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githubShow warehouse size

「 existGithubShow warehouse size when viewing and searching warehouses 」


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Update record

🛠️ GitHub Repo Size+ Change log

📅 2024/8/20 05:28 - Ver

New: GitHub Repo Size Display Use the setup interface of this script。

📅 2024/8/13 00:19 - Ver

New: Add script menu → set up GitHub Token interface,No need to modify within the code。

📅 2024/8/12 21:56 - Ver

New: #254059 Increased display of warehouse size in user profile warehouse list and organization list。

📅 2024/8/5 05:18 - Ver

repair: #254059 The original author’s token is invalid and the public repository cannot be accessed.。How to fix it:Remove original author token,GitHub Generated public tokens are always cleared,So no more adding。

📅 2024/8/1 03:43 - Ver 0.1.2

repair: Fix the problem of invalid search page。
repair: Fixed the issue of not displaying when viewing other warehouses(increase delay)。

Github Repo Size

A userscript that adds the size of Github repositories to the search results and repository pages.


preview1.png preview2.png


To use this script, you will need a userscript manager. Some popular choices are:


  1. Install Tampermonkey or your preferred userscript manager.
  2. Install the script from here.
  3. (Optional) If you want to view the sizes of private repositories, see the instructions below.

View Private Repositories Size

By default, this script will only display the sizes of public repositories. To display the sizes of private repositories, you will need to generate a new personal access token with the repo scope. This token will be used to authenticate with the Github API.

  1. Generate a new token here.
  2. Give the token a name and check the repo scope.
  3. Click on the Generate token button and copy the token.
  4. Click the script menu Set GitHub Token and fill in the token you just generated.


This script will automatically run on Github search pages and repository pages, and will display the repository size next to the repository name.

Change description

Fix the problem of failure in search page Fixed the issue of not displaying when viewing other warehouses (increased delay)


The script is modified from the user mshll's script Github Repo Size Thanks to the original The hard work and wisdom of the author mshll

GitHubRelated scripts

  • GitHubSubmit information displayHTML: This script will GitHub The submission information on HTML view,to see submission details more clearly。It will automatically submit the information list、The commit header and latest commit information are converted to HTML Format,Provide better visual effects and user experience。
  • GitHubfolder下载: Add a download button,Allows easy downloading of specific GitHub 文件夹。
  • GitHubDownload single files and copy filesURL: Add button at the end of each file line,to copy the original file URL and download files
  • githubShow warehouse size: existGithubShow warehouse size when viewing and searching warehouses
  • GitHub Sort by Date: Change the sorting method of warehouse list files to descending date order,Conveniently view the latest updated files。


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