hCaptcha Autoclick JS - Automatically click hCaptcha checkbox button when detected it and doesn't solve the captcha for you!
Twitter Dark Mode JS - Dark mode for twitter
Window Name Eraser JS - Preventing data leakage through window.name
Yandex SmartCaptcha Autoclick JS - Automatically click Yandex Smart Captcha checkbox button when detected it and doesn't solve the captcha for you!
DTF & VC Comments Expander JS - Expands dtf.ru & vc.ru all comments by default
Programma-peredach.com Time Zone Changer JS - Automatic selection of a TV guide for your time zone, instead of the default selection based on geolocation
LibReddit Redirector JS - Automatically redirects all links from Reddit to Libreddit or Redlib
LibReddit Dark Theme & LibReddit Settings Changer JS - Change the default Libreddit theme to Black, and set other preferences more convenient than on Reddit
YouTube Embed To Watch Redirector JS - Automatically redirect YouTube link that open in a new tab from ebmed to watch
Sat24.com Weather Animation Speed Controller JS - Controlling the animation speed of weather satellite images
Narodmon.com Sensors Location Redirector JS - Automatically select sensors of desired location instead of default selection based on geolocation
Meteoblue.com Dark Mode & Settings Changer JS - Change the default weather forecast theme to dark and select units for temperature, wind speed and precipitation
YouTube Dark Theme Enabler JS - Enables YouTube's built-in Dark theme by default
Kagi Search Token Enabler JS - Enables Kagi.com Search token with personalized user settings
Habr.com Dark Mode & Settings Changer JS - Change the default theme to Dark, content language and other habr.com page settings