이 스크립트는 직접 설치해서 쓰는 게 아닙니다. 다른 스크립트가 메타 명령 // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/40545/646530/JS%20FLACMetadataEditor.js
(으)로 포함하여 쓰는 라이브러리입니다.
/* jslint esversion: 6, bitwise: true */
// ==UserScript==
// @name JS FLACMetadataEditor
// @description Allows you to edit metadata of FLAC files. CO
// @namespace universe.earth.www.ahohnmyc
// @version
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
const FLACMetadataEditor = (()=>{
'use strict';
const _version = '';
class VorbisComment extends Array {}
class VorbisCommentPacket {
/* Need to easy initialization */
_addComment(field) {
const value = field.split('=')[1];
field = field.split('=')[0].toUpperCase();
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(field))
this[field] = new VorbisComment();
if (!this[field].some(storedValue=> storedValue===value))
return this;
toStringArray() {
const array = [];
Object.keys(this).sort().forEach(key=> {
this[key].forEach(value=> {
return array;
class FLACMetadataBlockData {}
class FLACMetadataBlock {
constructor() {
this.blockType = '';
this.blockTypeNubmer = 0;
this.blockSize = 0;
this.data = new FLACMetadataBlockData();
this.offset = 0;
get serializedSize() {
switch (this.blockType) {
case 'STREAMINFO': return 34;
case 'PADDING': return this.blockSize;
case 'APPLICATION': return 4+this.data.applicationData.length;
case 'SEEKTABLE': return this.data.points.length*18;
const totl = this.data.comments.toStringArray().reduce((sum, str)=>sum+4+str.toUTF8().length, 0);
return 4+this.data.vendorString.length+4+ totl;
case 'CUESHEET': return 0;
case 'PICTURE': return 4+4+this.data.MIMEType.toUTF8().length+4+this.data.description.toUTF8().length+4+4+4+4+4+this.data.data.length;
class FLACMetadataBlocks extends Array {}
class FLACMetadata {
constructor() {
this.blocks = new FLACMetadataBlocks();
this.framesOffset = 0;
this.signature = '';
class _FLACMetadataEditor {
get scriptVersion() {return _version;}
constructor(buffer) {
if (!buffer || typeof buffer !== 'object' || !('byteLength' in buffer)) {
throw new Error('First argument should be an instance of ArrayBuffer or Buffer');
this.arrayBuffer = buffer;
this.metadata = new FLACMetadata();
String.prototype.toUTF8 = function(str = null) {
return new TextEncoder().encode(str ? str : this);
return this;
/* unpack */
_getBytesAsNumber (array, start=0, end=array.length-start) {return Array.from(array.subarray(start, start+end)).reduce ((result, b)=>result=256*result+b, 0);}
_getBytesAsNumberLittleEndian(array, start=0, end=array.length-start) {return Array.from(array.subarray(start, start+end)).reduceRight((result, b)=>result=256*result+b, 0);}
_getBytesAsHexString (array, start=0, end=array.length-start) {return Array.from(array.subarray(start, start+end)).map(n=>(n>>4).toString(16)+(n&0xF).toString(16)).join('');}
_getBytesAsUTF8String(array, start=0, end=array.length-start) {return new TextDecoder().decode(array.subarray(start, start+end));}
switch (number) {
case 0: return 'STREAMINFO';
case 1: return 'PADDING';
case 2: return 'APPLICATION';
case 3: return 'SEEKTABLE';
case 4: return 'VORBIS_COMMENT';
case 5: return 'CUESHEET';
case 6: return 'PICTURE';
case 127: return 'invalid, to avoid confusion with a frame sync code';
default: return 'reserved';
/* pack */
_uint32ToUint8Array(uint32) {
const eightBitMask = 0xff;
return [
(uint32 >>> 24) & eightBitMask,
(uint32 >>> 16) & eightBitMask,
(uint32 >>> 8) & eightBitMask,
uint32 & eightBitMask,
_uint24ToUint8Array(uint32) {
const eightBitMask = 0xff;
return [
(uint32 >>> 16) & eightBitMask,
(uint32 >>> 8) & eightBitMask,
uint32 & eightBitMask,
_uint16ToUint8Array(uint32) {
const eightBitMask = 0xff;
return [
(uint32 >>> 8) & eightBitMask,
uint32 & eightBitMask,
_hexStringToUint8Array(str) {
return str.replace(/(\w\w)/g,'$1,').slice(0,-1).split(',').map(s=> (parseInt(s[0],16)<<4) + parseInt(s[1],16));
get _vorbisComment() {
const block = this.metadata.blocks.find(block=>block.blockType==='VORBIS_COMMENT');
if (block)
return block.data;
addComment(field, value = null) {
if (field) {
if (!value) {
const splitted = field.split('=');
if (!splitted[1]) return this;
value = splitted[1];
field = splitted[0];
field = field.toUpperCase();
if (!this._vorbisComment.comments.hasOwnProperty(field))
this._vorbisComment.comments[field] = new VorbisComment();
if (!this._vorbisComment.comments[field].find(storedValue=> storedValue===value))
return this;
removeComment(field = null, value = null) {
if (!field) {
Object.keys(this._vorbisComment.comments).forEach(key=> delete this._vorbisComment.comments[key]);
} else {
field = field.toUpperCase();
if (!value) {
delete this._vorbisComment.comments[field];
} else {
value = value.toString();
if (this.hasOwnProperty(field))
this._vorbisComment.comments[field] = this._vorbisComment.comments[field].filter(storedValue=> storedValue!==value);
return this;
getComment(field) {
return this._vorbisComment.comments[field.toUpperCase()];
addPicture(dataInput) {
if (!dataInput.data || !dataInput.data || typeof dataInput.data !== 'object' || !('byteLength' in dataInput.data)) {
throw new Error('Field "data" should be an instance of ArrayBuffer or Buffer');
dataInput.data = new Uint8Array(dataInput.data);
const dataDefault = {
APICtype: 3,
MIMEType: 'image/jpeg',
colorDepth: 0,
colorNumber: 0,
data: new Uint8Array([]),
description: '',
width: 0,
height: 0,
const block = new FLACMetadataBlock();
block.blockTypeNubmer = 6;
block.blockType = 'PICTURE';
for (let property in dataDefault) {
if (dataInput[property]) {
block.data[property] = dataInput[property];
} else {
block.data[property] = dataDefault[property];
const bl = this.metadata.blocks;
let index = bl.length;
if (bl[bl.length-1].blockType === 'PADDING') index--;
bl.splice(index, 0, block);
this.metadata.blocks = bl;
return this;
_serializeMetadataBlock(block) {
const bytes = new Uint8Array(block.serializedSize);
const data = block.data;
let offset = 0;
switch (block.blockType) {
offset += 2;
bytes.set(this._uint16ToUint8Array(data.maxBlockSize), offset);
offset += 2;
bytes.set(this._uint24ToUint8Array(data.minFrameSize), offset);
offset += 3;
bytes.set(this._uint24ToUint8Array(data.maxFrameSize), offset);
offset += 3;
bytes.set(this._uint24ToUint8Array((data.sampleRate<<4) + (data.numberOfChannels-1<<1) + (data.bitsPerSample-1>>4)), offset);
offset += 3;
bytes[offset] = ((data.bitsPerSample-1&0xF)<<4) + (Math.trunc(data.totalSamples/Math.pow(2,32))&0xF);
offset += 1;
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(data.totalSamples), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(this._hexStringToUint8Array(data.rawMD5), offset);
case 'PADDING':
offset += 4;
bytes.set(data.applicationData, offset);
data.points.forEach(point=> {
bytes.set(this._hexStringToUint8Array(point.sampleNumber), offset);
bytes.set(this._hexStringToUint8Array(point.offset), offset+8);
bytes.set(this._hexStringToUint8Array(point.numberOfSamples), offset+16);
offset += 18;
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(data.vendorString.toUTF8().length).reverse(), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(data.vendorString.toUTF8(), offset);
offset += data.vendorString.toUTF8().length;
const comments = data.comments.toStringArray();
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(comments.length).reverse(), offset);
offset += 4;
comments.forEach(comment=> {
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(comment.toUTF8().length).reverse(), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(comment.toUTF8(), offset);
offset += comment.toUTF8().length;
case 'CUESHEET':
case 'PICTURE':
offset += 4;
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(data.MIMEType.toUTF8().length), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(data.MIMEType.toUTF8(), offset);
offset += data.MIMEType.toUTF8().length;
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(data.description.toUTF8().length), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(data.description.toUTF8(), offset);
offset += data.description.toUTF8().length;
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(data.width), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(data.height), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(data.colorDepth), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(data.colorNumber), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(this._uint32ToUint8Array(data.data.length), offset);
offset += 4;
bytes.set(data.data, offset);
return bytes;
serializeMetadata() {
const newMetadataLengthFull = 4+this.metadata.blocks.reduce((sum, block)=>sum+4+block.serializedSize, 0);
const newSize = newMetadataLengthFull + (this.arrayBuffer.byteLength>this.metadata.framesOffset ? this.arrayBuffer.byteLength-this.metadata.framesOffset : 0);
const bytes = new Uint8Array(newSize);
let offset = 4;
let lastBlock = false;
this.metadata.blocks.forEach((block, n, blocks)=>{
if (blocks.length-1 === n) lastBlock = true;
bytes[offset] = block.blockTypeNubmer | (lastBlock<<7);
offset += 1;
bytes.set(this._uint24ToUint8Array(block.serializedSize), offset);
offset += 3;
bytes.set(this._serializeMetadataBlock(block), offset);
offset += block.serializedSize;
// console.info('old meta size: %d, new: %d, delta: %d', this.metadata.framesOffset, newMetadataLengthFull, Math.abs(this.metadata.framesOffset-newMetadataLengthFull) );
// console.info('old size: %d, new: %d, delta: %d', this.arrayBuffer.byteLength, newSize, Math.abs(this.arrayBuffer.byteLength-newSize) );
// console.info('frames size: %d, to copy: %d', this.arrayBuffer.byteLength-this.metadata.framesOffset, new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer).subarray(this.metadata.framesOffset).length);
// console.info('offset: %d', offset );
bytes.set(new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer).subarray(this.metadata.framesOffset), offset);
this.arrayBuffer = bytes.buffer;
return this;
_parseMetadataBlock(array, arrayOffset, type, size) {
const blockData = array.subarray(arrayOffset, arrayOffset+size);
let offset = 0;
const data = new FLACMetadataBlockData();
switch (type) {
data.minBlockSize = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 2);
offset += 2;
data.maxBlockSize = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 2);
offset += 2;
data.minFrameSize = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 3);
offset += 3;
data.maxFrameSize = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 3);
offset += 3;
data.sampleRate = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 3)>>4;
offset += 2;
data.numberOfChannels = 1+ ((blockData[offset]>>1) &7);
data.bitsPerSample = 1+ ((1&blockData[offset]) <<4) + (blockData[offset+1]>>4);
offset += 1;
data.totalSamples = (blockData[offset]&0xF)*Math.pow(2,32) + this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset+1, 4);
offset += 5;
data.rawMD5 = this._getBytesAsHexString(blockData, offset, 16).toUpperCase();
case 'PADDING':
data.applicationID = this._getBytesAsUTF8String(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.applicationData = blockData.subarray(offset);
data.pointCount = size/18;
data.points = [];
for (let i=0; i<data.pointCount; i++) {
sampleNumber: this._getBytesAsHexString(blockData, offset, 8),
offset: this._getBytesAsHexString(blockData, offset+8, 8),
numberOfSamples: this._getBytesAsHexString(blockData, offset+16, 2),
offset += 18;
const vendorLength = this._getBytesAsNumberLittleEndian(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.vendorString = this._getBytesAsUTF8String(blockData, offset, vendorLength);
offset += vendorLength;
const userCommentListLength = this._getBytesAsNumberLittleEndian(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.comments = new VorbisCommentPacket();
let commentLength = 0;
for (let i=0; i<userCommentListLength; i++) {
commentLength = this._getBytesAsNumberLittleEndian(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.comments._addComment(this._getBytesAsUTF8String(blockData, offset, commentLength));
offset += commentLength;
case 'CUESHEET':
case 'PICTURE':
data.APICtype = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
const MIMELength = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.MIMEType = this._getBytesAsUTF8String(blockData, offset, MIMELength);
offset += MIMELength;
const descriptionLength = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.description = this._getBytesAsUTF8String(blockData, offset, descriptionLength);
offset += descriptionLength;
data.width = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.height = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.colorDepth = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.colorNumber = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
const binarySize = this._getBytesAsNumber(blockData, offset, 4);
offset += 4;
data.data = blockData.subarray(offset, offset+binarySize);
return data;
_parseMetadata() {
const bytes = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer);
this.metadata.signature = this._getBytesAsUTF8String(bytes,0,4);
let offset = 4;
let lastBlock = false;
let block;
let iteration = 0;
while (!lastBlock && offset < bytes.length) {
if (iteration++ > 42) throw new RangeError('Too much METADATA_BLOCKS. Looks like file corrupted');
block = new FLACMetadataBlock();
block.offset = offset;
lastBlock = !!(bytes[offset] >> 7);
block.blockTypeNubmer = bytes[offset] & 127;
block.blockType = this._getBlockType(block.blockTypeNubmer);
offset += 1;
block.blockSize = this._getBytesAsNumber(bytes, offset, 3);
offset += 3;
block.data = this._parseMetadataBlock(bytes, offset, block.blockType, block.blockSize);
offset += block.blockSize;
// if (block.blockType !== 'PADDING')
this.metadata.framesOffset = offset;
return this;
return _FLACMetadataEditor;