[RED/OPS] Upload Assistant

Accurate filling of new upload/request and group/request edit forms based on foobar2000's playlist selection or web link, offline and online release integrity check, tracklist format customization, featured artists extraction, classical works formatting, online cover art lookup, reporting open requests, form enhancements and more

2023-10-30 일자. 최신 버전을 확인하세요.

필터: 지난 30일 지난 365일 모두

일일 설치 수

주간 설치수

일일 업데이트 확인 수

비가공 데이터

날짜 설치 수 업데이트 확인 수
2024-05-06 1 140
2024-05-07 0 121
2024-05-08 0 125
2024-05-09 2 133
2024-05-10 1 120
2024-05-11 2 145
2024-05-12 0 153
2024-05-13 4 134
2024-05-14 0 134
2024-05-15 1 132
2024-05-16 2 130
2024-05-17 0 124
2024-05-18 0 127
2024-05-19 0 123
2024-05-20 0 128
2024-05-21 1 129
2024-05-22 0 134
2024-05-23 0 139
2024-05-24 1 133
2024-05-25 0 130
2024-05-26 1 132
2024-05-27 0 135
2024-05-28 1 130
2024-05-29 2 134
2024-05-30 0 132
2024-05-31 0 137
2024-06-01 0 145
2024-06-02 2 132
2024-06-03 1 129
2024-06-04 1 75
모든 데이터 다운로드: JSON CSV