Favorites by mach6
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网页限制解除(改) JS - 通杀大部分网站,可以解除禁止复制、剪切、选择文本、右键菜单的限制。原作者cat73,因为和搜索跳转脚本冲突,遂进行了改动。
Picviewer CE+ JS - Powerful picture viewing tool online, which can popup/scale/rotate/batch save pictures automatically
解除B站区域限制 JS - 通过替换获取视频地址接口的方式, 实现解除B站区域限制;
网盘自动填写访问码【威力加强版】 JS - 智能融合网盘密码到网址中,打开网盘链接时不再需要手动复制密码,并自动提交密码,一路畅通无阻。同时记录网盘信息,当你再次打开该分享文件时,不再需要去找提取码,同时可追溯网盘地址的来源。
Pixiv Previewer JS - Display preview images (support single image, multiple images, moving images); Download animation(.zip); Sorting the search page by favorite count(and display it). Updated for the latest search page.
openload JS - Remove anti-adblock, ads, popups and timer waits, and show direct download link
Pinterest registration popup killer JS - Browse Pinterest without registration. Also remove the cookies banner.
拒绝二维码登录(淘宝、京东等网站默认出现账号密码登录界面) JS - 淘宝、京东、阿里云等网站默认使用账号密码登录,不出现二维码登录界面
Bypass paywalls for scientific documents JS - Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to sci-hub.tw. In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.
Baidu Pan SuperKey JS - 度盘万能钥匙,云盘万能钥匙扩展改成 GM 脚本
Google Tracking-B-Gone JS - Strips click tracking from Google search results
Redirect Userscripts.org to Userscripts-MIRROR.org JS - On any web page it will check if the clicked links goes to userscripts.org. If so, the link will be rewritten to point to userscripts-mirror.org
anti-redirect JS - 去除重定向, 支持谷歌/百度/搜狗/360/知乎/贴吧/简书/豆瓣/微博...
美女图聚合展示by SeLang JS - 目标是聚合网页美女图片,省去翻页烦恼。有需要聚合的网址请反馈。 QQ群号:455809302,点击链接加入群【油猴脚本私人定制】:https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=45p9bea
iqiyi-player-switch JS - 爱奇艺flash播放器与html5播放器随意切换,改善html5播放器播放体验。
ykh5p JS - 改善优酷官方html5播放器播放体验
Forbes - Skip Welcome Screen JS - Skips the welcome screen; The one with the "Thought of the Day" and the full page ad. Pretty much simulates clicking the link, "Skip this welcome screen", as soon as the welcome screen loads.
屏蔽知乎使用adblock后页面顶部出现的横幅 JS - try to take over the world!
StackOverflow净化器 JS - 屏蔽某个智障用户Ciro Santilli
斗鱼自动回复,可重复回复(刷屏) JS - 斗鱼自动回复,自定义时间,次数,回复内容!