Before you install, Greasy Fork would like you to know that this script contains antifeatures, which are things there for the script author's benefit, rather than yours.
이 스크립트는 사용자가 방문하는 사이트에 광고를 삽입합니다.
Greasy Fork is available in English.
Ev.IO's aimbot enables you to target the closest enemy even through walls and objects, with customizable settings such as Smoothing and offsetY. The NameTag ESP feature lets you view enemy health bars through walls, which can be toggled in the menu. Customize the game lighting and make the scene wireframe.
Aimbot aims at the closest enemy through walls. You can adjust values like smoothing to lock onto targets faster and offsetY to ensure it always hits the head.
NameTags ESP
Shows all players' NameTags and Health Bars through walls and objects.
The OffsetY option determines the amount of aim misalignment to hit the target. The default value is recommended, but you can change it to your liking.
[O] Hide Menu Adding more features soon!
Fixed Locking Issue Added AutoShootOn Distance Added Wireframe May Not Work On Every Map And More.
This modifies these settings: