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regex puzzle helper

Fra 22.08.2016. Se den seneste versjonen.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        RegexPuzli
// @namespace
// @include
// @version     2.1
// @grant    GM_getValue
// @grant    GM_setValue
// @grant    GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant    GM_openInTab
// @description regex puzzle helper
// ==/UserScript==

var script_link = ""

var Solved = ["Code", "K4", "Fibonacci", "Morse", "From 2013 MIT Mystery Hunt, by Dan Gulotta, Palmer Mebane", "The Beast", "The Matrix", "Prized Norse Possession", "I dare you","Word Character Class","Full Recursion","Checkmate, Atheists","References","This one is trivial.","Julius Caesar","Morse 2016","Mayan Calendar","[Hexagonal] Regex Math","Inception","\"5\" in Latin is \"quinque\".","Some Assembly Required","Test your Meta","Pipe Mania","Letter","A Game of Cat and Mouse","Quantum Mechanics.","Simple Crossword","Hex Recursion","O'reilly? The book might be Han(j|d)ie!","Binary","Regex Picross","What are you?","Hexagonal Tests","An Irrational Number, Part 2","An Irrational Number","Shakespeare","Boat","You('ve)? got","Trap","The Great Escape","A Culture of Death","What the hell?","An Irregular Expression","British Rock","Do you see it?","Good ol' days...","Cryptosum","Before and After","Ships","An Irrational Number, The End","Prime puzzle","Regular Express+ion","punctuation","Minicross","Song Quote 1/3","Do you want a *slurp* picross?","Invade mecross","puzzle","An Irrational Number, The Final Chapter","Brain Fucking","confession","Now you see me....... not!","Sudoku","Daddy ?!?","Wisdom from a little green man.","Like a Record","Seek and You Shall Find","GiveUp Face","From Hoban","Louss-Yeah","Programmer's source of wisdom","American Standard Code for Information Interchange","King of pop","Song Quote 3/3","Hex-Tex","Testing Initiative","███████","Love", "Days are boring","The Ethic","Zen Quote I","The worst in the universe.","Random","Just Symbols","Thue–Morse","Shapes","Pan Galactic","A Beginning","Why would anyone even try?","Any Question?","Shirt concept","Star Wars","Shinny and Precious","Interesting","Single Celled Organism","They came from... outer space.","Can you pattern match?","Exterminate","Off with his head!","Things to Watch Out For (WIP)","I Wanted Orange","Ambiguity (almost) killed the cat","The King !","SQL","Hardly ambiguous","Turning About","Shall You Name Him?","Sultana","Wordsmith Math","151","Audrey!!","Small magic square","Unlucky","Django Con Budapest 2016","Assertion and back referencing","Baby sudoku","Mitnick","Linkage","Seasonal 2","Song Quote 2/3","lettres","SO 60's","Decent","Jabberwocky","Alan Perlis","Zen Quote II","X marks the spot.","Decipher This","Simple and Odd","RPN","Is it?","4x4 from","First line [RERATE plz]","Nothing like Jelly","Ctrl + ←","Just do it!","Over a barrel","Double Helix","Bawth","Beehive","Doggis Puzzle","Space","I Double Dare You","Hardware Hacking","(Hello){2}","URL kokota","ghus","This will literally kill you","The reason why we are here","Glider","Tic Tac Toe","Disposition","Music time","BT and GE","Lea la consigna","Concurrency","Sapphire Red","Puzzle Is a Six Letter Word","I Am Your Father!","Revolution","I tried !","Fear","Unsafe SQL","Bunny","50%","Retro","proverb","Zero Wing","Gotta try'em all!","Bruce Lee","Binario 2","Potus","It's...","Achievement Unlocked!","The Devil","Country","Occam's razor","Beruf","Spock","Merry Christmas!","These are their...","Danger","Current affairs","You Panicked",":)","Faithful Companion","Two blondes on way to ZOO saw a sign: \"ZOO left\". So....","Do you?","Peace","Hitchhiker","Evolution","Extra Shot","Simple pzl","OH-YA!","Two swords","Be a hero","HAL o","In the advent of patch","nsVicertPuzzle","Thinking is key","Circle","Binary Bee","Beginnings","Blind","Simple","In the advent of patch 2","DNA","Talupema","Tic-Tac-Toe","My Favorite Language","Want your girl to learn regex?","Fan Favorite","Seasonal!","OS Services","The best OS for a geek...","Ted","Gimli","Warhammer 40k","gvhygh","Dr Suess","Symphonic metal","SO","Parallel","A Sunny Disposition","Nice Network Providerv1","Saddle Club","Eat it!","How Long","BSD UNIX","State 1: Beyond the Blue Horizon","A Friend","State 4: Zimmerland","State 8: Old Man Fall Down","Free source","KOBE","State 6: 2 Shades of Blue","GeoRegExp Puzzle","MYTOWN","frist try","1 field and so much pain","Bedtime Story","drink me","{{}}","Say hi!","Sleep robot","Floaty","GNU Project","name of the magazine that showed the KERNELL to the world","Puzzzzzle","Showing Off","For Miss G","State 5: Find the Key","State 3: Needle in a Haystack","Regexcrossword 3X3","Pushing","Between us","Magic","Quickie","optimistic","War, war never changes ...","ANN3","SimpleRegex","State 2: How Much Fun Can You Bear?","Binario","True or false","agav","ANN2","Enjoy","State 7: Norman and Arlo","SAO","2BA Ecam 14094","FIRST PUZZLE","Hexagony","Alpha","Grilled meat","Your Reddit Gifts puzzle","Check it already!","Get the extinguisher!","Exercici 3","One","The feels","simple but hard","A martial art","BiPi","Use the force Luc","ANN1","Hi, /g/!","Snail","My simple","Who you gonna call?","Guris","Unix Sistemas Operativos","#1 First Built","Unique puzzle","Find a tour","Armen","L0v3 it","Short message","[]","Yolo !","Ecam_puzzle","Exercici 2","Simple metacharacter","Harrison","Who am I ?","just a start","The Professor","For Beginners","xkcd 1137","Take 1","ALPHABET","There can only be...","Bling","Basic Intro","gttnnn","Z|F","i/o","First test","CLIC Egg Hunt 2016 #2","ECAM 14055 2BA","xzo","XO","Easy","Test puzzle","Exercici 1", "The One and Only","First","www","Easy A","Chive","666","HELLO WORLD","My First Test","The obnoxiously easy puzzle.","1","Very Easey","Very Simple", "<3","Can't make it without \\u","Regex Test No.1: Regex for test times match[次数匹配]", "seeker's weapon", "Nevermore"];

unsafeWindow.console.log ("Solved:" + Solved.length);

setTimeout(callFunc, 3000);

//setTimeout(calculate, 10000);
function calculate(){
   var link = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
   var summa = ""; 
  for (var i = 0; i < link.length; i++)
    summa+= "\""+link[i].innerHTML+"\",";
function callFunc(){

function removeSolved(arr){
  var link = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
  for (var i = link.length-1; i >=0 ; i--) {
function Contains(arr, str){
      return true;
  return false;

function updateCheck(forced)
    if ((forced) || (parseInt(GM_getValue('SUC_last_update', '0')) + 86400000 <= (new Date().getTime()))) // Checks once a day (24 h * 60 m * 60 s * 1000 ms)
                    method: 'GET',
                    url: script_link,
                    headers: {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'},
                    onload: function(resp)
                        var local_version, remote_version, rt, script_name;
                        GM_setValue('SUC_last_update', new Date().getTime()+'');
                        var re = /@version\s*(.*?)\s/m; 
                        local_version=parseFloat(GM_getValue('SUC_current_version', '-1'));
                            script_name = (/@name\s*(.*?)\s*$/m.exec(rt))[1];
                            GM_setValue('SUC_target_script_name', script_name);
                            if (remote_version > local_version)
                                if(confirm('There is an update available for the Greasemonkey script "'+script_name+'."\nWould you like to go to the install page now?'))
                                    GM_setValue('SUC_current_version', remote_version);
                            GM_setValue('SUC_current_version', remote_version+'');
        catch (err)
            if (true)
                alert('An error occurred while checking for updates:\n'+err);
