- // ==UserScript==
- // @name 豆瓣读书+电影+音乐+游戏+舞台剧导出工具
- // @namespace https://www.douban.com/people/MoNoMilky/
- // @version 0.4.4
- // @description 将读过/看过/听过/玩过的读书/电影/音乐/游戏/舞台剧条目分别导出为 csv 文件
- // @author Bambooom
- // @match https://book.douban.com/people/*/collect*
- // @match https://book.douban.com/people/*/wish*
- // @match https://movie.douban.com/people/*/collect*
- // @match https://movie.douban.com/people/*/wish*
- // @match https://music.douban.com/people/*/collect*
- // @match https://music.douban.com/people/*/wish*
- // @match https://www.douban.com/location/people/*/drama/collect*
- // @match https://www.douban.com/location/people/*/drama/wish*
- // @match https://www.douban.com/people/*
- // @require https://unpkg.com/dexie@latest/dist/dexie.js
- // @require https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/dexie/3.2.4/dexie.js
- // @grant none
- // @original-script https://openuserjs.org/scripts/KiseXu/%E8%B1%86%E7%93%A3%E7%94%B5%E5%BD%B1%E5%AF%BC%E5%87%BA%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7
- // @license MIT
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function () {
- 'use strict';
- var MOVIE = 'movie', BOOK = 'book', MUSIC = 'music', GAME = 'game', DRAMA = 'drama', people;
- /* global $, Dexie */
- function getExportLink(type, people, isWish = false) { // type=book/movie/music, isWish=想读/想看/想听
- return `https://${type}.douban.com/people/${people}/${isWish ? 'wish' : 'collect'}?start=0&sort=time&rating=all&filter=all&mode=list&export=1`;
- }
- function getGameExportLink(people, isWish = false) { // type=game
- return `https://www.douban.com/people/${people}/games?action=${isWish ? 'wish' : 'collect'}&start=0&export=1`;
- }
- function getDramaExportLink(people, isWish = false) { // type=game
- return `https://www.douban.com/location/people/${people}/drama/${isWish ? 'wish' : 'collect'}?start=0&sort=time&mode=grid&rating=all&export=1`;
- }
- if (location.href.indexOf('//www.douban.com/people/') > -1) {
- // 加入导出按钮
- let match = location.href.match(/www\.douban\.com\/people\/([^/]+)\//);
- people = match ? match[1] : null;
- $('#book h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getExportLink(BOOK, people) + '">导出读过的书</a>');
- $('#book h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getExportLink(BOOK, people, true) + '">导出想读</a>');
- $('#movie h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getExportLink(MOVIE, people) + '">导出看过的片</a>');
- $('#movie h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getExportLink(MOVIE, people, true) + '">导出想看</a>');
- $('#music h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getExportLink(MUSIC, people) + '">导出听过的碟</a>');
- $('#music h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getExportLink(MUSIC, people, true) + '">导出想听</a>');
- $('#game h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getGameExportLink(people) + '">导出玩过的游戏</a>');
- $('#game h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getGameExportLink(people, true) + '">导出想玩</a>');
- $('#drama h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getDramaExportLink(people) + '">导出看过的舞台剧</a>');
- $('#drama h2 .pl a:last').after(' · <a href="' + getDramaExportLink(people, true) + '">导出想看</a>');
- }
- if (location.href.indexOf('//www.douban.com/location/people/') > -1) { // for drama link
- let match = location.href.match(/www\.douban\.com\/location\/people\/([^/]+)\//);
- people = match ? match[1] : null;
- }
- if (location.href.indexOf('//book.douban.com/') > -1 && location.href.indexOf('export=1') > -1) {
- init(BOOK, location.href.indexOf('wish') > -1);
- }
- if (location.href.indexOf('//movie.douban.com/') > -1 && location.href.indexOf('export=1') > -1) {
- init(MOVIE, location.href.indexOf('wish') > -1);
- }
- if (location.href.indexOf('//music.douban.com/') > -1 && location.href.indexOf('export=1') > -1) {
- init(MUSIC, location.href.indexOf('wish') > -1);
- }
- if (people && location.href.indexOf('//www.douban.com/people/' + people + '/games') > -1 && location.href.indexOf('export=1') > -1) {
- init(GAME, location.href.indexOf('wish') > -1);
- }
- if (people && location.href.indexOf('//www.douban.com/location/people/' + people + '/drama') > -1 && location.href.indexOf('export=1') > -1) {
- init(DRAMA, location.href.indexOf('wish') > -1);
- }
- function escapeQuote(str) {
- return str.replaceAll('"', '""'); // " need to be replaced with two quotes to escape inside csv quoted string
- }
- // 获取当前页数据
- function getCurPageItems(type, isWish = false) {
- var items = [];
- var elems = $('li.item');
- if (type === GAME) {
- elems = $('.game-list .common-item');
- } else if (type === DRAMA) {
- elems = $('.grid-view .item');
- }
- elems.each(function (index) {
- var item = {
- title: escapeQuote($(this).find('.title a').text().trim()),
- link: $(this).find('.title a').attr('href').trim(),
- };
- if (!isWish) {
- item['rating_date'] = $(this).find('.date').text().trim().replaceAll('-', '/'); // 2020-07-17 => 2020/07/17
- if (type === GAME) {
- let rating = $(this).find('.rating-info .rating-star').attr('class');
- rating = rating
- ? (rating.slice(19, 20) === 'N' ? '' : Number(rating.slice(19, 20)))
- : '';
- item.rating = rating;
- } else if (type === DRAMA) {
- let rating = $(this).find('.date')[0].previousElementSibling;
- if (rating) {
- rating = $(rating).attr('class').slice(6, 7);
- }
- item.rating = rating ? Number(rating) : '';
- } else {
- item.rating = ($(this).find('.date span').attr('class')) ? $(this).find('.date span').attr('class').slice(6, 7) : '';
- }
- }
- var co = $(this).find('.comment');
- if (co.length) {
- co = co[0];
- if (type === MOVIE) {
- // 电影条目在 collect 页面显示了有用数,eg “(1有用)”,所以需要单独提取 childNode 进行 trim,否则结果的 csv 里包含大量多余空格空行,很容易处理错误
- item.comment = co.firstChild.textContent.trim() + (co.firstElementChild ? co.firstElementChild.textContent.trim() : '');
- } else { // 图书及音乐条目没有显示 有用数
- item.comment = co.textContent.trim();
- }
- item.comment = escapeQuote(item.comment);
- } else if (type === GAME) {
- co = $(this).find('.user-operation');
- if (co.length) {
- co = co[0];
- item.comment = co.previousElementSibling.textContent.trim();
- item.comment = escapeQuote(item.comment);
- }
- } else if (type === DRAMA) {
- co = $(this).find('.opt-ln');
- if (co.length) {
- co = co[0].previousElementSibling;
- if ($(co).find('.date').length === 0) {
- item.comment = co.textContent.trim();
- }
- }
- }
- if (type === GAME) {
- let extra = $(this).find('.desc')[0].firstChild.textContent.trim();
- item.release_date = extra.split(' / ').slice(-1)[0];
- items[index] = item;
- return; // for type=game, here is over
- }
- if (type === DRAMA) {
- let extra = $(this).find('.intro')[0].textContent.trim();
- item.mixed_info = extra;
- items[index] = item;
- return; // for type=drama, here is over
- }
- var intro = $(this).find('.intro').text().split(' / ');
- if (intro.length) {
- if (type === MOVIE) {
- intro = intro[0];
- var res = intro.match(/^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\((.*)\)$/);
- if (res) {
- item.release_date = res[1].replaceAll('-', '/');
- item.country = res[2];
- }
- } else {
- // 不一定有准确日期,可能是 2009-5 这样的, 也可能就只有年份 2000
- var dateReg = /\d{4}(?:-\d{1,2})?(?:-\d{1,2})?/;
- if (!dateReg.test(intro[0])) { // intro 首项非日期,则一般为作者或音乐家
- if (type === BOOK) {
- item.author = escapeQuote(intro[0]);
- } else if (type === MUSIC) {
- item.musician = escapeQuote(intro[0]);
- }
- }
- var d = intro.filter(function(txt) {return dateReg.test(txt);});
- if (d.length) {
- item.release_date = d[0].replaceAll('-', '/');
- }
- }
- }
- items[index] = item;
- });
- return items;
- }
- function init(type, isWish = false) {
- const db = new Dexie('db_export'); // init indexedDB
- const ver = isWish ? 2 : 1;
- if (type === MOVIE) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, release_date, country, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, release_date, country, link',
- });
- } else if (type === BOOK) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, release_date, author, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, release_date, author, link',
- });
- } else if (type === MUSIC) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, release_date, musician, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, release_date, musician, link',
- });
- } else if (type === GAME) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, release_date, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, release_date, link',
- });
- } else if (type === DRAMA) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, mixed_info, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, mixed_info, link',
- });
- }
- const items = getCurPageItems(type, isWish);
- db.items.bulkAdd(items).then(function() {
- console.log('添加成功+', items.length);
- let nextPageLink = $('.paginator span.next a').attr('href');
- if (nextPageLink) {
- nextPageLink = nextPageLink + '&export=1';
- window.location.href = nextPageLink;
- } else {
- exportAll(type, isWish);
- }
- }).catch(function (error) {
- console.error("Ooops: " + error);
- });
- }
- function exportAll(type, isWish = false) {
- const db = new Dexie('db_export');
- const ver = isWish ? 2 : 1;
- if (type === MOVIE) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, release_date, country, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, release_date, country, link',
- });
- } else if (type === BOOK) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, release_date, author, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, release_date, author, link',
- });
- } else if (type === MUSIC) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, release_date, musician, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, release_date, musician, link',
- });
- } else if (type === GAME) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, release_date, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, release_date, link',
- });
- } else if (type === DRAMA) {
- db.version(ver).stores({
- items: isWish
- ? '++id, title, mixed_info, link'
- : '++id, title, rating, rating_date, comment, mixed_info, link',
- });
- }
- let results = isWish ? db.items : db.items.orderBy('rating_date').reverse();
- results.toArray().then(function (all) {
- all = all.map(function(item) {
- delete item.id;
- return item;
- });
- let title = isWish ? ['标题'] : ['个人评分', '打分日期', '我的短评'];
- let key = isWish ? ['title', 'release_date'] : ['title', 'rating', 'rating_date', 'comment', 'release_date'];
- if (type === MOVIE) {
- title.unshift('电影/电视剧/番组');
- title = title.concat(['上映日期', '制片国家', '条目链接']);
- key = key.concat(['country', 'link']);
- } else if (type === BOOK) {
- title.unshift('书名');
- title = title.concat(['出版日期', '作者', '条目链接']);
- key = key.concat(['author', 'link']);
- } else if (type === MUSIC) {
- title.unshift('单曲/专辑');
- title = title.concat(['发行日期', '音乐家', '条目链接']);
- key = key.concat(['musician', 'link']);
- } else if (type === GAME) {
- title.unshift('游戏名称');
- title = title.concat(['发行日期', '条目链接']);
- key.push('link');
- } else if (type === DRAMA) {
- title.unshift('舞台剧名称');
- title = title.concat(['混合信息', '条目链接']);
- key.pop();
- key = key.concat(['mixed_info', 'link']);
- }
- JSonToCSV.setDataConver({
- data: all,
- fileName: 'db-' + type + '-' + (isWish ? 'wishlist-' : '') + new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0].replaceAll('-', ''),
- columns: {title, key},
- });
- db.delete();
- });
- }
- // 导出CSV函数
- // https://github.com/liqingzheng/pc/blob/master/JsonExportToCSV.js
- var JSonToCSV = {
- /*
- * obj是一个对象,其中包含有:
- * ## data 是导出的具体数据
- * ## fileName 是导出时保存的文件名称 是string格式
- * ## showLabel 表示是否显示表头 默认显示 是布尔格式
- * ## columns 是表头对象,且title和key必须一一对应,包含有
- title:[], // 表头展示的文字
- key:[], // 获取数据的Key
- formatter: function() // 自定义设置当前数据的 传入(key, value)
- */
- setDataConver: function (obj) {
- var bw = this.browser();
- if (bw['ie'] < 9) return; // IE9以下的
- var data = obj['data'],
- ShowLabel = typeof obj['showLabel'] === 'undefined' ? true : obj['showLabel'],
- fileName = (obj['fileName'] || 'UserExport') + '.csv',
- columns = obj['columns'] || {
- title: [],
- key: [],
- formatter: undefined
- };
- ShowLabel = typeof ShowLabel === 'undefined' ? true : ShowLabel;
- var row = "",
- CSV = '',
- key;
- // 如果要现实表头文字
- if (ShowLabel) {
- // 如果有传入自定义的表头文字
- if (columns.title.length) {
- columns.title.map(function (n) {
- row += n + ',';
- });
- } else {
- // 如果没有,就直接取数据第一条的对象的属性
- for (key in data[0]) row += key + ',';
- }
- row = row.slice(0, -1); // 删除最后一个,号,即a,b, => a,b
- CSV += row + '\r\n'; // 添加换行符号
- }
- // 具体的数据处理
- data.map(function (n) {
- row = '';
- // 如果存在自定义key值
- if (columns.key.length) {
- columns.key.map(function (m) {
- row += '"' + (typeof columns.formatter === 'function' ? columns.formatter(m, n[m]) || n[m] || '' : n[m] || '') + '",';
- });
- } else {
- for (key in n) {
- row += '"' + (typeof columns.formatter === 'function' ? columns.formatter(key, n[key]) || n[key] || '' : n[key] || '') + '",';
- }
- }
- row = row.slice(0, row.length - 1); // 删除最后一个,
- CSV += row + '\r\n'; // 添加换行符号
- });
- if (!CSV) return;
- this.SaveAs(fileName, CSV);
- },
- SaveAs: function (fileName, csvData) {
- var bw = this.browser();
- if (!bw['edge'] || !bw['ie']) {
- var alink = document.createElement("a");
- alink.id = "linkDwnldLink";
- alink.href = this.getDownloadUrl(csvData);
- document.body.appendChild(alink);
- var linkDom = document.getElementById('linkDwnldLink');
- linkDom.setAttribute('download', fileName);
- linkDom.click();
- document.body.removeChild(linkDom);
- } else if (bw['ie'] >= 10 || bw['edge'] == 'edge') {
- var _utf = "\uFEFF";
- var _csvData = new Blob([_utf + csvData], {
- type: 'text/csv'
- });
- navigator.msSaveBlob(_csvData, fileName);
- } else {
- var oWin = window.top.open("about:blank", "_blank");
- oWin.document.write('sep=,\r\n' + csvData);
- oWin.document.close();
- oWin.document.execCommand('SaveAs', true, fileName);
- oWin.close();
- }
- },
- getDownloadUrl: function (csvData) {
- var _utf = "\uFEFF"; // 为了使Excel以utf-8的编码模式,同时也是解决中文乱码的问题
- if (window.Blob && window.URL && window.URL.createObjectURL) {
- csvData = new Blob([_utf + csvData], {
- type: 'text/csv'
- });
- return URL.createObjectURL(csvData);
- }
- // return 'data:attachment/csv;charset=utf-8,' + _utf + encodeURIComponent(csvData);
- },
- browser: function () {
- var Sys = {};
- var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- var s;
- (s = ua.indexOf('edge') !== -1 ? Sys.edge = 'edge' : ua.match(/rv:([\d.]+)\) like gecko/)) ? Sys.ie = s[1]:
- (s = ua.match(/msie ([\d.]+)/)) ? Sys.ie = s[1] :
- (s = ua.match(/firefox\/([\d.]+)/)) ? Sys.firefox = s[1] :
- (s = ua.match(/chrome\/([\d.]+)/)) ? Sys.chrome = s[1] :
- (s = ua.match(/opera.([\d.]+)/)) ? Sys.opera = s[1] :
- (s = ua.match(/version\/([\d.]+).*safari/)) ? Sys.safari = s[1] : 0;
- return Sys;
- }
- };
- })();