musicbrainz.org: In some pages like edits, blog, forums, chatlogs, tickets, annotations, etc. it will prefix entity links with an icon, shorten and embelish all sorts of MB links (cdtoc, entities, tickets, bugs, edits, etc.).

Fra 16.06.2017. Se den seneste versjonen.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         mb. COOL ENTITY LINKS
// @version      2017.6.16
// @changelog    https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command/commits/master/mb_COOL-ENTITY-LINKS.user.js
// @description  musicbrainz.org: In some pages like edits, blog, forums, chatlogs, tickets, annotations, etc. it will prefix entity links with an icon, shorten and embelish all sorts of MB links (cdtoc, entities, tickets, bugs, edits, etc.).
// @homepage     http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/131731
// @supportURL   https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command/labels/mb_COOL-ENTITY-LINKS
// @compatible   opera(12.18.1872)+violentmonkey     my setup
// @compatible   firefox(39)+greasemonkey            tested sometimes
// @compatible   chromium(46)+tampermonkey           tested sometimes
// @compatible   chrome+tampermonkey                 should be same as chromium
// @namespace    https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command
// @author       PATATE12
// @licence      CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
// @since        2012-04-24
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/10888-super/code/SUPER.js?version=84017&v=2015.11.2
// @grant        none
// @match        *://*.mbsandbox.org/*
// @match        *://*.musicbrainz.org/*
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
"use strict";
/* -------- CONFIGURATION START (don't edit above) -------- */
var contractMBIDs = true; /* more compact MBIDs but brwoser can still inline search/find full MBID (this is magic from mb_INLINE-STUFF) */
var editLink = true;/*add direct link to edit page*/
var editsLink = true;/*add direct link to edit history and open edit pages*/
var confirmIfMoreThan = 2000;/*-1 to never confirm*/
/* -------- CONFIGURATION  END  (don't edit below) -------- */
var userjs = "jesus2099userjs131731";
var GUIDi = "[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}";
var entities = {
	acoustid: {fullpath: "//acoustid.org/track/"},
	artist: {path: "/artist/", icon: "artist.png"},
	bug: {fullpath: "//bugs.musicbrainz.org/ticket/", id: "[0-9]+", label: "#%id%", HTTPonly: true},
	cdtoc: {path: "/cdtoc/", icon: "release.png", id: "[A-Za-z0-9_\\.]+-"},
	"classic.edit": {path: "/show/edit/?editid=", id: "[0-9]+", label: "edit\u00a0#%id%"},
	"classic.user": {path: "/show/user/?username=", id: ".+"},
	edit: {path: "/edit/", id: "[0-9]+", label: "#%id%"},
	label: {path: "/label/", icon: "label.png"},
	place: {path: "/place/", icon: "place.svg"},
	recording: {path: "/recording/", icon: "recording.png"},
	release: {path: "/release/", icon: "release.png"},
	"release-group": {path: "/release-group/", icon: "release_group.svg"},
	ticket: {fullpath: "//tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/", id: "[A-Za-z]+-[0-9]+", HTTPonly: true},
	track: {path: "/track/", icon: "recording.png"},
	user: {path: "/user/", id: ".+", openEdits: "/edits/open", noEdit: true},
	work: {path: "/work/", icon: "work.svg"},
var j2css = document.createElement("style");
j2css.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
j2css = j2css.sheet;
j2css.insertRule("a." + userjs + " {text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px silver; white-space: nowrap;}", 0);
j2css.insertRule("a." + userjs + "tool {font-variant: small-caps; vertical-align: super; font-size: xx-small}", 0);
self.addEventListener("load", function(event){
	for (var ent in entities) if (entities.hasOwnProperty(ent)) {
		localStorage.removeItem("jesus2099skip_linksdeco_" + ent);
for (var ent in entities) if (entities.hasOwnProperty(ent)) {
	var u = (entities[ent].fullpath ? entities[ent].fullpath : "musicbrainz.org" + entities[ent].path.replace("?", "\\?"));
	var c = userjs + ent;
	if (entities[ent].icon) {
		j2css.insertRule("a." + c + " { background-image: url(//musicbrainz.org/static/images/entity/" + entities[ent].icon + "); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; padding-left: 16px; }", 0);
	if (contractMBIDs && ent != "user") {
		j2css.insertRule("a." + c + " > code { display: inline-block; overflow-x: hidden; vertical-align: bottom; }", 0);
		j2css.insertRule("a." + c + ":hover > code { display: inline; }", 0);
	var as, cssas;
	if (entities[ent].fullpath) {
		cssas = "a[href^='" + u + "'], a[href^='http:" + u + "'], a[href^='https:" + u + "']";
	} else if (self.location.href.match(/^https?:\/\/(test\.|beta\.|classic\.)?musicbrainz\.org/)) {
		cssas = "table.details a[href*='//" + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "table.details a[href*='//test." + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "table.details a[href*='//beta." + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "table.details a[href*='//classic." + u + "'][href$='.html'], ";
		cssas += "div.annotation a[href*='//" + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "div.annotation a[href*='//test." + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "div.annotation a[href*='//beta." + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "div.annotation a[href*='//classic." + u + "'][href$='.html'], ";
		cssas += "div[class^='edit-'] a[href*='//" + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "div[class^='edit-'] a[href*='//test." + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "div[class^='edit-'] a[href*='//beta." + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "div[class^='edit-'] a[href*='//classic." + u + "'][href$='.html']";
		if (self.location.pathname.match(new RegExp("/(artist|label)/" + GUIDi + "/relationships|/place/" + GUIDi + "/performances"), "i")) {
			cssas += ", table.tbl tr > td:first-child + td a[href*='//" + u + "'], ";
			cssas += "table.tbl tr > td:first-child + td a[href*='//test." + u + "'], ";
			cssas += "table.tbl tr > td:first-child + td a[href*='//beta." + u + "']";
	} else {
		cssas = "a[href*='//" + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "a[href*='//test." + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "a[href*='//beta." + u + "'], ";
		cssas += "a[href*='//classic." + u + "'][href$='.html']";
	as = document.querySelectorAll(cssas);
	var skip = localStorage.getItem("jesus2099skip_linksdeco_" + ent);/*skip deco shared with COLLECTION HIGHLIGHTER asks only once per page*/
	if (confirmIfMoreThan < 0 || (as.length <= confirmIfMoreThan || skip && skip == "0" || !(skip && skip == "1") && as.length > confirmIfMoreThan && confirm("jesus2099 links decorator (MB entities / collection)\n\nThere are "+as.length+" "+ent.toUpperCase()+"S to parse on this page.\nThis can take a great while to check/decorate all these links.\n\nPress OK if you still want to proceed anyway or\npress CANCEL if you want to skip it this time."))) {
		skip = "0";
		for (var a = 0; a < as.length; a++) {
			var href, id;
			if (
				(href = as[a].getAttribute("href"))
				&& (id = href.match(new RegExp(u + "(" + (entities[ent].id ? entities[ent].id : GUIDi) + ")(?:\\.html)?(/[a-z_-]+)?(.+)?$", "i")))
				&& !as[a].querySelector("img:not(.rendericon)")
			) {
				var newA = as[a].cloneNode(true);
				if (as[a].textContent == href || /*forums*/as[a].textContent == href.substr(0, 39) + " … " + href.substr(-10) || /*edit-notes*/as[a].textContent == href.substr(0, 48) + "…") {
					var text = unescape(id[1]);
					if (entities[ent].label) text = entities[ent].label.replace(/%id%/, text);
					if (text) {
						newA.replaceChild(entities[ent].id ? document.createTextNode(text) : createTag("code", {}, text), newA.firstChild);
					if (id[2] || id[3]) {
						newA.appendChild(document.createElement("small")).appendChild(document.createTextNode((id[2] ? id[2] : "") + (id[3] ? "…" : ""))).parentNode.style.setProperty("opacity", ".5");
					var altserv = href.match(/^[^/]*\/\/(?:(test|beta|classic)\.musicbrainz\.org)/);
					if (altserv) {
						newA.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" (" + altserv[1] + ")"));
					var code = newA.querySelector("code");
					if (contractMBIDs && code) {
						var width = parseInt(self.getComputedStyle(code).getPropertyValue("width").match(/^\d+/) + "", 10);
						code.style.setProperty("width", width / code.textContent.length * 8 + "px");
					newA.insertBefore(createTag("b", {}, ent + "\u00A0"), newA.firstChild);
					if (u.match(/musicbrainz\.org/) && (ent == "user" && href.match(/user\/[^/]+$/) || !entities[ent].id && href.match(new RegExp(GUIDi + "$"))) && (editsLink || editLink)) {
						var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
						addAfter(document.createTextNode(">"), newA);
						if (editLink && entities[ent].noEdit !== true) { addAfter(createTag("a", {a: {href: href + "/edit", title: "edit this entity"}}, "E"), newA); }
						if (editsLink) { addAfter(createTag("a", {a: {href: href + "/edits", title: "see entity edit history"}}, "H"), newA); }
						if (editsLink) { addAfter(createTag("a", {a: {href: href + (entities[ent].openEdits ? entities[ent].openEdits : "/open_edits"), title: "see entity open edits"}}, "O"), newA); }
						addAfter(document.createTextNode(" <"), newA);
						newA = fragment;
				as[a].parentNode.replaceChild(newA, as[a]);
	} else { skip = "1"; }
	localStorage.setItem("jesus2099skip_linksdeco_" + ent, skip);