Zed City 汉化

网页游戏 Zed City 的汉化插件。Chinese translation for the web game Zed City.

2024-12-31 일자. 최신 버전을 확인하세요.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Zed City 汉化
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      1.4
// @description  网页游戏 Zed City 的汉化插件。Chinese translation for the web game Zed City.
// @author       bot740
// @match        https://www.zed.city/*
// @icon         https://www.zed.city/favicon.ico
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

const excludes = ["K", "M", "B", "D", "H", "S", "Lv", "MAX", "wiki", "discord", "XP", "N/A"];

const excludeRegs = [
    // 一个字母都不包含

const dictCommon = {
    purge: "清洗",

const dictStronghold = {
    gym: "健身房",
    "Train your stats to become more effective in combat": "锻炼属性在战斗中变得更强",
    train: "锻炼",
    "The damage you make on impact": "命中时造成的伤害",
    "Your ability to resist damage": "抵抗伤害的能力",
    "The chance of hitting your target": "命中敌人的几率",

const dictAll = { ...dictCommon, ...dictStronghold };
const dictAllLowerCase = {};
for (const key in dictAll) {
    dictAllLowerCase[key.toLowerCase()] = dictAll[key];

(function () {

    const observerConfig = {
        attributes: false,
        characterData: true,
        childList: true,
        subtree: true,

    const observer = new MutationObserver(function (e) {
        for (const mutation of e) {
            if (mutation.target) {
            for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
        observer.observe(document.body, observerConfig);

    observer.observe(document.body, observerConfig);

function translateNode(node) {
    if (node.nodeName === "SCRIPT" && node.nodeName === "STYLE" && node.nodeName === "TEXTAREA") {

    if (node.placeholder) {

    if ((!node.childNodes || node.childNodes.length === 0) && node.textContent) {

    if (node.childNodes) {
        for (const subnode of node.childNodes) {

function translatePlaceholder(node) {
    node.placeholder = dict(node.placeholder);

function translateTextNode(node) {
    const dictResult = dict(node.textContent);
    if (dictResult !== node.textContent) {
        node.parentNode.setAttribute("script_translated_from", node.textContent);
        node.textContent = dictResult;

function dict(oriText) {
    let text = oriText;

    // 排除规则
    for (const exclude of excludes) {
        if (exclude.toLowerCase() === text.toLocaleLowerCase()) {
            return text;
    for (const excludeReg of excludeRegs) {
        if (excludeReg.test(text)) {
            return text;

    // 消除后面空格
    if (/^(.+?)(\s+)$/.test(text)) {
        let res = /^(.+?)(\s+)$/.exec(text);
        return dict(res[1]) + res[2];

    // 消除前面空格
    if (/^(\s+)(.+)$/.test(text)) {
        let res = /^(\s+)(.+)$/.exec(text);
        return res[1] + dict(res[2]);

    // 消除后面的非字母
    if (/^(.+?)([^a-zA-Z]+)$/.test(text)) {
        let res = /^(.+?)([^a-zA-Z]+)$/.exec(text);
        return dict(res[1]) + res[2];

    // 消除前面的非字母
    if (/^([^a-zA-Z]+)(.+)$/.test(text)) {
        let res = /^([^a-zA-Z]+)(.+)$/.exec(text);
        return res[1] + dict(res[2]);

    // 结尾复数
    if (text.toLowerCase().endsWith("es") && dict[text.toLowerCase().slice(0, -2)]) {
        return dict[text.toLowerCase().slice(0, -2)];
    if (text.toLowerCase().endsWith("s") && dict[text.toLowerCase().slice(0, -1)]) {
        return dict[text.toLowerCase().slice(0, -1)];

    if (dictAllLowerCase[text.toLowerCase()]) {
        return dictAllLowerCase[text.toLowerCase()];
    } else {
        // console.error(text);
        return oriText;