이 스크립트는 직접 설치해서 쓰는 게 아닙니다. 다른 스크립트가 메타 명령 // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/520845/1515798/JOE%20Wrong%20Chat%20V2.js
(으)로 포함하여 쓰는 라이브러리입니다.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Z * JOE Wrong Chat V2
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.3.13.JOE.2
// @description Just chat to chat with nearby players
// @author unnamed
// @match https://splix.io/
// @match https://splix.io/flags
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/478491/1377223/splix-js-demodularizer.js
// @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/411350/Wrong%20Chat.user.js
// @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/411350/Wrong%20Chat.meta.js
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
"use strict";
var source = `"use strict";
var wcFlags = {};
var wcFlagList = [
"name": "wcConvertEmoticons",
"caption": "Convert emoticons in your messages to emoji",
"description": ":D ⟶ 😄",
"type": "checkbox",
"default": true
"name": "wcConsoleLog",
"caption": "Print messages to the browser console",
"description": "Until the page is refreshed, you can see the message history in the console.",
"type": "checkbox",
"default": true
"name": "wcConsoleLogTimeAmPm",
"caption": "Use AM/PM time format for console log",
"description": "Uncheck if you want to use 24 hour format",
"type": "checkbox",
"default": true
"name": "wcMsgDisplayTime",
"caption": "Message display time",
"description": "The total display time (seconds) of the message.<br>If this value is zero, messages will only be deleted when the message limit is reached.",
"type": "number",
"default": 90,
"min": 0,
"max": 3600
"name": "wcMsgDecayTime",
"caption": "Message decay time",
"description": "The time (seconds) during which the messages fade out.<br>It is part of the total display time.",
"type": "number",
"default": 20,
"min": 0,
"max": 3600
"name": "wcMessageLimit",
"caption": "Number of messages on screen",
"description": "Maximum number of messages displayed on the screen.",
"type": "number",
"default": 20,
"min": 0,
"max": 50
"name": "wcDefaultNotifications",
"caption": "Show default notifications",
"description": "Show default splix.io notifications instead of bottom right corner notifications.<br>This parameter only affects the notifications shown by the Wrong Chat script.",
"type": "checkbox",
"default": false
"name": "wcPrivacyWarnings",
"caption": "Enable privacy warnings",
"description": "Disable this flag if you understand the risks of communicating in this chat.<br>Even if you don't see anyone nearby, someone can see your messages.<br>Also, do not disclose important information as the interlocutor may impersonate someone else.",
"type": "checkbox",
"default": false
"name": "wcBlockedPlayers",
"caption": "Blocked players",
"description": "List of blocked players in JSON format.<br>Clear the field if you want to clear the list.",
"type": "text",
"default": {}
(function wcGetFlags() {
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var value = localStorage.getItem(wcFlagList[i].name);
if (value !== null) {
if (wcFlagList[i].type == "number") {
value = Number.parseInt(value);
if (Number.isNaN(value)) {
value = wcFlagList[i].default;
else if (wcFlagList[i].type == "checkbox") {
value = (value == "true");
else if (wcFlagList[i].type == "text" && wcFlagList[i].name == "wcBlockedPlayers") {
else {
value = wcFlagList[i].default;
wcFlags[wcFlagList[i].name] = value;
if (window.location.pathname == "/flags") {
(function wcFlagListAddControls() {
addHTML('<h4 style="margin-top: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 1em">Wrong Chat Flags</h4>', 'body');
for (var i = 0; i < wcFlagList.length; i++) {
var flag = wcFlagList[i];
var control = \`<label>\${flag.caption}\\t\${flag.name == "wcBlockedPlayers" ? "<br><textarea" : "<input"} name="\${flag.name}" type="\${flag.type}" \${(flag.type == "number") ?
(' style="width: 50px"' + (('min' in flag) ? ' min="' + flag.min + '"' : " ") + (('max' in flag) ? ' max="' + flag.max + '"' : " ") + ' value="' + wcFlags[flag.name] + '"') :
(flag.type == "text" ? (' style="width: 600px; height: 50px"') :
((flag.type == "checkbox" && wcFlags[flag.name]) ? " checked" : ""))}>\${flag.name == "wcBlockedPlayers" ? "</textarea>" : ""}</label>
<div class="st">\${flag.description}</div>\`;
addHTML(control, "body");
if (flag.name == "wcBlockedPlayers") {
document.querySelector('textarea[name="wcBlockedPlayers"]').value = JSON.stringify(wcFlags[flag.name]);
document.querySelector("label:last-of-type input, label:last-of-type textarea").addEventListener("change", function (e) {
if (e.target.type == "number") {
if (!Number.isNaN(e.target.valueAsNumber)) {
localStorage.setItem(e.target.name, e.target.value);
wcFlags[e.target.name] = e.target.valueAsNumber;
else if (e.target.type == "checkbox") {
localStorage.setItem(e.target.name, e.target.checked);
wcFlags[e.target.name] = e.target.checked;
else if (e.target.tagName == "TEXTAREA") {
try {
if (e.target.value.trim() === "") {
localStorage.setItem("wcBlockedPlayers", "{}");
else {
var obj = JSON.parse(e.target.value);
localStorage.setItem("wcBlockedPlayers", JSON.stringify(obj));
catch { }
throw new Error("Nobody will read the text of this error"); /** Stop code execution from here */
var dict = ["especially", "understand", "everything", "themselves", "associated", "experience", "something", "sometimes", "different", "necessary", "important", "condition", "operation", "direction", "attention", "therefore", "character", "situation", "according", "questions", "described", "territory", "establish", "https://", "immortal", "parasite", "anything", "actually", "happened", "national", "question", "possible", "although", "probably", "business", "pressure", "together", "couldn't", "remember", "southern", "frequent", "interest", "children", "everyone", "continue", "whatever", "position", "features", "wouldn't", "movement", "declared", "complete", "presence", "consider", "appeared", "industry", "thousand", "thinking", "language", "majority", "consists", "distance", "involved", "yourself", "entirely", "increase", "standing", "property", "surround", "private", "browser", "careful", "connect", "discord", "http://", "latency", "message", "players", "protect", "refresh", "restart", "running", "through", "because", "against", "thought", "without", "between", "nothing", "another", "usually", "however", "country", "himself", "patient", "certain", "general", "brother", "already", "someone", "example", "finally", "surface", "believe", "brought", "doesn't", "several", "english", "perhaps", "becomes", "process", "present", "looking", "there's", "carried", "friends", "minutes", "they're", "applied", "whether", "morning", "control", "explain", "measure", "foreign", "hundred", "talking", "instead", "outside", "reached", "opinion", "removed", "fingers", "project", "forward", "similar", "primary", "further", "getting", "quickly", "changes", "towards", "opening", "natural", "account", "comment", "strange", "subject", "prevent", "serious", "special", "portion", "somehow", "decided", "western", "problem", "imagine", "growing", "clearly", "beneath", "college", "exactly", "feeling", "divided", "section", "contact", "parents", "despite", "support", "healing", "neither", "attack", "better", "blocks", "bottom", "coming", "fought", "inside", "killed", "leader", "played", "player", "script", "server", "square", "should", "before", "people", "little", "didn't", "around", "really", "though", "that's", "things", "enough", "course", "always", "almost", "during", "you're", "within", "become", "behind", "matter", "others", "either", "school", "second", "friend", "system", "having", "wasn't", "public", "common", "across", "number", "moment", "passed", "person", "follow", "itself", "pretty", "making", "stupid", "growth", "result", "myself", "reason", "became", "rather", "trying", "thread", "father", "figure", "beyond", "french", "master", "family", "saying", "months", "action", "nearly", "middle", "taking", "period", "affect", "anyone", "rights", "single", "nature", "longer", "ground", "toward", "twenty", "spread", "raised", "indeed", "window", "except", "cancer", "street", "answer", "muscle", "effect", "slowly", "severe", "change", "cannot", "strong", "europe", "office", 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"world", "large", "going", "often", "can't", "known", "hands", "labor", "party", "along", "nerve", "among", "treat", "parts", "wound", "cause", "black", "taken", "money", "given", "women", "since", "above", "means", "close", "young", "times", "tried", "voice", "forms", "white", "woman", "sense", "early", "hours", "human", "death", "trade", "bones", "leave", "class", "quite", "doing", "sound", "stood", "began", "front", "wrong", "words", "local", "alone", "force", "water", "short", "takes", "mouth", "civil", "order", "occur", "peace", "paper", "lower", "clear", "heart", "terms", "doubt", "brain", "makes", "we're", "isn't", "popul", "round", "bring", "third", "cells", "meant", "child", "moved", "sorry", "sleep", "below", "floor", "watch", "seems", "whose", "earth", "heavy", "guess", "field", "sight", "upper", "issue", "lines", "weeks", "polic", "cover", "eight", "court", "lived", "stuff", "level", "space", "table", "thank", "works", "rapid", "teach", "event", "mini", "nope", "afai", "ahah", "area", "asap", "best", "chat", "died", "draw", "drew", "east", "fake", "good", "haha", "head", "imho", "keep", "kill", "left", "lmao", "mass", "near", "noob", "ping", "play", "rofl", "semi", "side", "tail", "talk", "tell", "wall", "west", "yolo", "ance", "ence", "ible", "ical", "ious", "ment", "ness", "ship", "sion", "tion", "ways", "ette", "hood", "ward", "wise", "that", "inte", "comp", "cons", "cont", "with", "from", "comm", "this", "they", "have", "disc", "tran", "were", "when", "conf", "what", "been", "into", "conc", "more", "like", "just", "conv", "unde", "dist", "them", "reco", "some", "then", "time", "your", "only", "said", "even", "than", "coun", "over", "disp", "prop", "pres", "know", "supe", "upon", "such", "back", "spec", "prot", "fore", "char", "very", "down", "made", "para", "well", "it's", "disa", "will", "most", "also", "much", "long", "same", "part", "must", "here", "make", "many", "skin", "came", "away", "hand", "ight", "once", "come", "room", "take", "face", "work", "both", "bone", "high", "last", "look", "eyes", "each", "life", "went", "knew", "ever", "took", "call", "body", "case", "give", "days", "seen", "turn", "door", "told", "name", "used", "free", "does", "year", "less", "find", "half", "mind", "felt", "i've", "seem", "next", "four", "pain", "girl", "fact", "else", "land", "done", "dark", "soon", "home", "sure", "five", "shit", "mean", "want", "kind", "gave", "stor", "need", "feel", "read", "deep", "real", "help", "able", "dead", "hard", "held", "rest", "line", "gone", "show", "rise", "fuck", "kept", "size", "true", "past", "thus", "idea", "limb", "full", "yeah", "arms", "hear", "love", "i'll", "city", "lost", "dumb", "he's", "late", "king", "farm", "form", "cold", "open", "word", "post", "neck", "term", "soft", "sent", "hope", "self", "laid", "fire", "hair", "lead", "feet", "stop", "view", "live", "none", "fear", "care", "mark", "foot", "hold", "hour", "game", "miss", "vote", "seat", "wait", "cute", "army", "easy", "step", "grew", "main", "join", "save", "move", "hunt", "says", "loss", "whom", "fell", "meat", "wish", "ones", "pass", "gold", "fine", "town", "edge", "food", "serv", "rule", "deal", "type", "ends", "we'd", "bill", "tha", "tio", "nde", "nce", "edt", "tis", "oft", "sth", "boy", "con", "yep", "afk", "aka", "art", "bad", "brb", "cya", "d/c", "die", "dot", "faq", "fyi", "gr8", "hit", "idk", "ikr", "kek", "lag", "lmc", "lol", "net", "omg", "out", "pen", "say", "sup", "thx", "top", "wtf", "'ll", "'ve", "acy", "ate", "dom", "ely", "ent", "ess", "ful", "ify", "ing", "ise", "ish", "ism", "ist", "ity", "ive", "ize", "ked", "ous", "ted", "ant", "ary", "eer", "est", "ion", "ure", "pre", "dis", "the", "pro", "com", "and", "int", "tra", "per", "sta", "res", "gra", "str", "imp", "par", "rec", "was", "cha", "ins", "sub", "exp", "ove", "you", "inc", "rep", "for", "cor", "inf", "ind", "app", "had", "mar", "his", "ste", "not", "but", "rea", "col", "und", "cla", "cou", "pla", "mis", "ass", "acc", "che", "sha", "are", "dec", "sho", "des", "spe", "tri", "har", "bra", "chi", "all", "hea", "one", "ref", "pri", "rel", "cra", "bri", "ret", "mon", "her", "bar", "she", "cre", "def", "blo", "inv", "fla", "sca", "fre", "cal", "exc", "may", "shi", "sto", "whi", "tre", "him", "wor", "han", "spi", "bla", "spo", "att", "sur", "fra", "min", "gen", "dep", "bre", "rem", "pat", "mor", "thr", "who", "rev", "ext", "pur", "its", "unc", "scr", "bur", "ser", "bal", "uns", "thi", "pos", "ele", "sen", "reg", "any", "pol", "did", "del", "mal", "sti", "has", "sch", "lea", "cat", "spa", "stu", "win", "can", "bea", "bac", "squ", "fac", "bro", "new", "now", "mas", "adv", "cri", "cap", "mat", "cur", "ver", "how", "det", "fin", "dev", "see", "emp", "our", "clo", "sec", "two", "gro", "aut", "hor", "mil", "sol", "ter", "syn", "way", "i'm", "get", "man", "too", "map", "own", "off", "war", "why", "old", "got", "uni", "saw", "few", "day", "far", "men", "met", "let", "end", "yet", "use", "put", "yes", "act", "law", "fig", "set", "i'd", "due", "cut", "son", "bed", "red", "lot", "air", "god", "arm", "ran", "guy", "ten", "try", "add", "lay", "ask", "six", "big", "ago", "eye", "sir", "age", "bit", "run", "nor", "mom", "led", "ect", "sat", "kid", "dad", "ies", "pay", "car", "hot", "low", "fix", "ics", "iel", "iar", "ian", "re", "en", "nt", "ea", "ti", "io", "le", "ou", "ar", "de", "rt", "ve", "am", "go", "of", "in", "he", "to", "it", "an", "is", "on", "at", "as", "or", "be", "me", "ha", "by", "no", "so", "we", "hi", "my", "us", "if", "do", "up", "ur", "ed", "yo", "dr", "ah", "oh", "ok", "al", "ic", "er", "nd", "es", "st", "th", "ly", "fy"]
function decToAnyRadixStr(dec, radix = 186, shift = 186) {
let result = "";
if (dec < 0 || dec > 0x10FFFF) return result;
let r;
while (dec > 0) {
r = dec % radix;
dec = ~~(dec / radix);
if (r > 0 || dec > 0) {
result += String.fromCharCode(r + shift); // + shift to avoid interpretation "bytes" as ascii chars
return result;
function anyRadixStrToChar(str, radix = 186) {
if (str.length > 3) return "*";
let i, m = 1, result = 0;
for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
result += str.charCodeAt(i) * m;
m *= radix;
if (result < 0 || result > 0x10FFFF) return "*";
return String.fromCodePoint(result);
function wordToSymbols(wordCase, wordSides, wordIndex) {
var control = wordCase * 24 + wordSides * 6 + Math.floor(wordIndex / 186);
if (control < 10) { }
else if (control >= 10 && control < 31) {
control += 1
else if (control == 31) {
control = 127
else if (control > 31 && control < 72) {
control += 96;
else {
return "??";
return String.fromCharCode(control) + String.fromCharCode(wordIndex % 186 + 186);
function codesToWord(control, wordCode) {
if (wordCode > 185) {
console.error(\`Bad word code (\${wordCode})\`)
return "<Error>"
if (control < 10) { }
else if (control >= 11 && control < 32) {
control -= 1
else if (control == 127) {
control = 31
else if (control > 127 && control < 168) {
control -= 96
else {
console.error(\`Bad control code (\${control})\`);
return "<Error>";
var wordCase = Math.floor(control / 24);
var wordSides = Math.floor((control % 24) / 6);
var wordIndex = (control % 6) * 186 + wordCode;
var word;
if (wordIndex < 1116) {
var word = dict[wordIndex];
else {
console.error(\`Unknown word (\${control} \${wordCode})\`)
return "<Error>";
return ((wordSides < 2) ? " " : "") +
((wordCase == 0) ? word : (wordCase == 1 ? word[0].toUpperCase() + word.substring(1) : word.toUpperCase())) +
((wordSides % 2 == 0) ? " " : "");
function prepareASCIIString(src) {
var code;
var result = "";
src = src.normalize("NFC");
for (var letter of src) {
code = letter.codePointAt();
if (code == 9) {
result += " ";
else if ((code >= 32 && code < 127) || code == 10) {
result += letter;
else if (code > 127) {
var base186 = decToAnyRadixStr(code);
result += String.fromCharCode(167 + base186.length) + base186;
return result;
function compressWithDict(src) {
var dictWordLength = 0,
dictPosNewLength = 0,
dictPos = 0,
src = prepareASCIIString(src);
while (dictPos < dict.length) {
dictWordLength = dict[dictPos].length;
re = new RegExp(\`['A-Za-z:\\/]{\${dictWordLength}}\`, 'g');
while (dictPosNewLength < dict.length && dictWordLength == dict[dictPosNewLength].length) { dictPosNewLength++ }
while ((reResult = re.exec(src)) != null) {
srcWord = reResult[0];
srcWordLC = srcWord.toLowerCase();
srcWordPos = reResult.index;
re.lastIndex = srcWordPos + 1;
for (dictPos2 = dictPos; dictPos2 < dictPosNewLength; dictPos2++) {
if (dict[dictPos2] == srcWordLC) {
if (srcWord == srcWordLC) { srcWordCase = 0; }
else if (srcWord == srcWord[0].toUpperCase() + srcWord.substring(1).toLocaleLowerCase()) { srcWordCase = 1; }
else if (srcWord == srcWord.toUpperCase()) { srcWordCase = 2; }
else {
srcWordLeftSide = src.substring(srcWordPos - 1, srcWordPos);
srcWordRightSide = src.substring(srcWordPos + dictWordLength, srcWordPos + dictWordLength + 1);
if (srcWordLeftSide == " " && srcWordRightSide == " ") { srcWordSides = 0 }
else if (srcWordLeftSide == " ") { srcWordSides = 1 }
else if (srcWordRightSide == " ") { srcWordSides = 2 }
else if (dictWordLength > 2) { srcWordSides = 3 }
else {
rSPos = srcWordSides < 2 ? srcWordPos - 1 : srcWordPos;
rEPos = (srcWordSides % 2 == 0) ? srcWordPos + dictWordLength + 1 : srcWordPos + dictWordLength;
src = src.substring(0, rSPos) + wordToSymbols(srcWordCase, srcWordSides, dictPos2) + src.substring(rEPos);
if (srcWordSides > 1) { re.lastIndex = srcWordPos + 2; }
dictPos = dictPosNewLength;
let result = "";
let code;
for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
code = src.charCodeAt(i);
if (code >= 186) {
result += String.fromCharCode(code - 186);
else {
result += src[i];
return result;
function decompressWithDict(src) {
var result = "",
i = 0,
while (i < src.length) {
code = src.codePointAt(i);
if ((code > 31 && code < 127) || code == 10) {
result += src[i];
i += 1;
else if (code > 167 && code <= 170) {
code -= 167;
result += anyRadixStrToChar(src.substring(i + 1, i + 1 + code));
i += 1 + code;
else if (code > 170) {
console.error(\`decompressASCII: bad code (\${code})\`);
return result + " ... <Error>";
else {
result += codesToWord(code, src.codePointAt(i + 1));
i += 2;
return result;
* SCSU - Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode implementation for JavaScript
* Provides SCSU encoding/decoding of UTF-8 strings
* Suitable for better LZF compression for UTF-8 strings
* Based on Java source of SCSU by Unicode, Inc. (http:
* @class Provides methods for SCSU encoding/decoding
* @author Alexey A.Znaev ([email protected]) (http:
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Alexey A.Znaev
* @license http:
* @version 1.0
function SCSU() { }
SCSU.prototype._SQ0 = 0x01;
SCSU.prototype._SQ1 = 0x02;
SCSU.prototype._SQ2 = 0x03;
SCSU.prototype._SQ3 = 0x04;
SCSU.prototype._SQ4 = 0x05;
SCSU.prototype._SQ5 = 0x06;
SCSU.prototype._SQ6 = 0x07;
SCSU.prototype._SQ7 = 0x08;
SCSU.prototype._SDX = 0x0B;
SCSU.prototype._Srs = 0x0C;
SCSU.prototype._SQU = 0x0E;
SCSU.prototype._SCU = 0x0F;
SCSU.prototype._SC0 = 0x10;
SCSU.prototype._SC1 = 0x11;
SCSU.prototype._SC2 = 0x12;
SCSU.prototype._SC3 = 0x13;
SCSU.prototype._SC4 = 0x14;
SCSU.prototype._SC5 = 0x15;
SCSU.prototype._SC6 = 0x16;
SCSU.prototype._SC7 = 0x17;
SCSU.prototype._SD0 = 0x18;
SCSU.prototype._SD1 = 0x19;
SCSU.prototype._SD2 = 0x1A;
SCSU.prototype._SD3 = 0x1B;
SCSU.prototype._SD4 = 0x1C;
SCSU.prototype._SD5 = 0x1D;
SCSU.prototype._SD6 = 0x1E;
SCSU.prototype._SD7 = 0x1F;
SCSU.prototype._UC0 = 0xE0;
SCSU.prototype._UC1 = 0xE1;
SCSU.prototype._UC2 = 0xE2;
SCSU.prototype._UC3 = 0xE3;
SCSU.prototype._UC4 = 0xE4;
SCSU.prototype._UC5 = 0xE5;
SCSU.prototype._UC6 = 0xE6;
SCSU.prototype._UC7 = 0xE7;
SCSU.prototype._UD0 = 0xE8;
SCSU.prototype._UD1 = 0xE9;
SCSU.prototype._UD2 = 0xEA;
SCSU.prototype._UD3 = 0xEB;
SCSU.prototype._UD4 = 0xEC;
SCSU.prototype._UD5 = 0xED;
SCSU.prototype._UD6 = 0xEE;
SCSU.prototype._UD7 = 0xEF;
SCSU.prototype._UQU = 0xF0;
SCSU.prototype._UDX = 0xF1;
SCSU.prototype._Urs = 0xF2;
SCSU.prototype._gapThreshold = 0x68;
SCSU.prototype._gapOffset = 0xAC00;
SCSU.prototype._reservedStart = 0xA8;
SCSU.prototype._fixedThreshold = 0xF9;
SCSU.prototype._fixedOffset = [0x00C0, 0x0250, 0x0370, 0x0530, 0x3040, 0x30A0, 0xFF60];
SCSU.prototype._staticOffset = [0x0000, 0x0080, 0x0100, 0x0300, 0x2000, 0x2080, 0x2100, 0x3000];
SCSU.prototype._initialDynamicOffset = [0x0080, 0x00C0, 0x0400, 0x0600, 0x0900, 0x3040, 0x30A0, 0xFF00];
* Encodes UTF-8 string using SCSU algorithm
* @param {String} str UTF-8 string
* @return {String} SCSU-encoded string
* @throws {SCSUError}
SCSU.prototype.compress = function (str) {
var iLen = 0, ch, ch2, iprevWindow;
this.sIn = str;
this.iInLen = str.length;
this.aOut = [];
while (this.iIn < this.iInLen) {
if (this.iSCU != -1) {
ch = this._outputUnicodeRun();
if (this.aOut.length - this.iSCU == 3) {
this.aOut[this.iSCU] = this._SQU;
this.iSCU = -1;
} else {
this.iSCU = -1;
this.fUnicodeMode = true;
} else ch = this._outputSingleByteRun();
if (this.iIn == this.iInLen) break;
for (var ich = this.iIn; ch < 0x80; ich++) {
if (ich == this.iInLen || !this._isCompressible(this.sIn.charCodeAt(ich))) {
ch = this.sIn.charCodeAt(this.iIn);
ch = this.sIn.charCodeAt(ich);
iprevWindow = this.iSelectedWindow;
if (ch < 0x80 || this._locateWindow(ch, this.dynamicOffset)) {
if (!this.fUnicodeMode && this.iIn < this.iInLen - 1) {
ch2 = this.sIn.charCodeAt(this.iIn + 1);
if (ch2 >= this.dynamicOffset[iprevWindow] && ch2 < this.dynamicOffset[iprevWindow] + 0x80) {
this.iSelectedWindow = iprevWindow;
this.aOut.push(((this.fUnicodeMode ? this._UC0 : this._SC0) + this.iSelectedWindow) & 255);
this.fUnicodeMode = false;
} else if (!this.fUnicodeMode && this._locateWindow(ch, this._staticOffset)) {
this.iSelectedWindow = iprevWindow;
} else if (this._positionWindow(ch)) {
this.fUnicodeMode = false;
} else {
this.iSCU = this.aOut.length;
delete this.sIn;
var a_out_symbols = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.aOut.length; i++) a_out_symbols.push(String.fromCharCode(this.aOut[i]));
delete this.aOut;
return a_out_symbols.join('');
* Decodes SCSU-encoded string to UTF-8 one
* @param {String} str SCSU-encoded string
* @return {String} UTF-8 string
* @throws {SCSUError}
SCSU.prototype.decompress = function (str) {
this.sIn = str;
this.iInLen = str.length;
var sOut = '';
var iStaticWindow, iDynamicWindow, ch;
for (var iCur = 0; iCur < this.iInLen; iCur++) {
iStaticWindow = 0;
iDynamicWindow = this.iSelectedWindow;
switch (this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur)) {
case this._SQ0:
case this._SQ1:
case this._SQ2:
case this._SQ3:
case this._SQ4:
case this._SQ5:
case this._SQ6:
case this._SQ7:
if (iCur >= this.iInLen - 1) break Loop;
iDynamicWindow = iStaticWindow = this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur) - this._SQ0;
if (this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur) < 128) {
ch = this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur) + this._staticOffset[iStaticWindow];
sOut += String.fromCharCode(ch);
} else {
ch = this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur);
ch -= 0x80;
ch += this.dynamicOffset[iDynamicWindow];
if (ch < 1 << 16) {
sOut += String.fromCharCode(ch);
} else {
ch -= 0x10000;
sOut += String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + (ch >> 10));
sOut += String.fromCharCode(0xDC00 + (ch & ~0xFC00));
case this._SDX:
iCur += 2;
if (iCur >= this.iInLen) break Loop;
this._defineExtendedWindow(this._charFromTwoBytes(aIn[iCur - 1], this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur)));
case this._SD0:
case this._SD1:
case this._SD2:
case this._SD3:
case this._SD4:
case this._SD5:
case this._SD6:
case this._SD7:
if (iCur >= this.iInLen) break Loop;
this._defineWindow(this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur - 1) - this._SD0, this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur));
case this._SC0:
case this._SC1:
case this._SC2:
case this._SC3:
case this._SC4:
case this._SC5:
case this._SC6:
case this._SC7:
this.iSelectedWindow = this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur) - this._SC0;
case this._SCU:
for (var b; iCur < this.iInLen - 1; iCur += 2) {
b = this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur);
if (b >= this._UC0 && b <= this._UC7) {
this.iSelectedWindow = b - this._UC0;
break Switch;
} else if (b >= this._UD0 && b <= this._UD7) {
this._defineWindow(b - this._UD0, this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur + 1));
break Switch;
} else if (b == this._UDX) {
this._defineExtendedWindow(this._charFromTwoBytes(this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur + 1), this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur + 2)));
iCur += 2;
break Switch;
} else if (b == this._UQU) {
sOut += String.fromCharCode(this._charFromTwoBytes(this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur), this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur + 1)));
if (iCur != this.iInLen) throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x11));
case this._SQU:
iCur += 2;
if (iCur >= this.iInLen) {
break Loop;
} else {
ch = this._charFromTwoBytes(this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur - 1), this.sIn.charCodeAt(iCur));
sOut += String.fromCharCode(ch);
case this._Srs:
throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x16, 'Pos. ' + iCur + '.'));
delete this.sIn;
if (iCur < this.iInLen) throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x11));
return sOut;
SCSU.prototype._isCompressible = function (ch) {
return (ch < 0x3400 || ch >= 0xE000);
SCSU.prototype._reset = function () {
this.iIn = 0;
this.iSelectedWindow = 0;
this.dynamicOffset = this._initialDynamicOffset.slice(0);
this.iSCU = -1;
this.fUnicodeMode = false;
this.iNextWindow = 3;
SCSU.prototype._locateWindow = function (ch, offsetTable) {
var iWin = this.iSelectedWindow;
if (iWin != - 1 && ch >= offsetTable[iWin] && ch < offsetTable[iWin] + 0x80) return true;
for (iWin = 0; iWin < offsetTable.length; iWin++) {
if (ch >= offsetTable[iWin] && ch < offsetTable[iWin] + 0x80) {
this.iSelectedWindow = iWin;
return true;
return false;
SCSU.prototype._isAsciiCrLfOrTab = function (ch) {
return (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0x7F) || ch == 0x09 || ch == 0x0A || ch == 0x0D;
SCSU.prototype._outputSingleByteRun = function () {
var iWin = this.iSelectedWindow, ch, ch2, byte1, byte2, aInLen;
while (this.iIn < this.iInLen) {
this.iOutLen = 0;
byte1 = 0;
byte2 = 0;
ch = this.sIn.charCodeAt(this.iIn);
aInLen = 1;
if ((ch & 0xF800) == 0xD800) {
if ((ch & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) {
throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x12, 'Byte #' + this.iIn + '.'));
} else {
if (this.iIn >= this.iInLen - 1) throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x11));
ch2 = this.sIn.charCodeAt(this.iIn + 1);
if ((ch2 & 0xFC00) != 0xDC00) throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x13, 'Byte #' + (this.iIn + 1) + '.'));
ch = ((ch - 0xD800) << 10 | (ch2 - 0xDC00)) + 0x10000;
aInLen = 2;
if (this._isAsciiCrLfOrTab(ch) || ch == 0) {
byte2 = ch & 0x7F;
this.iOutLen = 1;
} else if (ch < 0x20) {
byte1 = this._SQ0;
byte2 = ch;
this.iOutLen = 2;
} else if (ch >= this.dynamicOffset[iWin] && ch < this.dynamicOffset[iWin] + 0x80) {
ch -= this.dynamicOffset[iWin];
byte2 = (ch | 0x80) & 255;
this.iOutLen = 1;
switch (this.iOutLen) {
return ch;
case 2:
case 1:
this.iIn += aInLen;
return 0;
SCSU.prototype._quoteSingleByte = function (ch) {
var iWin = this.iSelectedWindow, ch;
this.aOut.push((this._SQ0 + iWin) & 255);
if (ch >= this.dynamicOffset[iWin] && ch < this.dynamicOffset[iWin] + 0x80) {
ch -= this.dynamicOffset[iWin];
this.aOut.push((ch | 0x80) & 255);
} else if (ch >= this._staticOffset[iWin] && ch < this._staticOffset[iWin] + 0x80) {
ch -= this._staticOffset[iWin];
this.aOut.push(ch & 255);
} else throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x00, 'ch = ' + ch + ' not valid in _quoteSingleByte.'));
SCSU.prototype._outputUnicodeRun = function () {
var ch = 0, ch2;
while (this.iIn < this.iInLen) {
ch = this.sIn.charCodeAt(this.iIn);
this.iOutLen = 2;
if (this._isCompressible(ch)) {
if (this.iIn < this.iInLen - 1) {
ch2 = this.sIn.charCodeAt(this.iIn + 1);
if (this._isCompressible(ch2)) break;
if (ch >= 0xE000 && ch <= 0xF2FF) this.iOutLen = 3;
if (this.iOutLen == 3) this.aOut.push(this._UQU);
this.aOut.push((ch >> 8) & 255);
this.aOut.push(ch & 0xFF);
return ch;
SCSU.prototype._positionWindow = function (ch) {
var iWin = this.iNextWindow % 8, iPosition = 0, ch;
if (ch < 0x80) throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x00, 'ch < 0x80.'));
for (var i = 0; i < this._fixedOffset.length; i++) {
if (ch >= this._fixedOffset[i] && ch < this._fixedOffset[i] + 0x80) {
iPosition = i;
if (iPosition != 0) {
this.dynamicOffset[iWin] = this._fixedOffset[iPosition];
iPosition += 0xF9;
} else if (ch < 0x3400) {
iPosition = ch >> 7;
this.dynamicOffset[iWin] = ch & 0xFF80;
} else if (ch < 0xE000) {
return false;
} else if (ch <= 0xFFFF) {
iPosition = ((ch - this._gapOffset) >> 7);
this.dynamicOffset[iWin] = ch & 0xFF80;
} else {
iPosition = (ch - 0x10000) >> 7;
iPosition |= iWin << 13;
this.dynamicOffset[iWin] = ch & 0x1FFF80;
if (iPosition < 0x100) {
this.aOut.push(((this.fUnicodeMode ? this._UD0 : this._SD0) + iWin) & 255);
this.aOut.push(iPosition & 0xFF);
} else if (iPosition >= 0x100) {
this.aOut.push(this.fUnicodeMode ? this._UDX : this._SDX);
this.aOut.push((iPosition >> 8) & 0xFF);
this.aOut.push(iPosition & 0xFF);
this.iSelectedWindow = iWin;
return true;
SCSU.prototype._defineWindow = function (iWin, bOffset) {
var iOffset = (bOffset < 0 ? bOffset + 256 : bOffset);
if (iOffset == 0) {
throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x14));
} else if (iOffset < this._gapThreshold) {
this.dynamicOffset[iWin] = iOffset << 7;
} else if (iOffset < this._reservedStart) {
this.dynamicOffset[iWin] = (iOffset << 7) + this._gapOffset;
} else if (iOffset < this._fixedThreshold) {
throw new SCSUError(this._errorText(0x15, 'Value = ' + iOffset + '.'));
} else {
this.dynamicOffset[iWin] = this._fixedOffset[iOffset - this._fixedThreshold];
this.iSelectedWindow = iWin;
SCSU.prototype._defineExtendedWindow = function (chOffset) {
var iWin = chOffset >> 13;
this.dynamicOffset[iWin] = ((chOffset & 0x1FFF) << 7) + (1 << 16);
this.iSelectedWindow = iWin;
SCSU.prototype._charFromTwoBytes = function (hi, lo) {
var ch = (lo >= 0 ? lo : 256 + lo);
return (ch + ((hi >= 0 ? hi : 256 + hi) << 8));
SCSU.prototype._ERRORS = {
0x00: 'Internal error.',
0x10: 'Illegal input.',
0x11: 'Ended prematurely.',
0x12: 'Unpaired low surrogate.',
0x13: 'Unpaired high surrogate.',
0x14: 'Zero offset.',
0x15: 'Bad offset.',
0x16: 'Srs byte found.',
0x20: 'Bad output.'
SCSU.prototype._errorText = function (code, text) {
if (code == null || (typeof code != 'number') || code < 0 || code > 0xFF) code = 0x00;
if (text == null || (typeof text != 'string')) text = '';
var message = '';
var code_class = code & 0xF0;
if (this._ERRORS[code_class]) message = this._ERRORS[code_class];
if ((code != code_class) && this._ERRORS[code]) message += ' ' + this._ERRORS[code];
return ('SCSU 0x' + code.toString(16) + ': ' + message + (text == '' ? '' : ' ') + text);
* SCSU Errors exceptions
* @class Constructs exceptions of SCSU errors
* @author Alexey A.Znaev ([email protected]) (http:
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Alexey A.Znaev
* @license http:
* @version 1.0
function SCSUError(msg) { this.message = msg; this.name = 'SCSUError' };
SCSUError.prototype = new Error();
function removeControlASCIISymbols(str) {
var code;
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
code = str.codePointAt(i);
if (code == 9) {
result += " ";
else if ((code >= 32 && code < 127) || code > 127 || code == 10) {
result += str[i]
return result;
function compressWithSCSU(src) {
src = removeControlASCIISymbols(src);
var result;
try {
result = SCSU.prototype.compress(src);
catch (e) {
console.error("SCSU compression error:", e);
return null;
return result;
function decompressWithSCSU(src) {
var result;
try {
result = SCSU.prototype.decompress(src);
catch (e) {
//console.error("SCSU decompression error:", e);
return null;
return result;
function unicodeToRadix183Str(src) {
var result = "",
for (var letter of src) {
code = letter.codePointAt();
if (code < 183) {
result += letter;
else if (code > 127) {
var base183 = decToAnyRadixStr(code, 183, 0);
result += String.fromCharCode(182 + base183.length) + base183;
return result;
function radix183StrToUnicode(src) {
var result = "",
i = 0,
while (i < src.length) {
code = src.codePointAt(i);
if (code < 183) {
result += src[i];
i += 1;
else {
code -= 182;
result += anyRadixStrToChar(src.substring(i + 1, i + 1 + code), 183, 0);
i += 1 + code;
return result;
function strToHonkMsg(src) {
var encodingType,
if (src.length == 0) {
encodingType = 3;
result = " ";
else {
var codedWithDict = compressWithDict(src);
var codedWithoutDict = compressWithSCSU(src);
var scsu = false;
if (codedWithoutDict !== null) {
if (decompressWithSCSU(codedWithoutDict) !== null) {
codedWithoutDict = unicodeToRadix183Str(codedWithoutDict);
scsu = true;
if (!scsu) {
codedWithoutDict = unicodeToRadix183Str(src);
if (codedWithDict.length < codedWithoutDict.length) {
result = codedWithDict;
encodingType = 1;
else {
result = codedWithoutDict;
encodingType = scsu ? 2 : 3;
if (result.length > 186 || result.length < 1) {
return result.length;
else {
return String.fromCharCode(encodingType) + String.fromCharCode(result.length - 1) + result;
function honkMsgToString(src) {
const errMsg = "<Decoding error>";
var srcLen = src.length,
result = "";
if (srcLen < 3 || srcLen > 186 + 2) {
console.error(\`honkMsgToString: incorrect length of source (\${src.length})\`);
return errMsg;
else {
var encodingType = src.codePointAt(0);
if (encodingType < 1 || encodingType > 3) {
console.error(\`honkMsgToString: incorrect encoding type (\${encodingType})\`);
return errMsg;
var textLen = src.codePointAt(1);
if (srcLen - 2 != textLen) {
console.error(\`honkMsgToString: incorrect message text length (\${srcLen} / \${textLen})\`);
return errMsg;
try {
if (encodingType == 1) {
result = decompressWithDict(src.substring(2));
else if (encodingType == 2) {
result = decompressWithSCSU(radix183StrToUnicode(src.substring(2)));
else if (encodingType == 3) {
result = radix183StrToUnicode(src.substring(2));
return result.replace(/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n){2,}/g, '\$1\\n');
catch (e) {
console.error(\`honkMsgToString: decompression error (type \${encodingType})\`, e);
return errMsg;
var wcMessage = "";
var wcMessagePos = 0;
function wcSendMsgHonk() {
if (playingAndReady) {
var code = wcMessage.charCodeAt(wcMessagePos) + 70;
wcMessagePos += 1;
if (!wsSendMsg(sendAction.HONK, code)) wsMsgSendStatus = 0;
if (wcMessagePos < wcMessage.length) {
setTimeout(wcSendMsgHonk, 8 / 1 ) // Wrongchat Sending Speed
else {
wsMsgSendStatus = 0;
else {
wsMsgSendStatus = 0;
function wcSendMessage(message) {
wcMessage = String.fromCharCode(1) + String.fromCharCode(57) + message;
wcMessagePos = 0;
wsMsgSendStatus = 1;
var lastStatKills = 0,
lastStatAlive = 0,
lastStatDeathType = 0,
lastStatKiller = "";
if (window.lastStatDeathType != 0) {
var mmm;
var hours = Math.floor(lastStatAlive / 3600); // 1 hour = 3600 seconds
var minutes = Math.floor((lastStatAlive % 3600) / 60); // Remaining minutes
var seconds = lastStatAlive % 60; // Remaining seconds
var lastStatAliveFormatted = (hours > 0 ? hours + "h " : "") + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s";
if (window.lastStatKiller === "") {
mmm = "Killed By: Noname" + " | " + "Kills: " + lastStatKills + " | " + "Time Alive: " + lastStatAliveFormatted;;
} else if (window.lastStatKiller == "yourself") {
mmm = "Killed By: Myself 😐" + " | " + "Kills: " + lastStatKills + " | " + "Time Alive: " + lastStatAliveFormatted;
} else if (window.lastStatKiller === "the wall") {
mmm = "Killed By: The Wall" + " | " + "Kills: " + lastStatKills + " | " + "Time Alive: " + lastStatAliveFormatted;
} else {
mmm = "Killed By: " + window.lastStatKiller + " | " + "Kills: " + lastStatKills + " | " + "Time Alive: " + lastStatAliveFormatted;;
var message = wcFlags.wcConvertEmoticons ? strToHonkMsg(wcEmoticonsToEmoji(mmm)) : strToHonkMsg(mmm);
window.lastStatDeathType = 0;
}, 10);
var lastStatKills = 0,
lastStatAlive = 0,
lastStatDeathType = 0,
lastStatKiller = "";
let scriptEnabled = false; // Default state: OFF
// Create banner for notifications
const banner = document.createElement('div');
banner.style.position = 'fixed';
banner.style.top = '0';
banner.style.left = '50%';
banner.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)';
banner.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)';
banner.style.color = 'white';
banner.style.padding = '10px';
banner.style.borderRadius = '5px';
banner.style.fontSize = '16px';
banner.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
banner.style.display = 'none';
banner.style.zIndex = '9999';
let bannerTimeout;
function showBanner(message) {
banner.textContent = message;
banner.style.display = 'block';
if (bannerTimeout) {
bannerTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
banner.style.display = 'none';
}, 3000); // Display for 3 seconds
// Main interval function
const intervalId = window.setInterval(function () {
if (scriptEnabled && window.lastStatDeathType != 0) {
// Format time alive
var hours = Math.floor(lastStatAlive / 3600); // 1 hour = 3600 seconds
var minutes = Math.floor((lastStatAlive % 3600) / 60); // Remaining minutes
var seconds = lastStatAlive % 60; // Remaining seconds
var lastStatAliveFormatted = (hours > 0 ? hours + "h " : "") + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s";
// Prepare "Killed By" message
var killedByMessage;
if (window.lastStatKiller === "") {
killedByMessage = "Killed By: Noname";
} else if (window.lastStatKiller == "yourself") {
killedByMessage = "Killed By: Myself 😐";
} else if (window.lastStatKiller === "the wall") {
killedByMessage = "Killed By: The Wall";
} else {
killedByMessage = "Killed By: " + window.lastStatKiller;
// Prepare other messages
var killsMessage = "Kills: " + lastStatKills;
var timeAliveMessage = "Time Alive: " + lastStatAliveFormatted;
// Send messages with a delay to ensure they are processed separately
setTimeout(() => {
wcSendMessage(wcFlags.wcConvertEmoticons ? strToHonkMsg(wcEmoticonsToEmoji(killedByMessage)) : strToHonkMsg(killedByMessage));
}, 0); // Send immediately
setTimeout(() => {
wcSendMessage(wcFlags.wcConvertEmoticons ? strToHonkMsg(wcEmoticonsToEmoji(killsMessage)) : strToHonkMsg(killsMessage));
}, 500); // Send after 250ms
setTimeout(() => {
wcSendMessage(wcFlags.wcConvertEmoticons ? strToHonkMsg(wcEmoticonsToEmoji(timeAliveMessage)) : strToHonkMsg(timeAliveMessage));
}, 1000); // Send after 500ms
// Reset death type to avoid repeating messages
window.lastStatDeathType = 0;
}, 0);
// Add event listener for toggle key
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (event.code === 'Backslash') { // Detect the backslash key
scriptEnabled = !scriptEnabled; // Toggle script state
showBanner(scriptEnabled ? "WC Death Message: Enabled" : "WC Death Message: Disabled");
function wcMsgHonkHandler(player, value) {
if (player.msgStatus == 0) {
if (value == 71 && !wcIsPlayerBlocked(player.name, player.skinBlock)) {
player.msgStatus = 1;
else return;
else if (player.msgStatus == 1) {
if (value == 127) {
player.msgStatus = 2;
else if (value !== 71) {
player.msgStatus = 0;
else if (player.msgStatus == 2) {
if (value >= 71 && value <= 73) {
player.msgStatus = 3;
player.message = String.fromCharCode(value - 70);
else {
player.msgStatus = 0;
else if (player.msgStatus == 3) {
player.msgStatus = 4;
player.msgLength = value - 69 + 2;
player.message += String.fromCharCode(value - 69);
else {
player.message += String.fromCharCode(value - 70);
if (player.message.length >= player.msgLength) {
wcNewMessage(player.message, player.name, player.skinBlock);
player.msgStatus = 0;
function honkEndWC() {
if (wsMsgSendStatus === 0) {
var e = Date.now();
if (lastHonkTime < e) {
var t = clamp(t = e - honkStartTime, 0, 1e3);
lastHonkTime = e + t,
t = iLerp(0, 1e3, t),
t *= 255,
t = Math.floor(t),
wsSendMsg(sendAction.HONK, t);
for (var n = 0; n < players.length; n++) {
var a = players[n];
a.isMyPlayer && a.doHonk(Math.max(70, t))
function getPlayerWC(e, t) {
var n;
void 0 === t && (t = players);
for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
if ((n = t[a]).id == e)
return n;
return n = {
id: e,
pos: [0, 0],
drawPos: [-1, -1],
drawPosSet: !1,
serverPos: [0, 0],
dir: 0,
isMyPlayer: 0 === e,
isDead: !1,
deathWasCertain: !1,
didUncertainDeathLastTick: !1,
isDeadTimer: 0,
uncertainDeathPosition: [0, 0],
message: "",
msgStatus: 0,
msgLength: 0,
die: function (e) {
if (e = !!e, this.isDead)
this.deathWasCertain = e || this.deathWasCertain;
else if (e || !this.didUncertainDeathLastTick) {
e || (this.didUncertainDeathLastTick = !0, this.uncertainDeathPosition = [this.pos[0], this.pos[1]]),
this.isDead = !0,
this.deathWasCertain = e,
this.deadAnimParts = [0],
this.isDeadTimer = 0,
this.isMyPlayer && doCamShakeDir(this.dir);
for (var t = 0; ;) {
if ((t += .4 * Math.random() + .5) >= 2 * Math.PI) {
this.deadAnimParts.push(2 * Math.PI);
undoDie: function () {
this.isDead = !1
deadAnimParts: [],
deadAnimPartsRandDist: [],
addHitLine: function (e, t) {
pos: e,
vanishTimer: 0,
color: t
hitLines: [],
doHonk: function (e) {
this.honkTimer = 0,
this.honkMaxTime = e,
"joris" == this.name.toLowerCase() && (null == honkSfx && (honkSfx = new Audio("/static/honk.mp3")), honkSfx.play());
wcMsgHonkHandler(this, e);
moveRelativeToServerPosNextFrame: !1,
lastServerPosSentTime: 0,
honkTimer: 0,
honkMaxTime: 0,
trails: [],
name: "",
skinBlock: 0,
lastBlock: null,
hasReceivedPosition: !1
n.isMyPlayer && (myPlayer = n),
getPlayer = getPlayerWC;
honkEnd = honkEndWC;
var style = \`
#chatbox {
position: fixed;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
#chatbox > * {
#chatMessages > * {
#chatNotifications > * {
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max-height: 100px;
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color: #fff;
font-style: italic;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
padding: 4px 10px;
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display: inline-block;
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.chatMessage > span {
display: flex;
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.chatMessage span:last-of-type{
color: #fff;
background: #413a35;
padding-left: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
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color: #ffffff80;
font-weight: bold;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
max-width: 300px;
#wcBlock {
position: fixed;
min-width: 300px;
background: #4d453e;
border: solid 1px #000000;
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#wcBlock input[type="checkbox"],
#wcBlock input[type="radio"] {
display: none;
#wcBlock label {
padding: 0.9em 0.2em;
#wcBlock input[type="radio"]:checked+label {
background: #a22929;
#wcBlock input:hover+label {
background: #3a342f;
#wcBlockAttributes input+label::before {
content: 'Current ';
#wcBlockAttributes input:checked+label::before {
content: 'Any ';
#wcBlockHeader {
background: #3a342f;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 0.3em 0.3em;
#wcBlockButtons {
display: grid;
#wcBlockPeriod {
grid-template-columns: 23% 23% 23% 31%;
#wcBlockButtons {
grid-template-columns: 59% 40%;
column-gap: 1%;
.wcBlockButton {
background: #3a342f;
border: none;
padding: 0.6em 0.1em;
color: white;
font-size: 1em;
#wcBlockBlock {
background: #631717;
#wcBlockCancel:hover {
background: #3bad48;
#wcBlockBlock:hover {
background: #a22929;
var html = \`
<div id="chatbox">
<div id="chatMessages"></div>
<div id="chatNotifications"></div>
<input id="chatInput" type="text" maxlength="372">
<div id="wcBlock">
<div id="wcBlockHeader">Block user for ...</div>
<div id="wcBlockPeriod">
<input class="wcBlockPeriodRadio" type="radio" name="wcBlockPeriod" value="year" id="wcBlockPeriodRadio1">
<label for="wcBlockPeriodRadio1">Year</label>
<input class="wcBlockPeriodRadio" type="radio" name="wcBlockPeriod" value="week" id="wcBlockPeriodRadio2">
<label for="wcBlockPeriodRadio2">Week</label>
<input class="wcBlockPeriodRadio" type="radio" name="wcBlockPeriod" value="day" id="wcBlockPeriodRadio3">
<label for="wcBlockPeriodRadio3">Day</label>
<input class="wcBlockPeriodRadio" type="radio" name="wcBlockPeriod" value="2h" id="wcBlockPeriodRadio4" checked>
<label for="wcBlockPeriodRadio4">Two hours</label>
<div id="wcBlockAttributes">
<input class="wcBlockAttribute" type="checkbox" id="wcBlockAnyColor" checked>
<label for="wcBlockAnyColor">color</label>
<div id="wcBlockButtons">
<input class="wcBlockButton" type="button" id="wcBlockBlock" value="Block">
<input class="wcBlockButton" type="button" id="wcBlockCancel" value="Cancel">
addHTML(html, "#playUI");
var wcBlock = document.getElementById("wcBlock");
var wcPlayerMenuHeader = document.getElementById("wcBlockHeader");
var wcBlockPeriodRadio1 = document.getElementById("wcBlockPeriodRadio1");
var wcBlockPeriodRadio2 = document.getElementById("wcBlockPeriodRadio2");
var wcBlockPeriodRadio3 = document.getElementById("wcBlockPeriodRadio3");
var wcBlockPeriodRadio4 = document.getElementById("wcBlockPeriodRadio4");
var wcBlockAnyColor = document.getElementById("wcBlockAnyColor");
var wcBlockBlock = document.getElementById("wcBlockBlock");
var wcBlockCancel = document.getElementById("wcBlockCancel");
wcBlockAnyColor.addEventListener("change", function () {
if (!wcBlockAnyColor.checked) {
document.querySelector("#wcBlockAnyColor+label").style.backgroundColor = wcBlock.getAttribute("data-color");
else {
document.querySelector("#wcBlockAnyColor+label").style.background = "none";
function wcShowBlockMenu(e) {
var name = e.target.getAttribute("data-name");
var colorId = e.target.getAttribute("data-colorid");
wcBlock.setAttribute("data-name", name);
wcBlock.setAttribute("data-color", bgColorById(colorId));
wcBlock.setAttribute("data-colorid", colorId);
wcPlayerMenuHeader.textContent = \`Block \${name} for a...\`;
wcBlockPeriodRadio4.checked = true;
wcBlockAnyColor.checked = false;
document.querySelector("#wcBlockAnyColor+label").style.backgroundColor = bgColorById(colorId);
wcBlock.style.right = \`\${document.body.clientWidth - e.clientX + 20}px\`
wcBlock.style.bottom = \`\${document.body.clientHeight - e.clientY}px\`
wcBlock.style.opacity = "1";
wcBlock.style.fontSize = "1em";
wcBlock.style.display = "block";
function wcHideBlockMenu() {
wcBlock.style.opacity = "0";
wcBlock.style.fontSize = "0";
wcBlock.style.display = "none";
wcBlockCancel.addEventListener("click", wcHideBlockMenu);
wcBlockBlock.addEventListener("click", function () {
var until = Date.now() +
(wcBlockPeriodRadio4.checked ? 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000 :
(wcBlockPeriodRadio3.checked ? 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 :
(wcBlockPeriodRadio2.checked ? 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 :
365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)));
var name = wcBlock.getAttribute("data-name");
var colorId = !(wcBlockAnyColor.checked) ? Number.parseInt(wcBlock.getAttribute("data-colorid")) : -1;
if (isNaN(colorId)) {
colorId = -1;
wcBlockPlayer(name, until, colorId);
wcNewNotification(\`\${name} has been blocked\`, 6);
var chatNotifications = document.getElementById("chatNotifications");
var chatMessages = document.getElementById("chatMessages");
var chatInput = document.getElementById("chatInput");
chatInput.addEventListener('input', resizeChatInput);
function resizeChatInput() {
chatInput.style.width = (chatInput.value.length + 1) + "ch";
function addStyle(styleStr) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = styleStr;
function addHTML(htmlStr, selector) {
var template = document.createElement('template');
template.innerHTML = htmlStr.trim();
function bgColorById(colorId) {
if (colorId < 0 || colorId > 12) { return 0 }
var hue = [0, 342.9, 322.81, 265.97, 274.04, 227.18, 218.93, 125.19, 126.95, 71.69, 49.88, 27.39, 40.99];
return \`hsl(\${hue[colorId]}, 94%, 50%)\`;
function colorNameById(colorId) {
if (colorId < 0 || colorId > 12) { return "" }
var colors = ["red", "pink", "dark pink", "light purple", "dark purple", "dark blue", "light blue", "light green", "dark green", "olive", "yellow", "orange", "gold"];
return (colors[colorId]);
var msgDivs = [];
var notifDivs = [];
var wsMsgSendStatus = 0;
var chatVisible = true;
var showPrivacyWarning = wcFlags.wcPrivacyWarnings;
function wcPrivacyWarning() {
var strings = [
"Walls have ears, and so do blocks",
"Do not pass any important information through this chat",
"The interlocutor may not be who he seems",
var emojis = ["👀", "🤐", "🎭", "👺", "👂", "🕵️"];
wcNewNotification(strings[Math.floor(Math.random() * strings.length)] + " " + emojis[Math.floor(Math.random() * emojis.length)], 10, 1);
showPrivacyWarning = false;
function wcNewMessage(honkMsg, name, colorId) {
if (showPrivacyWarning) {
var color = bgColorById(colorId);
var text = wcCompatibleReplace(honkMsgToString(honkMsg));
var trimName = name.trim();
if (wcFlags.wcConsoleLog) {
console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString(wcFlags.wcConsoleLogTimeAmPm ? "en-US" : "en-GB", { timeStyle: "short" }) + " " +
(trimName === "" ? \`(\${colorNameById(colorId)})\` : trimName) + ": " + text);
var msgDiv = document.createElement("div");
var msgSpanName = document.createElement("span");
msgSpanName.textContent = trimName === "" ? "⬤" : trimName;
msgSpanName.setAttribute("data-name", trimName);
msgSpanName.setAttribute("data-colorid", colorId);
msgSpanName.style.color = color;
msgSpanName.addEventListener("click", wcShowBlockMenu);
var msgSpanText = document.createElement("span");
msgSpanText.textContent = text;
if (wcFlags.wcMsgDisplayTime !== 0) { // don't delete at all if 0. But will be deleted if limit reached
setTimeout(function () {
msgDiv.style.transition = \`opacity \${wcFlags.wcMsgDecayTime <= wcFlags.wcMsgDisplayTime ? wcFlags.wcMsgDecayTime : wcFlags.wcMsgDisplayTime}s ease-in-out\`;
msgDiv.style.opacity = "0";
}, (wcFlags.wcMsgDecayTime < wcFlags.wcMsgDisplayTime ? wcFlags.wcMsgDisplayTime - wcFlags.wcMsgDecayTime : 0.1) * 1000);
setTimeout(function () {
var index = msgDivs.indexOf(msgDiv);
if (index != -1) {
msgDivs.splice(index, 1);
}, wcFlags.wcMsgDisplayTime * 1000);
function showTopNotification(text, timeAlive = 4) {
var notification = doTopNotification(text);
setTimeout(function () { notification.animateOut(); notification.destroy(); }, timeAlive * 1000);
function wcNewCornerNotification(text, timeAlive = 4, type = 0) {
var notifDiv = document.createElement("div");
var notifSpan = document.createElement("span");
notifSpan.textContent = text;
if (type == 1) {
notifSpan.style.fontStyle = "normal";
notifSpan.style.color = "yellow";
setTimeout(function () {
notifDiv.style.transition = "opacity 1s ease-in-out, max-height .35s ease-in-out";
notifDiv.style.transitionDelay = "0s, .5s"
notifDiv.style.opacity = "0";
notifDiv.style.maxHeight = "0";
}, (timeAlive - 1) * 1000);
setTimeout(function () {
var index = notifDivs.indexOf(notifDiv);
if (index != -1) {
notifDivs.splice(index, 1);
}, timeAlive * 1000);
function wcNewNotification(text, timeAlive = 4, type = 0) {
text = wcCompatibleReplace(text);
if (timeAlive == undefined) {
timeAlive = 4;
if (wcFlags.wcDefaultNotifications) {
showTopNotification(text, timeAlive);
else {
wcNewCornerNotification(text, timeAlive, type);
function removeExtraMessages() {
if (msgDivs.length > wcFlags.wcMessageLimit) {
for (var i = msgDivs.length - 1; i > wcFlags.wcMessageLimit; i--) {
setTimeout(removeExtraMessages, 2000);
function hideChatInput() {
chatInput.style.visibility = 'hidden';
function toggleChatInput() {
if (chatInput.style.visibility !== 'visible') {
chatInput.style.visibility = 'visible';
if (document.activeElement !== chatInput) hideChatInput();
else {
function showChat() {
chatVisible = true;
chatMessages.style.opacity = '1';
chatMessages.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
function toggleChat() {
chatVisible = !chatVisible;
if (chatVisible) {
chatMessages.style.opacity = '1';
chatMessages.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
wcNewNotification("Chat is visible", 2);
else {
chatMessages.style.opacity = '0';
chatMessages.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
wcNewNotification("Chat is hidden", 2);
function wcIsPlayerBlocked(name, colorId) {
if (!(name in wcFlags.wcBlockedPlayers)) {
return false;
else {
for (const one of wcFlags.wcBlockedPlayers[name]) {
if (one.until > Date.now() && (!('colorId' in one) || one.colorId == colorId)) {
return true;
return false;
function wcBlockPlayer(name, until, colorId = -1) {
if (!(name in wcFlags.wcBlockedPlayers)) {
wcFlags.wcBlockedPlayers[name] = [];
if (colorId === -1) {
wcFlags.wcBlockedPlayers[name].push({ 'until': until });
else {
wcFlags.wcBlockedPlayers[name].push({ 'until': until, 'colorId': colorId });
function wcSaveBlockedPlayers() {
localStorage.setItem("wcBlockedPlayers", JSON.stringify(wcFlags.wcBlockedPlayers));
function wcLoadBlockedPlayers(saveIfChanged = true) {
var lsBlockedPlayers = localStorage.getItem("wcBlockedPlayers");
var wasChanged = false;
try {
var parsedBlockedPlayers = JSON.parse(lsBlockedPlayers);
if (parsedBlockedPlayers === null) {
parsedBlockedPlayers = {}
catch {
var parsedBlockedPlayers = {};
wasChanged = true;
for (var name in parsedBlockedPlayers) {
const properties = parsedBlockedPlayers[name];
if (Array.isArray(properties)) {
var i = properties.length;
while (i--) {
const one = properties[i];
if (typeof one !== 'object'
|| one === null
|| !('until' in one)
|| one.until < Date.now()
|| ('colorId' in one && (!Number.isInteger(one.colorId) || one.colorId < 0 || one.colorId > 12))) {
properties.splice(i, 1);
wasChanged = true;
if (properties.length === 0) {
delete parsedBlockedPlayers[name];
wasChanged = true;
else {
delete parsedBlockedPlayers.name;
wasChanged = true;
wcFlags.wcBlockedPlayers = parsedBlockedPlayers;
if (saveIfChanged && wasChanged) {
var wcReplacements = {}, wcRECompat, wcCompatibleReplace;
(function () {
var compatibleReplacements = {
"💔": ["</3"],
"😕": [":-/"],
"😢": [":'("],
"🙁": ["😟", ":("],
"❤️": ["<3"],
"😇": ["0:-)"],
"😂": [":'-)"],
"😗": [":*"],
"😐": [":|"],
"😮": [":-O"],
"😡": [":@"],
"🙂": ["😊", ":-)"],
"😄": [":D"],
"😭": [";("],
"😛": [":P"],
"😅": [",:-)"],
"😒": [":s"],
"😉": [";)"],
"🙃": ["🙂", "😊", "(-:"],
"🤐": ["🙊", ":secret:"],
"🕵️": ["👁", ":detective:"],
var testContext = document.createElement("canvas").getContext('2d');
function isEmojiAvailable(em) {
return testContext.measureText(em).width > 8;
for (var em in compatibleReplacements) {
if (!isEmojiAvailable(em)) {
for (var i = 0; i < compatibleReplacements[em].length; i++) {
if (i == compatibleReplacements[em].length - 1 || isEmojiAvailable(compatibleReplacements[em][i])) {
wcReplacements[em] = compatibleReplacements[em][i];
if (Object.keys(wcReplacements).length > 0) {
wcRECompat = new RegExp(Object.keys(wcReplacements).join("|"), "gi");
wcCompatibleReplace = function (str) {
return str.replace(wcRECompat, function (matched) {
return wcReplacements[matched];
else {
wcReplacements = null;
wcCompatibleReplace = function (str) {
return str;
var wcEmoticons = {
"</3": "💔",
"<\\\\3": "💔",
":-/": "😕",
":'-(": "😢",
":'(": "😢",
":(": "🙁",
":-(": "🙁",
"<3": "❤️",
"O:-)": "😇",
"0:-)": "😇",
"O:)": "😇",
"0:)": "😇",
":'-)": "😂",
":')": "😂",
":-*": "😗",
":*": "😗",
":-|": "😐",
":|": "😐",
":-O": "😮",
":O": "😮",
":@": "😡",
":)": "🙂",
":-)": "🙂",
"=)": "🙂",
"^^": "😄",
":D": "😃",
":-D": "😃",
"=D": "😃",
"XD": "😆",
";(": "😭",
":-P": "😛",
":P": "😛",
",:-)": "😅",
":\$": "😒",
":S": "😒",
";-)": "😉",
";)": "😉",
"(:": "🙃",
"(-:": "🙃",
"(=": "🙃",
":F": "🐸",
"(F)": "🐸",
":(|)": "🐸"
var wcEmRe = /(^|\\s)(['\\-\\\$\\(\\)*,/:;@\\\\\\^\\|<=03DOPSXF]{2,4})(\$|\\s)/gi;
function wcEmoticonsToEmoji(src) {
wcEmRe.lastIndex = 0;
var result = "",
prevIndex = 0,
while (REsult = wcEmRe.exec(src)) {
if (REsult[2].toUpperCase() in wcEmoticons) {
if (REsult[1].length == 1) {
result += src.substring(prevIndex, REsult.index + 1) + wcEmoticons[REsult[2].toUpperCase()];
else {
result += wcEmoticons[REsult[2].toUpperCase()];
if (REsult[3].length != 0) {
wcEmRe.lastIndex -= 1;
prevIndex = wcEmRe.lastIndex;
else if (REsult[3].length != 0) {
wcEmRe.lastIndex -= 1;
result += src.substring(prevIndex);
return result;
function handleKeyPress(event) {
// Check for common conditions
if (window.wcSendMessage && window.strToHonkMsg && window.wsMsgSendStatus === 0 && window.myPlayer && window.ws) {
let message = '';
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 86: // v key
message = ": - )";
case 66: // b key
message = ": - (";
case 222: // ' key
message = "gg";
case 69: // e key
message = "✠";
// Add more cases as needed
return; // Exit if no action for other keys
// Add the event listener to capture key presses
document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyPress);
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (!playingAndReady) return;
if (e.keyCode == 119) {
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chatInput.value = "";
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chatInput.value = "";
else if (e.keyCode == 67) {
chatInput.addEventListener('focusout', function () {
chatInput.style.visibility = 'hidden';
chatInput.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
if (e.keyCode == 120) {
else if (e.keyCode == 119) {
if (chatInput.value.length == 0) {
else {
if (wsMsgSendStatus === 0) {
var message = wcFlags.wcConvertEmoticons ? strToHonkMsg(wcEmoticonsToEmoji(chatInput.value)) : strToHonkMsg(chatInput.value);
if (typeof (message) == "number") {
if (message == 0) {
wcNewNotification("Message length is 0");
else {
wcNewNotification(\`Shorten the message by about \${message - 186} characters\`, 5);
else {
const inputElement = document.getElementById('d1');
if (inputElement) {
chatInput.value = console.log(inputElement.value);
chatInput.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (!playingAndReady) return;
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else if (e.keyCode == 27) {
chatInput.value = "";
chatInput.addEventListener('focusout', function () {
chatInput.style.visibility = 'hidden';
chatInput.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
else if (e.keyCode == 13) {
if (chatInput.value.length == 0) {
else {
if (wsMsgSendStatus === 0) {
var message = wcFlags.wcConvertEmoticons ? strToHonkMsg(wcEmoticonsToEmoji(chatInput.value)) : strToHonkMsg(chatInput.value);
if (typeof (message) == "number") {
if (message == 0) {
wcNewNotification("Message length is 0");
else {
wcNewNotification(\`Shorten the message by about \${message - 186} characters\`, 5);
else {
chatInput.value = "";
chatInput.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
function waitPageReady(callback) {
if (typeof(getPlayer) != "function" && typeof(ddEl) != "object") {
else {
function addScript() {
var template = document.createElement('script');
template.innerHTML = source;