Greasy Fork is available in English.

GameDownloader *OLD*

Finds the game URL and adds a download link in the "QuickLinks"

질문, 리뷰하거나, 이 스크립트를 신고하세요.
// ==UserScript==
// @name           GameDownloader *OLD*
// @namespace
// @description    Finds the game URL and adds a download link in the "QuickLinks"
// @include        *://*/*
// @source
// identifier
// @version        0.6.1
// @date           2010-03-08
// ==/UserScript==

//Only loads this code on the main window
if( == window.self)
	GM_setValue("game_download_url", "");
	function add_game_download()
		var gameurl = GM_getValue("game_download_url");
		if(gameurl == "")
			setTimeout(add_game_download, 1000);
		var gamedownload = document.createElement("li");
		gamedownload.setAttribute("style","background-position:0 -100px;");
		gamedownload.innerHTML='&nbsp;<a href="'+gameurl+'">Download Game</a>';
		var quicklinks = document.getElementById('quicklinks');
	//This is used so it can keep running tryign to add the button, till the iframe is loaded
	//and the URL is stored.
	setTimeout(add_game_download, 1000);
	function URLDecode(psEncodeString)
		// Create a regular expression to search all +s in the string
		var lsRegExp = /\+/g;
		// Return the decoded string
		return unescape(String(psEncodeString).replace(lsRegExp, " "));
	var gamevars;
	//this code is only executed in the iframe where the game is loaded
	//it stores the url into a GreaseMonkey Value, which is the only clean way to access it
	//due to cross site scripting issues(the iframe is loading a subdomain of kongregate)
	var gamediv = document.getElementById('gamediv');
	var gameparams = gamediv.getElementsByTagName('param');
	for (var i = 0; i < gameparams.length; i++)
		if (gameparams[i].getAttribute('name') == 'flashvars')
			gamevars = gameparams[i].getAttribute('value');
	string = URLDecode(gamevars);
	var gameurldata = string.match(/http:\/\/\/gamez\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/live\/(.[^.]+)\.swf/i);
	if(gameurldata == null)
		var gameurl = gamediv.getAttribute('data');
		var gameurl = gameurldata[0];
	GM_setValue("game_download_url", gameurl);