Geoguessr Location Resolver (Works in all except Streak modes)

Features: Automatically score 5000 Points | Score randomly between 4500 and 5000 points | Open in Google Maps

2023-10-29 일자. 최신 버전을 확인하세요.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
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Geoguessr Location Cheat

for any issues, criticisms or pull requests, please refer to the appropriate places to do so on the GitHub page for this script, as I will see it faster there: (stars are very appreciated if you enjoy this script ! )

Place Pin works in all gamemodes except streak modes for now. This will be fixed later

To use this script:

  • Press '1' in game to place a pin on a location that will randomly score you between 4500 to 5000 score. (pressing "guess" is required to guess)

  • Press '2' in game to place a pin on a location that will exactly score 5000 points. (pressing "guess" is required to guess)

  • Press '3' in game to open google maps set on the correct location in a new tab.

You should not abuse the "Max Score" feature in competitive modes, it will get you banned, I have had 2 accounts banned just with the little testing I have done while developing the script. However, to avoid bans, do not make your guess instantly at the start of the round, and use the "safe mode" feature by pressing '1'. This will make a guess that will randomly score you between 4500 to 5000 points. This should be less detectable.

This script is free to use, with no Anti Features (e.g. no ads, no donation links etc) all I ask is for feedback, ratings and criticisms :)

Updates are not guaranteed if the script breaks, since this is something I am doing in my free time.

I am not liable if you are to get banned for abusing this script. It is obviously against Geoguessr's Rules

GIF Demonstration: