DH2 Fixed

Improve Diamond Hunt 2

< Feedback on DH2 Fixed


Posted: 09.03.2017

Bug - DH2 FIxed breaks DH2QoL's getBoundFurnace function

Bug: Your script causes things like window.boundStoneFurnace to change from 0 to "0", causing a negative interaction with DH2Qol, since DH@QoL uses !== comparisons instead of != comparisons. Trivial to fix by changing DH2Qol's getBoundFurnace functions from !== to !=, but technically I think it's DH2-Fixed which is causing incorrect behavior.

Posted: 09.03.2017

This behaviour occurred to me too, but I wasn't able to isolate the bug. Thanks for the important hint about identity comparison being used in DH2QoL.

I've fixed this and will publish it in the next version.

Posted: 10.03.2017
Edited: 10.03.2017

~~Small note: This shouldn't be an issue for anyone using fairly recent versions of DH2QoL since getBoundFurnace has been changed entirely as of 1 or 2 updates ago. A fix is obviously great regardless but if it causes any complications on your end (doubtful that it would) feel free to revert. ~~ Will be pushed out later

Posted: 10.03.2017

The change I made was a great improvement I should have done anyway.

Is there any version of the script which is not on Greasy Fork? Cause the version up here still has this issue.

Posted: 10.03.2017

Yeah I just realized i never pushed out that update, my bad. It'll be up tonight since I need to fix things up with the new tree timers anyway. Speaking of which, I know your script hide's QoL's tree timers, i'll be switching from using my own elements to just editing the ones smitty implemented today, so just a heads up for however you want to handle that.

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