Greasy Fork is available in English.



Fra 26.02.2023. Se den seneste versjonen.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         PSN中文网功能增强
// @namespace
// @version      1.0.14
// @description  数折价格走势图,显示人民币价格,奖杯统计和筛选,发帖字数统计和即时预览,楼主高亮,自动翻页,屏蔽黑名单用户发言,被@用户的发言内容显示等多项功能优化P9体验
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
// @icon         
// @author       InfinityLoop, mordom0404, Nathaniel_Wu, JayusTree
// @include      **
// @include      **
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @license      MIT
// @supportURL
// @compatible   chrome
// @compatible   firefox
// @compatible   edge
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==
/* globals $, Highcharts, tippy */

(function () {
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    hoverUnmark: true, // 设置为false则选中才显示
    // 功能0-5设置:是否开启自动签到
    autoCheckIn: true,
    // 功能0-6: 自动翻页
    autoPaging: 0, // 自动往后翻的页数
    // 功能0-7:个人主页下显示所有游戏
    autoPagingInHomepage: true,
    // 功能1-4:回复内容回溯
    replyTraceback: true,
    // 功能1-1设置:高亮发帖楼主功能
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    // 功能1-2设置:高亮具体ID功能(默认管理员id)
    // 注:此部分功能源于@mordom0404的P9工具包:
    highlightSpecificID: ['mechille', 'sai8808', 'jimmyleo', 'jimmyleohk', 'monica_zjl', 'yinssk'], // 需要高亮的ID数组
    highlightSpecificBack: '#d9534f', // 高亮背景色
    highlightSpecificFront: '#ffffff', // 高亮字体颜色
    // 功能1-6设置:屏蔽黑名单中的用户发言内容
    blockList: [], // 请在左侧输入用户ID,用逗号进行分割,如: ['use_a', 'user_b', 'user_c'] 以此类推
    // 屏蔽词,
    blockWordsList: [],
    // 问答页面状态UI优化
    newQaStatus: true,
    // 功能1-11设置:鼠标悬浮于头像显示个人奖杯卡
    hoverHomepage: true,
    // 功能4-3设置:汇总以获得和未获得奖杯是否默认折叠
    foldTrophySummary: false, // true则默认折叠,false则默认展开
    // 功能5-1设置:是否在`游戏`页面启用降低无白金游戏的图标透明度
    filterNonePlatinumAlpha: 0.2, // 透密 [0, 1] 不透明,如果设置为1则关闭该功能
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    hotTagThreshold: 20,
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    nightMode: false,
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      value: 'SYSTEM',
      enum: ['SYSTEM', 'TIME', 'OFF'], // options in settings panel have to be in the same order
    // 约战页面去掉发起人头像
    removeHeaderInBattle: false,
    // 机因、问答页面按最新排序
    listPostsByNew: false,
    // 载入全部问答答案
    showAllQAAnswers: false,
    // 答案按最新排列
    listQAAnswersByNew: false,
    // 答案显示隐藏回复
    showHiddenQASubReply: false,
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    fixTextLinks: true,
    // 修复D7VG链接
    fixD7VGLinks: true,
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    fixHTTPLinks: false,
    // 尝试关联不同版本的游戏
    referGameVariants: true,
    // 查询游戏版本优先使用搜索
    preferSearchForFindingVariants: false,
  if (window.localStorage) {
    if (window.localStorage['psnine-night-mode-CSS-settings']) {
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      Object.keys(settings).forEach((key) => {
        if (typeof settings[key] !== typeof localSettings[key]) {
          localSettings[key] = settings[key];
          settingTypeUpdated = true;
      $.extend(settings, localSettings); // 用storage中的配置项覆盖默认设置
      if (settingTypeUpdated) localStorage['psnine-night-mode-CSS-settings'] = JSON.stringify(localSettings);
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  // 全局优化
  function onDocumentStart() { // run before anything is downloaded
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    // 机因、问答页面按最新排序
    if (settings.listPostsByNew && /\/((gene)|(qa))($|(\/$))/.test(window.location.href)) {
      window.location.href += '?ob=date';
    // 功能0-2:夜间模式
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    const setNightMode = (isOn) => {
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      case 'SYSTEM':
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          else darkThemeQuery.addListener((e) => setNightMode(e.matches)); // deprecated
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough
      case 'TIME': {
        const hour = (new Date()).getHours();
        setNightMode(hour > 18 || hour < 7);// TODO: time selector in settings panel

    * 功能:黑条文字鼠标悬浮显示
    * param:  isOn  是否开启功能
    const showMarkMessage = (isOn) => {
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    // 暴力猴中已经删掉了GM_addStyle函数,因此需要自己定义
    // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
    function GM_addStyle(css) {
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    * 页面右下角追加点击跳转到页面底部按钮
    const toPageBottom = () => {
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      $('#scrollbottom').click(() => {
          scrollTop: document.body.clientHeight,
        cursor: 'pointer',

    // 功能0-2:夜间模式
    const nightModeStyle = document.getElementById('nightModeStyle');
    // ensures that night mode css is after native psnine css
    if (nightModeStyle) {

    * 自动签到功能
    * @param  isOn  是否开启功能
    const repeatUntilSuccessful = (functionPtr, interval) => {
      if (!functionPtr()) {
        setTimeout(() => {
          repeatUntilSuccessful(functionPtr, interval);
        }, interval);
    const automaticSignIn = (isOn) => {
      // 如果签到按钮存在页面上
      if (isOn && $('[class$=yuan]').length > 0) {
        repeatUntilSuccessful(() => {
          if (typeof qidao !== 'function') return false;
          let signed = false;
          $('[class$=yuan]').each((i, e) => {
            if (!signed && /^\s*签\s*$/.test(e.innerText)) {
              signed = true;
          return true;
        }, 200);

    * 获取当前页面的后一页页码和链接
    * @return  nextPage      后一页页码
    * @return  nextPageLink  后一页的链接
    const getNextPageInfo = () => {
      // 获取下一页页码
      const nextPage = Number($('.page > ul > .current:last').text()) + 1;
      // 如果地址已经有地址信息
      let nextPageLink = '';
      if (/page/.test(window.location.href)) {
        nextPageLink = window.location.href.replace(
      } else {
        nextPageLink = `${window.location.href}&page=${nextPage}`;
      return { nextPage, nextPageLink };

      `#loadingMessage {
                position : absolute;
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                right    : 1px !important;
                display  : none;
                color    : white;

    if (
              && $('tbody').length > 2
    ) {
      const windowLocationHref = window.location.href.replace(/\/$/g, '');
      // 功能0-7:个人主页下显示所有游戏
      if (settings.autoPagingInHomepage) {
        let isbool2 = true; // 触发开关,防止多次调用事件
        // 插入加载提示信息
        $('body').append("<div id='loadingMessage'/>");
        let gamePageIndex = 2;
        $(window).scroll(function () {
          if (
            $(this).scrollTop() + $(window).height() + 700
                        >= $(document).height()
                        && $(this).scrollTop() > 700
                        && isbool2 === true
          ) {
            isbool2 = false;
            const gamePage = `${windowLocationHref}/psngame?page=${gamePageIndex}`;
            // 加载页面并且插入
              (data) => {
                const $response = $('<div />').html(data);
                const nextGameContent = $response.find('tbody > tr');
                if (nextGameContent.length > 0) {
                  $('tbody > tr:last').after(nextGameContent);
                  isbool2 = true;
                  gamePageIndex += 1;
                } else {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 2000);
      // 功能:未注册用户的PSN主页添加更新按钮
      const updateButtonForm = $('div.psnzz > div.inner > div.psnbtn.psnbtnright > form');
      if (updateButtonForm.find('a').length === 0) {
        const upbase = `<a href="${windowLocationHref}/upbase">等级同步</a>`;
        const upgame = `<a href="${windowLocationHref}/upgame">游戏同步</a>`;
        updateButtonForm.append(upbase, upgame);

    // 帖子优化
    * 功能:对发帖楼主增加“楼主”标志
    * @param  userId  用户(楼主)ID
    const addOPBadge = (userId) => {
      $('.psnnode').each((i, n) => {
        // 匹配楼主ID,变更CSS
        if ($(n).text() === userId) {
          $(n).after('<span class="badge badge-1">楼主</span>');

    * AJAX获取页面
    const fetchOtherPage = (url, successFunction) => {
      let resultSet;
        type: 'GET',
        dataType: 'html',
        async: true,
        success(data, status) {
          if (status === 'success') {
            resultSet = successFunction(data);
            $('.imgbgnb').parent().each((index, el) => {
              resultSet.forEach((element) => {
                if (element.trophy === $(el).attr('href')) {
                  $(el).next().find('a').slice(0, 1)
                    .append(`<div class="fa-check-circle"></div>&nbsp;<em class="alert-success pd5" style="border-radius: 3px;">${element.earned}</em>`);
        error: () => {

    const getEarnedTrophiesInfo = (data) => {
      const reg = /[\s\S]*<\/body>/g;
      const html = reg.exec(data)[0];
      const resultSet = [];
        .each((index, el) => {
          const earnedTime = $(el).find('em.lh180.alert-success.pd5.r');
          const earnedTimeCopy = earnedTime.clone();
          earnedTimeCopy.find('br').replaceWith(' ');
            trophy: $(el).find('a').attr('href'),
            earned: `${earnedTime.attr('tips').trim()} ${earnedTimeCopy.text().trim()}`,
      return resultSet;

    if (/topic\//.test(window.location.href) && psnidCookie) {
      const games = {};
      $('.imgbgnb').parent().each((index, el) => {
        if (!/(^| |")(pd10|t3)($| |")/.test($(el).parent().get()[0].className)) return;
        const href = $(el).attr('href');
        const gameId = href.slice(href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, -3);
        // 根据具体游戏获取对应自己页面的信息
        if (!, gameId)) {
          const gamePageUrl = `${document.URL.match(/^.+?\.com/)[0]}/psngame/${gameId}?psnid=${psnidCookie[1]}`;
          fetchOtherPage(gamePageUrl, getEarnedTrophiesInfo);
          games[gameId] = true;

    if (
            && !/comment/.test(window.location.href)
    ) {
      // 获取楼主ID
      const authorId = $('.title2').text();

    * 功能:对关注用户进行ID高亮功能函数
    const addHighlightOnID = () => {
      settings.highlightSpecificID.forEach((i) => {
          'background-color': settings.highlightSpecificBack,
          color: settings.highlightSpecificFront,

    * 功能:根据纯文本的长度截断DOM
    * @param elem 需要截断的DOM
    * @param length 需要保留的纯文本长度
    * @return 截断后的 html 文本
    const truncateHtml = (elem, length) => {
      // 递归获取 DOM 里的纯文本
      const truncateElem = (e, reqCount) => {
        let grabText = '';
        let missCount = reqCount;
        $(e).contents().each(function () {
          switch (this.nodeType) {
            case Node.TEXT_NODE: {
              // Get node text, limited to missCount.
              grabText +=, missCount);
              missCount -= Math.min(, missCount);
            case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: {
              // Explore current child:
              const childPart = truncateElem(this, missCount);
              grabText += childPart.text;
              missCount -= childPart.count;
            default: {
          if (missCount === 0) {
            // We got text enough, stop looping.
            return false;
          return true;
        return {
          // Wrap text using current elem tag.
          text: `${e.outerHTML.match(/^<[^>]+>/m)[0] + grabText}</${e.localName}>`,
          count: reqCount - missCount,
      return truncateElem(elem, length).text;
    * 功能:回复内容回溯,仅支持机因、主题
    * @param  isOn  是否开启功能
    const showReplyContent = (isOn) => {
      if (isOn) {
        // 每一层楼的回复框
        const allSource = $('.post .ml64 > .content');
        if (allSource.length <= 0) return;
          `.replyTraceback {
                        background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.05) !important;
                        padding: 10px !important;
                        color: rgb(160, 160, 160, 1) !important;
                        border-bottom: 1px solid !important;
        // 悬浮框内容左对齐样式
                    .tippy-content {
                        text-align: left;
                        overflow-wrap: break-word;
        // 每一层楼的回复者用户名
        const userId = $('.post > .ml64 > [class$=meta]');
        // 每一层的头像
        const avator = $('.post > a.l');
        for (let floor = allSource.length - 1; floor > 0; floor -= 1) {
          // 层内内容里包含链接(B的发言中是否有A)
          const content = allSource.eq(floor).find('a');
          if (content.length > 0) {
            for (let userNum = 0; userNum < content.length; userNum += 1) {
              // 对每一个链接的文本内容判断
              const linkContent = content.eq(userNum).text().match('@(.+)');
              // 链接里是@用户生成的链接, linkContent为用户名(B的发言中有A)
              if (linkContent !== null) {
                // 从本层的上一层开始,回溯所@的用户的最近回复(找最近的一条A的发言)
                let traceIdFirst = -1;
                let traceIdTrue = -1;
                for (let traceId = floor - 1; traceId >= 0; traceId -= 1) {
                  // 如果回溯到了的话,选取内容
                  // 回溯层用户名
                  const thisUserID = userId.eq(traceId).find('.psnnode:eq(0)').text();
                  if (thisUserID.toLowerCase() === linkContent[1].toLowerCase()) {
                    // 判断回溯中的@(A的发言中有是否有B)
                    if (
                      allSource.eq(traceId).text() === userId.eq(floor).find('.psnnode:eq(0)').text()
                    ) {
                      traceIdTrue = traceId;
                    } else if (traceIdFirst === -1) {
                      traceIdFirst = traceId;
                let outputID = -1;
                if (traceIdTrue !== -1) {
                  outputID = traceIdTrue;
                } else if (traceIdFirst !== -1) {
                  outputID = traceIdFirst;
                // 输出
                if (outputID !== -1) {
                  const replyContentObjectOriginal = allSource.eq(outputID);
                  const replyContentObject = replyContentObjectOriginal.clone();
                  const replyContentPlainText = replyContentObject.text();
                  replyContentObject.find('.mark').text((index, text) => `<span class="mark">${text}</span>`);
                  const replyContentText = replyContentObject.text();
                  let replyContentTruncatedText = $(truncateHtml($('<p></p>').html(replyContentText)[0], 45)).html();
                  if (replyContentPlainText.length > 45) {
                    replyContentTruncatedText += '......';
                  const avatorImg = avator.eq(outputID).find('img:eq(0)').attr('src');
                    `<div class=replyTraceback>
                      <span class="badge">
                          <img src="${avatorImg}" height="15" width="15" style="margin-right: 5px; border-radius: 8px;vertical-align:sub;"/>
                      <span class="responserContent_${floor}_${outputID}" style="padding-left: 10px;">
                  // 如果内容超过45个字符,则增加悬浮显示全文内容功能
                  if (replyContentPlainText.length > 45) {
                    tippy(`.responserContent_${floor}_${outputID}`, {
                      content: replyContentText,
                      animateFill: false,
                      maxWidth: '500px',
                  // 增加点击回复内容跳转功能
                  const responserContent = $(`.responserContent_${floor}_${outputID}`);
         => {
                    const targetBounds = replyContentObjectOriginal.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
                    const currentBoundsTop = responserContent.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top;
                    if ( < 0) { // 回复内容顶部不在窗口内
                      // 回复内容顶部滚动到当前元素顶部处无法完整显示时
                      if (currentBoundsTop + targetBounds.height > window.innerHeight) {
                        // 回复内容比窗口高度更长时,回复内容顶部滚动至窗口顶部,否则回复内容底部滚动至窗口底部
                        if (targetBounds.height > window.innerHeight) window.scrollBy({ top:, behavior: 'smooth' });
                        else window.scrollBy({ top: targetBounds.bottom - window.innerHeight, behavior: 'smooth' });
                      } else if (currentBoundsTop < 0) window.scrollBy({ top:, behavior: 'smooth' }); // 当前元素顶部在窗口外时
                      else window.scrollBy({ top: - currentBoundsTop, behavior: 'smooth' }); // 默认滚动至当前元素顶部
                  // 鼠标悬浮变手形样式
                  responserContent.css('cursor', 'pointer');

    * 功能:增加帖子楼层信息
    const addFloorIndex = () => {
      let baseFloorIndex = 0;
      let subFloorIndex = -1;
      $('span[class^=r]').each((i, el) => {
        if (i > 0) {
          if ($(el).attr('class') === 'r') {
            baseFloorIndex += 1;
            subFloorIndex = -1;
          } else {
            subFloorIndex -= 1;

    * 功能:热门帖子增加 热门 标签
    const addHotTag = () => {
      $('div.meta').each((index, element) => {
        const replyCount = $(element).text().split(/(\d+)/);
        if (Number(replyCount[replyCount.length - 2]) > settings.hotTagThreshold
                    && replyCount[replyCount.length - 1].match('评论|答案|回复')
                    && replyCount[replyCount.length - 1].match('评论|答案|回复').index > -1
                    && $(element).children('a#hot').length === 0
        ) {
          const tagBackgroundColor = $('').css('background-color');
            .append(`&nbsp;<a class="psnnode" id="hot" style="background-color: ${tagBackgroundColor === 'rgb(43, 43, 43)'
              ? 'rgb(125 69 67)' // 暗红色
              : 'rgb(217, 83, 79)' // 鲜红色
            };color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">🔥热门&nbsp;</a>`);

    * 功能:层内逆序显示
    * @param  isOn  是否开启该功能
    const reverseSubReply = (isOn) => {
      if (!isOn || !/(\/trophy\/\d+)|(\/psngame\/\d+\/comment)|(\/psnid\/.+?\/comment)/.test(window.location.href)) return;
      repeatUntilSuccessful(() => {
        try {
          const blocks = $('div.sonlistmark.ml64.mt10:not([style="display:none;"])');
          blocks.each((index, block) => {
            const reversedBlock = $($(block).find('li').get().reverse());
            $(block).append('<ul class="sonlist">');
            reversedBlock.each((i, li) => {
              if (i === 0) {
                $(li).attr({ style: 'border-top:none;' });
              } else {
                $(li).attr({ style: '' });
          return true;
        } catch (e) { return false; }
      }, 200);

    const enhanceQAPage = (loadAll, reverseOrder, allSubReply) => {
      if (!(loadAll || reverseOrder || allSubReply) || !/\/qa\/\d+($|(\/$))/.test(window.location.href)) return;
      * 功能:答案按时间顺序排列
      * @param  isOn  是否开启该功能
      const reverseAnwsers = (isOn) => {
        if (!isOn) return;
        const answerList = $('body > div.inner.mt40 > div.main > > ul.list');
        const answers = answerList.find('> li');
        answers.get().reverse().forEach((answer) => { answerList.append(answer); });

      * 功能:展开隐藏的二级回复
      * @param  isOn  是否开启该功能
      const showHiddenSubReply = (isOn) => {
        repeatUntilSuccessful(() => {
          try {
            if (isOn) $('body > div.inner.mt40 > div.main > > ul.list div.btn.btn-white.font12').click();
            return true;
          } catch (e) { return false; }
        }, 200);

      * 功能:载入全部问答答案
      * @param  isOn  是否开启该功能
      const showAllAnsers = (isOn, isReverseOrder, isAllSubReply) => {
        if (!isOn) return 0;
        const answerList = $('body > div.inner.mt40 > div.main > > ul.list');
        const pageList = $('body > div.inner.mt40 > div.main > > > ul');
        const lastPageUrlElement = pageList.find('> li:not(.current):not(.disabled.h-p) > a:last()');
        if (lastPageUrlElement.length === 0) {
          return 0;
        const lastPageUrl = lastPageUrlElement.get()[0].href;
        const lastPageNumber = Number(lastPageUrl.match(/\?page=\d+/)[0].replace('?page=', ''));
        let qaPagesToLoad = lastPageNumber - 1;
        let lastAppendedPage = 1;
        const qaPageData = new Array(qaPagesToLoad);
        const loadQaPage = (pageNumber) => {
          const appendAnswers = () => {
            let latestReadyPage = lastAppendedPage;
            for (let i = lastAppendedPage + 1; i <= lastPageNumber; i += 1) {
              if (qaPageData[i - 2]) latestReadyPage = i;
              else break;
            if (latestReadyPage > lastAppendedPage) {
              for (let i = lastAppendedPage + 1; i <= latestReadyPage; i += 1) {
                qaPageData[i - 2].find('div.inner.mt40 > div.main > > ul.list > li').each((index, answer) => {
                qaPageData[i - 2].remove();
                qaPageData[i - 2] = null;
              lastAppendedPage = latestReadyPage;
          const pageUrl = lastPageUrl.replace(`?page=${lastPageNumber}`, `?page=${pageNumber}`);
            { retryLimit: 3 },
            (data) => {
              qaPageData[pageNumber - 2] = $('<div />').html(data);
              qaPagesToLoad -= 1;
              if (qaPagesToLoad === 0) { // 在载入全部答案之后运行

        for (let i = 2; i <= lastPageNumber; i += 1) loadQaPage(i);
        return lastPageNumber - 1;

      if (showAllAnsers(loadAll, reverseOrder, allSubReply) === 0) {


    // 功能1-6:屏蔽黑名单中的用户发言内容
    const Filter = (psnnode, parent, userListLowerCase, psnInfoGetter, userNameChecker) => {
      let psnInfo = '';
      const userNameCheckerFinal = (user) => userNameChecker(user, psnInfo);
      const remover = parent.replace(/\s/g, '') === 'ul.sonlist>li' ? (el) => {
        const parentElements = el.parents(parent);
        const sonlistmark = parentElements.parents('div.sonlistmark.ml64.mt10');
        if (sonlistmark[0].querySelector('ul.sonlist>li') === null) {
      } : (el) => el.parents(parent).remove();
      let removed = 0;
      $(psnnode).each((i, el) => {
        psnInfo = psnInfoGetter($(el));
        if (userListLowerCase.find(userNameCheckerFinal) !== undefined) {
          removed += 1;
      return removed;
    let filteredCriticPost = false;
    const filterUserPost = () => {
      if (settings.blockList.length > 0) {
        const windowHref = window.location.href;
        const userListLowerCase = [];
        settings.blockList.forEach((user) => { userListLowerCase.push(user.toLowerCase()); });
        const FilterRegular = (psnnode, parent) => {
          Filter(psnnode, parent, userListLowerCase,
            (el) => el.html().toLowerCase(),
            (user, psnid) => user === psnid);
        if (windowHref.match(/\/gen(e\/|e)$/)) {
          FilterRegular('.touchclick .psnnode', '.touchclick'); // 机因一览
        } else if (windowHref.indexOf('gene') > -1) {
          FilterRegular(' .psnnode', ''); // 机因回复
        } else if (windowHref.match(/\.co(m\/|m)$/) !== null || windowHref.indexOf('node') > -1 || windowHref.indexOf('qa') > -1 || windowHref.match(/\/trad(e\/|e)$/) !== null) {
          FilterRegular('div.ml64>.meta>.psnnode', 'li'); // 主页一览、问答一览、问答回复、交易一览
        } else if (windowHref.indexOf('topic') > -1 || windowHref.indexOf('trade') > -1 || windowHref.match(/\/battle\/[1-9][0-9]+/) !== null) {
          FilterRegular('div.ml64>.meta>.psnnode', ''); // 主页帖回复、交易帖回复、约战帖回复
        } else if (windowHref.match(/\/my\/notice/)) {
          FilterRegular('.psnnode', 'li'); // 消息通知
        } else if (windowHref.indexOf('trophy') > -1 || windowHref.match(/\/psnid\/[^/]+\/comment/) !== null) {
          FilterRegular('div.ml64>.meta.pb10>.psnnode', 'li'); // 奖杯TIPS、个人主页留言
          FilterRegular('ul.sonlist .content>.psnnode', 'ul.sonlist>li'); // 奖杯TIPS二级回复、个人主页留言二级回复
        } else if (windowHref.match(/\/psngame\/[1-9][0-9]+\/comment/) !== null) {
          filteredCriticPost = FilterRegular('div.ml64>.meta.pb10>.psnnode', 'li') > 0; // 游戏测评
          FilterRegular('ul.sonlist .content>.psnnode', 'ul.sonlist>li'); // 游戏测评二级回复
        } else if (windowHref.indexOf('battle') > -1) {
          Filter('table.list td.pdd15.h-p>a', 'tr', userListLowerCase, (el) => el[0].href, (user, elementHref) => elementHref.indexOf(`psnid/${user}`) > -1); // 约战一览
        if (windowHref.match(/\/qa\/[1-9][0-9]*/)) {
          FilterRegular('ul.sonlist .content>.psnnode', 'ul.sonlist>li'); // 问答二级回复
    // 屏蔽词
    // const blockWordsList = ['日版', '顶', '第一句', '股票', '安排', '技能点', '刀剑'];
    const FilterWordRegular = (postSelector, width) => {
      const posts = $(postSelector);
      if (posts.length > 0) {
        posts.each((index, post) => {
          settings.blockWordsList.forEach((word) => {
            if ($(post).text().match(word)) {
                <div onclick="$(this).prev().show();$(this).hide();" class="btn btn-gray font12" style="margin-bottom:2px;${width && `width:${width}%;`}">====== 内容包含您的屏蔽词,点击查看屏蔽内容 ======</div>
    const filterBlockWorld = () => {
      const windowHref = window.location.href;
      if (windowHref.indexOf('gene') > -1 // 机因回复
                || windowHref.indexOf('topic') > -1 // 主帖回复
                || windowHref.indexOf('trophy') > -1 // 奖杯TIPS
                || windowHref.indexOf('qa') > -1 // 问答回复
                || windowHref.indexOf('trade') > -1 // 交易回复
                || windowHref.match(/\/battle\/[1-9][0-9]+/) !== null // 约战回复
                || windowHref.match(/\/psnid\/[^/]+\/comment/) !== null // 个人主页留言
      ) {

    // 功能1-8:回复按钮hover触发显示
         * 回复按钮hover触发显示功能函数
         * @param  div  标签
    const hoverShowReply = (div) => {
      const subClass = "span[class='r']";
      $(`${div} ${subClass}`).css({
        opacity: 0,
        transition: 'all 0.2s ease',
        function () {
            opacity: 1,
        function () {
            opacity: 0,
    if (/^(?!.*trade|.*qa(\?(ob|title)=.*)?$)/.test(window.location.href)) {

    /* 将BBCode替换成对应html代码
    * @param   str  原始BBCode输入
    * @return  str  转换后的html代码
    const replaceAll = (str, mapObj) => {
      let newStr = str;
      Object.keys(mapObj).forEach((i) => {
        const re = new RegExp(i, 'g');
        newStr = str.replace(re, mapObj[i]);
      return newStr;
    * BBCode和html标签对应表
    const bbcode = {
      '\\[quote\\](.+?)\\[/quote\\]': '<blockquote>$1</blockquote>',
      '\\[mark\\](.+?)\\[/mark\\]': '<span class="mark">$1</span>',
      '\\[img\\](.+?)\\[/img\\]': '<img src="$1"></img>',
      '\\[b\\](.+?)\\[/b\\]': '<b>$1</b>',
      '\\[s\\](.+?)\\[/s\\]': '<s>$1</s>',
      '\\[center\\](.+?)\\[/center\\]': '<center>$1</center>',
      '\\[\\](.+?)\\[/b\\]': '<b>$1</b>',
      '\\[color=(.+?)\\](.+?)\\[/color\\]': '<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>',
      '\\[url\\](.+)\\[/url\\]': '<a href="$1">$1</a>',
      '\\[url=(.+)\\](.+)\\[/url\\]': '<a href="$1">$2</a>',
      // '\\[trophy=(.+)\\]\\[/trophy\\]': '<a href="$1">$2</a>',
      // '\\[trophy=(.+)\\](.+)\\[/trophy\\]': '<a href="$1">$2</a>',
      '\\n': '<br/>',

    * 功能:在输入框下方追加输入内容预览框
    * @param   tag  可定位到输入框的标签名
    const addInputPreview = (tag) => {
        "<div class='content' style='padding: 0px 10px; word-wrap: break-word; word-break:break-all;' id='preview' />",
      $(tag).keyup(() => {
        $('#preview').html(replaceAll($(tag).val(), bbcode));

    * 功能:实时统计创建机因时候的文字数
    const countInputLength = () => {
      $(".pr20 > textarea[name='content']").before(
        `<div class='text-warning'>
                    <p>字数:<span class='wordCount'>0</span>/600</p>
      $(".pr20 > textarea[name='content']").keyup(() => {
        const wordCount = $('.wordCount').text(
          $("textarea[name='content']").val().replace(/\n|\r/gi, '').length,
        if (Number($('.wordCount').text()) > 600) {
            .prop('disabled', true)
            .css('background-color', '#aaa')
        } else {
            .prop('disabled', false)
            .css('background-color', '#3890ff')
        return (wordCount);

    // 评论框预览功能(等追加自定义设置后开放)
    // addInputPreview("textarea#comment[name='content']");

    * 问答标题根据回答状况着色
    * @param  isOn  是否开启功能
    const changeQaStatus = (isOn) => {
      if (isOn) {
        // 替换文字状态为图标形式
        $('.list>li').each((i, node) => {
          const el = $(node).find('div.meta > .r > span:nth-child(2)');
          const status = $(el).text();
          // 替换文字状态为图标形式
          const selector = 'div.ml64>p.title.font16>a';
          switch (status) {
            case '已解决': $(node).find(selector).prepend('<div class="fa-check-circle"></div>'); break;
            case '未回答': $(node).find(selector).prepend('<div class="fa-question-circle"></div>'); break;
            case '解决中': $(node).find(selector).prepend('<div class="fa-comments"></div>'); break;
            default: return;
          const elReward = $(node).find('div.meta > .r > span:nth-child(1)');
          const rewardNum = $(elReward).text();
          // 替换文字状态为图标形式
          const reward = rewardNum.match(/悬赏(\d+)铜/);
          if (reward && reward.length > 0) {
            const number = Number(reward[1]);
            let textType;
            if (number > 30) {
              textType = 'text-gold';
            } else {
              textType = number === 10 ? 'text-bronze' : 'text-silver';
            $(elReward).replaceWith(`<div class="fa-coins"></div>&nbsp;<span class="${textType}" style="font-weight:bold;"}">${number}</span>`);

    * 通过Ajax获取自己的该游戏页面的奖杯数目
    * @param  data  Ajax获取的数据
    * @param  tip   Tippy对象
    const getTrophyContentByAjax = (data, tip) => {
      const reg = /[\s\S]*<\/body>/g;
      const html = reg.exec(data)[0];
      const inner = $(html).find('td>em>.text-strong');
      tip.setContent(inner.length > 0
        ? `你的奖杯完成度:${inner.text()}`
        : '你还没有获得该游戏的任何奖杯');

         * 通过Ajax获取用户名片
         * @param  data  Ajax获取的数据
         * @param  tip   Tippy对象
    const getUserCardByAjax = (data, tip) => {
      const reg = /[\s\S]*<\/body>/g;
      const html = reg.exec(data)[0];
      const inner = $(html).find('.psnzz').parent().get(0);
      $(inner).find('.inner').css('max-width', '400px');

         * 使用Tippy的OnShow部分函数
         * @param  url              Ajax获取目标地址
         * @param  tip              Tippy对象
         * @param  successFunction  获取数据时调用函数
    const tippyOnShow = (url, tip, successFunction) => {
      if (!tip.state.ajax) {
        tip.state.ajax = {
          isFetching: false,
          canFetch: true,
      if (tip.state.ajax.isFetching || !tip.state.ajax.canFetch) {
      tip.state.ajax.isFetching = true;
      tip.state.ajax.canFetch = false;
      try {
          type: 'GET',
          dataType: 'html',
          success: (data) => {
            successFunction(data, tip);
          error: () => {
      } catch (e) {
      } finally {
        tip.state.ajax.isFetching = false;

    * 功能:悬浮于头像显示个人界面
    const addHoverProfile = () => {
      if (settings.hoverHomepage) {
        $("a[href*='psnid/'] > img").parent().each(function (i) {
          const url = $(this).attr('href');
          $(this).attr('id', `profile${i}`);
          tippy(`#profile${i}`, {
            content: '加载中...',
            delay: 700,
            maxWidth: '500px',
            animateFill: false,
            interactive: true,
            placement: 'left',
            async onShow(tip) {
              tippyOnShow(url, tip, getUserCardByAjax);
            onHidden(tip) {
              tip.state.ajax.canFetch = true;

    * 功能:自动翻页
    * @param  pagingSetting  自动翻页的页数
    const autoPaging = (pagingSetting) => {
      if (pagingSetting > 0) {
        let isbool = true; // 触发开关,防止多次调用事件
        let autoPagingLimitCount = 0;
        $(window).scroll(function () {
        // 当内容滚动到底部时加载新的内容
          if (
            $(this).scrollTop() + $(window).height() + 700
                      >= $(document).height()
                      && $(this).scrollTop() > 700
                      && isbool === true
                      && autoPagingLimitCount < settings.autoPaging
          ) {
            isbool = false;
            // 获取下一页页码和链接
            const { nextPage, nextPageLink } = getNextPageInfo();
            // 加载页面并且插入
            $('.page:last').after(`<div class='loadPage${nextPage}'></div>`);
              (data) => {
                const $response = $('<div />').html(data);
                isbool = true;
                autoPagingLimitCount += 1;
                // 各个页面的功能追加
                if (/\/qa/.test(window.location.href)) {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 2000);

    * 日期转换函数,将(XX年XX月XX日)形式切割成UTC时间
    * @param   value     XX年XX月XX日 形式的字符串
    * @return  {object}  UTC时间对象
    const converntTime = (value) => {
      const time = value.replace(/年|月|日/g, '-').split('-');
      return Date.UTC(`20${time[0]}`, Number(time[1]) - 1, time[2]);

    * 获取当前页面的价格变动时间,构建绘图曲线X轴数据集
    * @return  xValue  价格变动时间X数据
    const priceLineDataX = () => {
      // 获取X轴的日期
      const xContents = $('p.dd_text');
      let xValue = [];
      for (let index = 3; index < xContents.length; index += 4) {
        const tamp = xContents[index].innerText.split(' ~ ').map((item) => converntTime(item));
        xValue = [tamp[0], tamp[0], tamp[1], tamp[1], ...xValue];
      return xValue;

    * 获取当前页面的价格情况,构建绘图曲线Y轴数据集
    * @return  yNormal  普通会员价格Y数据
    * @return  yPlus    plus会员价格Y数据
    const priceLineDataY = () => {
      const div = $('.dd_price');
      let yNormal = [];
      let yPlus = [];
      div.each((i, el) => {
        const yOld = $(el).children('.dd_price_old').eq(0).text();
        const yPriceNormal = $(el).children('.dd_price_off').eq(0).text();
        // 普通会员价格曲线值
        yNormal = [yOld, yPriceNormal, yPriceNormal, yOld, ...yNormal];
        // PS+会员价格曲线值
        const yPricePlus = $(el).children('.dd_price_plus').eq(0);
        const pricePlusTamp = yPricePlus.length === 0 ? yPriceNormal : yPricePlus.text();
        yPlus = [yOld, pricePlusTamp, pricePlusTamp, yOld, ...yPlus];
      return { yNormal, yPlus };

    * 修正数据集的最后一组数据函数。如果当前日期在最后一次促销结束前,
    * 则修改最后一组数据为当前日期,如在以后,则将最后一次促销的原始
    * 价格作为最后一组数据的当前价格。
    * @param   [dataArray]  包含[datetime, price]的原始数据
    * @return  [dataArray]  修改后的[datetime, price]数据
    const fixTheLastElement = (data) => {
      const newData = data;
      const today = new Date();
      const todayArray = Date.UTC(
        today.getYear() + 1900,
      if (newData[newData.length - 1][0] > todayArray) {
        newData[newData.length - 1][0] = todayArray;
      } else {
        newData.push([todayArray, newData[newData.length - 1][1]]);
      return newData;

    * 传入时间和一般、Plus会员价格数组,生成绘图用数据集
    * @param   xValue      价格变动时间数组
    * @param   yNormal     一般会员价格数组
    * @param   yPlus       Plus会员价格数组
    * @return  normalData  一般会员价格绘图用数组
    * @return  plusData    Plus会员价格绘图用数组
    * @return  region      地区货币符
    const createPriceLineData = (xValue, yNormal, yPlus) => {
      // 用于保存绘图数据的变量
      let normalData = [];
      let plusData = [];
      // 判断地区
      const prefix = yNormal[0].substring(0, 1);
      const region = prefix === 'H' ? 'HK$' : prefix;

      xValue.forEach((item, i) => {
        normalData.push([item, Number(yNormal[i].replace(region, ''))]);
        plusData.push([item, Number(yPlus[i].replace(region, ''))]);
      // 最后一组数组的处理,生成最终数据绘图数据集
      normalData = fixTheLastElement(normalData);
      plusData = fixTheLastElement(plusData);
      return { normalData, plusData, region };

    /* 根据数据绘制价格变动走势图
    *  @param   normalData     一般会员价格绘图用数组
    *  @param   plusData       Plus会员价格绘图用数组
    *  @param   region    地区货币符
    *  @return  priceLinePlot  highChart对象
    const createPriceLinePlot = (normalData, plusData, region) => {
      const priceLineChart = {
        type: 'areaspline',
        backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
      const priceLineTitle = {
        text: '价格变动走势图',
        style: {
          color: '#808080',
      const priceLineXAxis = {
        type: 'datetime',
        dateTimeLabelFormats: {
          year: '%y年',
          day: '%y年<br/>%b%e日',
          week: '%y年<br/>%b%e日',
          month: '%y年<br/>%b',
        title: {
          text: '日期',
      const priceLineYAxis = {
        title: {
          text: '价格',
        plotLines: [
            value: 0,
            width: 1,
            color: '#808080',
      const priceLineTooltip = {
        headerFormat: '<b>{}</b><br>',
        pointFormat: `{point.x:%y年%b%e日}: ${region}{point.y:.2f}`,
      const priceLinePlotOptions = {
        areaspline: {
          fillOpacity: 0.25,
      const priceLineSeries = [
          name: '普通会员价',
          color: '#00a2ff',
          data: normalData,
          name: 'PS+会员价',
          color: '#ffd633',
          data: plusData,
      const priceLineCredits = {
        enabled: false,
      const priceLineLegend = {
        itemStyle: {
          color: '#808080',
        itemHoverStyle: {
          color: '#3890ff',
      const priceLinePlot = {
        chart: priceLineChart,
        title: priceLineTitle,
        tooltip: priceLineTooltip,
        xAxis: priceLineXAxis,
        yAxis: priceLineYAxis,
        series: priceLineSeries,
        plotOptions: priceLinePlotOptions,
        credits: priceLineCredits,
        legend: priceLineLegend,
      return priceLinePlot;
    * 功能:在页面中插入价格变动走势图
    const addPriceLinePlot = () => {
      // 构建绘图数据
      const xValue = priceLineDataX();
      const { yNormal, yPlus } = priceLineDataY();
      const { normalData, plusData, region } = createPriceLineData(xValue, yNormal, yPlus);
      const priceLinePlot = createPriceLinePlot(normalData, plusData, region);
      // 插入页面
      $('.dd_ul').before('<div id="container"></div>');
      Highcharts.chart('container', priceLinePlot);
    * 增加单个价格或文字展示标签
    * @param  value        展示数值或字符串
    * @param  className    样式名
    * @param  styleString  额外追加的样式
    * @return {string}     展示内容标签
    const priceSpan = (value, className, styleString = null) => {
      let text = value;
      if (typeof value === 'number') {
        if (value > 0) {
          text = `¥${value.toFixed(2)}`;
      return `<span class=${className} style="float:right;${styleString}">${text}</span>`;
    * 功能:在当前页面上添加外币转人民币的价格展示
    const retrieveRealTimeExchangeRate = (callbackSuccess, callbackFailure) => {
      // 默认汇率 latest exchange rate as of 2020/09/30/00:00 AM (GMT+8)
      const exchangeRate = {
        HKD: 0.8796572978575602,
        USD: 6.817381644163391,
        GBP: 8.770269230346404,
        JPY: 0.06453927675754388,
      try { // 获取实时汇率
        const httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '', false);
        const startTime =;
        repeatUntilSuccessful(() => {
          // Wait until HTTP GET SUCCESSFULL or TIMEOUT
          if ((httpReq.status !== 200)
            && (httpReq.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
            && ( - startTime) < 3000) {
            return false;
          let rawExchangeRate = null;
          if ((httpReq.status === 200)
            && (httpReq.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE)) {
            rawExchangeRate = JSON.parse(httpReq.response);
          if (rawExchangeRate) { // HTTP GET SUCCESSFULL
            ['HKD', 'USD', 'GBP', 'JPY'].forEach((currency) => {
              exchangeRate[currency] = rawExchangeRate.rates.CNY / rawExchangeRate.rates[currency];
          return true;
        }, 50);
      } catch (e) {
    const foreignCurrencyConversion = () => {
      const insertConvertedPriceTags = (exchangeRate) => {
        $('.dd_price').each((i, el) => {
          // 一览页面和单商品页面不同位置偏移
          const offset = /dd\//.test(window.location.href) ? 2 : 3;
          const region = $(`.dd_info p:nth-child(${offset})`).eq(i).text();
          if (region === '国服') return;
          const price = [
            $(el).children().eq(0).text(), // 原始价格
            $(el).children().eq(1).text(), // 优惠价格
            $(el).children().eq(2).text(), // 会员优惠价格
          // 根据地区转换原始价格
          const regionCurrency = {
            港服: ['HK$', exchangeRate.HKD],
            美服: ['$', exchangeRate.USD],
            日服: ['¥', exchangeRate.JPY],
            英服: ['£', exchangeRate.GBP],
          const CNY = => (
            Number(item.replace(regionCurrency[region][0], ''))
                            * regionCurrency[region][1]
          // 整块增加的价格表示
          const addCNYPriceBlock = [
            priceSpan(CNY[2], 'dd_price_plus'),
            priceSpan(CNY[1], 'dd_price_off'),
            priceSpan(CNY[0], 'dd_price_old', 'text-decoration:line-through'),
            priceSpan('CNY:', 'dd_price_off', 'font-size:12px;'),
          // 添加到页面中
          $('.dd_price span:last-child').eq(i).after(addCNYPriceBlock);
      retrieveRealTimeExchangeRate(insertConvertedPriceTags, insertConvertedPriceTags);
    const foreignCurrencyConversionSalesPage = () => {
      const changeToConvertedPriceTags = (exchangeRate) => {
        $('.store_box>.store_price').each((i, el) => {
          // 一览页面和单商品页面不同位置偏移
          const region = window.location.href.match(/region=.+?(&|$)/)[0].replace(/(region=|&)/g, '').toLowerCase();
          if (region === 'cn') return;
          // 根据地区转换原始价格
          const regionCurrency = {
            hk: ['HK$', exchangeRate.HKD],
            us: ['$', exchangeRate.USD],
            jp: ['¥', exchangeRate.JPY],
            gb: ['£', exchangeRate.GBP],
          $(el).children().each((j, priceTag) => {
            $(priceTag).attr('original-price', $(priceTag).text());
            $(priceTag).attr('converted-price', `CN¥${(Number($(priceTag).text().replace(regionCurrency[region][0], '')) * regionCurrency[region][1]).toFixed(2)}`);
      retrieveRealTimeExchangeRate(changeToConvertedPriceTags, changeToConvertedPriceTags);
    * 功能:根据降价幅度变更标题颜色
    const changeGameTitleColor = () => {
      // 设定不同降价范围的标题颜色
      const priceTitleColorDict = {
        100: 'rgb(220,53,69)',
        80: 'rgb(253,126,20)',
        50: 'rgb(255,193,7)',
        20: 'rgb(40,167,69)',
      // 着色
      $('.dd_box').each((i, el) => {
        const offPercent = Number(
          $(el).find('.dd_pic > div[class^="dd_tag"] ').text()
        $('.dd_title.mb10>a').eq(i).css({ color: priceTitleColorDict[offPercent] });

    * 增加按键样式
    * @param  id               标签ID
    * @param  backgroundColor  按键背景色
    * @param  padding          padding
    * @param  margin           margin
    const addButtonStyle = (id, backgroundColor, padding = '0px 5px', margin = '0 0 0 10px') => {
        `#${id} {
          padding          : ${padding};
          margin           : ${margin};
          border-radius    : 2px;
          display          : inline-block;
          color            : white;
          background-color : ${backgroundColor};
          cursor           : pointer;
          line-height      : 24px;
    const colorAddedButtonReady = '#d9534f';
    addButtonStyle('selectOriginalPrice', colorAddedButtonReady); // 原币种价格

            .switch {
                position: relative;
                display: inline-block;
                margin-left: 10px;
                width: 40px;
                height: 18px;
            .switch input {
                opacity: 0;
                width: 0;
                height: 0;
            .slider {
                position: absolute;
                cursor: pointer;
                top: 0;
                left: 0;
                right: 0;
                bottom: 0;
                background-color: #ccc;
                -webkit-transition: .4s;
                transition: .4s;
            .slider:before {
                position: absolute;
                content: "";
                height: 16px;
                width: 16px;
                left: 2px;
                bottom: 1px;
                background-color: white;
                -webkit-transition: .4s;
                transition: .4s;
            input:checked + .slider {
                background-color: #2196F3;
            input:focus + .slider {
                box-shadow: 0 0 1px #2196F3;
            input:checked + .slider:before {
                -webkit-transform: translateX(20px);
                -ms-transform: translateX(20px);
                transform: translateX(20px);
            .slider.round {
                border-radius: 34px;
            .slider.round:before {
                border-radius: 50%;
    * 功能:页面上追加“只看史低”功能按键,点击显示史低,再次点击恢复显示所有游戏(数折页面)
    const showBest = () => {
      // 追加只看史低按键
      $('.dropmenu').append('<li style="color:#B8C4CE;padding: 0px 0px 0px 10px;">只看史低</li><label class="switch" style="line-height:1.3;"><input id="showBest" type="checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label>');
      // 点击按钮隐藏或者显示
      const toggle = $('#showBest');
      toggle[0].checked = false;
      toggle.change(() => {
        $('li.dd_box').each((i, el) => {
          if ($(el).children('.dd_status.dd_status_best').length === 0) {
            if (toggle[0].checked === true) {
            } else {
    * 功能:页面上追加“只看史低”功能按键,点击显示史低,再次点击恢复显示所有游戏(活动页面)
    const onlyLowestSalesPage = () => {
      // 追加只看史低按键
      $('.disabled.h-p').eq(0).after('<li style="color:white;padding: 2px 5px;">只看史低<label class="switch"><input id="hideGamebox" type="checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></li>');
      const toggle = $('#hideGamebox');
      toggle[0].checked = false;
      toggle.change(() => {
        $(document.querySelectorAll('li.store_box')).each((i, el) => {
          if ((el).querySelector('.store_tag_best') === null) {
            $(el).css('display', toggle[0].checked === true ? 'none' : 'block');
    * 功能:页面上追加“显示人民币”功能按键(活动页面)
    const showOriginalPrice = () => {
      if (window.location.href.match(/region=.+?(&|$)/)[0].replace(/(region=|&)/g, '').toLowerCase() === 'cn') return;
      $('.disabled.h-p').eq(0).after('<li style="color:white;padding: 2px 5px;">显示人民币<label class="switch"><input id="selectOriginalPrice" type="checkbox"><span class="slider round"></span></label></li>');
      const toggle = $('#selectOriginalPrice');
      toggle[0].checked = true;
      toggle.change(() => {
        $('.store_box>.store_price').children().each((i, priceTag) => {
          $(priceTag).text($(priceTag).attr(toggle[0].checked === true ? 'converted-price' : 'original-price'));

    // 综合页面:一览
    if (/((gene|qa|topic|trade)($|\?))/.test(window.location.href)) {
    // 页面:机因 > 发机因
    if (/set\/gene/.test(window.location.href)) {
      // 实时统计创建机因时候的文字数
      // 发基因时可实时预览结果内容
    // 页面:机因、主题
    if (/\/((gene|topic|trade|battle)\/)|(psngame\/\d+\/comment\/?$)/.test(window.location.href)) {
    // 页面:问答
    if (/\/qa/.test(window.location.href)) {
    // 页面:数折
    if (/\/dd($|\?)/.test(window.location.href)) {
      // 外币转人民币
      // 根据降价幅度变更标题颜色
      // 只看史低
    // 页面:数折 > 商品页
    if (
            || /game\/[0-9]+\/dd$/.test(window.location.href)
    ) {
      repeatUntilSuccessful(() => {
        if (httpCSSFixed()) {
          // 外币转人民币
          return true;
        } return false;
      }, 100);
    // 页面:活动
    if (/huodong/.test(window.location.href)) {
      // 外币转人民币
      // 只看史低
      // 原币种价格
    // 页面:全局
    // 跳转至底部按钮

    * 获取奖杯各种类个数
    * @param  className  用于识别的类名
    * @param  name       奖杯种类名
    * @param  color      色块所用颜色码
    * @return {object}   用于绘扇形图的单个数据块
    const getTrophyCategory = (className, name, color) => {
      const trophyCount = $(className).eq(0).text().replace(name, '');
      return { name, y: Number(trophyCount), color };

    * 获取奖杯各稀有度个数
    * @return {object}   用于绘扇形图的数据块
    const getTrophyRarity = () => {
      const rareArray = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; // 个数统计
      const rareStandard = [0, 5, 10, 20, 50]; // 区间定义
      [1, 2, 3, 4].forEach((rareIndex) => {
        $(`.twoge.t${rareIndex}.h-p`).each((i, ev) => {
          // 获取稀有度
          const rarity = Number($(ev).eq(0).text().split('%')[0].replace('%', ''));
          // 计算该稀有度的奖杯数量
          rareArray[[...rareStandard, rarity].sort((a, b) => a - b).indexOf(rarity) - 1] += 1;
      return rareArray;
    * 功能:在单独游戏页面上方追加奖杯统计扇形图
    const addTrophyPieChart = () => {
      // 奖杯稀有度统计数据
      const rareArray = getTrophyRarity();
      const trophyRatioSeriesRarityData = [
        { name: '极度珍贵', y: rareArray[0], color: 'rgb(160, 217, 255)' },
        { name: '非常珍贵', y: rareArray[1], color: 'rgb(124, 181, 236)' },
        { name: '珍贵', y: rareArray[2], color: 'rgb(88, 145, 200)' },
        { name: '罕见', y: rareArray[3], color: 'rgb(52, 109, 164)' },
        { name: '一般', y: rareArray[4], color: 'rgb(40, 97, 152)' },
      // 奖杯个数统计数据
      const trophyRatioSeriesCategoryData = [
        getTrophyCategory('.text-platinum', '白', '#7a96d1'),
        getTrophyCategory('.text-gold', '金', '#cd9a46'),
        getTrophyCategory('.text-silver', '银', '#a6a6a6'),
        getTrophyCategory('.text-bronze', '铜', '#bf6a3a'),
      // 背景设置
      const trophyRatioChart = {
        backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
      // 悬浮内容设置
      const trophyRatioTooltip = {
        pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>',
      // 绘图设置
      const trophyRatioPlotOptions = {
        pie: {
          allowPointSelect: true,
          cursor: 'pointer',
          dataLabels: {
            enabled: true,
            distance: -20,
            style: {
              fontWeight: 'bold',
              color: 'white',
              textOutline: '0px contrast',
            formatter() {
              return this.point.y;
      // 绘图数据
      const trophyRatioSeries = [
          type: 'pie',
          name: '比例',
          data: trophyRatioSeriesCategoryData,
          center: [50, 30],
          size: 130,
          type: 'pie',
          name: '比例',
          data: trophyRatioSeriesRarityData,
          center: [200, 30],
          size: 130,
      // 标题设置
      const trophyRatioTitle = {
        text: '奖杯统计',
        style: {
          color: '#808080',
      // 构建绘图对象
      const trophyRatio = {
        chart: trophyRatioChart,
        tooltip: trophyRatioTooltip,
        title: trophyRatioTitle,
        series: trophyRatioSeries,
        plotOptions: trophyRatioPlotOptions,
        credits: { enabled: false },
      // 插入页面
        '<div id="trophyRatioChart" align="left"></div>',
      Highcharts.chart('trophyRatioChart', trophyRatio);
    * 增加绘图框架样式
    * @param  id     标签ID
    * @param  width  宽度
    const addPlotFrame = (id, width) => {
        `#${id} {
          width   : ${width}px;
          height  : 200px;
          margin  : 0 0;
          display : inline-block;
    addPlotFrame('trophyRatioChart', 320);
    addPlotFrame('trophyGetTimeChart', 460);

    * 构建奖杯获得时间绘图数据集
    * @param  className  用于识别的类名
    * @return {object}   用于绘线形图的数据集
    const trophyGetTimeElementParser = (timeElement) => {
      // 奖杯时间丢失部分处理
      const dayTime = $(timeElement).text().trim();
      if (dayTime === '时间丢失') return 0;
      // 从页面上获取奖杯时间,生成时间对象并且放入数组中保存
      const timeArray = [
        $(timeElement).attr('tips').replace('年', ''), // 年
        Number(dayTime.substr(0, 2)) - 1, // 月
        dayTime.substr(3, 2), // 日
        dayTime.substr(5, 2), // 时
        dayTime.substr(8, 2), // 分
      ].map((x) => Number(x));
      return Date.UTC(...timeArray);
    const createTrophyGetTimeData = (className) => {
      const timeElements = $(className);
      if (timeElements.length === 0) return null;
      const getTimeArray = [];
      timeElements.each((i, el) => {
        const xTime = trophyGetTimeElementParser(el);
        getTimeArray.push([xTime, el.parentElement.parentElement]);
      getTimeArray.sort((t1, t2) => t1[0] - t2[0]);
      const earliestValidTimeIndex = getTimeArray.findIndex((t) => t[0] !== 0);
      if (earliestValidTimeIndex >= 0) {
        getTimeArray.forEach((t) => {
          if (t[0] === 0) {
            const earliestValidTime = getTimeArray[earliestValidTimeIndex][0];
            t[0] = earliestValidTime;
      } else {
        getTimeArray[0] = Number.NaN;
      const data =, y) => [x[0], y + 1]);
      // 调整最终数据点
      // data[data.length - 1][1] -= 1;
      const trophyElements = => x[1]);
      return { data, trophyElements };

    * 功能:在单独游戏页面上方追加奖杯获得时间线形图
    let trophyGetTimeData;
    const addTrophyGetTimeLineChart = () => {
      // 奖杯获得时间年月统计
      trophyGetTimeData = createTrophyGetTimeData('em.lh180.alert-success.pd5.r');
      const data = trophyGetTimeData === null ? [] :;
      const totalTrophyCount = Number($('div.main>.box.pd10>em>.text-strong')
        .text().replace('总', ''));
      const receivedTrophyCount = data.length;

      // 悬浮内容设置
      const trophyGetTimeTooltip = {
        pointFormat: '{}<b>{point.y}</b>个奖杯',
      // 日期格式设置
      const trophyGetTimeXaxis = {
        type: 'datetime',
        dateTimeLabelFormats: {
          second: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M:%S',
          minute: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
          hour: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
          day: '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
          week: '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
          month: '%Y-%m',
          year: '%Y',
        title: {
          display: false,
      // 绘图数据
      const trophyGetTimeSeries = [
          name: '第',
          showInLegend: false,
      // 标题设置
      const trophyGetRatio = ((receivedTrophyCount / totalTrophyCount) * 100).toFixed(2);
      const trophyGetTimeTitleText = `奖杯获得时间(完成率:${trophyGetRatio}%)`;
      const trophyGetTimeTitle = {
        text: trophyGetTimeTitleText,
        style: {
          color: '#808080',
      const trophyGetTimeSubtitle = {
        text: $('div.ml100>p').eq(0).text(), // 游戏名称
      // Y轴设置
      const trophyGetTimeYAxis = {
        title: {
          text: '获得个数',
        min: 0,
        max: totalTrophyCount,
        endOnTick: false,
        tickInterval: Math.floor(totalTrophyCount / 4),
      // 绘图设置
      const trophyGetTimeChart = {
        backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
        type: 'area',
      // 图形设置
      const trophyGetTimePlotOptions = {
        areaspline: {
          fillOpacity: 0.5,
      // Credits设置
      const trophyGetTimeCreditsText = [];
      $('div.main>.box.pd10>em:eq(0)>span').each((i, el) => {
      const trophyGetTimeCredits = {
        text: trophyGetTimeCreditsText.join(' '),
        href: undefined,
      const trophyGetTime = {
        chart: trophyGetTimeChart,
        tooltip: trophyGetTimeTooltip,
        xAxis: trophyGetTimeXaxis,
        yAxis: trophyGetTimeYAxis,
        title: trophyGetTimeTitle,
        subtitle: trophyGetTimeSubtitle,
        series: trophyGetTimeSeries,
        plotOptions: trophyGetTimePlotOptions,
        credits: trophyGetTimeCredits,
      // 插入页面
        '<div id="trophyGetTimeChart" align="left"></div>',
      Highcharts.chart('trophyGetTimeChart', trophyGetTime);

    const sortTrophiesByTimestamp = () => {
      const trophyTableEntries = $('table.list').eq(0).children().find('tr');
      const trophies = trophyTableEntries.filter((i, e) => !== '');
      if (trophies.eq(0).hasClass('t1')) { // Platinum
        trophyTableEntries.filter((i, e) => === '').eq(0).after(trophyGetTimeData.trophyElements);
      } else {

    const addTrophySortByTimestamp = () => {
      $('div.main ul.dropmenu > li.dropdown > ul').eq(0).append('<li id="sortTrophiesByTimestamp"><a>获得时间</a></li>');
      $('#sortTrophiesByTimestamp').click(() => {
        $('div.main ul.dropmenu > li.dropdown').removeClass('hover');

    * 功能:汇总以获得和未获得奖杯
    const addEarnedTrophiesSummary = () => {
      const trophyTitleStyle = `border-radius: 2px; padding:5px; background-color:${$('li.current').css('background-color')};`;
      // tippy弹出框的样式
      GM_addStyle(`.tippy-tooltip.psnine-theme {background-color: ${$('.box').css('background-color')};}`);
      // 奖杯tips颜色
      let tipColor = '';
      // 创建奖杯汇总框架函数
      const createTrophyContainer = (object, className, title) => {
        // 添加标题框在汇总图下
          `<div class='${className}'><p class='trophyCount' style='${trophyTitleStyle}'></p><div class='trophyContainer' style='padding:5px;'></div></div>`,
        object.each(function (i) {
          // 如果这个奖杯有Tips,就设置左边框为绿色,否则就为底色(边框颜色和底色一致)
          if (
              .length > 0
          ) {
            tipColor = '#8cc14c';
          } else {
            tipColor = $('.box').css('background-color');
          // 添加奖杯图标
          $(`.${className}> .trophyContainer`).append(
            `<span id='${className}Small${i}' style='padding:3px; border-left: 3px solid ${tipColor};'><a href='${$(this).parent().attr('href')}'><img src='${$(this).attr('src')}' width='30px'></img><a></span>`,
          // 添加鼠标悬浮弹出消息
          tippy(`#${className}Small${i}`, {
            content: `<td>${$(this).parent().parent().html()}</td><p></p><td>${$(this).parent().parent().next()
            theme: 'psnine',
            animateFill: false,
        // 给奖杯汇总标题填充文字
        const summaryTrophyDict = {
          '.t1': ['text-platinum', '白'],
          '.t2': ['text-gold', '金'],
          '.t3': ['text-silver', '银'],
          '.t4': ['text-bronze', '铜'],
        let trophySubText = '';
        Object.keys(summaryTrophyDict).forEach((i) => {
          trophySubText += `<span class=${summaryTrophyDict[i][0]}> ${summaryTrophyDict[i][1]}${object.parent().parent(i).length}</span>`;
        $(`.${className}> .trophyCount`).append(
          `<span style='color:#808080;'>${title}:${trophySubText}<span class='text-strong'> 总${object.length}</span></span>`,
      // 创建已获得奖杯汇总框
      createTrophyContainer($('.imgbg.earned'), 'earnedTrophy', '已获得奖杯');
      // 创建未获得奖杯汇总框
      createTrophyContainer($("img[class$='imgbg']"), 'notEarnedTrophy', '未获得奖杯');
      // 未获得奖杯变黑白
      $('span[id^="notEarnedTrophySmall"] > a > img').css({ filter: 'grayscale(100%)' });
      // 折叠奖杯汇总
      // 奖杯图标设置为不可见
      if (settings.foldTrophySummary) {
        $('.trophyContainer').css('display', 'none');
      // 单击奖杯汇总标题后展开奖杯图标
      $('.trophyCount').click(function () {

    // 奖杯系统优化
    // 功能3-1:游戏奖杯界面可视化
    if (
            && /^(?!.*comment|.*rank|.*battle|.*gamelist|.*topic|.*qa)/.test(
    ) {
      $('.box.pd10').append('<div id="trophyChartContainer" style="float: left"></div>');
      repeatUntilSuccessful(() => {
        if (httpCSSFixed()) {
          // 追加奖杯统计扇形图
          // 追加奖杯获得时间线形图
          // 追加奖杯获得时间排序
          // 汇总以获得和未获得奖杯
          return true;
        } return false;
      }, 100);

    * 功能:降低没有白金的游戏的图标亮度
    * @param  alpha  无白金游戏图标透明度
    const filterNonePlatinum = (alpha) => {
      if (alpha < 1) {
        $('tr').each((i, el) => {
          // 读取白金数量
          const platinumNum = $(el)
            .find('.pd1015.title.lh180 > em > .text-platinum').eq(0)
            .replace('白', '');
          if (platinumNum === '0') {
            $(el).find('.pdd15 > a > img').eq(0)
              .css({ opacity: alpha });

    * 功能:悬浮图标显示自己的游戏的完成度
    const getMyCompletion = () => {
      $('.imgbgnb').each((i, el) => {
        $(el).attr('id', `game${i}`);
        if (psnidCookie) {
          const psnid = psnidCookie[1];
          let myGameUrl = $(el).parent().attr('href');
          if (myGameUrl !== undefined) {
            myGameUrl += `?psnid=${psnid}`;
            tippy(`#game${i}`, {
              content: '加载中...',
              animateFill: false,
              placement: 'left',
              delay: 500,
              async onShow(tip) {
                tippyOnShow(myGameUrl, tip, getTrophyContentByAjax);
              onHidden(tip) {
                tip.state.ajax.canFetch = true;

    // 游戏页面优化
    if (
      /psngame/.test(window.location.href) && !/psnid/.test(window.location.href)
    ) {
      // 降低没有白金的游戏的图标亮度
      // 悬浮图标显示自己的游戏的完成度

    // 约战页面可以选择去掉发起人头像
    if (settings.removeHeaderInBattle) {
      if (/battle$/.test(window.location.href)) {

    // 机因、问答页面按最新排序
    if (settings.listPostsByNew) {
      $('#pcmenu a').each((i, obj) => {
        if (/\/((gene)|(qa))($|(\/$))/.test(obj.href)) obj.href += '?ob=date';

    // 进入游戏页默认查看我自己的奖杯
    if (
            && !/psnid/.test(window.location.href)
    ) {
      // 检查游戏页
      window.onpageshow = (e) => {
        const backTrigger = e || window.event;
        if (!backTrigger.persisted && psnidCookie) {
          if (window.location.href.match(/psngame\/\d+#\d+/)) window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/#(\d+)($|\/$)/, `?psnid=${psnidCookie[1]}#$1`);
          else window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/($|\/$)/, `?psnid=${psnidCookie[1]}`);

    // 匹配游戏的不同版本
    const referGameVariants = (on, searchFirst) => {
      if (!on) return;
      const fetchPageAndProcess = (url, func) => {
          method: 'GET',
          dataType: 'html',
          async: true,
        }).then((data) => {
          const page = document.createElement('html');
          page.innerHTML = data;
      const gameIdFromPsngameUrl = (url) => {
        const idMatch = url.match(/\/psngame\/\d+/);
        if (idMatch.length > 0) return Number.parseInt(idMatch[0].replace('/psngame/', ''), 10);
        return -1;
      const gameIdFromTrophyUrl = (url) => {
        const idMatch = url.match(/\/trophy\/\d+\/?$/);
        // 奖杯ID除去后三位即为游戏ID
        if (idMatch.length > 0) return Number.parseInt(idMatch[0].replace(/\/trophy\/(\d+)\d{3}/, '$1'), 10);
        return -1;
      const psngameTrophyListUrlRegex = /\/psngame\/\d+\/?($|\?)/;
      // 创建包含多个游戏版本链接的板块
      const createReferenceDiv = (text, style = '') => {
        const referenceDiv = document.createElement('div');
        referenceDiv.className = 'box'; = style;
        const innerTextEm = document.createElement('em');
        innerTextEm.innerText = text;
        return referenceDiv;
      const createReferenceA = (referenceDiv, url, text) => {
        const referenceA = document.createElement('a');
        referenceA.href = url;
        referenceA.innerText = text; = '_blank';
      // 适用于奖杯列表页面
      const referVariantsOnTrophyList = (gameId, gameIds) => {
        const psngameNavBar = $('div.main > ul.inav');
        const referenceDiv = createReferenceDiv('查看该游戏的其他版本:', 'margin-bottom: 20px; padding:12px 10px;');
        gameIds.forEach((otherGameId) => {
          if (gameId === otherGameId) return;
          createReferenceA(referenceDiv, `${otherGameId}`, ` #${otherGameId}`);
      // 适用于奖杯TIPS页面
      const referVariantsOnTrophyTips = (gameId, gameIds) => {
        const trophy = $('body > div.min-inner.mt40 >');
        const trophyIdStr = window.location.href.match(/\/trophy\/\d+/)[0].replace(`/trophy/${gameId}`, '');
        const referenceDiv = createReferenceDiv('查看该游戏其他版本的奖杯Tips:', 'margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 20px; padding:12px 10px;');
        gameIds.forEach((otherGameId) => {
          if (gameId === otherGameId) return;
          createReferenceA(referenceDiv, `${otherGameId}${trophyIdStr}`, ` #${otherGameId}${trophyIdStr}`);
      // 适用于其他游戏子页面
      const referVariantsOnRankThroughGamelist = (gameId, gameIds) => {
        const psngameNavBar = $('body > div.min-inner.mt40 > ul.inav');
        const referenceDiv = createReferenceDiv('查看该游戏的其他版本:', 'margin-bottom: 20px; margin-top: 20px; padding:12px 10px;');
        gameIds.forEach((otherGameId) => {
          if (gameId === otherGameId) return;
          createReferenceA(referenceDiv, window.location.href.replace(`/psngame/${gameId}/`, `/psngame/${otherGameId}/`), ` #${otherGameId}`);
      const referVariantsDelegate = (gameId, gameIds) => {
        if (gameIds.length === 1) return;
        if (psngameTrophyListUrlRegex.test(window.location.href)) {
          referVariantsOnTrophyList(gameId, gameIds);
        } else if (/\/trophy\/\d+\/?$/.test(window.location.href)) {
          referVariantsOnTrophyTips(gameId, gameIds);
        } else if (/\/(rank|comment|qa|topic|battle|gamelist)\/?$/.test(window.location.href)) {
          referVariantsOnRankThroughGamelist(gameId, gameIds);
      // 缓存游戏的多版本信息
      const gameVariantCacheID = (gameId) => `psngame-variants-${gameId}`;
      const gameVariantCacheEncode = (gameId, gameIds) => {
        const cache = { timestamp:, variants: gameIds };
        return JSON.stringify(cache);
      const gameVariantCacheDecode = (cacheText) => {
        if (!cacheText) return null;
        const cache = JSON.parse(cacheText);
        // 缓存有效时间24小时
        if ( - cache.timestamp > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) return null;
        return cache.variants;
      const gameVariantCacheStore = (gameIds) => {
        gameIds.forEach((gameId) => {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
            gameVariantCacheEncode(gameId, gameIds));
      // 查询尚未由管理员关联的游戏是否存在多版本
      function findGameVariantsBySearch(gameId, gameTitle, tryGameMeta = false) {
        const searchUrl = `${encodeURIComponent(gameTitle).replaceAll('%20', '+')}`;
        fetchPageAndProcess(searchUrl, (page) => {
          const psngameMatches = $(page).find('div.min-inner.mt40 > > table > tbody > tr > td.pd1015.title.lh180 > a');
          if (psngameMatches.length <= 0) return;
          let gameIds = [gameId];
          psngameMatches.each((i, a) => {
            if (a.innerText.trim().replace(/(^《)|(》$)/g, '') !== gameTitle) return;
          gameIds = gameIds.filter((value, index, array) => array.indexOf(value) === index);
          gameIds.sort((a, b) => a - b);
          referVariantsDelegate(gameId, gameIds);
          if (gameIds.length === 1 && tryGameMeta) {
            if (psngameTrophyListUrlRegex.test(window.location.href)) {
              // 无缓存、当前页面为奖杯列表,直接查询
              // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
              findGameVariantsByMeta(gameId, document.body);
            } else {
              // 无缓存、当前页面并非奖杯列表,抓取奖杯列表页面再查询
              // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
              fetchPageAndProcess(`${gameId}`, (_page) => { findGameVariantsByMeta(gameId, _page); });
      // 在不同页面查找游戏标题
      const findGameTitle = () => {
        if (psngameTrophyListUrlRegex.test(window.location.href)) {
          return $('div.inner.mt40 > div.main > > h1')[0].innerText.replace(/[^《]*《(.+)》[^》]*/, '$1').trim().replace(/(^《)|(》$)/g, '');
        if (/\/trophy\/\d+\/?$/.test(window.location.href)) {
          return $('div.min-inner.mt40 > ul > li > div.ml100 > p > a')[0].innerText.trim();
        if (/\/(rank|comment|qa|topic|battle|gamelist)\/?$/.test(window.location.href)) {
          return $('div.min-inner.mt40 > > h1')[0].innerText.replace(/[^《]*《(.+)》[^》]*/, '$1').trim().replace(/(^《)|(》$)/g, '');
        return null;
      // 查询游戏多版本
      function findGameVariantsByMeta(gameId, page, trySearch = false) {
        // 查询已由管理员关联的游戏的多版本
        const fetchGameMetaPage = (url, _gameId) => {
          fetchPageAndProcess(url, (_page) => {
            const psngameMatches = $(_page).find('div.min-inner.mt20 > ul > li > a[href*=""]').slice(1);
            const gameIds = [];
            psngameMatches.each((i, a) => { gameIds.push(gameIdFromPsngameUrl(a.href)); });
            referVariantsDelegate(_gameId, gameIds);
            if (gameIds.length === 1 && trySearch) {
              findGameVariantsBySearch(_gameId, findGameTitle());
        // 在参数的奖杯列表页面查找游戏是否已经被关联
        const gameMetaUrl = $(page).find('div.side > div.hd3:contains("关联游戏")').length > 0 ? $(page).find('div.side > ul > center > a')[0].href : null;
        if (gameMetaUrl) {
          fetchGameMetaPage(gameMetaUrl, gameId);
        } else if (trySearch) {
          findGameVariantsBySearch(gameId, findGameTitle());
      const referVariants = (gameId) => {
        // 查找缓存
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
        const gameIds = gameVariantCacheDecode(GM_getValue(gameVariantCacheID(gameId), null));
        if (gameIds) {
          // 有缓存时直接链接
          referVariantsDelegate(gameId, gameIds);
        } else if (psngameTrophyListUrlRegex.test(window.location.href) && !searchFirst) {
          // 无缓存、当前页面为奖杯列表、非搜索优先
          findGameVariantsByMeta(gameId, document.body, true);
        } else if (searchFirst) {
          // 无缓存、搜索优先
          findGameVariantsBySearch(gameId, findGameTitle(), true);
        } else {
          // 无缓存、当前页面并非奖杯列表、非搜索优先,抓取奖杯列表页面再查询
          fetchPageAndProcess(`${gameId}`, (page) => { findGameVariantsByMeta(gameId, page, true); });
      if (/\/psngame\//g.test(window.location.href)) {
      } else if (/\/trophy\//g.test(window.location.href)) {
    referGameVariants(settings.referGameVariants, settings.preferSearchForFindingVariants);

    // 奖杯心得页面加入Tips排序选项、输入框加入可缩放大小
    const trophyTipsEnhancement = () => {
      const content = $('div.min-inner.mt40 >');
      const oldTips = content.children('');
      const newTipsContainer = content.children('ul.list');
      const newTips = newTipsContainer.children('li');
      if (window.location.href.match(/trophy\/\d+($|\/$)/) && (newTips.length || oldTips.length)) {
        // 加入Tips排序选项
        let isSorted = false;
        const sortButtonHTML = '<div id="sortTipsByLikes">将Tips按热门排序</div>';
        const tipsContainerStyle = {
          position: 'relative',
          display: 'flex',
          flexDirection: 'column',
        let tips;
        if (newTips.length) {
          tips = newTips;
        } else {
          // 将旧版Tips收入单独的容器以在不影响其他元素的情况下排序
          $(oldTips[0]).before('<div id="tipsContainer" />');
          const oldTipsContainer = content.children('#tipsContainer').css(tipsContainerStyle);
          oldTips.each((i, e) => {
          tips = oldTips;
        const sortTipsByLikes = () => {
          tips.each((index, tip) => {
            if (!isSorted) {
              // 获取顶元素
              const likesText = $(tip).find('.text-success')[0].innerHTML.replace(/[^\d]/g, '');
              $(tip).css({ order: likesText ? 9999 - likesText : 9999 });
            } else {
              $(tip).css({ order: 0 });
          padding: '8px 6px',
          'font-size': '12px',
          'text-align': 'center',
          'background-color': '#3890ff',
          color: '#FFFFFF',
          cursor: 'pointer',
          margin: '10px',
        }).click((event) => {
          if (isSorted) {
              'background-color': '#3890ff',
              color: '#FFFFFF',
          } else {
              'background-color': '#E7EBEE',
              color: '#99A1A7',
          isSorted = !isSorted;
        // 输入框允许大小缩放
          resize: 'vertical',
          minHeight: 200,

    // P9时间格式转换函数
    function p9TimeTextParser(timestampText) { // returns UTC time
      let array = null;
      // 1小时
      const unitTimeHour = 60 * 60 * 1000;
      const relativeDescriptionToOffset = (prunePattern, unitTime) => -parseInt(timestampText.replace(prunePattern, ''), 10) * unitTime;
      const relativeTimestamp = (offset, replacePattern) => {
        if (replacePattern) {
          return (
            (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 8 * unitTimeHour + offset))
              .toLocaleDateString('en-CA', { timeZone: 'Asia/Shanghai' })
              .concat(timestampText.replace(replacePattern, '').split(/:/))
        const timeArrayConverted = (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + offset))
          .toLocaleString('en-CA', { timeZone: 'Asia/Shanghai', hour12: false })
          .split(/-|, |:/);
        return timeArrayConverted;
      const dateStringToArray = (dateString) => dateString.split(/-|\s|:/);
      if (timestampText.match(/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/)) {
        array = dateStringToArray(timestampText);
      } else if (timestampText.match(/[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/)) {
        array = dateStringToArray(timestampText);
        array.unshift((new Date()).getFullYear());
      } else {
        // if time were not offset by 8 hours,
        // date calculation would be incorrect when description involves '[0-9]+天前'
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if
        if (timestampText.match(/[0-9]+天前\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/)) {
          array = relativeTimestamp(relativeDescriptionToOffset(/天前.+$/g, unitTimeHour * 24), /[0-9]+天前\s/g);
        } else if (timestampText.match(/前天\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/)) {
          array = relativeTimestamp(-2 * unitTimeHour * 24, /前天\s/g);
        } else if (timestampText.match(/昨天\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/)) {
          array = relativeTimestamp(-unitTimeHour * 24, /昨天\s/g);
        } else if (timestampText.match(/今天\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}/)) {
          array = relativeTimestamp(0, /今天\s/g);
        } else if (timestampText.match(/[0-9]+小时前/)) {
          array = relativeTimestamp(relativeDescriptionToOffset(/小时.+$/g, unitTimeHour));
        } else if (timestampText.match(/[0-9]+分钟前/)) {
          array = relativeTimestamp(relativeDescriptionToOffset(/分钟.+$/g, 60 * 1000));
        } else if (timestampText.match(/刚刚/)) {
          array = relativeTimestamp(0);
      if (array) {
        for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
          if (array[i] !== '') {
            array[i] = parseInt(array[i], 10);
            if (i === 1) { // Everything else is normal except month starts from 0
              array[i] -= 1;
          } else {
            array.splice(i, 1);
        return Date.UTC(...array) - 8 * unitTimeHour;
      console.log(`not parsed: ${timestampText}`);
      return null;
    // 游戏评论页面计算平均分
    function showCriticAverage() {
      if (window.location.href.match(/psngame\/[1-9][0-9]+\/comment/)) {
        let scoreParser; let scoreElements; let
        const selectScoreElements = () => {
          scoreElements = $('div.min-inner.mt40 ul.list li div.ml64 div.meta.pb10 span.alert-success.pd5:contains(评分 )');
          if (scoreElements.length > 0) {
            scoreParser = (element) => parseInt(element.text().replace('评分 ', ''), 10);
            scoreParentReview = 'li';
          } else {
            scoreElements = $('div.min-inner.mt40 div.ml64 p.text-success:contains(评分 ) b');
            if (scoreElements.length > 0) {
              scoreParser = (element) => parseInt(element.text(), 10);
              scoreParentReview = '';
            } else {
              return false;
          return true;
        if (!selectScoreElements()) return;
        let reviewsNoScore = null; let
          reviewsNoScoreHidden = false;
        const selectReviewsNoScore = () => {
          if (reviewsNoScore === null) reviewsNoScore = $('div.min-inner.mt40 ul.list li div.ml64 div.meta.pb10:not(:has(span.alert-success.pd5))').parents('li');
          if (reviewsNoScore.length === 0) reviewsNoScore = $('div.min-inner.mt40 div.ml64:not(:has(p.text-success))').parents('');
        const hideReviewsNoScore = () => {
          if (reviewsNoScoreHidden) return;
          reviewsNoScoreHidden = true;
        const showReviewsNoScore = () => {
          if (!reviewsNoScoreHidden) return;
          reviewsNoScoreHidden = false;
        const hiddenScores = [];
        const hideSpecificScore = (score) => {
          if (hiddenScores.indexOf(score) > -1) return;
          let hidden = 0;
          scoreElements.each(function () {
            if (scoreParser($(this)) === score) {
              hidden += 1;
          if (hidden > 0) {
        const showSpecificScore = (score) => {
          const hiddenScoreIndex = hiddenScores.indexOf(score);
          if (hiddenScoreIndex >= 0) {
            scoreElements.each(function () {
              if (scoreParser($(this)) === score) $(this).parents(scoreParentReview).show();
            hiddenScores.splice(hiddenScoreIndex, 1);
            if (hiddenScores.length === 0) showReviewsNoScore();
        const scoreOnclick = (chart, seriesEntry, score) => {
          if (filteredCriticPost) {
            filteredCriticPost = false;
          switch (seriesEntry.color.length) {
            case 7:// no alpha, score is being shown
              seriesEntry.color += '1f';
            case 9:// has alpha, score is being hidden
              seriesEntry.color = seriesEntry.color.substring(0, 7);
        let gaussianOn = true;
        let scoreDataBarchart; let scoreDataBarchartNoGaussian; let
        let scoreAxis; let
        const scoreBarChartAddLabelOnclick = (chart) => {
          chart.xAxis[0].labelGroup.element.childNodes.forEach((label) => {
            label.onclick = function () {
              const value = parseInt(this.innerHTML, 10);
              const pos = chart.series[0].data.find((e) => e.category === value).index;
              scoreOnclick(chart, chart.series[0].data[pos], value);
        const createScoreBarChart = (criticsCount, scoreCountMin, scoreCountMax) => {
          const scoreChart = {
            type: 'column',
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            events: {
              click() {
                gaussianOn = !gaussianOn;
                const chart = Highcharts.chart('scoreBarChart', createScoreBarChart(criticsCount, scoreCountMin, scoreCountMax));
                hiddenScores.forEach((s) => {
          const scoreTitle = {
            text: '评论分数分布',
            style: { color: '#808080' },
          const scoreSubtitle = {
            text: '点击分数柱或横坐标数字隐藏相应评论',
            style: { fontSize: '9px', color: '#808080' },
          const scoreXaxis = [{
            categories: gaussianOn ? scoreAxis : scoreAxisNoGaussian,
            crosshair: true,
          const scoreYaxis = [{
            min: 0,
            max: 5 * Math.ceil(scoreCountMax / 5),
            tickInterval: Math.ceil(scoreCountMax / 5),
            title: { text: '点评人数' },
          const scoreTooltip = {
            formatter() {
              switch (this.series.index) {
                case 0:
                  return `<b>${this.y}人</b>`;
                case 1:
                  return `<b>${(this.y * 100).toFixed(2)}%</b>`;
                  return this.y;
            pointFormat: '{point.y}',
          const scorePlotOptions = {
            column: {
              pointPadding: 0,
              borderWidth: 0,
            bellcurve: {
              color: '#8080807f',
              fillColor: '#00000000',
            series: { point: { events: { click() { if ( === '评分计数') scoreOnclick(this.series.chart, this, this.category); } } } },
          const scoreSeries = [{
            name: '评分计数',
            xAxis: 0,
            yAxis: 0,
            zIndex: 1,
            baseSeries: 0,
            data: gaussianOn ? scoreDataBarchart : scoreDataBarchartNoGaussian,
          const scoreCredits = {
            text: `点评总人数:${criticsCount}`,
          if (gaussianOn) {
              min: 0.5,
              max: 10.5,
              alignTicks: true,
              opposite: true,
              visible: false,
              min: 0,
              title: { text: '正态分布' },
              opposite: true,
              labels: {
                formatter() {
                  return `${this.value * 100}%`;
              type: 'bellcurve',
              xAxis: 1,
              yAxis: 1,
              zIndex: 0,
              baseSeries: 1,
              data: scoreDataGaussian,
              enableMouseTracking: false,
          const scoreBarChart = {
            chart: scoreChart,
            title: scoreTitle,
            subtitle: scoreSubtitle,
            xAxis: scoreXaxis,
            yAxis: scoreYaxis,
            tooltip: scoreTooltip,
            plotOptions: scorePlotOptions,
            series: scoreSeries,
            legend: { enabled: false },
            credits: scoreCredits,
          return scoreBarChart;
        const weekOfYear = (date) => { //
          const startOfDay = new Date(
            Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()),
          const dayOfWeek = startOfDay.getUTCDay() || 7;
          startOfDay.setUTCDate(startOfDay.getUTCDate() + 4 - dayOfWeek);
          const startOfYear = new Date(Date.UTC(startOfDay.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1));
          return Math.ceil(
            (((startOfDay - startOfYear) / 86400000/* milliseconds of a day */) + 1) / 7,
        const weeksOfYearCache = {};
        const weeksOfYear = (year) => {
          let weeks = weeksOfYearCache[year];
          if (weeks === undefined) {
            const lastWeek = weekOfYear(new Date(year, 11, 31));
            if (lastWeek === 1) weeks = weekOfYear(new Date(year, 11, 24));
            else weeks = lastWeek;
            weeksOfYearCache[year] = weeks;
          return weeks;
        const yearOfWeek = (date, week = null) => {
          const realYear = date.getUTCFullYear();
          let newWeek = week;
          if (week === null) {
            newWeek = weekOfYear(date);
          if (date.getUTCMonth() === 0) {
            if (newWeek > 5) {
              return realYear - 1;
          } else if (newWeek === 1) {
            return realYear + 1;
          return realYear;
        const weekToTimestamp = (year, week, day = 4) => {
          let startOfYear = new Date(Date.UTC(year, 0, 1));
          if (weekOfYear(startOfYear) > 1) startOfYear = new Date(Date.UTC(year, 0, 8));
          return (
            + (-((startOfYear.getUTCDay() || 7) - 1)
            + (7 * (week - 1) + (day - 1))) * 86400000/* milliseconds of a day */
        const weekDifference = (date1, date2) => {
          const weekOfYear1 = weekOfYear(date1);
          const yearOfWeek1 = yearOfWeek(date1, weekOfYear1);
          const weekStart1 = weekToTimestamp(yearOfWeek1, weekOfYear1, 1);
          const weekOfYear2 = weekOfYear(date2);
          const yearOfWeek2 = yearOfWeek(date2, weekOfYear2);
          const weekStart2 = weekToTimestamp(yearOfWeek2, weekOfYear2, 1);
          return (weekStart1 - weekStart2) / 604800000/* milliseconds of a week */;
        const createScoreTrendChart = () => {
          const scoreTrend = [];
          const commentTrend = [];
          let minScore = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
          let maxScore = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
          let firstWeek;
          let lastWeek;
          const createScoreTrendChartData = () => {
            const scoreElementTime = (scoreElement) => { // must be single element
              let timestampElement = $(scoreElement).parents('div.ml64').find('div.meta:not(.pb10) > span:nth-child(2)');
              if (timestampElement.length > 0) {
                return p9TimeTextParser(timestampElement.text().replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)|(修改)/g, ''));
              timestampElement = $(scoreElement).parents('div.ml64').find('div.meta');
              if (timestampElement.length > 0) {
                const textArray = timestampElement.text().split(/\r?\n/);
                let index = -1;
                let text;
                do {
                  text = textArray[textArray.length + index].replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)|(修改)/g, '');
                  index -= 1;
                } while (text === '');
                return p9TimeTextParser(text);
              return null;
            scoreElements.each(function () {
              const timestamp = scoreElementTime($(this));
              if (timestamp !== null) {
                const scoreDate = new Date(timestamp);
                const weekOfYearValue = weekOfYear(scoreDate);
                const yearOfWeekValue = yearOfWeek(scoreDate, weekOfYearValue);
                  timestamp, scoreParser($(this)), yearOfWeekValue, weekOfYearValue,
            scoreTrend.sort((e1, e2) => (e1[0] - e2[0]));
            let accumulatedScore = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < scoreTrend.length; i += 1) {
              accumulatedScore += scoreTrend[i][1];
              const updatedAverageScore = accumulatedScore / (i + 1);
              scoreTrend[i][1] = updatedAverageScore;
              if (updatedAverageScore < minScore) minScore = updatedAverageScore;
              if (updatedAverageScore > maxScore) maxScore = updatedAverageScore;
            const commentCountByWeek = {};
            const firstScore = scoreTrend[0];
            const lastScore = scoreTrend[scoreTrend.length - 1];
            firstWeek = [firstScore[2], firstScore[3]];
            lastWeek = [lastScore[2], lastScore[3]];
            scoreTrend.forEach((score) => {
              const week = `${score[2]}/${score[3]}`;
              if (commentCountByWeek[week] === undefined) commentCountByWeek[week] = 1;
              else commentCountByWeek[week] += 1;
              score.splice(2, 2);
            for (let year = firstWeek[0]; year <= lastWeek[0]; year += 1) {
              const first = year === firstWeek[0] ? firstWeek[1] : 1;
              const last = year === lastWeek[0] ? lastWeek[1] : weeksOfYear(year);
              for (let week = first; week <= last; week += 1) {
                const count = commentCountByWeek[`${year}/${week}`];
                  weekToTimestamp(year, week, 7.5), count === undefined ? 0 : count,
          // 悬浮内容设置
          const scoreTrendTooltip = {
            split: false,
          // 日期格式设置
          const scoreTrendXaxis = {
            type: 'datetime',
            dateTimeLabelFormats: {
              second: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M:%S',
              minute: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
              hour: '%Y-%m-%d<br/>%H:%M',
              day: '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
              week: '%Y<br/>%m-%d',
              month: '%Y-%m',
              year: '%Y',
            title: {
              display: false,
          // 绘图数据
          const firstWeekDate = new Date(weekToTimestamp(firstWeek[0], firstWeek[1]));
          const lastWeekDate = new Date(weekToTimestamp(lastWeek[0], lastWeek[1]));
          const totalWeeksPassed = weekDifference(lastWeekDate, firstWeekDate) + 1;
          const scoreTrendSeries = [
              name: '平均分',
              yAxis: 0,
              data: scoreTrend,
              showInLegend: false,
              color: '#7CB5EC',
              opacity: 1,
              tooltip: {
                pointFormatter() {
                  return `<b>${this.y.toFixed(2)}</b>`;
            }, {
              name: '周增评分次数',
              yAxis: 1,
              data: commentTrend,
              showInLegend: false,
              color: '#E41A1C',
              opacity: 0.5,
              tooltip: {
                headerFormat: '', // tooltip.formatter doesn't work, using this hack to suppress default xAxis label
                pointFormatter() {
                  let weekStr;
                  if (totalWeeksPassed > 26) {
                    const weekDate = new Date(this.x);
                    const weekOfYearNewValue = weekOfYear(weekDate);
                    const yearOfWeekNewValue = yearOfWeek(weekDate, weekOfYearNewValue);
                    weekStr = `<span>${yearOfWeekNewValue}年 第${weekOfYearNewValue}周</span><br/>`;
                  } else {
                    weekStr = `<span>第${weekDifference(new Date(this.x), firstWeekDate) + 1}周</span><br/>`;
                  return weekStr + (this.y > 0 ? `<b>${this.y}</b>` : '<b>无评论</b>');
          // 标题设置
          const scoreTrendTitle = [
              text: '均分走势',
              style: {
                color: '#808080',
            }, {
              text: '热度走势',
              style: {
                color: '#808080',
          // Y轴设置
          // ratings: min, max and range
          let scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin = Math.floor(minScore);
          let scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax = Math.ceil(maxScore);
          let scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange = scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax - scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin;
          if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange === 0) {
            // when the data range is 0, the minimum tick range seems to be 4
            if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin - 2 < 1) {
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin = 1;
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax = 5;
            } else if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax + 2 > 10) {
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin = 6;
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax = 10;
            } else {
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin -= 2;
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax += 2;
            scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange = 4;
          } else if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange < 2) {
            // when the data range is not 0, the minimum tick range seems to be 2
            if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin + 2 > 10) {
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin = scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax - 2;
            } else {
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax = scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin + 2;
            scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange = 2;
          // rating counts: min, max and range
          let scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMin = Math.min( => i[1]));
          let scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMax = Math.max( => i[1]));
          let scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange = scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMax
            - scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMin;
          if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange === 0) {
            // when the data range is 0, the minimum tick range seems to be 4
            if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMin - 2 < 0) {
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMin = 0;
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMax = 4;
            } else {
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMin -= 2;
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMax += 2;
            scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange = 4;
          } else if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange < 2) {
            // when the data range is not 0, the minimum tick range seems to be 2
            scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMax = scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMin + 2;
            scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange = 2;
          let scoreTrendYAxisRatingTick;
          let scoreTrendYAxisRatingCountTick;
          // adjust min, max, range to ensure that:
          // 1. both Y axes have the same number of ticks
          // 2. all ticks are integers
          if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange < scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange) {
            scoreTrendYAxisRatingTick = 1;
            if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange % scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange > 0) {
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange = scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange
                * Math.ceil(scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange / scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange);
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMax = scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMin
                + scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange;
            scoreTrendYAxisRatingCountTick = scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange
              / scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange;
          } else if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange > scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange) {
            scoreTrendYAxisRatingCountTick = 1;
            if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange % scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange > 0) {
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange = scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange
                * Math.ceil(scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange / scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange);
              scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax = scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin + scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange;
              if (scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax > 10) {
                scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax = 10;
                scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin = 10 - scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange;
            scoreTrendYAxisRatingTick = scoreTrendYAxisScoreRange / scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountRange;
          } else {
            scoreTrendYAxisRatingTick = 1;
            scoreTrendYAxisRatingCountTick = 1;
          const scoreTrendYAxis = [
              title: {
                text: '平均分',
                style: {
                  color: '#7CB5EC',
              min: scoreTrendYAxisScoreMin,
              max: scoreTrendYAxisScoreMax,
              endOnTick: true,
              tickInterval: scoreTrendYAxisRatingTick,
              opposite: false,
            }, {
              title: {
                text: '周增评分次数',
                style: {
                  color: '#F28D8F',
              min: scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMin,
              max: scoreTrendYAxisScoreCountMax,
              endOnTick: true,
              tickInterval: scoreTrendYAxisRatingCountTick,
              opposite: true,
          // 绘图设置
          const scoreTrendChart = {
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            type: 'line',
          // 图形设置
          const scoreTrendPlotOptions = {
            line: {
              opacity: 1,
          // Credits设置
          const scoreTrendChartData = {
            chart: scoreTrendChart,
            tooltip: scoreTrendTooltip,
            xAxis: scoreTrendXaxis,
            yAxis: scoreTrendYAxis,
            title: scoreTrendTitle,
            series: scoreTrendSeries,
            plotOptions: scoreTrendPlotOptions,
            legend: { enabled: false },
            credits: { enabled: false },
          return scoreTrendChartData;
        let scoreTotal = 0;
        scoreDataBarchart = new Array(10).fill(0);
        scoreDataGaussian = [];
        scoreElements.each(function () {
          const score = scoreParser($(this));
          scoreTotal += score;
          scoreDataBarchart[score - 1] += 1;
        const scoreAverage = (scoreTotal / scoreElements.length).toFixed(2);
        // adding score average to stats
        $('div.min-inner.mt40').append(`<em>&nbsp<span class="alert-success pd5" align="right">均分 ${scoreAverage}</span></em><p/>`);
        $('div.min-inner.mt40').append('<div id="scoreChartContainer" style="float: left; width: 100%;"></div>');
        const psnineStats = $('#scoreChartContainer');
        scoreAxis = [];
        scoreAxisNoGaussian = [];
        let scoreCountMin = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let
          scoreCountMax = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
        scoreDataBarchartNoGaussian = scoreDataBarchart.slice(0);
        // 评分人数最高区间(分数)
        const maxScoreCountIndex = scoreDataBarchart.indexOf(Math.max(...scoreDataBarchart));
        // 柱状图颜色
        const scoreColors = new Array(10).fill('#3890ff'); // do not assign transparency! otherwise scoreOnclick() will break
        scoreColors[maxScoreCountIndex] = '#da314b';
        for (let score = 10; score >= 1; score -= 1) {
          const index = score - 1;
          const scoreCount = scoreDataBarchart[index];
          if (scoreCount === 0) {
            scoreDataBarchartNoGaussian.splice(index, 1);
          } else {
            if (scoreCount < scoreCountMin) {
              scoreCountMin = scoreCount;
            if (scoreCount > scoreCountMax) {
              scoreCountMax = scoreCount;
            scoreDataBarchartNoGaussian[index] = { y: scoreCount, color: scoreColors[index] };
          scoreDataBarchart[index] = { y: scoreCount, color: scoreColors[index] };
        psnineStats.append('<div id="scoreBarChart" align="left" style="height: 200px;width: 50%;display: inline-block"/>');
        psnineStats.append('<div id="scoreTrendChart" align="right" style="height: 200px;width: 50%;display: inline-block"/>');
        const charts = Highcharts.chart('scoreBarChart', createScoreBarChart(scoreElements.length, scoreCountMin, scoreCountMax));
        Highcharts.chart('scoreTrendChart', createScoreTrendChart());
    repeatUntilSuccessful(() => {
      if (httpCSSFixed()) {
        return true;
      } return false;
    }, 100);

    // 右上角头像下拉框中增加插件设定按钮
    if (window.localStorage) {
      // 如果支持localstorage
      const newSettings = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(settings));
      const switchSettings = [
      ]; // 只有true/false或者enum的设置项
      $('.header .dropdown ul').append(`
                <li><a href="javascript:void(0);" id="psnine-enhanced-version-opensetting">插件设置</a></li>`);
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                <div class=setting-panel-box><h2>PSN中文网功能增强插件设置</h2><div class=row><a href=><img src=></img></a></div><div class=row><label>夜间模式</label><select id=nightMode><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>自动夜间模式</label><select id=autoNightMode><option value="&quot;SYSTEM&quot;">跟随系统<option value="&quot;TIME&quot;">跟据时间<option value="&quot;OFF&quot;">关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>高亮用户ID</label><textarea name="" id="highlightSpecificID" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea></div><div class=row><label>黑名单ID</label><textarea name="" id="blockList" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea></div><div class=row><label>关键词屏蔽</label><textarea name="" id="blockWordsList" cols="30" rows="2"></textarea></div><div class=row><label>机因中显示被@的内容</label><select id=replyTraceback><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>悬浮显示刮刮卡内容</label><select id=hoverUnmark><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>个人主页下显示所有游戏</label><select id=autoPagingInHomepage><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>自动签到</label><select id=autoCheckIn><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>自动向后翻页数</label><input type=number class=normal id=autoPaging></div><div class=row><label>问答区状态优化</label><select id=newQaStatus><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>悬浮头像显示个人信息</label><select id=hoverHomepage><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>奖杯默认折叠</label><select id=foldTrophySummary><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>约战页面去掉发起人头像</label><select id=removeHeaderInBattle><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>机因、问答页面按最新排序</label><select id=listPostsByNew><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>载入全部问答答案</label><select id=showAllQAAnswers><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>答案按最新排列</label><select id=listQAAnswersByNew><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>答案显示隐藏回复</label><select id=showHiddenQASubReply><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>检测纯文本中的链接</label><select id=fixTextLinks><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>修复D7VG链接</label><select id=fixD7VGLinks><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>站内使用HTTPS链接</label><select id=fixHTTPLinks><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>尝试关联不同版本的游戏</label><select id=referGameVariants><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>查询游戏版本优先使用搜索</label><select id=preferSearchForFindingVariants><option value=true>启用<option value=false>关闭</select></div><div class=row><label>无白金游戏图标透明度</label><input id=filterNonePlatinum class=slider type=range min=0 max=1 step=0.1><span id=filterNonePlatinumValue class=sliderValue></span></div><div class=row><label>热门标签回复数阈值</label><input id=hotTagThreshold class=slider type=range min=10 max=100 step=5><span id=hotTagThresholdValue class=sliderValue></span></div><div class=btnbox><button class=confirm>确定</button><button class=cancel>取消</button></div></div>`);
      // 点击打开设置面板
      $('#psnine-enhanced-version-opensetting').on('click', () => {
        ['#highlightSpecificID', '#blockList'].forEach((item) => {
          tippy(item, {
            content: 'ID以英文逗号隔开,不区分大小写',
            zIndex: 10000,
        tippy('#blockWordsList', {
          content: '屏蔽词以逗号隔开,支持正则表达式',
          zIndex: 10000,
        switchSettings.forEach((name) => {
          const newSetting = newSettings[name];
          const option = $(`#${name}`);
          const optionValue = () => JSON.parse(option.children('option:selected').val());
          if (typeof newSetting === 'object') {
            $(`#${name} option:nth-child(${newSetting.enum.findIndex((e) => e === newSetting.value) + 1})`)
              .attr('selected', 'true');
            option.change(() => { newSetting.value = optionValue(); });
          } else {
            $(`#${name} option:nth-child(${newSetting ? '1' : '2'})`)
              .attr('selected', 'true');
            option.change(() => { newSettings[name] = optionValue(); });
        // 降低无白金透明度设置
          `${newSettings.filterNonePlatinumAlpha * 100}%`,
        $('#filterNonePlatinum').on('input', () => {
          const value = $('#filterNonePlatinum').val();
          $('#filterNonePlatinumValue').html(`${value * 100}%`);
          newSettings.filterNonePlatinumAlpha = value;
        // 热门标签阈值 hotTagThreshold
        $('#hotTagThreshold').on('input', () => {
          const value = $('#hotTagThreshold').val();
          newSettings.hotTagThreshold = value;
        // 自动翻页的页数设定
        // 高亮用户
        const highlightSpecificIDText = newSettings.highlightSpecificID.length
          ? newSettings.highlightSpecificID.join(',')
          : '';
        // 黑名单
        const blockListText = newSettings.blockList.length
          ? newSettings.blockList.join(',')
          : '';
        // 关键词屏蔽
        const blockWordsList = newSettings.blockWordsList.length
          ? newSettings.blockWordsList.join(',')
          : '';
      // 点击取消
      $('.setting-panel-box .btnbox .cancel').on('click', () => {
      // 点击确定
      $('.setting-panel-box .btnbox .confirm').on('click', () => {
        const highlightSpecificIDText = $.trim(
          $('#highlightSpecificID').val().replace(',', ','),
        ).replace(/,$/, '').replace(/^,/, '');
        newSettings.highlightSpecificID = highlightSpecificIDText
          ? highlightSpecificIDText.split(',')
          : [];
        const blockListText = $.trim(
          $('#blockList').val().replace(',', ','),
        ).replace(/,$/, '').replace(/^,/, '');
        newSettings.blockList = blockListText
          ? blockListText.split(',')
          : [];
        const blockWordsList = $.trim(
          $('#blockWordsList').val().replace(',', ','),
        ).replace(/,$/, '').replace(/^,/, '');
        newSettings.blockWordsList = blockWordsList
          ? blockWordsList.split(',')
          : [];
        newSettings.filterNonePlatinumAlpha = Number($('#filterNonePlatinum').val());
        newSettings.hotTagThreshold = Number($('#hotTagThreshold').val());
        newSettings.autoPaging = Number($('#autoPaging').val());
        localStorage['psnine-night-mode-CSS-settings'] = JSON.stringify(

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