우클릭 잠금 해제, 복사, 잘라내기, 텍스트 선택, 컨텍스트 메뉴, 텍스트 복사, 텍스트 선택, 이미지 우클릭 등의 제한을 해제합니다. 기능 강화: Alt 키로 하이퍼링크 텍스트 선택.
코드가 바뀐 버전들입니다. 모든 버전 보기
bug fix for alt text selection
bug fix
improve alt text selection
code change for selectstart event
code review
major bug fix
code fix and review
code update
bug fix for hover block imaging
bug fix for draggable element
code improve, bug fix
code update and bug fix (preventdefault funciton)
added codes to deblock the hover element above image element
minor bug fix
- not overriding right click for video
- description update
- improved alert() mechanism (blocking function as original), code enhance
- replace event.which to event.button
- bug fix, code enhance
- bug fix for css selection highlight color test
- css updated (hyperlink selection shall use the built-in Alt-click feature)
- code fix, description fix
- replace the "long press text selection" to enhanced build-in alt text selection
- (major update) bug fix, code enhance
- new feature "long press text selection"
-minor fixing and pre-coding
- clipboard data replacement feature modified
- allowing clipdata replacement (see more details in MDN Web Docs for "copy" event)- (record purpose) added major coding for delay selection, the function is not yet enabled.
- minor bug fix
- delete redundant coding, avoid browser compatibility issue
- added script running console message
- greasyfork
- bug fix & code enhancement, reduced coding to 179 lines
- code enhancement
- description for userscript
- major code rewrite
-bug fix
- enhance the css & js hacking for sites like https://boke112.com/post/2281.html
added code to de-block the function "alert()"
모든 스크립트 버전 보기