유저 신고


my archival Greasyfork profile

my Turking Scripts semi-automatic collection

my MTG thread about my own userscripts

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Script Sets

  • 즐겨찾기
  • Turking Scripts: Semi-automatic collection of userscripts for turkers (MTurk workers). Includes 500+ scripts (not all updated for the 2017+ worker.mturk.com), uploaded by 50+ authors, and some from inactive authors shared by several turking community members. The official Turkopticon script author is 'fiveplusone'. Use the 'Sorting by' links on the right to view this set by script 'Name' A-Z, or by 'Total installs' to see the most popular. Note that the 'Search' box searches all of Greasyfork, not just this set.


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