
Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars

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Review: ठीक - स्क्रिप्ट चालते, पण त्यात बग आहेत

When Adventure battle fails, cancel/Auto no longer works and application will hang. Also it deducts action points no matter what I choose. Please take a look.

Many thanks.

पोस्ट केले: 2024-10-24

I just played an adventure in which I lost a couple of battles. I was able to cancel 1 battle and get the action points back.

However, in another battle, I used the "Battle recalculation" setting and before the battle started, it informed me that I had a 74% chance of winning in 0:00 minutes. As soon as the battle started, it informed me that I had lost and offered the usual "OK \ Cancel \ Auto" options. Even though I selected auto and it informed me that I won the battle, when I checked the logs, it had registered a defeat in the 1st attempt, followed by a victory. In other words, I lost an action point that I was not supposed to.

What I have observed is that as you play the game, the memory usage increases and the game progressively slows until it crashes. Therefore, to avoid the situation that I described here, it is best to close the tab and restart the game just before you enter an adventure so that the chances of a crash are eliminated.

Hope this helps.

पोस्ट केले: 2024-10-24

I forgot to mention that when I experienced that error in the 2nd battle where I lost an action point despite using "Auto", the tab had become unresponsive for several seconds and in fact made me think it was going to crash entirely. It recovered, but then caused me to lose that point. So if your game seems unresponsive or laggy, immediately close the tab and restart it.

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