Greasy Fork is available in English.

Cookie clicker hacks remade

With nothing editited, it will change every building amount to 4000. If you want to change the amount, edit the file and change the number in the line "var level = ####" (#=number).

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name         Cookie clicker hacks remade
// @version      1.3
// @author       ThatDragonBoi
// @namespace    Cookie clicker hacks remade
// @description  With nothing editited, it will change every building amount to 4000. If you want to change the amount, edit the file and change the number in the line "var level = ####" (#=number).
// @match*
// @require
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

var level = 4000;
function updaAll(poi) {
      Game.Objects['Cursor'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Grandma'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Farm'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Mine'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Factory'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Bank'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Temple'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Wizard tower'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Shipment'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Alchemy lab'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Portal'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Time machine'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Antimatter condenser'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Prism'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Chancemaker'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Fractal engine'].amount = poi;
      Game.Objects['Javascript console'].amount = poi;
    }, 1000);