentCid = async () => {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
if (__INITIAL_STATE__?.videoData?.cid) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
return __INITIAL_STATE__.videoData.cid;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
if (__INITIAL_STATE__?.videoInfo?.cid) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
return __INITIAL_STATE__.videoInfo.cid;
return await getCidFromUrl();
} catch {}
const stMap = {
'-1': {
disabled: true,
cursor: 'not-allowed',
text: '...',
color: 'white',
backgroundColor: '#fc8bab',
0: {
disabled: false,
cursor: 'pointer',
text: 'BADTAG',
color: 'white',
backgroundColor: '#fb7299',
1: {
disabled: false,
cursor: 'pointer',
text: 'SAFE',
color: 'forestgreen',
backgroundColor: 'greenyellow',
2: {
disabled: false,
cursor: 'pointer',
text: 'UNSAFE',
color: 'darkred',
backgroundColor: 'orangered',
/** @param {HTMLButtonElement} btn */
const setState = (btn, st = 0) => {
switch (st) {
case -1:
case 1:
case 2: {
const { disabled, cursor, text, color, backgroundColor } = stMap[st];
btn.disabled = disabled;
btn.style.cursor = cursor;
btn.textContent = text;
btn.style.color = color;
btn.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
default: {
const { disabled, cursor, text, color, backgroundColor } = stMap[0];
btn.disabled = disabled;
btn.style.cursor = cursor;
btn.textContent = text;
btn.style.color = color;
btn.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
/** @param {number} d */
const ms2d = (d) => {
const ms = `${Math.floor((d % 1000) / 100)}`.padStart(2, '0');
const s = `${Math.floor((d / 1000) % 60)}`.padStart(2, '0');
const m = `${Math.floor((d / (1000 * 60)) % 60)}`.padStart(2, '0');
const h = `${Math.floor((d / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24)}`.padStart(2, '0');
return `${h}:${m}:${s}.${ms}`;
/** @param {number} n */
const n2p = (n) => `${(n * 100).toFixed(2)}%`;
/** @param {string} s */
const log = (s, color = '#fb7299', ...rest) => {
console.log(`%c[BADTAG] ${s}`, `color:${color}`, ...rest);
/** @param {string} s */
const match = (s) =>
RULES.filter((re) =>
.map((s) => s.trim())
const THRES_KEY = 'THRES';
/** @returns {number} */
const getThres = () => GM_getValue(THRES_KEY, THRES);
/** @param {number} n */
const setThres = (n) => GM_setValue(THRES_KEY, Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 1)));
const menus = new Set();
const setupMenu = (n = getThres()) => {
for (const menu of menus) GM_unregisterMenuCommand(menu);
`⏫ [+${n2p(0.001)}]`,
() => {
setThres(getThres() + 0.001);
`🔼 [+${n2p(0.0001)}]`,
() => {
setThres(getThres() + 0.0001);
`🍩 ${n2p(n)}${n === THRES ? '' : ` [🔄 ${n2p(THRES)}]`}`,
() => {
`🔽 [-${n2p(0.0001)}]`,
() => {
setThres(getThres() - 0.0001);
`⏬ [-${n2p(0.001)}]`,
() => {
setThres(getThres() - 0.001);
* @param {Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getSegs>>} segs
* @param {string} cid
const analyze = (segs, cid) => {
const ms = [];
for (const seg of segs) {
const mr = match(seg.content);
if (mr.length) {
log(`*HIT* ${ms2d(seg.progress)} "${seg.content}"`, undefined, mr, cid);
ms.push({ mr, seg });
const m = ms.map(({ mr }) => mr).flat().length;
const s = segs.length;
const p = s ? m / s : 0;
const thres = getThres();
const q = p > thres;
const ps = `#${m}/${s}=${n2p(p)}${q ? '>=' : '<'}${n2p(thres)}`;
log(`STATS ${ps}`, undefined, cid);
if (q) {
log('*** UNSAFE ***', 'red', cid);
return { ms, ps, st: 2 };
log('--- SAFE ---', 'green', cid);
return { ms, ps, st: 1 };
/** @param {Element} elem */
const getCoords = (elem) => {
const { top, left, width, height } = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: top + scrollY,
left: left + scrollX,
/** @param {HTMLElement} elem */
const isVisible = (elem) =>
elem.offsetWidth || elem.offsetHeight || elem.getClientRects().length
/** @type {Set<Element>} */
const tags = new Set();
const clearTags = () => {
for (const tag of tags) tag.remove();
/** @type {Set<Element>} */
const beacons = new Set();
const clearBeacons = () => {
for (const beacon of beacons) beacon.remove();
/** @type {Element} */
let x;
* @param {HTMLButtonElement} btn
* @param {Element} dbg
const main = async (btn, dbg) => {
setState(btn, -1);
dbg.textContent = '';
const cid = await getCurrentCid();
if (cid) {
const { ms, ps, st } = analyze(await getSegs(cid), cid);
setState(btn, st);
const pb = document.querySelector('.bpx-player-progress');
const spb = document.querySelector('.bpx-player-shadow-progress-area');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
const dr = player?.getDuration?.();
if (dr) {
/** @param {Element|null} tgt */
const addBeacon = (tgt) => {
if (!tgt) return;
const { top, left, width, height } = getCoords(tgt);
for (const {
seg: { progress },
} of ms) {
const beacon = document.createElement('div');
beacon.style.position = 'absolute';
beacon.style.width = '1px';
beacon.style.height = `${height}px`;
beacon.style.pointerEvents = `none`;
beacon.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
beacon.style.zIndex = '1';
beacon.style.top = `${top}px`;
beacon.style.left = `${left + (progress / 1000 / dr) * width}px`;
const pc = document.createElement('span');
pc.style.color = 'white';
pc.style.backgroundColor = '#fb7299';
pc.textContent = `${cid}\n`;
const pss = document.createElement('span');
const { color, backgroundColor } = stMap[st];
pss.style.color = color;
pss.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
pss.textContent = `${ps}\n`;
.sort((a, b) => a.seg.progress - b.seg.progress)
.map(({ mr, seg }) => {
const t = document.createElement('span');
t.style.color = 'blue';
t.style.cursor = 'pointer';
t.textContent = ms2d(seg.progress);
t.addEventListener('click', () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
player?.seek?.(seg.progress / 1000);
t.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
t.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
t.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
t.style.fontWeight = '';
return [
...mr.map((r) => {
const rr = document.createElement('span');
rr.style.color = 'brown';
rr.textContent = `${r}`;
return rr;
} else setState(btn);
for (const elem of [...document.querySelectorAll('a')].filter(
(e) => urlBvidRegex.test(e.href) && isVisible(e)
)) {
(async (x) => {
const cid = await getCidFromUrl(elem.href);
if (cid) {
const { ps, st } = analyze(await getSegs(cid), cid);
const tag = document.createElement('div');
tag.style.position = 'absolute';
tag.style.fontSize = '12px';
tag.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
tag.style.userSelect = 'none';
tag.style.zIndex = '2';
const { top, left } = getCoords(elem);
tag.style.top = `${top}px`;
tag.style.left = `${left}px`;
const { text, color, backgroundColor } = stMap[st];
tag.style.color = color;
tag.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
tag.textContent = text;
tag.title = `${cid} ${ps}`;
tag.addEventListener('click', () => {
tag.style.visibility = 'hidden';
tag.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
tag.style.opacity = '0.2';
tag.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
tag.style.opacity = '';
tag.__TARGET__ = elem;
addEventListener('load', () => {
x = document.createElement('div');
const btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.style.position = 'fixed';
btn.style.bottom = '0';
btn.style.right = '0';
btn.style.width = '90px';
btn.style.height = '34px';
btn.style.border = 'none';
btn.style.borderTopLeftRadius = '6px';
btn.style.fontSize = '14px';
btn.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
btn.style.outline = '0';
btn.style.zIndex = '10';
btn.title = `${n2p(getThres())}`;
const dbg = document.createElement('div');
dbg.style.position = 'fixed';
dbg.style.bottom = '34px';
dbg.style.right = '0';
dbg.style.maxHeight = 'calc(100% - 98px)';
dbg.style.overflowY = 'scroll';
dbg.style.whiteSpace = 'pre';
dbg.style.fontSize = '12px';
dbg.style.color = 'black';
dbg.style.opacity = '0.2';
dbg.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
dbg.style.visibility = 'hidden';
dbg.style.zIndex = '10';
btn.addEventListener('click', () => main(btn, dbg));
btn.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => {
dbg.style.visibility = dbg.style.visibility === 'hidden' ? '' : 'hidden';
dbg.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
dbg.style.opacity = '1';
dbg.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
dbg.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
dbg.style.opacity = '0.2';
dbg.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
const reset = () => {
dbg.textContent = '';
addEventListener('urlchange', reset);
GM_addValueChangeListener(THRES_KEY, (key, oldValue, newValue) => {
log(`set ${key} from ${n2p(oldValue)} to ${n2p(newValue)}`);
btn.title = `${n2p(newValue)}`;