GOTA_Container JS - Modifies the container in which the game is hosted (optionally).
GreaseMonkey_SuperValues JS (라이브러리) - Extends the GM_setValue and GM_getValue functions for any javascript variable type.
object.watch JS (라이브러리) - Observe changes on object properties.
GOTA_Extender_Custom JS (라이브러리) - Custom page functions rewritten.
GOTA_Extender_Constants JS (라이브러리) - Constants definition.
GOTA_Extender_Auxiliary JS (라이브러리) - Auxiliary functions for the page and the extender.
GOTA_Extender_Original JS (라이브러리) - Original page functions overridden by the extender. Used for source control.
Storage.prototype_extension JS (라이브러리) - Storage.prototype extension to store all kinds of data.
GOTA_Extender_Production JS (라이브러리) - Separate production module for the game.
GreaseMonkey_SuperValues-minified JS (라이브러리) - Extends the GM_setValue and GM_getValue functions for any javascript variable type.