Greasy Fork is available in English.

YouTube homepage remover

Remove videos from the homepage and place an inspirational quote

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name        YouTube homepage remover
// @description Remove videos from the homepage and place an inspirational quote
// @version     1.1
// @author      RavenEXP
// @grant       GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @include     *://*
// @include     *://*
// @require
// @run-at      document-end
// @compatible  firefox
// @compatible  chrome
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

//Set the time for the script to expire
var workUntil = "17:30"

//Check if the current time will "break" youtube
var d = new Date(); 
var currentTime = d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes();

if(currentTime < workUntil)
  //Remove homepage videos and side bar
  //Create the paragraphs for the quote and quote author
  $("ytd-app").append("<div id =\"quotePlace\"\">")
  $("#quotePlace").append("<p id=\"quote\"></p> <p id=\"author\"></p> </div>");

  //Apply css to the quote and quote author
	$("#quotePlace").css({"padding-top": "15%",
                        "padding-left": "25%",
                        "padding-right": "25%",
                        "font-size": "240%",
                        "color": "#f00",
                        "-webkit-filter": "invert(50%)",
                        "filter": "invert(50%)"});
  //Take the quote and quote author and put them in there paragraphs
  var apiArray = new Array();  
      method: "GET",
      url: "",
      responseType:   "xml",
      onload: function(data) {
        apiArray = getXMLToArray(data.responseText);
        $("#quote").html('"' + apiArray.QUOTE.QUOTETEXT[0] + '"');
        $("#author").html('-' + apiArray.QUOTE.QUOTEAUTHOR[0]); 

function getXMLToArray(xmlDoc){
  var thisArray = new Array();
  //Check XML doc
  if($(xmlDoc).children().length > 0){
    //Foreach Node found
      if($(xmlDoc).find(this.nodeName).children().length > 0){
        //If it has children recursively get the inner array
        var NextNode = $(xmlDoc).find(this.nodeName);
        thisArray[this.nodeName] = getXMLToArray(NextNode);
      } else {
        //If not then store the next value to the current array
        thisArray[this.nodeName] = [];
  return thisArray;