Better Youtube Shorts

Provide more control functions for YouTube Shorts, including automatic/manual redirection to corresponding video pages, volume control, playback speed control, progress bar, auto scrolling, shortcut keys, and more.

< Feedback on Better Youtube Shorts

Review: ठीक - स्क्रिप्ट चालते, पण त्यात बग आहेत

पोस्ट केले: 2024-05-04

where is the auto scroll i dont see it?

Meriel Varenलेखक
पोस्ट केले: 2024-05-04
संपादित केले: 2024-05-04

where is the auto scroll i dont see it?

It is in the position I pointed out in the picture. Since it's an option that may change frequently, i didn't put it in the tampermonkey menu.

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