Greasy Fork is available in English.

YouTube Recommendations be Gone: Cleaner YouTube

Youtube homepage and recommendations are a waste of time and addictive. We will try to remove homepage and as many recommendations as possible to give you a cleaner youtube, so you can focus on your own subscriptions.

klaufir님이 2024-03-03 게시
benderbd42개발자님이 2024-03-03 댓글
좋음 Amazing script! You saved me countless hours.
loren tea (loren)님이 2023-12-13 게시
benderbd42개발자님이 2023-12-13 댓글
Stephen Beckham님이 2023-11-02 게시
benderbd42개발자님이 2023-11-04 댓글
좋음 Any method to cancel time-out ?

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