// ==UserScript==
// @name GLB Player Value
// @namespace GLB
// @description Puts the real player value on the player page
// @include http://glb.warriorgeneral.com/game/player.pl?player_id=*
// @include https://glb.warriorgeneral.com/game/player.pl?player_id=*
// @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.0/jquery.min.js
// @version
// ==/UserScript==
var _Total
var _MyStyle
var _Caps = {
var _PercentBonus = ['Break tackle chance','Fake chance','Hold block chance','Pass distance','Pass quality','Catch ball chance', //offensive
'Break block chance','Make tackle chance','Force fumble chance','Avoid fake chance','Deflect ball chance','Interception chance']; //defensive
var _PlayerAtts = {
var _saTableValue = {
'0': [0,0],
'1': [1,2],
'2': [2,4],
'3': [4,7],
'4': [6,10],
'5': [9,14],
'6': [12,18],
'7': [16,23],
'8': [20,28],
'9': [25,34],
'10': [30,40]
var _vpValue = 0;
var _pctValue = 0;
var _saValue = 0;
var _statValue = 0;
percent points = (sum %'s) * 3
vet points = # VA's / 10
sa points = if SA > 10 then
if SA last in tree then
40 + (SA # - 10) * 6
30 + (SA # - 10) * 5
end if
value of _saTableValue (if last in tree use idx 1 else 0)
end if
stat points =
for each cap level (starting at the end):
if value > cap then
Math.floor(value - sum of previous cap values - the cap)
end if
then sum each cap and multiply by the cap # (indexed at 1), then sum all of that
total points = sum of above points
function setAttStats(){
var startArea;
if($('#normalStats').length > 0){
startArea = $('#normalStats');
startArea = $('DIV#player_stats TABLE.player_stats_table');
var att = $(this).text().replace(/\:/gi,'');
if(!_PlayerAtts[att] && _PlayerAtts[att] != 0){
alert('cannot find attribute: ' + att);
var theVal = $(this).next().text();
if(theVal.indexOf('(') > 0){
theVal = theVal.substring(0,theVal.indexOf('(') - 1);
_PlayerAtts[att] = Number(theVal);
function computeStatValue(){
for(var att in _PlayerAtts){
for(var cap in _Caps){
var toUse = (cap == '10.00' ? 0 : Number(cap));
if(_PlayerAtts[att] > toUse){
if(toUse == 0){
var theVal = _PlayerAtts[att] - toUse;
var theVal = Math.floor(_PlayerAtts[att] - toUse);
_Caps[cap] += theVal;
_PlayerAtts[att] -= theVal;
// if(toUse == 80.53){
// console.log(att + ' - ' + theVal);
// }
var cnt = 10;
for(var cap in _Caps){
_statValue += (_Caps[cap] * cnt);
cnt -= 1;
//console.log('stat value: ' + _statValue);
function countVPs(){
var vpCount = 0;
$('DIV#vet_skills_box DIV.skill_level').each(function(){
vpCount += parseInt($(this).text(),10);
_vpValue = vpCount / 10;
//console.log('vp value: ' + _vpValue);
function addPercents(){
var pctCount = 0;
$('DIV.medium_head:contains("Current Bonuses/Penalties")').next('TABLE').find('TR').each(function(){
var item = $(this).find('TD:eq(0)').text();
for(var i=0;i<_PercentBonus.length;i++){
if(_PercentBonus[i] == item){
var cnt = $(this).find('TD:eq(1)').text();
pctCount += Number(cnt.replace(/\%/gi,''));
_pctValue = pctCount * 3;
//console.log('percent value: ' + _pctValue);
function grabSAs(){
var elms = $('DIV#skill_trees_content DIV.subhead');
$('DIV#skill_trees_content DIV.subhead').each(function(){
var cnt = 0;
var elm = this;
elm = $(elm).next();
cnt += 1;
var num = parseInt($(elm).find('DIV.skill_level').text(),10);
if(cnt == 5){
if(num > 10){
_saValue += (40 + (num - 10) * 6);
_saValue += _saTableValue[num + ''][1];
if(num > 10){
_saValue += (30 + (num - 10) * 5);
_saValue += _saTableValue[num + ''][0];
//console.log('sa value: ' + _saValue);
function roundNumber(num){
return Math.round(num * 100)/100;
function drawPlayerValues(){
var tbl = $('#player_current_stats_table');
// add header
$(tbl).find('TR:eq(0) TD:eq(0)').after('<td class="current_stats_head">Value</td>');
// add data
_Total = _statValue + _saValue + _vpValue + _pctValue
if(_Total > 2000){
_MyStyle = "font-weight:bold;font-size:8pt;color:blue;"
var theData = '<span onmouseover="set_tip(\'Attribute Value\',0,1,1,1);" onmouseout="unset_tip();">' + roundNumber(_statValue) + '</span>' +
' | <span onmouseover="set_tip(\'SA Value\',0,1,1,1);" onmouseout="unset_tip();">' + roundNumber(_saValue) + '</span>' +
' | <span onmouseover="set_tip(\'Vet Points Value\',0,1,1,1);" onmouseout="unset_tip();">' + roundNumber(_vpValue) + '</span>' +
' | <span onmouseover="set_tip(\'Percents Value\',0,1,1,1);" onmouseout="unset_tip();">' + roundNumber(_pctValue) + '</span>' +
'<br /><span onmouseover="set_tip(\'Total Player Value\',0,1,1,1);" onmouseout="unset_tip();" style="font-weight:bold;font-size:8pt;color:green;">' + roundNumber(_Total) + '</span>';
$(tbl).find('TR:eq(1) TD:eq(0)').after('<td class="current_stats_value" style="font-size:7pt;padding-bottom:0px;">' + theData + '</td>');
//expand fame cell
var cell = $(tbl).find('TR:eq(2) TD:eq(1)');
$(cell).attr('colSpan',$(cell).attr('colSpan') + 1);