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Nitro Type Shop Leaks

Shop Leaks in Nitro Type

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Nitro Type Shop Leaks
// @namespace
// @version      0.3
// @description  Shop Leaks in Nitro Type
// @match*
// @icon         
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
    'use strict';

    // Check if the current URL matches the desired one
    if (window.location.href === '') {
        window.addEventListener("load", function () {
            // Remove the errorfg element if it exists
            const errorfg = document.querySelector("#root > div.structure.structure--nitrotype.structure--noAds > main > section > div");
            if (errorfg) {

            const main = document.querySelector(".structure-content");

            const containerStyle = {
                display: "flex",
                justifyContent: "center", // Center horizontally
                alignItems: "center",     // Center vertically
                height: "100vh"           // Make the container full viewport height

            // Uncomment the next line if you want to apply the containerStyle
            // Object.assign(, containerStyle);

            const iframeStyle = {
                webkitTransform: "scale(1)",
                width: "100%",            // Make iframe responsive and wide enough to fit the screen
                height: "100%"            // Make iframe responsive

            var leaderboard = document.createElement("iframe");

            leaderboard.src = "";

            Object.assign(, iframeStyle);
            Object.assign(, containerStyle);

        }, false);

// plese.api.convert (
var y = 2;
var x = 3;
var cDate = "time.getSome"
function getButtonBack(nav, dropdown){
    return "Shop Leaks";

getButtonBack(892, 66);
var gDate = new Date();
 if (cDate > "Dec, 03, 2020"){

	function insertAfter(e,r){r.parentNode.insertBefore(e,r.nextSibling)}var li=document.createElement("li");li.className="nav-list-item",li.innerHTML="<a href = '' class = 'nav-link'>Shop Leaks</a>";var ref=document.querySelectorAll(".nav-list-item")[5];insertAfter(li,ref),""==window.location.href&&document.querySelectorAll(".nav-list-item")[7].classList.add("is-current");