Greasy Fork is available in English.

Display additional information in VK profile

Display profile ID, registration date, last profile edit and last seen in VK user profile

코드가 바뀐 버전들입니다. 모든 버전 보기

  • v2021.05.31 2021-05-31

    Fixed support for private profiles (again)

  • v2020.04.30 2020-04-30 Fixed support for private profiles
  • v2019.01.25 2019-01-25 Added profile ID display; Improved russian translation; Added ukrainian translation
  • v2019.01.24 2019-01-24 In Firefox Quantum with Greasymonkey, Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey script now works. Partially fixed display of the last seen date, the date is not displayed on abandoned profiles and the platform is not displayed. Added support for private profiles.
  • v2017.10.13 2017-10-13