March of History - List SearchBox JS - this script allow you to use a searchbox on family and prestigious title list
ProductRnR JS - Makes all of the ProductRnR HITs easier/faster.
JEP Online - No Registration JS - Remove http://jerseyeveningpost.com Login/Authentication Requirement which hides article content
HabrCacheEnhanced JS - Перенаправляет удалённые или скрытые в черновики записи с habr.com на зеркала Хабра. Redirects deleted or hidden posts from habr.com to Habr mirrors.
Linkification JS - Turn plain text URLs into clickable links
Dropbox convert to direct link JS - Removes www and change https to http and dl=0 to dl=1
XKCD Explained JS - Adds a button to XKCD Explained in the navigation toolbar
Remove Freckle Tags JS - Remove Freckle tags from freckle. It greatly improves browser speed on projects with many tags
Proxer-Kinomodus JS - Dieses Script fügt Proxer einen Kino-Modus-Button hinzu, der einen Kino-Modus startet
TM `My Products` width Expander JS - Trademe `My products` Page width Expander
Littlefield Exporter JS - Formats for given Excel spreadsheet
YouTube Cinema Mode JS - Maximizes YouTube's video player to fill the entire browser viewport and fixes a few minor annoyances
Youtube Annotations Off JS - Turn off youtube annotations
imgur scroll to gallery images keyboard shortcuts JS - use ↑/↓ to scroll to the next/previous image within an imgur gallery
SMBC-style keyboard shortcuts for xkcd JS - Provide previous (z), random (x), and next (c) keyboard shortcuts for xkcd just like SMBC has.
TF2R Spookoween JS - Changes everyone's avatars to skemeletons (or pumpkins if you're a dork) and more!
TF2R Chat Width JS - I was bored. Changes the chat width to a value set by you.
Remove anime in TF2r JS - One of the best scripts I've ever made. Replaces everyone's avatars with tf2 default avatars, and you can use it as a framework for other "replace everyone's avatars" scripts
YouTube: Hide Channel Logo Annotation JS - Hides the channel logo annotation in videos
AMZONsampleADDER JS - Adds send sample button after amazon links (FOR BOOKS)
Maelstrom ADDON City Online Status Colorer for SC JS - change the color of cities according to online state of the player
Tiberium Alliances Real POI Bonus JS - Displays actual gain/loss for POIs by taking rank multiplier properly into account
Shockr - Tiberium Alliances Tools JS - Tools to work with Tiberium alliances http://c.ac.nz/
Tiberium Alliances Tweaks JS - A collection of more or less useful features that attempt to improve the gaming experience.
GitHub - Make PRs easier to diff JS - Add some functionality to github
Mturk autoaccept hits on forums JS - Puts a button that will accept all Hits on forum page
steamgifts.com improved game filter JS - Makes hiding giveaways for specific games much quicker and easier
mmmturkeybacon Auto Reload Google IFrame On Error JS - Automatically reloads the iframe of a Google HIT if the "Please refresh the current page in your browser." error occurs. Adds a reload button in the top right corner of the iframe for Google HITs.
Mandarake yen converter JS - Converts prices from yen to dollars on mandarake
ColorAskMona JS - AskMonaのレスに独自に色をつけます。
防江苏电信HTTP广告劫持 JS - 简单粗暴的方法,检测到电信的iframe广告即刷新页面
memati94 JS - Imperiaonline attackCheker
Disable Text Ads JS - Disables inline text ads from Vibrant Media (IntelliTXT), AdBrite, Infolicious (lingoSpot), Kontera, Linkworth, EchoTopic, Targetpoint (defunct?), MediaText (defunct), ResultLinks, Chitika and Infolinks.
LastPass password generation config JS - My LastPass password generation config for quickly generating strong passwords
FlashTube JS - (FlashTube) Replace the current HTML5 Player with Flash.
osu! Mark User With Modes Icons JS - Mark osu, taiko, ctb and mania icons in osu user profile page
Одноклассники - blue style (нет рекламы) JS - Голубой стиль. Дополнительно уменьшил оценки на фото, чтобы не занимали пол фотографии. Почистил от рекламных блоков.
Proxer-Delete-Tool JS - Dieses Script ermöglicht die Löschung von Mangas und Animes direkt aus dem UCP heraus
bungie-hideheader JS - This hides the video header at the top of the Bungie webpage. The video is obnoxious. Version 3 also hides the regular banner. Version 4 also hides promo ads.
Switch Slack channels. JS - Use ALT+PageUp/PageDown to navigate Slack channels.
WorldCosplay Download JS - Download the linked image on WorldCosplay photo pages
steamgifts.com sticky header JS - Makes the nav bar at the top of steamgifts.com "sticky" - i.e., always at the top of the screen even if you scroll the page down
steamgifts rating and platforms JS - Show rating and supported platforms on sitesteamgifts.com according information from store.steampowered.com
Voat Fill Screen JS - forces voat to fill the screen
HF insertText() JS - Quicly insert text into your post and send it automatically (or nah)
Embed Me! JS - Embed video, images from links.
More UI part1 JS - The first part to The GT UI+
vkch JS - %%добавляет поддержку разметки вакабы&макабы вконтакте%%
Forum-messagerie JS - Ajoute la messagerie sur le Forum
CustomLevelColours JS - Change the colours for SRS Levels/Progress percentages to increase contrast for colour blindness.
GruszkaCaps JS - Zamienia wszystkie wpisy @92Gruszka na pisane capsem
Show/Hide all posts on Voat JS - Adds a button which will "unfold" all artikles on the current Voat page.
Marktplaats - Reloaded JS - Removes all unwanted crap from Marktplaats.nl
ISEN Background Selector JS - Add Custom Background on ISEN Website
osu! Show Modding Activity Score JS - Show modding activity score on user's profile page
Enhanced viewer for acomics.ru JS - Preload, navigation and other enhancements for acomics.ru comics viewer
Facebook Groups redirect JS - Force Group links to open the individual comment thread you're attempting to view, instead of loading the entire group view
YouTube - Always Theater Mode JS - Set the default viewing mode to Theater Mode.
去网易博客顶栏和尾栏 JS - 去除网易博客未登录时讨厌的上下栏
2ch Thread List JS - 2ちゃんねるの各板のトップページに整形したスレッド一覧を表示
NeoGAF : Link Improvements JS - Changes the default behavior of links and "Originally Posted By" links (if the quoted post is on the same page, the page will not reload!). Changes m.neogaf.com and neogaf.net URIs to neogaf.com.
Finya profilepic zoom remover JS - Remove zoom effect from Finya userimages
Pound Adopt Linker JS - When you adopt a adoptable, it links to the adoptable page.
Clickcritters Monthly Adopter JS - Adopts all Clickcritters monthlies with their default names
iks:virtonomica минимальный заказ JS - Разрывает заказы которые менее указного
Remove Gender JS - Adds a 'None' option to gender, select it and select 'change profile' to null out gender.
GMail to Google Inbox JS - Automaticaly redirects to Google Inbox if gmail is visited
Agar.io Connector JS - Working agar.io server connector (tested 20.06.2015)
Hide TopCoder problem archive categories JS - Hides the category list in the topcoder problem archive, because knowing the categories of a problem can spoil the solution! (The categories are replaced with '...', click on them to toggle hidden-ness.)
WME South Carolina Overlay 6-21-2015 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "South Carolina Groups" layer
Cold Network Questions JS - Hides the Hot Network Questions sidebar on Stack Exchange and Stack Overflow; it's just so distracting!
maskQA JS - maskQA (C)opyright kuroao_cats.
Pandora tab search JS - adds 2 buttons that search for the current song title and artist on UT or Google
T411 - Download torrents from search JS - Simple script to download torrents directly from the search page on T411
TDGD JS - Download the zips of you favorite models
Silent B JS - 隐藏指定的超展开列表项目,等等
Youtube true 720p player JS - Allows you to watch youtube videos in not distorted (scaled) 720p resolution.
Tieba Tail Plus JS - 百度贴吧自动回复内容/小尾巴脚本 *快捷回复:Shift+Enter
Hornohexe Video Downloader JS - enter something useful
Krautchan Backlinks & Link Preview JS - Add backlinks, previews and highlighting to inter-thread links like on 4chan.
网易云音乐高音质支持 JS - 去除网页版网易云音乐仅可播放低音质(96Kbps)的限制,强制播放高音质版本
WME Greater Toronto Area Overlay 6-28-15 JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Greater Toronto Area Groups" layer
Add the "Explore" button to GitHub JS - Adds the now missing "Explore" button to github left item bar
Hive - Magnet Catcher JS - When enabled will hook magnets when clicked and send to hive
Hive - Send to Hive Index Page JS - Allows sending multiple items from index pages to hive
Hive - YouTube to Hive / Local Download JS - Inserts a download button on YouTube video pages and sends to hive -Major fixes
Hive - Mods (nearly public ready) JS - RSS Working, Misc, Files Limit Working -Major fixes
TF2R - Confirm leave raffle JS - Makes it difficult to leave raffles accidentally - thanks Iwasawa for original code, all I did was put it in its own script
Logout from Google Search JS - Automatically logs you out of your Google account when using Google Search.
RedRem JS - Converts links containing redirects to their resolved version.
Minimal Tetris Friends JS - Reduces lag as much as possible by removing everything from the page except for the games themselves.
Syntaxify JS - Universal syntax highlighting
DotInstallHidePremium JS - ドットインストールのプレミアム専用レッスンを表示しないようにします。
geoportal.gov.pl layers for WME without translating PROXY JS - Displays layers from geoportal.gov.pl in WME
DrM Heallthland JS - Productivity enhancements to Healthland Centriq EHR
WME Change RUS NameStreet for Belarus JS - Замена ул на улица и т.д при вставке в поле ввода.
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT JS - Snag HITs. mturk.
Kong Time JS - Keeps track of how much time you've spent on Kong today
The Redeemer JS - Pops up the Steam product activation dialog when copying keys from bundle/reseller sites. Supports various bundle organizers and legitimate key resellers.
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