Hotpot.ai Unlimiter JS - Removes the local cooldowns for Hotpot.ai allowing you to generate multiple images at once!
Anonfiles, Upload.ee, MediaFire PDF Viewer JS - Adds a button to view PDF and TXT files without needing to download them.
Shootem.io Bots JS - Bots for shootem.io that follow everything you do.
AppDoze Download Wait Bypass JS - Injects CSS to bypass wait time for downloads on appdoze.com
ChatGPT Character Counter JS - Adds a character counter to message fields on chatgpt.com
Nexus Mods Fast Download JS - Overrides the "Manual" button on NexusMods mod pages to download the file without extra steps.
Draft Tools JS (संग्रह) - Adds useful features to Cracked.io's new-thread page.