HTML5 notifications on Spotify Web Player

Adds silent song notifications with title, artist and cover art

코드가 바뀐 버전들입니다. 모든 버전 보기

  • v2016.06.08 2016-06-08 Delay the notifications 5.5 secs, skip it if the song changes in that period.
  • v2015.11.14.05 2015-12-17 I'm pretty silly.
  • v2015.12.17 2015-12-17 Imported from URL
  • v2015.11.14.05 2015-11-14 It's all about the whitespace.
  • v2015.11.14.03 2015-11-14 Make it pretty, clean and nice to look at. Looks good to me.
  • v2015.11.14.02 2015-11-14 Avoid repeatedly showing the same notification for the same song, again and again. Now we notify without repeating, much more pleasing.
  • v2015.11.14.01 2015-11-14 Refined and polished, show notifications when content is actually playing, add a slight delay of 1.5s
  • v2015.11.14 2015-11-14