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Resize Column Width on FinanceWorks (and/or

Posted: 23.04.2016
Edited: 23.04.2016

Resize Column Width on FinanceWorks (and/or

I have a lot of bank, credit card etc accounts and I have tried to use The column width of the account list is to narrow and I would like it much wider (I would also like to whole page to be wider). Can this be fixed with a Grease monkey script, or are there maybe simpler solutions?

However, the Firefox add-on "Tabletools2" (and filtering) doesn't work with Mint's account list, but it works with FinanceWorks which is very similar to and offered with many financial institutions. I would therefore need a script for FinanceWorks.

I have no experience writing scripts and would very much appreciate help with this. If you don't have access to FinanceWorks, maybe it would be possible to write it for and them modify it for FinanceWorks (maybe just changing the URL would work?)


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