Greasy Fork is available in English.

YT: not interested in one click

Hover a thumbnail on and click an icon at the right: "Not interested" and "Don't recommend channel"

2023-06-13 일자. 최신 버전을 확인하세요.

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.

p3ngwin님이 2023-02-03 게시
p3ngwin님이 2023-02-20 댓글
나쁨 Stopped working, hope there's a fix soon :)
Sergey Litvinov님이 2023-02-05 게시
woxxom개발자님이 2023-02-05 댓글
Not working with last update :( Firefox 109.0.1 x64 Win 10
TsukiZero님이 2023-02-02 게시
TsukiZero님이 2023-02-03 댓글
Stopped working entirely.
BugMeNot - 2014.06.15 - a5653620님이 2023-02-03 게시
woxxom개발자님이 2023-02-03 댓글
나쁨 not working even with new update
chupapupa님이 2023-02-03 게시
woxxom개발자님이 2023-02-03 댓글
Stopped working entirely.
w4t3r1ily님이 2022-07-21 게시
woxxom개발자님이 2023-02-03 댓글
보통 Used to work fine, but yesterday it stopped.
Jostafa님이 2022-03-30 게시
woxxom개발자님이 2022-03-30 댓글
how to unblock a channel after clicking don't recommend channel
BugMeNot - 2014.06.15 - a5653620님이 2022-02-25 게시
Daniel Gladyshev님이 2022-02-27 댓글
It no longer works.
QuadElement님이 2022-01-23 게시
좋음 Very usefull!

리뷰, 댓글, 질문 남기기

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리뷰, 댓글, 질문을 남기려면 로그인하세요.