FILE EXTENSION - FREE AGAR.IO BOTS ! JS - Provides you new features to Agar.io & free bots !
Youtube HD JS - Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
百度云下载不受限制 JS - 把"share"改为"wap"百度网盘下载大于2G的文件不用安装云管家
HIT Forker JS - Monitors mturk.com for HITs
百度文库(wenku)在线下载PDF格式文件 JS - 百度文库文档页面打印PDF,chrome浏览器最好能安装一下 adblock 插件,下载后的pdf文件可以在 https://pdf2docx.com/zh/ 上转换成docx
Bilibili CC字幕工具 JS - 可下载B站的CC字幕,旧版B站播放器可启用CC字幕
Twitterᴾˡᵘˢ JS - Enhance the X(Twitter) user experience. View original quality images and customize the removal of spam tweets.
网页翻译 JS - 给每个非中文的网页右下角(可以调整到左下角)添加一个google翻译图标,直接调用 Google 的翻译接口对非中文网页进行翻译
Bypass FileCrypt JS - Bypass FileCrypt and get the original link!
115优化大师 JS - 优化115网盘使用体验:一键离线下载、批量离线、调用Dplayer或Potplayer播放视频、文件快捷下载、批量下载、磁力转换种子等。
阅读全文、自动展开全文、自动移除万恶弹框 JS - 【非自动关注】【自用,长期维护】【功能有】1. 阅读全文网站支持:CSDN、github.io、xz577.com、iteye.com、720ui.com、cloud.tencent.com、新浪、头条、网易新闻、腾讯新闻、51CTO、知乎、果壳科技(移动版)、awesomes.cn、javascriptcn.com、人民日报(移动版)、凤凰网、虎扑移动版、百度经验、360文档(个人图书馆)、乐居买房(移动版)、电子发烧友网(PC、移动版)、悟空问答(PC、移动版)、百家号、百度文章、简书移动版、搜狐移动版、goodreads(PC、移动版)、百度文库(移动、PC版)、36氪移动版、弟弟快看<br>备注: 反馈问题的小伙伴们请附加上有问题的网址链接哈
字体渲染(自用脚本) JS - 无需安装MacType,优化浏览器字体渲染效果,让每个页面的字体变得更有质感。默认使用“微软雅黑”字体,也可根据喜好自定义其他字体使用。脚本针对浏览器字体渲染提供了字体重写、字体平滑、字体缩放、字体描边、字体阴影、对特殊样式元素的过滤和许可、自定义等宽字体等高级功能。脚本支持全局渲染与个性化渲染功能,可通过“单击脚本管理器图标”或“使用快捷键”呼出配置界面进行参数配置。脚本已兼容绝大部分主流浏览器及主流脚本管理器,且兼容常用的油猴脚本和浏览器扩展。
广告屏蔽 JS - 自用,屏蔽一些网站的广告,如果也符合你的需求就下载吧(=・ω・=) 具体屏蔽列表看简介,不需要的屏蔽可以注释掉。
百度网盘视频播放尊享 VIP | 解锁视频倍数 | 解锁全部清晰度 JS - 使用该脚本进入百度网盘视频播放页面,自动解锁 VIP 限制,可以使用 VIP 的绝大多数功能
迅雷云盘 JS - 获取迅雷云盘的文件链接,可利用本地播放器看视频;可将播放列表导入坚果云;可利用其他工具下载(如idm,curl,Xdown,Motrix,Aria2);添加隐藏回收站功能,可自由彻底删除、还原。
FB - Clean my feeds (5.02) JS - Hide Sponsored and Suggested posts in FB's News Feed, Groups Feed, Watch Videos Feed and Marketplace Feed
官种保种统计 JS - Count the seeding torrents, support Audiences, PTer, SKY, OB, CHD, Hares, PTH, hddolby, tjupt, TTG, HDH, SSD, HDC, PtSbao, btschool, TLF, beAst
TimerHooker English Version JS - Control page timer speed | Speed up to skip page timing ads | Video fast forward (slow play) | Skip ads | Support almost all web pages.
全能视频下载器 JS - 黑科技!使用MediaSouce的视频下载技术!
embyToLocalPlayer JS - Emby/Jellyfin 调用外部本地播放器,并回传播放记录。适配 Plex。
MEGA.nz Ultimately Import JS - Bypass import limit on Mega Web client & remove warning about the space usage
Win Every Nitro Type Race You play. JS - Sing Developments has created this script for you to use for personal use. This script should help you to win every Nitro Type race you play. Make sure to go to the link below to use this correctly. Enjoy! https://singdevelopmentsblog.wordpress.com/2022/11/01/win-every-nitro-type-race-you-play/
[IN SCHOOL HACK] Krunker.io & Shellshockers Hidden(MOD) [H] redirect you to(URL) of your choice JS - Krunker.io & shellshockers Hidden(MOD) Press [H] to redirect you to a (URL) of your choice To [PLAY IN SCHOOL] Menu Press [R] For a Radio works For Shellshockers also works for some alterive URLs #Hack #krunker #Shellshockers #school #Hidden
MooMoo.io Auto-heal JS - Need much food solo moomoo.io
Diep.io Mod Menu JS - Loop upgrade custom builds, render aim line, render factory guide circle.
Bilibili - 防止视频被自动暂停及弹出登录窗口 JS - 让您在未登录的情况下看B站视频时不再被自动暂停视频及要求登录账号 | V1.3 针对Edge作兼容性调整
Slither.io auto play bot JS - auto play bot for slither.io
Boss Batch Push [Boss直聘批量投简历] JS - boss直聘批量简历投递
ChatGPT Model Switcher (Supports GPT-4 Mobile and All Available Models) JS - Use the GPT-4 Mobile model on the ChatGPT web interface. It also provides the ability to switch to other models for added flexibility. Generally, this script does not conflict with other popular ChatGPT scripts.
Atcoder Better! JS - 一个适用于 AtCoder 的 Tampermonkey 脚本,增强功能与界面。
Greasy Fork++ JS - Adds various features and improves the Greasy Fork experience
115不大助手 (full) JS - Make 115 taerg again!
网课视频辅助学习助手 JS - 支持:【电子科技大学】【华东师范大学教师研修平台】【企安全】【夏邑县小学教师】【贵州省党员干部网络学院】【江西专技学习网】【浙江省建设人才远程继续教育平台】【云南省执业药师协会】【河南教师培训网】【浙里学习】【石家庄铁道大学】【宁夏专业技术人员继续教育在线培训平台】【河南华夏基础教育学院】【师学通】【河南专技在线】【上海开放大学】【国家开放大学】【兰州理工大学】【兰州大学】【北京教师学习网】【青岛市专业技术人员】【兰州资源环境职业技术大学】【漯河学院】【华北电力大学】【河南省新闻出版学校】【东奥会计继续教育】【梦想在线】【广东远程职业培训平台】【黑龙江省网络助学平台】【S云课堂网校】【河北机电职业技术学院】【贵州省专业技术人员继续教育平台】【和学在线】【河南华夏基础】【职教云】【河北教师教育网】【山东干部网络学院】【克拉玛依开放大学继续教育网】【教师专业发展培训网】【广州市干部】【甘肃干部网络学院】等
Torn Pickpocketing Colors JS - Color codes crimes based on difficulty
bloxd.io no hit cool down + instant break + hide gui + auto deny telport and auto respawn JS - this is a fun experince for people no copying it u can get banned using this if u do it around players so do it someweres away from players
Swift Client for bloxd.io ( updated ) JS - Arthur ( the nerd who is the head dev of the game ) has disabled all user scripts and extentions because people were using it to hack other people's accounts and i got a few script dms on discord too ( it mostly happens via discord ) so if you use this you're going to get a 24 hour ban
去除链接重定向 JS - 能原地解析的链接绝不在后台访问,去除重定向的过程快速且高效,平均时间在0.02ms~0.05ms之间。几乎没有任何在后台访问网页获取去重链接的操作,一切都在原地进行,对速度精益求精。去除网页内链接的重定向,具有高准确性和高稳定性,以及相比同类插件更低的时间占用。并且保证去除重定向的有效性,采用三级方案,原地解析->自动跳转->后台访问,保证了一定能去除重定向链接
SWDD - Steam Workshop Description Downloader JS - Adds buttons to download Steam Workshop descriptions in .MD and .BBCode format.
StarTube JS - More layouts and customization options for V3
📄百度文库下载|VIP文档免费下载 JS - 百度文库破解免费下载
Reddit Age Bypass JS - Bypass the "open in app prompt" for nsfw posts
Kirka gun fire rate increase toggleable, Speed hack, Fast Reload, AutoDodge, AutoJump, & AutoSwitch. JS - Click X/x to toggle fire rate, B/b to toggle AutoDodge, K/k to toggle AutoWalk, G/g to toggle AutoJump, N/n to toggle KillAura/AutoShoot, L/l to toggle AutoCrouch, M/m to toggle AutoSwitch
EvoWorld.io MEGAHACK JS - Cheat for evoworld/flyordie with 25+ hacks and emoji hack mod for evoworld! The largest cheat with good and understandable code. Please support this project, I did all this ALONE! It's still a beta version.
免费YouTube™ Downloader,YouTube HTML5视频&MP3音频播放工具,把油管当播客听MP3,本地油管视频通用下载器 🚀💯 - tingyour.com(NO ADS 🚫)! JS - 免科学上网工具/梯子在线看油管,快速搜索,中文字幕下载/双语翻译,把油管当播客听MP3,将YouTube当Podcast听,可以订阅自己喜欢的油管博主及频道,收藏自己喜欢的视频,极速加载无需等待,免费YouTube™ Downloader,本地YouTube油管下载器,YouTube视频下载,油管视频通用下载器,不需要通过第三方的服务就能下载YouTube油管视频,支持MP3/MP4/HD/SD/FullHD/3GP等高清高码率格式,YouTube MP3音频&HTML5视频播放工具!
Wider AI Chat↔️ JS - Make the AI chat dialog window wider for ChatGPT/Claude/Kimi/Tongyi/ChatGLM/Tiangong/Deepseek/Gemini/Tencent Yuanbao/grok
[银河奶牛]食用工具 JS - 开箱记录、箱子期望、离线统计、公会钉钉、食物警察、掉落追踪
星耀云/飞猫云/kufile/rosefile/expfile/城通网盘破解优化 JS - 快速下载 精简页面
Skribbl Autoguesser JS - The best script currently out there for skribbl.
[Premium] ChatGPT Jailbreak JS - Become from ChatGPT a answer from every question.
MWI TaskManager JS - sort all task in taskboard
Github Enhancement - High Speed Download JS - High-speed download of Git Clone/SSH, Release, Raw, Code(ZIP) and other files (Based on public welfare), project list file quick download (☁)
embyLaunchPotplayer JS - emby/jellfin launch extetnal player
치지직 1080p 고정 JS - 치지직 1080p 고정합니다
POE2 trade 繁体 JS - POE2 交易网站繁体以及搜索优化 - 放课后
survev.io auto hack JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube Premium Features (All-in-One) JS - Add YouTube Premium-like features: ad-blocking, background play, HD/4K default quality, downloader, dark mode, and Premium logo.
含羞草(完全免费) JS - 🔥免费不限次看站内所有付费视频。下载视频(日限),复制播放链接,屏蔽广告
解除B站区域限制_辅助工具 JS - 修复使用解除B站区域限制的小问题
FPS Booster for bloxd JS - Helps boost fps (USE TAMPERMONKEY LEGACY IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK)
Kahoot cheats MOD MENU JS - Hey guys this is an update old update mod menu for kahoot enter the quiz I'd NOT GAME PIN what should I make next?
Missav字幕加载 JS - 一键搜索字幕,加载本地字幕,快捷键操作加速
QGG网课处理平台【学习通 U校园ai 知到 英华 仓辉 雨课堂 职教云】【学起 青书 柠檬 睿学 慕享 出头科技 慕华】【国开 广开】等平台,目前只是框架,具体功能自行添加 客服微信:wkds857 JS - 目前支持以下平台详情:【学习通】【智慧树】【U校园】【清华社】【智慧教】【运动世界校园】【论文辅助ai】【学习强国】【fif】【池馆】【雨课堂】【学堂在线】【优学院】【社会公益】【Utalk】【welear】【安全微伴】【重庆高校】【e会学】【川农在线】【阿尔法编程】【小雅】【中国大学mooc】【i学】【speexx】【木玛】【人卫慕课】【高校邦】【智慧职教】【普法网】【北华大学】【在浙学【学习公社】【国家开放大学】【国开实验学院】【学起】【青书学堂】【广开】【云上河开】【讯网】【电中在线】【广西开放大学】【梦想在线】【华莘学堂】【云班课】【东财会计系列】【朝明在线】【麦能网】【融学】【168网校【联大】【柠檬文才】【优课学堂】【安徽继续教育【上海开放大学】【思钮教育】【春风雨】【龙知网】【一路学】【慕华】【新京人】【点墨云】【画课堂】【课程伴侣】【出头科技】【良师在线】【在浙学】【棉花糖】【朝明在线】【国培网】【河南宗教】【睿学】【兰州继教】【文鼎】【168网校】【我学习】【和学在线】【慕享】【含弘慕课】【医博士】【微知库】【奥鹏】【国家智慧中小学】等平台,客服微信:wkds857
1Kahoot Custom Mods - ViolentMonkey Compatible Ultra super JS - Auto answer doesn't really answer the questions it highlights the answer green and sometimes this only works in classic mode,also only bot flooder and Auto answer work currently more coming soon!
Unlock Nyan model JS - Can make CAI+ "Nyan" model the default ai model for chats
DuoFarmer JS - [ LITE ] DuoFarmer is a tool that helps you earn XP in Duolingo at blazing speed.
Sun of North America JS - The Only, the Holy, President Donald J. Trump, the Sun of North America!
Maximize Video JS - Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.
4chan X JS - 4chan X is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
Download Youtube videos and subtitles JS - 获取youtube视频和字幕的下载链接
百度盘直接下载 JS - 就他妈不装百度云管家
百度Baidu网盘HTTP转HTTPS JS - 将百度网盘的链接(http://pan.baidu.com/)转换为HTTPS协议(https://pan.bidu.com),可以直接下载大文件。
Pixiv Previewer JS - Display preview images (support single image, multiple images, moving images); Download animation(.zip); Sorting the search page by favorite count(and display it). Updated for the latest search page.
Gota.io Features by Donut + Linesplit JS - Linesplit up, down, left and right • Diagonal linesplit with just one key • Hotkeys to show/hide skins, names, mass, food, chat, minimap, score panel, party panel and leaderboard • Auto respawn in Team Scrimmage • Leave a scrimmage match before it ends • You can change the keys as you wish
Pixiv搜索结果排序 | Pixiv search sort JS - Pixiv搜索结果按收藏数从大到小排序,适配[TS] Pixiv++ V3 | Pixiv search result sort by bookmark count.
moomoo.io auto aim / aimbot and auto heal! JS - aims at nearest player and heals when you're hurt (Toggle key: I)
Publication Auto PDF JS - Automatically jumps to PDF when you visit a journal article abstract page. Also includes a utility to copy or download citation info.
Video Background Play Fix JS - Prevents YouTube and Vimeo from pausing videos when minimizing or switching tabs. Cross-browser port of https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-background-play-fix/
计时器掌控者|视频广告跳过|视频广告加速器 JS - 控制网页计时器速度|加速跳过页面计时广告|视频快进(慢放)|跳过广告|支持几乎所有网页.
Vimeo视频下载脚本 JS - Vimeo视频下载脚本,可以在视频下方生成下载按钮,只支持含有1080p的视频,有个跨域请求,请允许该操作,可到上面我的博客反映Bug。
Fuck CSDN JS - 去除CSDN BBS&BLOG&DOWNLOAD&WWW ADP检测/广告/展开全文限制/复制小尾巴/离线网页限制/其它
Google Translate Auto Languages JS - Auto switch Chinese/English
CSDN免登录+极简化 JS - CSDN极简化
Blogger Content Warning Bypass JS - A user script to bypass Blogspot's Content Warning
Control Panel for Twitter JS - Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
NGA优化摸鱼体验 JS - NGA论坛显示优化,全面功能增强,优雅的摸鱼
Github 镜像访问,加速下载 JS - GitHub 镜像,github 加速
WELearn网课助手 JS - 显示WE Learn随行课堂题目答案;支持班级测试;自动答题;刷时长;基于生成式AI(ChatGPT)的答案生成
Video Quality Fixer for X (Twitter) JS - Force highest quality playback for X (Twitter) videos.
embyLaunchPotplayer JS - emby launch extetnal player
Flow Youtube Chat JS - Youtubeのチャットをニコニコ風に画面上へ流す(再アップ) Make youtube chats move in danmaku-style.
智慧树知到网课助手(支持图片题)(可作业)(可考试) JS - 自动挂机看知到MOOC,支持屏蔽弹窗题目、自动切换下一节,章测试和考试支持自动答题
起点小说优化|AI续写追更|VIP章节免费阅读|支持本章说显示|全本TXT一键下载|游客书架 JS - 提供多功能强大的起点小说网站优化插件,极大的增强起点中文网的使用体验:,支持免费阅读VIP付费章节,解锁本章说,保存阅读进度,还可以使用AI续写追更....
起点小说解锁手机版 JS - 可解锁起点小说VIP付费章节
Autokahoot JS - Automatically move through kahoots - with more power and ease
智慧树刷课脚本 JS - 自动播放,1.5倍速,静音,流畅画质,自动跳转至下一个视频
网页翻译——翻译为中文 JS - 给每个非中文的网页右下角(可以调整到左下角)添加一个google翻译图标,该版本为中文翻译版本,只把外语翻译为中文
Dark Mode JS - Simple and effective network-wide eye protection mode (night mode, dark mode, black mode)
Duolingo-Cheat-Tool JS - Auto answer Duolingo script!
Smart Dark Mode JS - It is a smart dark theme that automatically switches to a dark screen when the background color of the homepage is bright. Provides a filter function that allows users to add or exclude URLs to apply directly.
तुम्ही लिहिलेली स्क्रिप्ट प्रकाशित करा (किंवा कशी लिहायची ते शिका)