Greasy Fork is available in English.


Allows alterations to the WME UI to fix things screwed up or ignored by Waze

2020-10-24 일자. 최신 버전을 확인하세요.

// ==UserScript==
// @name                WME Fix UI
// @namespace 
// @description         Allows alterations to the WME UI to fix things screwed up or ignored by Waze
// @include   *
// @include   */editor*
// @include   *
// @include   */editor*
// @exclude   *user/editor/*
// @supportURL
// @version             2.50
// @grant               none
// ==/UserScript==

// Thanks to (in no particular order)
//    Bellhouse, Twister-UK, Timbones, Dave2084, Rickzabel, Glodenox,
//    JJohnston84, SAR85, Cardyin, JustinS83, berestovskyy

/* eslint-env jquery */
/* global I18n,W,OpenLayers */
// jshint esversion: 6

// Notes
//new idea: hide Parking lot payment types when cost is FREE

(function ()
// global variables
var wmefu_version = "2.50";
var oldVersion;
var prefix = "WMEFU";
var tabAttempts = 0;
var wmeFUAddon;
var debug = false;
var wmeFUinitialising = true;
var kineticDragParams;
var yslider;
var layersButton,refreshButton;
var unFloatState;
//Mutation Observer for daterangepicker in Restrictions
var RestrictionObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
	if (getById('_cbMondayFirst').checked || getById('_cbISODates').checked) {
		mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
			if ($('modal-content')) {
				if (mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) {
					if ($(".datepicker").length > 0) {
						var DRP = $(".datepicker")[0];
						if (getById('_cbMondayFirst').checked && getById('_cbISODates').checked) {
							$(DRP).data("daterangepicker").locale.firstDay = 1;
							$(DRP).data("daterangepicker").locale.daysOfWeek = ['Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa','Su'];
							$(DRP).data("daterangepicker").locale.format = "YYYY-MM-DD";
							DRP.value = $(DRP).data("daterangepicker").startDate._i + " - " + $(DRP).data("daterangepicker").endDate._i;
						} else if (getById('_cbMondayFirst').checked) {
							$(DRP).data("daterangepicker").locale.firstDay = 1;
							$(DRP).data("daterangepicker").locale.daysOfWeek = ['Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa','Su'];
						} else if (getById('_cbISODates').checked) {
							$(DRP).data("daterangepicker").locale.format = "YYYY-MM-DD";
							DRP.value = $(DRP).data("daterangepicker").startDate._i + " - " + $(DRP).data("daterangepicker").endDate._i;
//Mutation Observer for daterangepicker in Closures
var ClosureObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
	if (getById('_cbMondayFirst').checked) {
		mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {
			if ( == "closures") {
				if (mutation.addedNodes.length > 0) {
					if (mutation.addedNodes[0].firstChild.classList.contains("edit-closure")) {
						$(".end-date").data("daterangepicker").locale.firstDay = 1;
						$(".end-date").data("daterangepicker").locale.daysOfWeek = ['Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa','Su'];
						$(".start-date").data("daterangepicker").locale.firstDay = 1;
						$(".start-date").data("daterangepicker").locale.daysOfWeek = ['Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa','Su'];
//Fix for date/time formats in WME released Oct/Nov 2016 - provided by Glodenox
I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].time = {};
I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].time.formats = {};
I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].time.formats.long = "%a %b %d %Y, %H:%M";
I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].date.formats = {};
I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].date.formats.long = "%a %b %d %Y, %H:%M";
I18n.translations[I18n.currentLocale()].date.formats.default = "%a %b %d %Y";
if (I18n.currentLocale() == 'en-GB') {
  I18n.translations['en-GB'].update_requests.panel.reported = 'Reported on: %{date}';

function init1() { + ": initialising...");
	console.time(prefix + ": initialisation time");
	logit("Starting init1","debug");
	// go round again if map container isn't there yet
	if(! {
		logit("waiting for WME...","warning");
		setTimeout(init1, 200);
	// create tab content and store it
	wmeFUAddon = createAddon();
	// insert the content as a tab
	//pass control to init2

function init2() {
	logit("Starting init2","debug");
	//go round again if my tab isn't there yet
	if (!getById('sidepanel-FixUI')) {
		logit("Waiting for my tab to appear...","warning");
		setTimeout(init2, 200);
	// setup event handlers for my controls:
	getById('_cbMoveZoomBar').onclick = createZoomBar;
	getById('_cbFixExternalProviders').onclick = fixExternalProviders;
	getById('_cbMoveChatIcon').onclick = moveChatIcon;
	getById('_cbHighlightInvisible').onclick = highlightInvisible;
	getById('_cbDarkenSaveLayer').onclick = darkenSaveLayer;
	getById('_cbSwapRoadsGPS').onclick = swapRoadsGPS;
	getById('_cbShowMapBlockers').onclick = showMapBlockers;
	getById('_cbHideLinks').onclick = hideLinks;
	getById('_cbShrinkTopBars').onclick = shrinkTopBars;
	getById('_cbCompressSegmentTab').onclick = compressSegmentTab;
	getById('_cbCompressLayersMenu').onclick = compressLayersMenu;
	getById('_cbLayersColumns').onclick = compressLayersMenu;
	getById('_cbRestyleReports').onclick = restyleReports;
	getById('_cbEnhanceChat').onclick = enhanceChat;
	getById('_cbNarrowSidePanel').onclick = narrowSidePanel;
	getById('_inpUICompression').onchange = applyEnhancements;
	getById('_inpUIContrast').onchange = applyEnhancements;
	getById('_inpASX').onchange = shiftAerials;
	getById('_inpASX').onwheel = shiftAerials;
	getById('_inpASY').onchange = shiftAerials;
	getById('_inpASY').onwheel = shiftAerials;
	getById('_inpASO').onchange = shiftAerials;
	getById('_inpASO').onwheel = shiftAerials;
	getById('_resetAS').onclick = function() {
		getById('_inpASX').value = 0;
		getById('_inpASY').value = 0;
	getById('_inpGSVContrast').onchange = adjustGSV;
	getById('_inpGSVBrightness').onchange = adjustGSV;
	getById('_cbGSVInvert').onchange = adjustGSV;
	getById('_inpGSVWidth').onchange = GSVWidth;
	getById('_cbDisableBridgeButton').onchange = disableBridgeButton;
	getById('_btnKillNode').onclick = killNode;
	getById('_cbDisableKinetic').onclick = disableKinetic;
	getById('_cbDisableScrollZoom').onclick = disableScrollZoom;
	getById('_cbDisableSaveBlocker').onclick = disableSaveBlocker;
	getById('_cbColourBlindTurns').onclick = colourBlindTurns;
	getById('_cbHideMenuLabels').onclick = hideMenuLabels;
	getById('_cbUnfloatButtons').onclick = unfloatButtons;
	getById('_cbMoveUserInfo').onclick = moveUserInfo;
	getById('_cbHackGSVHandle').onclick = hackGSVHandle;
	getById('street-view-drag-handle').ondblclick = GSVWidthReset;

	// event to recreate my tab when MTE mode is exited'change:mode', addMyTab);'change:mode', unfloatOnEventMode);
	// event to recreate my tab after changing WME units
	W.prefs.on('change:isImperial', function() {
		tabAttempts = 0;
		if (getById('_cbUnfloatButtons').checked) unfloat();
	// events for Aerial Shifter"zoomend", null, shiftAerials);"moveend", null, shiftAerials);"loadend", null, shiftAerials);
	// events to change menu bar color based on map comments checkbox"zoomend", null, warnCommentsOff);"moveend", null, warnCommentsOff);
	// event to re-hack my zoom bar if it's there"loadend", null, ZLI);
	//window resize event to resize chat
	window.addEventListener('resize', enhanceChat, true);
	//window resize event to resize layers menu
	window.addEventListener('resize', compressLayersMenu, true);
	//event to re-hack toolbar buttons on exiting HN mode
	W.editingMediator.on('change:editingHouseNumbers', function() {
		if (getById('_cbUnfloatButtons').checked) {
			if (W.editingMediator.attributes.editingHouseNumbers) unfloat();
			if (W.editingMediator.attributes.editingEnabled) unfloat();
	//create Aerial Shifter warning div
	var ASwarning = document.createElement('div'); = "WMEFU_AS";
	ASwarning.innerHTML = "Aerials Shifted";
	ASwarning.setAttribute('style','top:20px; left:0px; width:100%; position:absolute; z-index:10000; font-size:100px; font-weight:900; color:rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.4); text-align:center; pointer-events:none; display:none;');

	// Add an extra checkbox so I can test segment panel changes easily
	if (W.loginManager.user.userName == 'iainhouse') {
		logit("creating segment detail debug checkbox","info");
		var extraCBSection = document.createElement('p');
		extraCBSection.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbextraCBSection" />';
		getById('_cbextraCBSection').onclick = FALSEcompressSegmentTab;
		getById('_cbextraCBSection').checked = getById('_cbCompressSegmentTab').checked;
		//layer tester
		// var WMEFUTEST = document.createElement("button");
		// getId("brand").appendChild(WMEFUTEST);
		// WMEFUTEST.onclick = layerTests;
	//create Panel Swap div
	var WMEPS_div = document.createElement('div');
	var WMEPS_div_sub = document.createElement('div'); = "WMEFUPS";
	WMEPS_div.setAttribute('style','color: lightgrey; margin-left: 5px; font-size: 20px;');
	WMEPS_div.title = "Panel Swap: when map elements are selected, this lets you\nswap between the edit panel and the other tabs.";
	WMEPS_div_sub.innerHTML = '<i class="fa fa-sticky-note"></i>';
	getById("WMEFUPS").onclick = PSclicked;"selectionchanged", null, PSicon);
	//create Permalink Count div
	var WMEPC_div = document.createElement('div');
	var WMEPC_div_sub = document.createElement('div'); = "WMEFUPC";
	WMEPC_div.title = "Number of selectable map objects in the URL\nClick to reselect them.";
	var totalItems;
	if ("segments")) totalItems = RegExp("[?&]segments?=([^&]*)"))[1].split(',').length;
	else if ("venues")) totalItems = RegExp("[?&]venues?=([^&]*)"))[1].split(',').length;
	else if ("nodes")) totalItems = Math.min(1, RegExp("[?&]nodes?=([^&]*)"))[1].split(',').length);
	else if ("mapComments")) totalItems = Math.min(1, RegExp("[?&]mapComments?=([^&]*)"))[1].split(',').length);
	else if ("cameras")) totalItems = Math.min(1, RegExp("[?&]cameras?=([^&]*)"))[1].split(',').length);
	else totalItems = 0;
	WMEPC_div_sub.innerHTML = '<span class="item-icon" style="display:inline-flex"><i style="margin-top:8px" class="fa fa-link WMEFUPCicon"></i>&nbsp;' + totalItems +'</span>';
	WMEPC_div.onclick = PCclicked;
	//Create Turn Popup Blocker div
	var WMETPB_div = document.createElement('div');
	var WMETPB_div_sub = document.createElement('div'); = "WMEFUTPB";
	WMETPB_div.title = "Disable/enable the turn arrow popup dialogue";
	WMETPB_div_sub.innerHTML = '<span class="item-icon" style="display:inline-flex"><i class="fa fa-arrow-up"></i><i class="fa fa-comment"></i></span>';
	WMETPB_div.onclick = killTurnPopup;
	addGlobalStyle('.WMEFU-toolbar-button { padding: 0px !important; }');
	//Create layer pin div
	var WMEPin_div = document.createElement('div');
	var WMEPin_div_sub = document.createElement('div'); = "WMEFUPIN"; = '0.2'; = 'none';
	WMEPin_div.onclick = pinLayers;
	WMEPC_div_sub.setAttribute('style','margin: 0px; font-size: 24px;');
	WMEPin_div_sub.innerHTML = '<input id="layer-switcher-pinned-input" type="checkbox" name="pinned" style="display:none"><label for="layer-switcher-pinned-input" title="Pin layer switcher"><i class="waze-icon-pin pin-label"></i></label>';
	addGlobalStyle('.pin-label { margin: 0; font-size: 18px; line-height: 18px } #WMEFUPIN label { margin-bottom: 0 }');
	// overload the window unload function to save my settings
	window.addEventListener("beforeunload", saveSettings, false);
	if (!W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures) {
		W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures = W.selectionManager.getSelectedItems;
	// Alert to new version
	if (oldVersion != wmefu_version) {
		alert("WME Fix UI has been updated to version " + wmefu_version + "\n" +
		ChromeWarning() +
		"\n" +
		"Version 2.50 - 2020-10-24\n" +
		"* Move new notification button away from edit controls\n" +
		"\n" +
		"Previous highlights (in the last 6 months):\n" +
		"* 2.49 Remove Headlights Required control for countries where it's invalid\n" +
		"* 2.45 Distinguish future closure arrows\n" +
	// fix for sidebar display problem in Safari, requested by edsonajj
	var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
	if (isSafari) {
		addGlobalStyle('.flex-parent { height: 99% !important; }');
	// make future closure arrows grey
	addGlobalStyle('.inactive > .arrow { filter: contrast(0.7) invert(1) }');
	// stop wobbling status bar
	addGlobalStyle('.WazeControlMousePosition { font-family: monospace }');
	// move closed node icon below node markers
	// apply the settings
	setTimeout(applyAllSettings, 1000);
	logit("Initialisation complete");
	console.timeEnd(prefix + ": initialisation time");

function createAddon() {
	//create the contents of my side-panel tab
	var addon = document.createElement('section');
	var section = document.createElement('p'); = "sidepanel-FixUI"; = "4px"; = "11px"; = "11px"; = "fuContent";
	section.innerHTML = "";
	section.innerHTML += '<b title="Shift aerial images layer to match GPS tracks and reduce image opacity">Aerial Shifter</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
	section.innerHTML += '<span class="fa fa-power-off" id="_resetAS" title="Clear X/Y offsets"></span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<div style="display:inline-block"><input type="number" id="_inpASX" title="horizontal shift" max=100 min=-100 step=5 style="height:20px; width:40px;text-align:right;"/><b>m</b><span class="fa fa-arrow-right"></span></div>';
	section.innerHTML += '<div id="as2" style="display:inline-block;padding:0 5px;"><input type="number" id="_inpASY" title="vertical shift" max=100 min=-100 step=5 style="height:20px; width:40px;text-align:right;"/><b>m</b><span class="fa fa-arrow-up"></span></div>';
	section.innerHTML += '<div id="as3" style="display:inline-block"><input type="number" id="_inpASO" title="opacity" max=100 min=10 step=10 style="height:20px; width:40px;text-align:right;"/><b>%</b><span class="fa fa-adjust"></span></div>';
	section.innerHTML += '<br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<br>';

	section.innerHTML += '<b title="Adjust contrast, brightness, colours & width for Google Street View images">GSV image adjust</b><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<span title="Contrast"><input type="number" id="_inpGSVContrast" max=200 min=25 step=25 style="height:20px; width:42px;text-align:right;"/><b>%</b><span class="fa fa-adjust"></span></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
	section.innerHTML += '<span title="Brightness"><input type="number" id="_inpGSVBrightness" max=200 min=25 step=25 style="height:20px; width:42px;text-align:right;"/><b>%</b><span class="fa fa-sun-o"></span></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
	section.innerHTML += '<span title="Invert colours"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbGSVInvert"/><span class="fa fa-tint"></span></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
	section.innerHTML += '<span title="Default width"><input type="number" id="_inpGSVWidth" max=90 min=10 step=10 style="height:20px; width:36px;text-align:right;"/><b>%</b><span class="fa fa-arrows-h"></span></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
	section.innerHTML += '<br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<b>UI Enhancements</b><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbShrinkTopBars" /> ' +
			'<span title="Because we can\'t afford to waste screen space, particularly on\nstuff we didn\'t ask for and don\'t want, like the black bar.\nAnd why does the reload button have a re-do icon?!">Compress/enhance bars above the map</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbCompressSegmentTab" /> ' +
			'<span title="Because I\'m sick of having to scroll the side panel because of oversized fonts and wasted space">Compress/enhance side panel contents</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbCompressLayersMenu" /> ' +
			'<span title="Because it\'s already too big for small screens and Waze only plan to make it bigger">Compress/enhance layers menu</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<span id="layersColControls"><input type="checkbox" id="_cbLayersColumns" /> ' +
			'<span title="Widen the layers menu to 2 columns - particulary for netbook users\nWon\'t work without some compression turned on">Two-column layers menu</span><br></span>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbRestyleReports" /> ' +
			'<span title="Another UI element configured for developers with massive screens instead of normal users">Compress/enhance report panels (UR/MP)</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbEnhanceChat" /> ' +
			'<span title="A perfect example of the new WME UI. Looks very stylish,\nbut destroys usability and utterly ignores small-screen users.">Compress/enhance Chat panel</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbNarrowSidePanel" /> ' +
			'<span title="If you have a netbook, Waze isn\'t interested in your experience.\nYou need every bit of map space you can get - so have a present from me!">Reduce width of the side panel</span><span title="This will definitely interfere with scripts that rely on a fixed width for their tab contents." style="font-size: 16px; color: red;">&#9888</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<b title="Control the amount of compression/enhancment">UI Enhancement controls<br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<div style="display:inline-block"><select id="_inpUICompression" title="Compression enhancement" style="height:20px; padding:0px; border-radius=0px;"><option value="2">High</option><option value="1">Low</option><option value="0">None</option></select><span class="fa fa-compress"></span></div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
	section.innerHTML += '<div style="display:inline-block"><select id="_inpUIContrast" title="Contrast enhancement" style="height:20px; padding:0px; border-radius=0px;"><option value="2">High</option><option value="1">Low</option><option value="0">None</option></select><span class="fa fa-adjust"></span></div>';
	section.innerHTML += '<br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<button id="_btnKillNode" style = "height: 18px; margin-top: 5px;" title="Hide the junction nodes layer to allow access to Map Comments hidden under nodes.\nThis stays in effect until the page is zoomed/panned/refreshed.">Hide junction nodes</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
	section.innerHTML += '<br><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<b>UI Fixes/changes</b><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbMoveZoomBar" /> ' +
			'<span title="Because nobody likes a pointless UI change that breaks your workflow,\nimposed by idiots who rarely use the editor and don\'t listen to feedback.\nNO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRY, I WILL BRING IT BACK!">Re-create zoom bar & move map controls</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbFixExternalProviders" /> ' +
			'<span title="The External Providers interface has a dexcription box that will only show one live of text.\nThis fixes that.">Expand External Provider details for places</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbMoveChatIcon" /> ' +
			'<span title="Here\'s a truly outstanding example of making a stupid change to the UI in order to\ndeal with another stupid change to the UI!\nBecause HQ couldn\'t make the new layers menu auto-hide, they moved the chat icon.\nTick this box to put it back where it belongs.">Move Chat icon back to right</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbHighlightInvisible" /> ' +
			'<span title="Typical WME design - the chat icon changes when you\'re invisible,\nbut the change is practically invisible!\nThis option provides a more obvious highlight.">Highlight invisible mode</span></span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbLayersMenuMoreOptions" /> ' +
			'<span title="This function shows all options in the Layers menu at all times.\nNote that changing this only updates when the page loads.">Show all options in Layers menu</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbDarkenSaveLayer" /> ' +
			'<span title="It\'s not bad enough they\'ve removed all the contrast to give you eyestrain,\nbut then they blind you every time you save. ">Darken screen overlay when saving</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbSwapRoadsGPS" /> ' +
			'<span title="Guess what? Waze thinks the GPS layer should now be over the segments layer.\nWhy should you have any choice about that?">Move GPS layer below segments layer</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbShowMapBlockers" /> ' +
			'<span title="Some WME elements block access to the map layers. These problems have been reported as bugs.\nUntil they\'re fixed, this functions makes them visible.">Show map-blocking WME bugs</span></span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbHideLinks" /> ' +
			'<span title="Hide the small Links bar at the bottom of the side panel,\nto give more usable space there.">Hide Links panel</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbDisableBridgeButton" /> ' +
			'<span title="The Bridge button is rarely useful, but often used incorrectly.\nIt\'s best to keep it disabled unless you need it.">Disable Bridge button</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbMondayFirst" /> ' +
			'<span title="Requests to have calendar items localised with Monday as the first day of the week\ngo back a while. Now you don\'t have to wait for Waze.">Start calendars on Monday</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbISODates" /> ' +
			'<span title="Dates in the Restrictions dialogues are all in American format - MM/DD/YY\nFine if you\' American, confusing as hell for the rest of us!\nThis changes the dates to ISO format, matching the Closures dialogue">ISO dates in Restrictions</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbDisableKinetic" /> ' +
			'<span title="Kinetic panning is a new WME feature: if you release the mouse whilst dragging the map,\nthe map will keep moving. It can be very useful for panning large distances.\nIt can also be very annoying. Now YOU have control.">Disable Kinetic Panning</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbDisableScrollZoom" /> ' +
			'<span title="Zooming with the scroll wheel can be problematic when using an Apple Magic Mouse, which\nscrolls on touch. This will disable scroll-to-zoom.">Disable scroll-to-zoom</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbDisableSaveBlocker" /> ' +
			'<span title="When you hit Save, WME places a blocking element over the map until the save is complete\nThis disables that element, allowing you to pan the map and use GSV whilst a slow save is in progress.">Disable map blocking during save</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbColourBlindTurns" /> ' +
			'<span title="Change green turn arrows blue in order to make them more visible\nfor users with the most common type of colour blindness.">Change green turn arrows to blue</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbHideMenuLabels" /> ' +
			'<span title="Hide the text labels on the toolbar menus to save space on small screens">Hide menu labels</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbUnfloatButtons" /> ' +
			'<span title="Move the floating Layers and Refresh buttons back to the toolbar: because\nthat\'s where tool buttons are supposed to be!">Move Layers/Refresh buttons to toolbar</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbMoveUserInfo" /> ' +
			'<span title="The new user info button is very useful, but it\'s not a map editing control,\nso it shouldn\'t be in the toolbar. The same goes for the notification button.\nThis function moves them both to a sensible location.">Move user info/notification buttons<span style = "color: red; font-weight: bold;"> --- NEW</span></span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<input type="checkbox" id="_cbHackGSVHandle" /> ' +
			'<span title="Whilst being able to adjust the GSV width is useful, the drag handle\ninvisibly covers 30 pixels of map and is very easy to drag accidentally.\nThis function transforms it to a button drag control that\'s much less\nlikely to be used by accident.">Minimise GSV drag handle</span><br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<br>';
	section.innerHTML += '<b><a href="" title="Forum topic" target="_blank"><u>' +
			'WME Fix UI</u></a></b> &nbsp; v' + wmefu_version;
	// Text for end of line for new features
	// <span style = "color: red; font-weight: bold;">--- NEW</span>
	// Same text for forum topic
	// [b][color=#BF0000]--- NEW[/color][/b]
	addon.className = "tab-pane";
	return addon;

function addMyTab(model,modeID) {
	// if (getById('_cbUnfloatButtons').checked) float();
	if (modeID === 0) {
		logit("entering default mode, so creating tab");
		tabAttempts = 0;
	} else {
		logit("entering event mode, so not initialising");

function tabsLooper() {
	tabAttempts += 1;
	if (tabAttempts > 20) {
		// tried 20 times to create tab without luck
		logit("unable to create my tab after 20 attempts","error");
	var userTabs = getById('user-info');
	var navTabs = getByClass('nav-tabs', userTabs)[0];
	if (typeof navTabs === "undefined") {
		//the basic tabs aren't there yet, so I can't add mine
		logit("waiting for NavTabs","warning");
		setTimeout(tabsLooper, 200);
	} else{
		var tabContent = getByClass('tab-content', userTabs)[0];
		var newtab = document.createElement('li');
		newtab.innerHTML = '<a href="#sidepanel-FixUI" data-toggle="tab" title="Fix UI">FU</a>';

function loadSettings() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	// Remove old V1 settings if they're still hanging around
	if (localStorage.WMEFixUI) {
	var options;
	if (localStorage.WMEFUSettings) {
		options = JSON.parse(localStorage.WMEFUSettings);
	} else {
		options = {};
	oldVersion = (options.oldVersion !== undefined ? options.oldVersion : "0.0");
	getById('_cbMoveZoomBar').checked = (options.moveZoomBar !== undefined ? options.moveZoomBar : true);
	getById('_cbShrinkTopBars').checked = (options.shrinkTopBars !== undefined ? options.shrinkTopBars : true);
	getById('_cbCompressSegmentTab').checked = ( options.restyleSidePanel !== undefined ? options.restyleSidePanel : true);
	getById('_cbRestyleReports').checked = ( options.restyleReports !== undefined ? options.restyleReports : true);
	getById('_cbEnhanceChat').checked = ( options.enhanceChat !== undefined ? options.enhanceChat : true);
	getById('_cbNarrowSidePanel').checked = ( options.narrowSidePanel !== undefined ? options.narrowSidePanel : false);
	getById('_inpASX').value = ( options.aerialShiftX !== undefined ? options.aerialShiftX : 0);
	getById('_inpASY').value = ( options.aerialShiftY !== undefined ? options.aerialShiftY : 0);
	getById('_inpASO').value = ( options.aerialOpacity !== undefined ? options.aerialOpacity : 100);
	getById('_cbFixExternalProviders').checked = ( options.fixExternalProviders !== undefined ? options.fixExternalProviders : true);
	getById('_inpGSVContrast').value = ( options.GSVContrast !== undefined ? options.GSVContrast : 100);
	getById('_inpGSVBrightness').value = ( options.GSVBrightness !== undefined ? options.GSVBrightness : 100);
	getById('_cbGSVInvert').checked = ( options.GSVInvert !== undefined ? options.GSVInvert : false);
	getById('_inpGSVWidth').value = ( options.GSVWidth !== undefined ? options.GSVWidth : 50);
	getById('_cbCompressLayersMenu').checked = ( options.restyleLayersMenu !== undefined ? options.restyleLayersMenu : true);
	getById('_cbLayersColumns').checked = ( options.layers2Cols !== undefined ? options.layers2Cols : false);
	getById('_cbMoveChatIcon').checked = ( options.moveChatIcon !== undefined ? options.moveChatIcon : true);
	getById('_cbHighlightInvisible').checked = ( options.highlightInvisible !== undefined ? options.highlightInvisible : true);
	getById('_cbDarkenSaveLayer').checked = ( options.darkenSaveLayer !== undefined ? options.darkenSaveLayer : true);
	getById('_cbLayersMenuMoreOptions').checked = ( options.layersMenuMore !== undefined ? options.layersMenuMore : true);
	getById('_inpUIContrast').value = ( options.UIContrast !== undefined ? options.UIContrast : 1);
	getById('_inpUICompression').value = ( options.UICompression !== undefined ? options.UICompression : 1);
	getById('_cbSwapRoadsGPS').checked = ( options.swapRoadsGPS !== undefined ? options.swapRoadsGPS : true);
	getById('_cbShowMapBlockers').checked = ( options.showMapBlockers !== undefined ? options.showMapBlockers : true);
	getById('_cbHideLinks').checked = ( options.hideLinks !== undefined ? options.hideLinks : false);
	getById('_cbDisableBridgeButton').checked = ( options.disableBridgeButton !== undefined ? options.disableBridgeButton : true);
	getById('_cbISODates').checked = ( options.ISODates !== undefined ? options.ISODates : true);
	getById('_cbMondayFirst').checked = ( options.mondayFirst !== undefined ? options.mondayFirst : false);
	getById('_cbDisableKinetic').checked = ( options.disableKinetic !== undefined ? options.disableKinetic : false);
	getById('_cbDisableScrollZoom').checked = ( options.disableScrollZoom !== undefined ? options.disableScrollZoom : false);
	getById('_cbDisableSaveBlocker').checked = ( options.disableSaveBlocker !== undefined ? options.disableSaveBlocker : false);
	getById('_cbColourBlindTurns').checked = ( options.colourBlindTurns !== undefined ? options.colourBlindTurns : false);
	getById('_cbHideMenuLabels').checked = ( options.hideMenuLabels !== undefined ? options.hideMenuLabels : false);
	getById('_cbUnfloatButtons').checked = ( options.unfloatButtons !== undefined ? options.unfloatButtons : false);
	getById('_cbMoveUserInfo').checked = ( options.moveUserInfo !== undefined ? options.moveUserInfo : false);
	getById('_cbHackGSVHandle').checked = ( options.hackGSVHandle !== undefined ? options.hackGSVHandle : false);
	unFloatState = options.unfloatButtons;

function saveSettings() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	if (localStorage) {
		logit("saving options to local storage");
		var options = {};
		options.oldVersion = wmefu_version;
		options.moveZoomBar = getById('_cbMoveZoomBar').checked;
		options.shrinkTopBars = getById('_cbShrinkTopBars').checked;
		options.restyleSidePanel = getById('_cbCompressSegmentTab').checked;
		options.restyleReports = getById('_cbRestyleReports').checked;
		options.enhanceChat = getById('_cbEnhanceChat').checked;
		options.narrowSidePanel = getById('_cbNarrowSidePanel').checked;
		options.aerialShiftX = getById('_inpASX').value;
		options.aerialShiftY = getById('_inpASY').value;
		options.aerialOpacity = getById('_inpASO').value;
		options.fixExternalProviders = getById('_cbFixExternalProviders').checked;
		options.GSVContrast = getById('_inpGSVContrast').value;
		options.GSVBrightness = getById('_inpGSVBrightness').value;
		options.GSVInvert = getById('_cbGSVInvert').checked;
		options.GSVWidth = getById('_inpGSVWidth').value;
		options.restyleLayersMenu = getById('_cbCompressLayersMenu').checked;
		options.layers2Cols = getById('_cbLayersColumns').checked;
		options.moveChatIcon = getById('_cbMoveChatIcon').checked;
		options.highlightInvisible = getById('_cbHighlightInvisible').checked;
		options.darkenSaveLayer = getById('_cbDarkenSaveLayer').checked;
		options.layersMenuMore = getById('_cbLayersMenuMoreOptions').checked;
		options.UIContrast = getById('_inpUIContrast').value;
		options.UICompression = getById('_inpUICompression').value;
		options.swapRoadsGPS = getById('_cbSwapRoadsGPS').checked;
		options.showMapBlockers = getById('_cbShowMapBlockers').checked;
		options.hideLinks = getById('_cbHideLinks').checked;
		options.disableBridgeButton = getById('_cbDisableBridgeButton').checked;
		options.ISODates = getById('_cbISODates').checked;
		options.mondayFirst = getById('_cbMondayFirst').checked;
		options.disableKinetic = getById('_cbDisableKinetic').checked;
		options.disableScrollZoom = getById('_cbDisableScrollZoom').checked;
		options.disableSaveBlocker = getById('_cbDisableSaveBlocker').checked;
		options.colourBlindTurns = getById('_cbColourBlindTurns').checked;
		options.hideMenuLabels = getById('_cbHideMenuLabels').checked;
		options.unfloatButtons = getById('_cbUnfloatButtons').checked;
		options.moveUserInfo = getById('_cbMoveUserInfo').checked;
		options.hackGSVHandle = getById('_cbHackGSVHandle').checked;
		localStorage.WMEFUSettings = JSON.stringify(options);

function applyAllSettings() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug"); + ": applying all settings");
		kineticDragParams = => control.dragPan).dragPan.kinetic;
	RestrictionObserver.observe(getById('dialog-container'), { childList: true, subtree: true });
	ClosureObserver.observe(getById('edit-panel'), { childList: true, subtree: true });
	if (getById('_cbLayersMenuMoreOptions').checked === true) {
		$("#layer-switcher-region > div > div > div.more-options-toggle > label > div").click();
	wmeFUinitialising = false;

function applyEnhancements() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");

function createZoomBar() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	if (getById('_cbMoveZoomBar').checked) {
		yslider = new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar({zoomStopHeight:9 , panIcons:false});
		yslider.position.x = 10;
		yslider.position.y = 35; = 'WMEFUzoom';;
		getById('WMEFUzoom').appendChild(getByClass('bottom overlay-buttons-container')[0]);
		var styles = "";
		//Overall bar
		styles += '.olControlPanZoomBar { left: 10px; top: 35px; height: 158px; border: 1px solid #f0f2f2; background-color: #f0f2f2; border-radius: 30px; width: 24px; box-sizing: initial; }';
		//zoom in/out buttons
		styles += '.olButton { background-color: white; border-radius: 30px; width: 24px; height: 24px; cursor: pointer; }';
		styles += '.olControlZoomButton { padding: 3px 5px; font-size: 18px; }';
		//slider stops
		styles += '.yslider-stops { width: 24px; height: 110px; background-color: #f3f3f3; background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 45%, #dedede 45%, #dedede 55%, transparent 55%), linear-gradient(#dedede 1px, transparent 1px); background-size: 50% 8px; background-repeat: repeat-y; background-position: 6px; }';
		styles += '.slider { position: absolute; font-size: 15px; font-weight: 900; line-height: 1; text-align: center; width: 24px; height: 18px; margin-top: -29px; padding-top: 1px; border: 1px solid lightgrey; border-radius: 10px; background-color: white; cursor: ns-resize; }';
		// kill new zoom buttons
		styles += '.zoom-bar-region { display: none; }';
		// shift UR/MP panel to the right
		styles += '#panel-container > div { left: 40px; }';
		// if gsv control is moved
		styles += '.bottom.overlay-buttons-container { position: absolute; top: 170px; }';
		styles += '.street-view-region { margin-bottom: 8px; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);"zoomend", null, ZLI);
		getById('WMEFUzoom').appendChild(getByClass('bottom overlay-buttons-container')[0]);
		getById('WMEFUzoom').appendChild(getByClass('bottom overlay-buttons-container')[0]);
	} else {
		if (yslider) {
			getById('overlay-buttons').appendChild(getByClass('bottom overlay-buttons-container')[0]);
		}"zoomend", null, ZLI);
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function ZLI() {
	if (yslider) {
		//Need to reset the OpenLayers-created settings from the zoom bar when it's redrawn
		//Overall bar = ""; = "";
		//zoom in/out buttons
		yslider.buttons[0].style = "";
		yslider.buttons[0].innerHTML = "<div class='olControlZoomButton fa fa-plus' ></div>";
		yslider.buttons[1].style = "";
		yslider.buttons[1].innerHTML = "<div class='olControlZoomButton fa fa-minus' ></div>";
		//slider stops
		yslider.slider.innerHTML = ""; = "";
		//Actually set the ZLI
		yslider.slider.innerText =;
		yslider.slider.title = "Zoom level indicator by WMEFU";
		switch ( {
			case 0:
			case 1: = '#ef9a9a';
				yslider.slider.title += "\nCannot permalink any segments at this zoom level";
			case 2:
			case 3: = '#ffe082';
				yslider.slider.title += "\nCan only permalink primary or higher at this zoom level";
			default: = '#ffffff';
				yslider.slider.title += "\nCan permalink any segments at this zoom level";

function moveUserInfo() {
	// Now functioning correctly for prod & beta
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbMoveUserInfo').checked) {
		// styles += '#user-box-region { margin-left: 5px; }';
		styles += '.notifications-button { display: flex; }';
		styles += '#app-head aside #left-app-head .waze-logo { width: 50px; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
		//Fix to move control button of Invalidated Camera Mass Eraser
		if (getById("_UCME_btn")) {
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function shrinkTopBars() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	var levelIcon;
	if (getById('_cbShrinkTopBars').checked) {
		//always do this stuff
		//event mode button
		styles += '#mode-switcher-region .title-button .icon { font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; color: black; }';
		//black bar
		styles += '#topbar-container { pointer-events: none; }';
		styles += '#map #topbar-container .topbar > div { pointer-events: initial; }';
		//change toolbar buttons - from JustinS83
		$('#mode-switcher-region .title-button .icon').removeClass('w-icon-caret-down');
		$('#mode-switcher-region .title-button .icon').addClass('fa fa-calendar');
		// HN editing tweaks
		styles += '#map-lightbox .content { pointer-events: none; }';
		styles += '#map-lightbox .content > div { pointer-events: initial; }';
		styles += '#map-lightbox .content .header { pointer-events: none !important; }';
		styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-button.add-house-number { background-color: #61cbff; float: right; font-weight: bold; }';
		styles += '.waze-icon-exit { background-color: #61cbff; font-weight: bold; }';
		// event mode button
		styles += '.toolbar.toolbar-mte .add-button { background-color: orange; font-weight: bold; }';
		// fix for narrow windows and new toolbar
		styles += '#edit-buttons { min-width: 430px; }';
		var contrast = getById('_inpUIContrast').value;
		var compress = getById('_inpUICompression').value;
		if (compress > 0) {
			//overall menu bar
			styles += '#app-head aside #left-app-head { height: ' + ['','35px','24px'][compress] + '; padding-left: ' + ['','9px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#app-head { height: ' + ['','35px','24px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#app-head aside .short-title { font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; margin-right: 4px; }';
			styles += '#app-head aside #debug { padding-right: ' + ['','10px','6px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','15px','12px'][compress] + '; white-space: nowrap; }';
			styles += '.mode-switcher-view .title-button .icon { line-height: ' + ['','35px','24px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.mode-switcher-view .dropdown-menu { top: ' + ['','35px','24px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.toolbar { font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.toolbar { height: ' + ['','35px','24px'][compress] + '; }';
			//search box
			styles += '#search { padding-top: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.form-search { height: ' + ['','27px','22px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.form-search .search-query { height: ' + ['','27px','22px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.form-search .input-wrapper .search-icon { top: ' + ['','4px','3px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','18px','16px'][compress] + '; left: ' + ['','9px','6px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.form-search .search-query { padding-left: ' + ['','34px','24px'][compress] + ';; }';
			//edit-buttons section
			styles += '#edit-buttons { margin-right: ' + ['','9px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			//toolbar dropdowns
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-group { margin-right: ' + ['','14px','8px'][compress] + '; padding-top: 0px; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-icon { width: ' + ['','31px','22px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','34px','22px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','34px','22px'][compress] + '; margin-top: 0px; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .group-title { height: ' + ['','34px','24px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','34px','24px'][compress] + '; margin-left: ' + ['','31px','22px'][compress] + '; margin-top: ' + ['','1px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .dropdown-menu { top: ' + ['','34px','24px'][compress] + ' !important; left: ' + ['','7px','4px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			//toolbar buttons
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-button { margin-top: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; margin-left: 3px; padding-left: ' + ['','10px','5px'][compress] + '; padding-right: ' + ['','10px','5px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','27px','22px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','27px','22px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-button { padding-left: ' + ['','2px','2px'][compress] + '; padding-right: ' + ['','2px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-button .item-container { padding-left: ' + ['','9px','2px'][compress] + '; padding-right: ' + ['','9px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .item-icon { font-size: ' + ['','22px','20px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			//keep save button wide enough for counter
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-button.waze-icon-save { padding-right: 15px !important; width: ' + ['','62px','52px'][compress] + '; margin-left: 3px; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-button.waze-icon-save .counter { top: ' + ['','-3px','-1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-button > .item-icon { top: ' + ['','5px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-separator { height: ' + ['','34px','22px'][compress] + '; }';
			//extra hack for my Permalink Counter button
			styles += '.WMEFUPCicon { margin-top: ' + ['','4px !important','2px !important'][compress] + '; }';
			//floating buttons
			styles += '.overlay-button { height: ' + ['','33px','26px'][compress] + '; width: ' + ['','33px','26px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','22px','20px'][compress] + '; padding: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#Info_div { height: ' + ['','33px','26px'][compress] + ' !important; width: ' + ['','33px','26px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			styles += '.zoom-bar-container {width: ' + ['','33px','26px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			styles += '.zoom-bar-container .overlay-button {height: ' + ['','33px','26px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			styles += '#overlay-buttons .overlay-buttons-container > div:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; }';
			//layers menu
			// styles += '.layer-switcher .toolbar-button { margin-top: ' + ['','1px','0px'][compress] + ' !important; font-size: ' + ['','22px','20px'][compress] + ' !important; height: ' + ['','32px','24px'][compress] + '; }';
			//user button
			styles += '#user-box-region { margin-right: ' + ['','8px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.user-box-avatar { height: ' + ['','32px','23px'][compress] + ' !important; font-size: ' + ['','22px','20px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.app .level-icon { width: ' + ['','32px','23px'][compress] + ' !important;  height: ' + ['','32px','23px'][compress] + ' !important;}';
			levelIcon = getByClass('user-box-avatar')[0].firstElementChild;
			levelIcon.classList.remove('level-icon','level-icon-' + (W.loginManager.user.rank+1));
			styles += '#user-box-region .user-box-avatar .user-box-avatar-container img { display: none; }';
			//new save menu
			styles += '.changes-log-region { top: ' + ['','26px','21px'][compress] + '; }';
			// fix for WME Edit Count Monitor
			// no longer needed - it's calculating it's own position!
			//styles += '#edit-buttons > div > div:nth-child(10) { margin-top: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			//black bar
			styles += '.topbar { height: ' + ['','24px','18px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','24px','18px'][compress] + '; }';
		} else {
			levelIcon = getByClass('user-box-avatar')[0].firstElementChild;
			levelIcon.classList.add('level-icon','level-icon-' + (W.loginManager.user.rank+1));
		if (contrast > 0) {
			//toolbar dropdown menus
			styles += '.toolbar .group-title { color: black; }';
			styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-button { border-radius: 8px; border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; color: black; }';
			//layers icon - until Waze fix it
			styles += '.layer-switcher .waze-icon-layers.toolbar-button{ background-color: white; }';
//		//fix for buttons of WME GIS script
//		styles += '.btn-group-sm { text-shadow: initial; background: white; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);
		levelIcon = getByClass('user-box-avatar')[0].firstElementChild;
		//change toolbar buttons - from JustinS83
		$('#mode-switcher-region .title-button .icon').removeClass('fa fa-calendar');
		$('#mode-switcher-region .title-button .icon').addClass('fa fa-angle-down');
		levelIcon = getByClass('user-box-avatar')[0].firstElementChild;
		levelIcon.classList.add('level-icon','level-icon-' + (W.loginManager.user.rank+1));
	window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

function FALSEcompressSegmentTab() {
	getById('_cbCompressSegmentTab').checked = getById('_cbextraCBSection').checked;

function compressSegmentTab() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbCompressSegmentTab').checked) {
		var contrast = getById('_inpUIContrast').value;
		var compress = getById('_inpUICompression').value;
		//Neuter the top gradient
		styles += '#sidebar .tab-scroll-gradient { pointer-events: none; }';
		//Nuke the bottom gradient
		styles += '#sidebar #links:before { display: none; }';
		// Make map comment text always visible
		styles += '.map-comment-name-editor .edit-button { display: block !important; }';
		//remove Waze font from side panel
		styles += '#sidebar { font-family: sans-serif; }';
		if (compress > 0) {
			//general compression enhancements
			styles += '#sidebar { line-height: ' + ['','18px','16px'][compress] + ';}';
			styles += '#sidebar .tab-content .tab-pane { padding: ' + ['','8px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar #sidebarContent { font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar #advanced-tools { padding: ' + ['','0 9px','0 4px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .waze-staff-tools { margin-bottom: ' + ['','9px','4px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','25px','20px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .tab-content { padding: ' + ['','9px','4px'][compress] + '; padding-top: ' + ['','4px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .nav-tabs { padding-bottom: ' + ['','3px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar #user-info #user-tabs { padding: ' + ['','0 9px','0 4px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .tabs-container { padding: ' + ['','0 9px','0 4px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .nav-tabs li a { margin-top: ' + ['','2px','1px'][compress] + '; margin-left: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; padding: ' + ['','0 6px','0 2px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','24px','21px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','24px','21px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .nav-tabs li { flex-grow: 0; }';
			styles += '.feed-item { margin-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.feed-item .inner { padding: ' + ['','5px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.feed-item .content .title { margin-bottom: ' + ['','1px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.feed-item .motivation { margin-bottom: ' + ['','2px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			//Drives & Areas
			styles += '#sidebar .message { margin-bottom: ' + ['','6px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .result-list .result { padding: ' + ['','6px 17px','2px 9px'][compress] + '; margin-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .result-list .session { background-color: lightgrey; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .result-list .session-available { background-color: white; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .result-list .result.selected { background-color: lightgreen; }';
			styles += 'div#sidepanel-drives { height: auto !important; }';
			//general changes
			//checkbox groups
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			styles += '.controls-container input[type="checkbox"] + label { padding-left: ' + ['','21px','17px'][compress] + ' !important; } }';
			//form groups
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			//dropdown inputs
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			styles += '#edit-panel .waze-btn { padding-top: 0px !important; padding-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','20px','18px'][compress] + ' !important; line-height: ' + ['','20px','18px'][compress] + ' !important; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
//			styles += '#edit-panel .waze-btn { padding-top: ' + ['','3px','0px'][compress] + ' !important; padding-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','20px','18px'][compress] + ' !important; line-height: ' + ['','20px','18px'][compress] + ' !important; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			//radio button controls
			styles += '.waze-radio-container label { height: ' + ['','19px','16px'][compress] + '; width: ' + ['','19px','16px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','19px','16px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; margin-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.waze-radio-container label { width: auto; padding-left: ' + ['','6px','3px'][compress] + ' !important; padding-right: ' + ['','6px','3px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			//text input areas
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			styles += '#sidebar textarea { max-width: unset; }';
			//specific changes
			//Selected segments info
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			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .direction-message { margin-bottom: ' + ['','9px','3px'][compress] + '; }';
			//Segment details (closure warning)
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .segment-details { padding: ' + ['','10px','5px'][compress] + '; padding-top: 0px; }';
			//All control labels
			styles += '#edit-panel .control-label { font-size: ' + ['','11px','10px'][compress] + '; margin-bottom: ' + ['','4px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			//Address input
			styles += '#edit-panel .address-edit-view { cursor: pointer; margin-bottom: ' + ['','6px','2px'][compress] + '!important; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .address-edit-input { padding: ' + ['','4px','1px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.tts-button { height: ' + ['','28px','21px'][compress] + '; }';
			//alt names
			styles += '.alt-street-list { margin-bottom: ' + ['','4px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .add-alt-street-form .alt-street { padding-top: ' + ['','13px','3px'][compress] + '; padding-bottom: ' + ['','13px','3px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .add-alt-street-form .alt-street .alt-street-delete { top: ' + ['','12px','4px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .address-edit-view .address-form .action-buttons { padding-top: ' + ['','11px','6px'][compress] + '; padding-bottom: ' + ['','11px','6px'][compress] + '; margin-top: ' + ['','5px','0px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','45px','28px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .add-alt-street-form .new-alt-street { padding-top: ' + ['','8px','3px'][compress] + '; padding-bottom: ' + ['','8px','3px'][compress] + '; }';
			//restrictions control
			styles += '#edit-panel .restriction-list { margin-bottom: ' + ['','5px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			//speed limit controls
			styles += '#edit-panel .clearfix.controls.speed-limit { margin-top: ' + ['','0px','-5px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .speed-limit label { margin-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .speed-limit .form-control { height: ' + ['','23px','19px'][compress] + '; padding-top: ' + ['','4px','2px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; width: 5em; margin-left: 0px; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .speed-limit .direction-label { font-size: ' + ['','12px','11px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','2.0em','1.8em'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .speed-limit .unit-label { font-size: ' + ['','12px','11px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','2.0em','1.8em'][compress] + '; margin-left: 0px;}';
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .speed-limit .average-speed-camera { margin-left: 40px; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .speed-limit .average-speed-camera .camera-icon { vertical-align: top; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .speed-limit .verify-buttons { margin-bottom: ' + ['','5px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			//more actions section
			styles += '#edit-panel .more-actions { padding-top: ' + ['','6px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .more-actions .waze-btn.waze-btn-white { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; }';
			//get more-actions buttons on one line
			styles += '#edit-panel .more-actions { display: inline-flex; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .action-button { width: 155px; overflow: hidden; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .action-button:before { margin-right: 0px !important; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .more-actions .edit-house-numbers-btn-wrapper { margin-top: 0px; }';
			//additional attributes
			styles += '#edit-panel .additional-attributes { margin-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			//history items
			styles += '.toggleHistory { padding: ' + ['','7px','3px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.element-history-item:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.element-history-item .tx-header { padding: ' + ['','6px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.element-history-item .tx-header .tx-author-date { margin-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.element-history-item .tx-content { padding: ' + ['','7px 7px 7px 22px','4px 4px 4px 22px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.loadMoreContainer { padding: ' + ['','5px 0px','3px 0px'][compress] + '; }';
			//closures tab
			styles += 'wz-button { transform: scale(' + ['','0.9','0.8'][compress] + '); }';
			styles += '.closures > div:not(.closures-list) { padding: ' + ['','0px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += 'body { --wz-text-input-height: ' + ['','30px','20px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += 'body { --wz-select-height: ' + ['','30px','20px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += 'input.wz-text-input { height: ' + ['','30px','20px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.edit-closure .closure-nodes .closure-node-item .closure-node-control { padding: ' + ['','7px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			//closures list
			styles += '.closures-list .add-closure-button { line-height: ' + ['','20px','18px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.closures-list .closure-item:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: ' + ['','6px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.closures-list .closure-item .details { padding: ' + ['','5px','0px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','12px','11px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.closures-list .closure-item .buttons { top: ' + ['','7px','4px'][compress] + '; }';
			//tweak for Junction Box button
			styles += '#edit-panel .junction-actions > button { width: inherit; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .header-alert { margin-bottom: ' + ['','6px','2px'][compress] + '; padding: ' + ['','6px 32px','2px 32px'][compress] + '; }';
			//address input
			styles += '#edit-panel .full-address { padding-top: ' + ['','4px','1px'][compress] + '; padding-bottom: ' + ['','4px','1px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			//alt names
			styles += '#edit-panel .aliases-view .list li { margin: ' + ['','12px 0','4px 0'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .aliases-view .delete { line-height: inherit; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .categories .select2-search-choice .category { margin: ' + ['','2px 0 2px 4px','1px 0 1px 3px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','18px','15px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','18px','15px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .categories .select2-search-field input { height: ' + ['','18px','17px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .categories .select2-choices { min-height: ' + ['','26px','19px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .categories .select2-container { margin-bottom: 0px; }';
			//entry/exit points
			styles += '#edit-panel .navigation-point-view .navigation-point-list-item .preview { padding: ' + ['','3px 7px','0px 4px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .navigation-point-view .add-button { height: ' + ['','28px','18px'][contrast] + '; line-height: ' + ['','17px','16px'][contrast] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			//type buttons
			styles += '#sidebar .area-btn, #sidebar .point-btn { height: ' + ['','19px','16px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','19px','16px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			// { height: ' + ['','19px','16px'][compress] + '; width: ' + ['','19px','16px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','19px','16px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; margin-bottom: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			//external providers
			styles += '.select2-container { font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .external-providers-view .external-provider-item { margin-bottom: ' + ['','6px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.external-providers-view > div > ul { margin-bottom: ' + ['','4px','0px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .external-providers-view .add { padding: ' + ['','3px 12px','1px 9px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .waze-btn.waze-btn-smaller { line-height: ' + ['','26px','21px'][compress] + '; }';
			//residential toggle
			styles += '#edit-panel .toggle-residential { height: ' + ['','27px','22px'][compress] + '; }';
			//more info
			styles += '.service-checkbox { font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.parking-type-option{ display: inline-block; }';
			styles += '.payment-checkbox { display: inline-block; min-width: ' + ['','48%','31%'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.service-checkbox { display: inline-block; min-width: 49%; font-size: ' + ['','12px','11px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.lot-checkbox { display: inline-block; min-width: 49%; }';
			styles += '.map-comment-name-editor { padding: ' + ['','10px','5px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.map-comment-name-editor .edit-button { margin-top: 0px; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; padding-top: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.conversation-view .no-comments { padding: ' + ['','10px 15px','5px 15px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.map-comment-feature-editor .conversation-view .comment-list { padding-top: ' + ['','8px','1px'][compress] + '; padding-bottom: ' + ['','8px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.map-comment-feature-editor .conversation-view .comment-list .comment .comment-content { padding: ' + ['','6px 0px','2px 0px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.conversation-view .comment .text { padding: ' + ['','6px 9px','3px 4px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.conversation-view .new-comment-form { padding-top: ' + ['','10px','5px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.map-comment-feature-editor .clear-btn { height: ' + ['','26px','19px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','26px','19px'][compress] + '; }';
			//Compression for WME Speedhelper
			styles += '.clearfix.controls.speed-limit { margin-top: ' + ['','-4px','-8px'][compress] + '; }';
			//Compression for WME Clicksaver
			styles += '.rth-btn-container { margin-bottom: ' + ['','2px','-1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#csRoutingTypeContainer { height: ' + ['','23px','16px'][compress] + ' !important; margin-top: ' + ['','-2px','-4px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#csElevationButtonsContainer { margin-bottom: ' + ['','2px','-1px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			//tweak for WME Clicksaver tab controls
			styles += '#sidepanel-clicksaver .controls-container { width: 100%; }';
			//tweak for JAI tab controls
			styles += '#sidepanel-ja .controls-container { width: 100%; }';
			//tweaks for UR-MP Tracker
			styles += '#sidepanel-urt { margin-left: ' + ['','-5px','0px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			styles += '#urt-main-title { margin-top: ' + ['','-5px','0px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
			//tweaks for my own panel
			styles += '#fuContent { line-height: ' + ['','10px','9px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
		if (contrast > 0) {
			//contrast enhancements
			styles += '#sidebar .form-group { border-top: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			//text colour
			styles += '#sidebar { color: black; }';
			//advanced tools section
			styles += '#sidebar waze-staff-tools { background-color: #c7c7c7; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .nav-tabs { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .nav-tabs li a { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + ' !important; }';
			//Fix the un-noticeable feed refresh button
			styles += 'span.fa.fa-repeat.feed-refresh.nav-tab-icon { width: 19px; color: orangered; }';
			styles += 'span.fa.fa-repeat.feed-refresh.nav-tab-icon:hover { color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 15px; }';
			styles += '.feed-item { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '.feed-issue .content .title .type { color: ' + ['','black','black'][contrast] + '; font-weight: bold; }';
			styles += '.feed-issue .content .timestamp { color: ' + ['','dimgrey','black'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '.feed-issue .content .subtext { color: ' + ['','dimgrey','black'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '.feed-item .motivation { font-weight: bold; }';
			//Drives & Areas
			styles += '#sidebar .result-list .result { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			//Segment edit panel
			styles += '#edit-panel .selection { font-size: 13px; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .segment .direction-message { color: orangered; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .address-edit-input { color: black; border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#sidebar .form-control { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			//radio buttons when disabled
			styles += '.waze-radio-container input[type="radio"]:disabled:checked + label { color: black; opacity: 0.7; font-weight:600; }';
			//override border for lock levels
			styles += '#sidebar .waze-radio-container { border: 0 none !important; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .waze-btn { color: black; border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '.waze-radio-container label  { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			//history items
			styles += '.toggleHistory { color: black; text-align: center; }';
			styles += '.element-history-item .tx-header { color: black; }';
			styles += '.element-history-item.closed .tx-header { border-radius: 8px; border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '.loadMoreHistory { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			//closures list
			styles += '.closures-list .closure-item .details { border-radius: 8px; border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '.closures-list .closure-item .dates { color: black; }';
			styles += '.closures-list .closure-item .dates .date-label { opacity: 1; }';
			//Place details
			styles += '#edit-panel .alert-danger { color: red; }';
			//address input
			styles += '#edit-panel .full-address { color: black; border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel a.waze-link { font-weight: bold; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .categories .select2-search-choice .category { text-transform: inherit; font-weight: bold; background: gray; }';
			//entry/exit points
			styles += '#edit-panel .navigation-point-view .navigation-point-list-item .preview { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#edit-panel .navigation-point-view .add-button { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; margin-top: 2px; padding: 0 5px; }';
			//type buttons
			styles += '#sidebar .point-btn { color: black; border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + ' !important; }';
			//external providers
			styles += '.select2-container { color: teal; border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + ' !important; }';
			styles += '.select2-container .select2-choice { color: black; }';
			//residential toggle
			styles += '#edit-panel .toggle-residential { font-weight: bold; }';
			styles += '.map-comment-name-editor { border-color: ' + ['','darkgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
		// hide headlight required control if not valid for this country
		if (W.model.getTopCountry()) {
			if (W.model.getTopCountry().allowHeadlightsReminderRank == null) {
				styles += '.headlights-reminder { display: none !important; }';
		//fix for buttons of WME Image Overlay script
		styles += '#sidepanel-imageoverlays > div.result-list button { height: 24px; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function compressLayersMenu() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	removeStyle(prefix + fname);
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbCompressLayersMenu').checked) {
		getById('layersColControls').style.opacity = '1';
		var contrast = getById('_inpUIContrast').value;
		var compress = getById('_inpUICompression').value;
		if (compress > 0) {
			//change menu to autoheight - not working
			// styles += '.layer-switcher .menu { height: auto; width: auto; max-height: calc(100% - 26px); overflow-y: scroll }';
			//change menu to auto-width
			styles += '.layer-switcher .menu { width: auto }';
			styles += '.layer-switcher .menu.hide-layer-switcher { left: 100% }';
			//menu title
			styles += '.layer-switcher .menu > .title { font-size: ' + ['','14px','12px'][compress] + '; padding-bottom: ' + ['','7px','2px'][compress] + '; padding-top: ' + ['','7px','2px'][compress] + ' }';
			styles += '.layer-switcher .menu > .title .w-icon-x { font-size: ' + ['','21px','18px'][compress] + ' }';
			styles += '.layer-switcher .scrollable { height: calc(100% - ' + ['','39px','29px'][compress] + ') }';
			//menu group headers
			styles += '.layer-switcher .layer-switcher-toggler-tree-category { padding: ' + ['','5px','2px'][compress] + ' 0; height: ' + ['','30px','20px'][compress] + ' }';
			//menu items
			styles += '.layer-switcher li { line-height: ' + ['','20px','16px'][compress] + '}';
			styles += '.layer-switcher .togglers ul li .wz-checkbox { margin-bottom: ' + ['','3px','0px'][compress] + ' }';
			styles += '.wz-checkbox { min-height: ' + ['','20px','16px'][compress] + ' }';
			styles += '.wz-checkbox input[type="checkbox"] + label { line-height: ' + ['','20px','16px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','12px','11px'][compress] + ' }';
			styles += '.wz-checkbox input[type="checkbox"] + label:before { font-size: ' + ['','13px','10px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','16px','14px'][compress] + '; width: ' + ['','16px','14px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','12px','11px'][compress] + ' }';
			styles += '.layer-switcher .togglers ul { padding-left: ' + ['','19px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.layer-switcher .togglers .group { padding: ' + ['','0 8px 0 4px','0 4px 0 2px'][compress] + ' }';
			if (getById('_cbLayersColumns').checked) {
				//2 column stuff
				styles += '.layer-switcher .scrollable { columns: 2; }';
				styles += ' { break-inside: avoid; page-break-inside: avoid; }';
				//prevent city names showing up when it should be hidden
				styles += ' .layer-switcher ul[class^="collapsible"].collapse-layer-switcher-group { visibility: collapse }';
				styles += '.layer-switcher .menu { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll; height: auto; max-height: calc(100% - ' + ['','39px','29px'][compress] + ') }';
				styles += '.layer-switcher .scrollable { overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; height: unset }';
		} else {
			//2-columns not available without compression
			getById('layersColControls').style.opacity = '0.5';
		if (contrast > 0) {
			styles += '.controls-container.main.toggler { color: white; background: dimgray }';
			styles += '.layer-switcher .toggler.main .label-text { text-transform: inherit }';
			styles += '.layer-switcher .layer-switcher-toggler-tree-category > .label-text { color: black }';
			styles += '.wz-checkbox input[type="checkbox"] + label { WME: FU; color: black }';
			//group separator
			styles += '.layer-switcher .togglers .group { border-bottom: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + ' }';
			//column rule
			styles += '.layer-switcher .scrollable { column-rule: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + ' }';
		if (getById('_cbLayersMenuMoreOptions').checked === true) {
			styles += '.layer-switcher ul[class^="collapsible"].collapse-layer-switcher-group { visibility: inherit; max-height: inherit }';
			styles += '.layer-switcher i.toggle-category { visibility: hidden; width: 0 }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		getById('layersColControls').style.opacity = '0.5';
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function restyleReports() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbRestyleReports').checked) {
		var contrast = getById('_inpUIContrast').value;
		var compress = getById('_inpUICompression').value;
		if (compress > 0) {
			//report header
			styles += '#panel-container .header { padding: ' + ['','9px 36px','1px 36px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','19px','17px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .header .dot { top: ' + ['','15px','7px'][compress] + '; }';
			//special treatment for More Information checkboxes (with legends)
			styles += '#panel-container .problem-edit .more-info .legend { left: 20px; top: 3px; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .more-info input[type="checkbox"] + label { padding-left: 33px !important; }';
			//report body
			styles += '#panel-container .body { line-height: ' + ['','15px','13px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; }';
			//problem description
			styles += '#panel-container div.description.section > div.collapsible.content { padding: ' + ['','9px','3px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .conversation-view .comment .comment-content { padding: ' + ['','6px 9px','2px 3px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .comment .text { padding: ' + ['','7px 9px','4px 4px'][compress] + '; }';
			//new comment entry
			styles += '#panel-container .conversation-view .new-comment-form { padding: ' + ['','8px 9px 6px 9px','1px 3px 2px 3px'][compress] + '; }';
			//send button
			styles += '#panel-container .conversation-view .send-button { padding: ' + ['','4px 16px','2px 12px'][compress] + '; box-shadow: ' + ['','3px 3px 4px 0 #def7ff','3px 2px 4px 0 #def7ff'][compress] + '; }';
			//lower buttons
			styles += '#panel-container > div > div > div.actions > div > div { padding-top: ' + ['','6px','3px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .close-details.section { font-size: ' + ['','13px','12px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','13px','9px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .problem-edit .actions .controls-container label { height: ' + ['','28px','21px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','28px','21px'][compress] + '; margin-bottom: ' + ['','5px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .waze-plain-btn { height: ' + ['','30px','20px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','30px','20px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '.panel .navigation { margin-top: ' + ['','6px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			//WMEFP All PM button
			styles += '#WMEFP-UR-ALLPM { top: ' + ['','5px','0px'][compress] + ' !important; }';
		if (contrast > 0) {
			styles += '#panel-container .section { border-bottom: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .close-panel { border-color: ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .main-title { font-weight: 900; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .reported { color: ' + ['','dimgrey','black'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .date { color: ' + ['','#6d6d6d','#3d3d3d'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .comment .text { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .comment-content.reporter .username { color: ' + ['','#159dc6','#107998'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .conversation-view .new-comment-form textarea { border: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .top-section { border-bottom: 1px solid ' + ['','lightgrey','grey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#panel-container .waze-plain-btn { font-weight: 800; color: ' + ['','#159dc6','#107998'][contrast] + '; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
		if (wmeFUinitialising) {
			setTimeout(draggablePanel, 5000);
		} else {
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);
		if (jQuery.ui) {
			if ( $("#panel-container").hasClass('ui-draggable') ) {
			getById("panel-container").style = "";
	window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

function draggablePanel() {
	if (jQuery.ui) {
		if ($("#panel-container").draggable) {
			$("#panel-container").draggable({ handle: ".header" });

function enhanceChat() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbEnhanceChat').checked) {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);
		var contrast = getById('_inpUIContrast').value;
		var compress = getById('_inpUICompression').value;
		var mapY = getById('map').clientHeight;
		var chatY = Math.floor( mapY * 0.5);
		var chatHeaderY = [50,35,20][compress];
		var chatMessageInputY = [39,31,23][compress];
		var chatMessagesY = chatY - chatHeaderY - chatMessageInputY;
		var chatUsersY = chatY - chatHeaderY;
		//change chat width to 35% of whole window
		styles += '#chat .messages { width: calc(25vw); min-width: 200px;}';
		styles += '#map.street-view-mode #chat .messages { width: calc(25vw); }';
		styles += '#chat .messages .message-list { margin-bottom: 0px; }';
		styles += '#chat .messages .new-message { position: inherit; width: unset; }';
		styles += '#map.street-view-mode #chat .messages .new-message { position: inherit; width: unset; }';
		styles += '#chat .users { width: calc(10vw); min-width: 120px; }';
		styles += '#chat .messages .message-list .message.normal-message { max-width: unset; }';
		//change chat height to 50% of map view
		styles += '#chat .messages .message-list { min-height: ' + chatMessagesY + 'px; }';
		styles += '#chat .users { max-height: ' + chatUsersY + 'px; }';
//		#chat .messages .unread-messages-notification width=70%, bottom64px>
		if (compress > 0) {
			//do compression
			styles += '#chat .header { line-height: ' + chatHeaderY + 'px; }';
			styles += '#chat .header .dropdown .dropdown-toggle { line-height: ' + ['','30px','22px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat .header button { line-height: ' + ['','20px','19px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','13px','11px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','20px','19px'][compress] + '; }';
			//message list
			styles += '#chat .messages .message-list { padding: ' + ['','9px','3px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat .messages .message-list .message.normal-message { padding: ' + ['','6px','2px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat .messages .message-list .message { margin-bottom: ' + ['','8px','2px'][compress] + '; line-height: ' + ['','16px','14px'][compress] + '; font-size: ' + ['','12px','11px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat .messages .new-message input { height: ' + chatMessageInputY + 'px; }';
			//user list
			styles += '#chat .users { padding: ' + ['','8px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat ul.user-list a.user { padding: ' + ['','2px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat ul.user-list a.user .rank { width: ' + ['','25px','20px'][compress] + '; height: ' + ['','20px','16px'][compress] + '; margin-right: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat ul.user-list a.user .username { line-height: ' + ['','21px','17px'][compress] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat ul.user-list a.user:hover .crosshair { margin-top: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; right: ' + ['','3px','1px'][compress] + '; }';
			//fix for WME Chat Addon
			styles += '#chat .users > ul > li > a { margin: 0px !important; }';
		if (contrast > 0) {
			styles += '#chat .header { color: black; background-color: ' + ['','#d9d9d9','#bfbfbf'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat .messages .message-list { background-color: ' + ['','#e8e8e8','lightgrey'][contrast] + '; }';
			styles += '#chat .messages .message-list .message.normal-message { color: black; float: left; }';
			styles += '#chat .messages .message-list .message.normal-message .from { color: dimgrey; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; }';
			styles += '#chat .messages .message-list .message.own-message .from { color: black; background-color: #a1dcf5; }';
			//user message timestamps
			styles += '#chat > > div.messages > div.message-list > div > div.from > span { color: ' + ['','dimgrey','black'][contrast] + ' !important; }';
			//system message timestamps
			styles += '#chat > > div.messages > div.message-list > div > div.body > div > span { color: ' + ['','dimgrey','black'][contrast] + ' !important; }';
			//fix for WME Chat Addon
			styles += '#chat .body > div { color: black !important; }';
		//fix for Chat Addon timestamps running up against names
		styles += '#chat > > div.messages > div.message-list > div > div.from > span { margin-left: 5px; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function narrowSidePanel() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbNarrowSidePanel').checked) {
		//sidebar width
		styles += '.row-fluid #sidebar { width: 250px; }';
		//map width
		styles += '.show-sidebar .row-fluid .fluid-fixed { margin-left: 250px; }';
		//user info tweaks
		styles += '#sidebar #user-info #user-box { padding: 0 0 5px 0; }';
		styles += '#sidebar #user-details { width: 250px; }';
		styles += '#sidebar #user-details .user-profile .level-icon { margin: 0; }';
		styles += '#sidebar #user-details .user-profile .user-about { max-width: 161px; }';
		//gradient bars
		styles += '#sidebar .tab-scroll-gradient { width: 220px; }';
		styles += '#sidebar #links:before { width: 236px; }';
		styles += '.feed-item .content { max-width: 189px; }';
		//segment edit panel
		styles += '#edit-panel .more-actions .waze-btn.waze-btn-white { width: 122px; }';
		//tweak for WME Bookmarks
		styles += '#divBookmarksContent .divName { max-width: 164px; }';
		//tweak for WME PH buttons
		styles += '#WMEPH_runButton .btn { font-size: 11px; padding: 2px !important; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname, styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);
	window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

function shiftAerials() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	// calculate meters/pixel for current map view
	var ipu = OpenLayers.INCHES_PER_UNIT;
	var metersPerPixel = * ipu.m / ipu[];
	// Apply the shift and opacity = Math.round(getById("_inpASX").value / metersPerPixel) + 'px'; = Math.round(- getById("_inpASY").value / metersPerPixel) + 'px';
	if (getById('_inpASO').value < 10) getById('_inpASO').value = 10; = getById("_inpASO").value/100;
	if (getById("_inpASX").value != 0 || getById("_inpASY").value != 0) {
		getById("WMEFU_AS").style.display = "block";
	} else {
		getById("WMEFU_AS").style.display = "none";
	//turn off Enhance Chat if WME Chat Fix is loaded
	if (document.getElementById('WMEfixChat-setting')) {
		if (getById('_cbEnhanceChat').checked === true) {
			alert("WME FixUI: Enhance Chat disabled because WME Chat UI Fix detected");
		getById('_cbEnhanceChat').checked = false;

function fixExternalProviders () {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbFixExternalProviders').checked) {
		//enlarge external provider boxes
		styles += '#edit-panel .external-providers-view .select2-container { width: 90%; margin-bottom: 2px; }';
		styles += '.select2-container .select2-choice { height: inherit; line-height: 16px; }';
		styles += '.select2-container .select2-choice>.select2-chosen { white-space: normal; }';
		styles += '.placeId { padding-bottom: 5px; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function warnCommentsOff() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	if ('mapComments').visibility === false) {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);
		addStyle(prefix + fname, '.toolbar { background-color: #FFC107; }');
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);
	// extra bit because killNodeLayer will be inactive
	// getId("_btnKillNode").innerHTML = "Hide junction nodes";
	getById("_btnKillNode").style.backgroundColor = "";

function adjustGSV() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_inpGSVContrast').value < 10) getById('_inpGSVContrast').value = 10;
	if (getById('_inpGSVBrightness').value < 10) getById('_inpGSVBrightness').value = 10;
	if (getById('_inpASO').value < 10) getById('_inpASO').value = 10;
	styles += '.gm-style { filter: contrast(' + getById('_inpGSVContrast').value + '%) ';
	styles += 'brightness(' + getById('_inpGSVBrightness').value + '%) ';
	if (getById('_cbGSVInvert').checked) {
		styles += 'invert(1); }';
	} else {
		styles += 'invert(0); }';
	removeStyle(prefix + fname);
	addStyle(prefix + fname, styles);

function GSVWidth() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var w = getById('_inpGSVWidth').value;
	var styles = "";
	styles += '#editor-container #map.street-view-mode #waze-map-container { width: ' + (100-w) + '%; }';
	styles += '#editor-container #map.street-view-mode #street-view-container { width: ' + w + '%; }';
	styles += '#editor-container #map.street-view-mode #street-view-drag-handle { left: ' + (100-w) + '%; }';
	removeStyle(prefix + fname);
	addStyle(prefix + fname, styles);
	window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

function GSVWidthReset() {
	getById('waze-map-container').style = null;
	getById('street-view-container').style = null;
	getById('street-view-drag-handle').style = null;
	// Check for WME Street View Availability
	// This can be removed soon - WME SVA no longer remembers GSV width
	if (localStorage.WMEStreetViewWidth) {
		localStorage.WMEStreetViewWidth = '';
	window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));

function moveChatIcon() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbMoveChatIcon').checked) {
		styles += '#chat-overlay { left: inherit !important; right: 60px !important;}';
		styles += '#chat-overlay #chat-toggle { right: 0px !important; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function highlightInvisible() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbHighlightInvisible').checked) {
		styles += '#chat-overlay.visible-false #chat-toggle button { filter: none; background-color: #ff0000c0; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function darkenSaveLayer() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbDarkenSaveLayer').checked) {
		//don't publish without alteration!
		styles += '#popup-overlay { background-color: dimgrey !important; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function swapRoadsGPS() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbSwapRoadsGPS').checked) {
		var roadLayerId ="roads").id;
		var GPSLayerId ="gps_points").id;
		var roadLayerZ ="roads").getZIndex();
		var GPSLayerZ ="gps_points").getZIndex();
		logit("Layers identified\n\tRoads: " + roadLayerId + "," + roadLayerZ + "\n\tGPS: " + GPSLayerId + "," + GPSLayerZ, "info");
		styles += '#' + roadLayerId.replace(/\./g,"\\2e") + ' { z-index: ' + GPSLayerZ + ' !important; }';
		styles += '#' + GPSLayerId.replace(/\./g,"\\2e") + ' { z-index: ' + roadLayerZ + ' !important; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function killNode() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	getById("nodes").id + "_root").style.display = "none";
	getById("_btnKillNode").style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
	// getId("_btnKillNode").innerHTML = "Junction nodes hidden!";

function killTurnPopup() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	if (getById("WMEFUTPB").style.backgroundColor == "red") {
		getById("WMEFUTPB").style.backgroundColor = "inherit";
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);
	} else {
		getById("WMEFUTPB").style.backgroundColor = "red";
		addStyle(prefix + fname,'#big-tooltip-region { display: none !important; }');

function showMapBlockers() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbShowMapBlockers').checked) {
		styles += '.street-view-layer { background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.3); }';
		styles += '.live-user-marker { background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.3); }';
		styles += ' { background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.3); }';
		styles += '.overlay-buttons-container.bottom { background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.3); }';
		styles += '#street-view-drag-handle { background-color: rgba(255,0,0,0.3); }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function fixNodeClosureIcons() {
	var closureNodesId ='closure_nodes').id;
	var SVPinId ='streetViewPin')[0].id;
	addGlobalStyle('div#' + closureNodesId + ' { z-index: 725 !important }');
	insertNodeBeforeNode(getById(closureNodesId), getById(SVPinId));

function disableBridgeButton() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbDisableBridgeButton').checked) {
		styles += '.add-bridge { pointer-events: none; opacity: 0.4; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function hideLinks() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	var compress = getById('_inpUICompression').value;
	if (getById('_cbHideLinks').checked) {
		//Nuke the links at the bottom of the side panel
		styles += '.waze-links { display: none; }';
		//extend side panel to the bottom
		if (getById('_cbShrinkTopBars').checked) {
			styles += '.edit-area { height: calc(100% ' + ['- 30px','- 9px','+ 2px'][compress] + '); }';
		} else {
			styles += '.edit-area { height: calc(100% - 30px); }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function disableKinetic() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	if (getById('_cbDisableKinetic').checked) { => control.dragPan).dragPan.kinetic = null;
	} else { => control.dragPan).dragPan.kinetic = kineticDragParams;

function disableScrollZoom() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	if (getById('_cbDisableScrollZoom').checked) {;
	} else {;

function PSclicked() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	if (W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures().length > 0) {
		if (getById("user-info").style.display == "none") {
			getById("user-info").style.display = "block";
			getById("edit-panel").style.display = "none";
		} else {
			getById("user-info").style.display = "none";
			getById("edit-panel").style.display = "block";

function PSicon() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	if (W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures().length > 0) {
		getById("WMEFUPS").style.color = "red";
	} else {
		getById("WMEFUPS").style.color = "lightgrey";

function PCclicked() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	if ("segments")) reselectItems('segments',true);
	else if ("venues")) reselectItems('venues',true);
	else if ("nodes")) reselectItems('nodes',false);
	else if ("mapComments")) reselectItems('mapComments',false);
	else if ("cameras")) reselectItems('cameras',false);

function reselectItems ( typeDesc, isArray) {
	var parameter, IDArray, objectArray, i, object;
	parameter = RegExp("[?&]" + typeDesc + "?=([^&]*)"));
	if (parameter) {
		for (i=0;i<IDArray.length;i++) {
			if (typeof object!='undefined') objectArray.push(object);
		if (isArray) {
		} else {

function createDSASection() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var settingsDiv = document.querySelector("#sidepanel-prefs > div > div > form");
	if (!settingsDiv) {
		logit("WME Settings div not there yet - looping...","warning");
	if (localStorage.dontShowAgain) {
		var dontShowAgain = JSON.parse(localStorage.dontShowAgain);
		var DSGroup = document.createElement('div');
		DSGroup.classList = "form-group";
		var DSLabel = document.createElement('label');
		DSLabel.classList = "control-label";
		DSLabel.innerHTML = "Disabled WME warnings";
		DSLabel.title = "This section will not update if you disable a warning\n";
		DSLabel.title += "from a WME pop-up. Re-load the page if you need\n";
		DSLabel.title += "to re-enable a warning you have just disabled.\n\n";
		DSLabel.title += "SECTION ADDED BY WME Fix UI.";
		var DSCC = document.createElement('div');
		DSCC.classList = "controls-container";
		var DSInput;
		for (var property in dontShowAgain) {
			DSInput = document.createElement('input');
			DSInput.type = "checkbox"; = "WMEFUDScb_" + property.toString();
			DSInput.setAttribute("orig", property.toString());
			DSInput.checked = dontShowAgain[property];
			DSLabel = document.createElement('label');
			DSLabel.innerText = property.toString();
			DSInput.onclick = DSIclicked;

function DSIclicked (e) {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var DSA = JSON.parse(localStorage.dontShowAgain);
	DSA["orig")] =;
	localStorage.dontShowAgain = JSON.stringify(DSA);

function disableSaveBlocker() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbDisableSaveBlocker').checked) {
		styles += '#popup-overlay { display: none !important; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function colourBlindTurns() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbColourBlindTurns').checked) {
		styles += ' { filter: hue-rotate(90deg); }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function hideMenuLabels() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbHideMenuLabels').checked) {
		styles += '.toolbar .group-title { width: 0; overflow: hidden; }';
		styles += '.toolbar .toolbar-button.toolbar-button-with-label.toolbar-button-with-icon .menu-title { width: 0; overflow: hidden; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function unfloatButtons() {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	layersButton = getByClass('layers-switcher-region')[0];
	refreshButton = getByClass('reload-button-region')[0];
	unFloatState = getById('_cbUnfloatButtons').checked;
	if (getById('_cbUnfloatButtons').checked) {
		//restore mouseover opening for layers menu
		layersButton.onmouseover = unfloat_showmenu;
		// getByClass('waze-icon-save')[0].onmouseover = unfloat_hidemenu;
		// getById('user-box-or-login-button-region').onmouseover = unfloat_hidemenu;
		document.body.onmouseleave = unfloat_hidemenu;
		//extra needed because layers no longer autohides
		getById('layer-switcher-region').onmouseleave = unfloat_hidemenu;
		//move layers menu div so it doesn't get moved by GSV
		var styles = '';
		styles += '.layer-switcher .menu { z-index: 4; }';
		styles += '.layer-switcher .menu > .title .w-icon-x { display: none }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
		getById('WMEFUPIN').style.display = 'inherit';
		//hacks for other scripts
		if (getById('Info_div')) {
			getByClass('bottom overlay-buttons-container')[0].appendChild(getById('Info_div'));
			getById('Info_div').style.marginTop = '8px';
		if (getById('BeenHere')) getById('BeenHere') = '310px';
		//temporary hack for new button arrangements Map Nav Historic
		if (getById('prevIcon')) insertNodeBeforeNode(getById('prevIcon').parentNode,getById('nextIcon').parentNode);
	} else {
		layersButton.onmouseover = null;
		getByClass('waze-icon-save')[0].onmouseover = null;
		getById('user-box-region').onmouseover = null;
		document.body.onmouseleave = null;
		getById('layer-switcher-region').onmouseleave = null;
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);
		getById('WMEFUPIN').style.display = 'none';
		getById('layer-switcher-pinned-input').checked = false;
		if (getById('Info_div')) {
			getByClass('overlay-buttons-container top')[0].appendChild(getById('Info_div'));
			getById('Info_div').style.marginTop = '';
		if (getById('BeenHere')) getById('BeenHere') = '280px';

function unfloat_showmenu () {

function unfloat_hidemenu () {
	//This fails in Beta - the pin no longer exists
	if (getById('layer-switcher-pinned-input').checked == false) {

function unfloat () {
	getByClass('waze-icon-save')[0].onmouseover = unfloat_hidemenu;
	if (getById('user-box-or-login-button-region') !== null) {
		getById('user-box-or-login-button-region').onmouseover = unfloat_hidemenu;
	} else if (getById('user-box-region') !== null) {
		getById('user-box-region').onmouseover = unfloat_hidemenu;
	} else logit('Problem with User box ID','error');
	addStyle(prefix + 'unfloatButtons2','#edit-buttons .overlay-button-disabled { opacity: 0.5; cursor: not-allowed;');

function float () {
	getByClass('overlay-buttons-container top')[0].appendChild(layersButton);
	getByClass('overlay-buttons-container top')[0].appendChild(refreshButton);
	removeStyle(prefix + 'unfloatButtons2');

function unfloatOnEventMode (model,modeID) {
	if (unFloatState === true) {
		if (modeID == 1) float();
		if (modeID == 0) unfloat();

function pinLayers () {
	if (getById('layer-switcher-pinned-input').checked) {
		getById('WMEFUPIN').style.opacity = '1';
	} else {
		getById('WMEFUPIN').style.opacity = '0.2';

function hackGSVHandle () {
	var fname = arguments.callee.toString().match(/function ([^(]+)/)[1];
	logit("function " + fname + " called", "debug");
	var styles = "";
	if (getById('_cbHackGSVHandle').checked) {
		styles += '#editor-container #map.street-view-mode #street-view-drag-handle { height: 29px; background: lightgrey; font-size: 24px; border-radius: 8px; text-align: center; padding-top: 2px; border: 1px black solid; }';
		addStyle(prefix + fname,styles);
		getById('street-view-drag-handle').title = 'Double-click to reset\ndefault width.';
	} else {
		removeStyle(prefix + fname);

function addGlobalStyle(css) {
	var head, style;
	head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
	if (!head) {
	style = document.createElement('style');
	style.type = 'text/css';
	style.innerHTML = css;

function addStyle(ID, css) {
	var head, style;
	head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
	if (!head) {
	removeStyle(ID); // in case it is already there
	style = document.createElement('style');
	style.type = 'text/css';
	style.innerHTML = css; = ID;

function removeStyle(ID) {
	var style = document.getElementById(ID);
	if (style) { style.parentNode.removeChild(style); }

function getByClass(classname, node) {
	if(!node) { node = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; }
	return node.getElementsByClassName(classname);
	// var a = [];
	// var re = new RegExp('\\b' + classname + '\\b');
	// var els = node.getElementsByTagName("*");
	// for (var i=0,j=els.length; i<j; i++) {
	// 	if (re.test(els[i].className)) { a.push(els[i]); }
	// }
	// return a;

function getById(node) {
	return document.getElementById(node);

function insertNodeBeforeNode (insertNode, beforeNode) {

function insertNodeAfterNode (insertNode, afterNode) {
	insertNodeBeforeNode (insertNode, afterNode);
	insertNodeBeforeNode (afterNode,insertNode);

function ChromeWarning () {
	var m = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./);
	var CV = ( m ? parseInt(m[2], 10) : false);
	if (CV) {
		if (CV <62) {
			return '\nWARNING: OUTDATED CHROME VERSION ' + CV + ' DETECTED.\nSettings saving may not work properly and update notice\nwill probably appear every time WME FixUI runs.\n';
		} else {
			return '';
	} else {
		return '';

function logit(msg, typ) {
	if (!typ) {
		console.log(prefix + ": " + msg);
	} else {
		switch(typ) {
			case "error":
				console.error(prefix + ": " + msg);
			case "warning":
				console.warn(prefix + ": " + msg);
			case "info": + ": " + msg);
			case "debug":
				if (debug) {
					console.warn(prefix + ": " + msg);
				console.log(prefix + " unknown message type: " + msg);

function versionGreaterThan(major, minor) {
	var v = W.version.substring(1).replace("-",".").split(".");
	if (v[0] > major) return true;
	if (v[1] > minor) return true;
	return false;

// Start it running
setTimeout(init1, 200);