MooMooMod v8!

Place Bait - Del, v8-FixBigPing, SaveChat, FastInsta, AutoCoordWalk, AFKMode, R-InstaKill, AutoHeal, AutoAntiBull, AntiInsta, FollowAnimals, AutoFarmResource, M-TripleWASDMills, UpArrow-Katana+Musket, H-Turret, N-Mill, V-spike, F-Trap, Z-TankGear, Shift-BiomeHats, Esc-BetterMenu, AutoAntiBull, MouseClicks, BetterHotBar, OneTickInsta. Please rate this script in the comments! I'm trying really hard! Give me your support!

As of 28.09.2021. See ბოლო ვერსია.

 // ==UserScript==
 // @name         MooMooMod v8!
 // @namespace    none
 // @version      8.42
 // @description  Place Bait - Del, v8-FixBigPing, SaveChat, FastInsta, AutoCoordWalk, AFKMode, R-InstaKill, AutoHeal, AutoAntiBull, AntiInsta, FollowAnimals, AutoFarmResource, M-TripleWASDMills, UpArrow-Katana+Musket, H-Turret, N-Mill, V-spike, F-Trap, Z-TankGear, Shift-BiomeHats, Esc-BetterMenu, AutoAntiBull, MouseClicks, BetterHotBar, OneTickInsta. Please rate this script in the comments! I'm trying really hard! Give me your support!
 // @author       00100110#6361, GeasyFork:
 // @match        *://**
 // @match        *://*
 // @require
 // @grant        none
 // ==/UserScript==
 // Script in greasyfork:
 (function() {
     'use strict'
     class Main {
         constructor(status) {
             this.status = status
         RemoveAd() {
             try {
                 setTimeout(() => ($('#ot-sdk-btn-floating').remove(), $('#pre-content-container').remove()), 3000)
                 document.getElementById("moomooio_728x90_home").style.display = "none"
                 $("#moomooio_728x90_home").parent().css("display", "none")
             } catch (e) {}
         AdapterPing() {
             try {
             } catch (e) {}
         AdapterFPS() {
             try {
                 window.location.native_resolution = true
             } catch (e) {}
     const MAIN = new Main("Work")
     console.log("Status: " + MAIN.status)
     const $el_PING = $("#pingDisplay")
     $el_PING.css("display", "block")
 let keyMenu = "27"
 document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
     if (e.code == $("#KeyOpenGuiMenu").val()) {
         if ($('.blockMenu').css('display') == 'none') $('.blockMenu').animate({
             top: 'show'
         }, 100);
         else $('.blockMenu').animate({
             top: 'hide'
         }, 100);
 let editMainMenu = `
#setupCard {
border-radius: 30px;
#enterGame {
transition: 1s all;
text-align: center;
font-size: 23px;
padding: 6px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #2c9506;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 8px gray, 0px 0px 4px gray;
width: 100%;
border-radius: 15px;
cursor: url(, default;
#nameInput {
text-align: center;
cursor: text;
outline: 0;
display: block;
background: #fff;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px gray, 0px 0px 2px gray;
border: none;
padding: 6px;
color: #4a4a4a;
border-radius: 10px;
#nameInput::selection {
  background: #828282;
.skinColorItem {
  border: 3px solid black;
  transition: 1s all;
  width: 0px;
  height: 0px;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
#guideCard {
  border-radius: 30px;
#mainMenu {
  background: #121212;
.menuCard {
  background: #e6e3df;
  text-align: center;
  box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 10px black;
 let GameMenu = `
<div class="blockMenu" style="display: none;">
    <img src="" align="bottom" style="text-align: bottom;" id="imgTitle">
    <div class="titleMenu">Setting<span class="twoTitleName">MooMooMod</span></div>
    <div class="ScrollFixedPositionBlock">
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement1"><span>AutoHeal</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement2"><span>AntiInsta</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement3"><span>InstaKill</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement4"><span>AntiTrap</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement5"><span>Follow</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement6"><span>Other</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement7"><span>Walk</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement11"><span>AFK</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement8"><span>Cmd</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement9"><span>Bind</span></a>
        <a class="ScrollElementBox" href="#ScrollElement10"<span>Menu</span></a>
    <div class="blockSetting">
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement1"></section>
            <legend align="center">Heal</legend>
            <SettingText>Auto healing <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoHeal" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Use soldier <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="SoldierForAutoHeal"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Chat <input class="inputTxt" id="AutoHealChat" maxlength="30" placeholder="Message..." type="text"></SettingText>
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement2"></section>
            <legend align="center">AntiInsta</legend>
            <SettingText title="AntiInsta from moomoomod v6. Survival 50%, but if the enemy spams, you dont take the clown!">Anti insta (new)<label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AntiInsta" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText title="AntiInsta from moomoomod v1-v5. Survival 85%, but if the enemy spams, you take the clown!">Anti insta (old)<label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AntiInstaOld"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Chat <input type="text" class="inputTxt" id="AntiInstaChat" maxlength="30" value="MooMooAntiInsta" placeholder="Message..."></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Heal multiplier <input type="range" min="1" max="10" id="AntiInstaMultiplier" value="1"> x<span id="myMult">1</span></SettingText>
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement3"></section>
            <legend align="center">InstaKill</legend>
            <SettingText>Auto aim <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="Aim"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Speed normal insta <input class="inputTxt" id="InstaSpeed" maxlength="3" placeholder="Speed..." value="92" type="text"></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Auto reload secondary <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoReloadInstaKill"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Chat <input type="text" class="inputTxt" value="MooMooInsta" disabled></SettingText>
                <legend align="center">OneTickInsta</legend>
                <SettingText>One tick insta <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="oneTickInsta"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText>
                <select id="oneTickType" class="select-css">
                    <option value="Back Musket" id="BackMusket">Polearm+BackMusket</option>
                    <option value="Only Polearm" id="OnlyPolearm">OnlyPolearm</option>
                <select id="oneTickType2" class="select-css" style="opacity: 0">
                    <option value="Normal Insta" id="Normal">Normal</option>
                    <option value="Smart Insta" id="Smart">Smart</option>
                  <SettingText>Chat <input type="text" class="inputTxt" value="MooMooOneTick" disabled></SettingText>
              <legend align="center">FastInsta</legend>
              <SettingText>Fast insta <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="StackInsta"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
              <SettingText>Chat <input type="text" class="inputTxt" value="MooMooFastInsta" disabled></SettingText>
              <legend align="center">SpikeInsta</legend>
              <SettingText>Spike insta <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="SpikeInsta"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
              <SettingText>Chat <input type="text" class="inputTxt" value="MooMooSpikeInsta" disabled></SettingText>
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement4"></section>
            <legend align="center">AntiTrap</legend>
            <SettingText>Anti trap <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AntiTrap"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label><br>
            Chat <input type="text" class="inputTxt" id="AntiTrapChat" maxlength="30" value="MooMooAntiTrap" placeholder="Message..." disabled\></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Start place <select id="StartPlace" class="select-css">
                    <option selected>Types StartPlace</option>
                    <option value="4 start trap" id="Start4traps">4Traps</option>
                    <option value="4 start spike" id="Start4spikes">4Spike</option>
                    <option value="4 start mill" id="Start4mill">4Mill</option>
            <SettingText>End place <select id="EndPlace" class="select-css">
                    <option selected>Types EndPlace</option>
                    <option value="4 end trap" id="End4traps">4Traps</option>
                    <option value="4 end spike" id="End4spikes">4Spike</option>
                    <option value="4 end mill" id="End4mill">4Mill</option>
                    <option value="2 end spikes2 trap" id="End2spikes2trap">2Spike2Trap</option>
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement5"></section>
            <legend align="center">Follow</legend>
            <SettingText>Follow animals <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="FollowAnimals"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Auto farm <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoFarm"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label><br>
                Need resources <input type="text" style="width: 50px;" class="inputTxt" id="NextResource" placeholder="Resources" value="150" \><br>
                Auto farm type <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoFarmType"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label> <select id="goRes" class="select-css"><br>
                    <option selected disabled>Types Farm</option>
                    <option value="go food" id="gofood">Food</option>
                    <option value="go stone" id="gostone">Stone</option>
                    <option value="go tree" id="gotree">Wood</option>
                    <option value="go mine" id="gomine">Gold</option>
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement6"></section>
            <legend align="center">Other</legend>
            <SettingText>Spam clan <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="SpamClan"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label> <input type="text" class="inputTxt" id="SpamClanName" value="MuMuMod" placeholder="Message..."></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Spam chat <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="SpamChat"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label> <input type="text" class="inputTxt" id="SpamChatName" value="MooMooMod" placeholder="Message..."></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Send msg if near enemy <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="helloMode"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label> <input type="text" class="inputTxt" id="MsgText" value="hello!" placeholder="Message..."></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Auto anti bull [beta]<label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoAntiBull"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Mouse click <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="mouseClick"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Melee bot <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="Auto1v1OnlyMeleeBot"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>360° hit <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="angleGlitch"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Auto respawn <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoRespawn"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label> <input type="text" class="inputTxt" id="AutoRespawnName" maxlength="15" placeholder="Name..." \></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Kill chat <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="killChat"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label> <input type="text" class="inputTxt" id="KillChat" maxlength="30" placeholder="Chat..." \></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Better hot bar <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="BetterHotBar"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText>
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement7"></section>
            <legend align="center">Walk</legend>
            <SettingText>Mouse walk <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoWalk"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>Auto coord walk <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoCoordWalk"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label> <input type="text" style="width: 65px;" class="inputTxt" id="WalkX" placeholder="Coord X..."> <input type="text" style="width: 65px;" class="inputTxt" id="WalkY" placeholder="Coord Y..."></SettingText><br>
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement11"></section>
            <legend align="center">AFK</legend>
            <SettingText >AFK mode <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AFKMode"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><div style="display: inline-block;" id="VisibleBR"><hr></div>
            <SettingText id="AfkVisible">Chat <input type="text" class="inputTxt" value="Hello bro!" id="AfkMsg"><br></SettingText>
            <SettingText id="PlaceVisible">Place spike <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="PlaceSpike"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText>
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement8"></section>
            <legend align="center">Commands</legend>
            <SettingText>Prefix: <input type="text" class="inputTxt" style="width: 50px;" id="PrefixCommands" maxlength="1" value="!" placeholder="Prefix..."></SettingText>
            <SettingText>Clan: </SettingText><br>
            <MiniSettingText>[Prefix]join NAME</MiniSettingText><br>
            <MiniSettingText>[Prefix]create NAME</MiniSettingText>
            <SettingText>Chat: </SettingText><br>
            <SettingText>FastAge: </SettingText><br>
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement9"></section>
            <legend align="center">Bind keys</legend>
                Anti trap: <input style="width: 100px;" id="BindAntiTrap" class="inputTxt" onKeyPress=SupressInput(event); oncontextmenu="return false" placeholder="Bind..." value="KeyO" type="text">
                Anti insta: <input style="width: 100px;" id="BindAntiInsta" class="inputTxt" onKeyPress=SupressInput(event); oncontextmenu="return false" placeholder="Bind..." value="KeyU" type="text">
                360° hit: <input style="width: 100px;" id="hit360" class="inputTxt" onKeyPress=SupressInput(event); oncontextmenu="return false" placeholder="Bind..." value="KeyI" type="text">
                Bull Helmet: <input style="width: 100px;" id="BindBull" class="inputTxt" onKeyPress=SupressInput(event); oncontextmenu="return false" placeholder="Bind..." value="KeyT" type="text">
                Samurai Armor: <input style="width: 100px;" id="BindSamurai" class="inputTxt" onKeyPress=SupressInput(event); oncontextmenu="return false" placeholder="Bind..." value="KeyB" type="text">
                Emp Helmet: <input style="width: 100px;" id="BindEmp" class="inputTxt" onKeyPress=SupressInput(event); oncontextmenu="return false" placeholder="Bind..." value="KeyY" type="text">
        <section class="InvisibleElementForScroll" id="ScrollElement10"></section>
            <legend align="center">Menu</legend>
                Menu color text <input type="color" id="ColorText" value="#4A4A4A"> <button id="DefColorText" class="Button_style">Default</button><br>
                Bind key: <input style="width: 100px;" id="KeyOpenGuiMenu" class="inputTxt" onKeyPress=SupressInput(event); oncontextmenu="return false" placeholder="Bind..." value="Escape" type="text"><br>
                <legend align="center">Menu</legend>
                <SettingText>Hud <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="Hud"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>Hud color text <input type="color" id="ColorText2" value="#ffffff"> <button id="DefColorText2" class="Button_style">Default</button></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>Hud text size <input type="range" min="1" max="60" id="HudTextSize" value="18"> <span id="myMult2">18</span>px <button id="DefColorText4" class="Button_style">Default</button></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>Hud shadow <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="HudShadow"><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label> <input type="color" id="ColorText3" value="#FF0000"> <button id="DefColorText3" class="Button_style">Default</button></SettingText>
        <div id="IfHudOn">
                <legend align="center">VisibleInHud</legend>
                <SettingText>AutoHeal <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoHealVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>HealSoldier <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="HealSoldierVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>AntiInsta <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AntiInstaVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>AutoAim <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoAimVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>AutoReload <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoReloadVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>OneTickInsta <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="OneTickInstaVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>AntiTrap <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AntiTrapVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>FollowAnimals <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="FollowAnimalsVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>MouseWalk <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoWalkVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>CoordWalk <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoCoordWalkVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>AFKMode <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AFKModeVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>AutoFarm <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoFarmVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>AutoFarmType <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoFarmTypeVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>SpamClan <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="SpamClanVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>SpamChat <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="SpamChatVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>SendMsg <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="SendMsgVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>AutoAntiBull <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoAntiBullVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>MouseClick <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="MouseClickVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>MeleeBot <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="MeleeBotVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>360°Hit <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="360°HitVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>AutoRespawn <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="AutoRespawnVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>KillChat <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="KillChatVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>BetterHotBar <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="BetterHotBarVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
                <SettingText>Hud <label class="checkbox-green"><input type="checkbox" id="HudVisible" checked><span class="checkbox-green-switch" data-label-on="On" data-label-off="Off"></span></label></SettingText><br>
    <hr />
        Copyright 00100110 © 2021
    #AfkVisible {
        display: none;
    #PlaceVisible {
        display: none;
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        width: auto;
        height: auto;
        padding: 5px;
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        transition: 0.5s all;
        cursor: url(, default;
    .actionBarItem, #chatButton, #storeButton, #allianceButton,
    .allianceButtonM, .joinAlBtn, #allianceManager, #storeMenu,
    .storeTab, .skinColorItem, #altServer, .notifButton,
    #joinPartyButton, .menuLink, #nativeResolution, #showPing,
    #settingsButton {
        cursor: url(, default;
    #storeHolder, #gameCanvas, #allianceHolder, .storeItem, #mainMenu {
        cursor: url(, default;
    a {
        cursor: url(, default;
    #nameInput {
        cursor: url(, default;
    input[type="text"] {
    cursor: url(, default;
    .ScrollElementBox:link, .ScrollElementBox:visited {
        color: #6a1919;
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        margin: 0;
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        width: 0;
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    select {
        outline: 0;
        transition: 1s all;
        cursor: url(, default;
        vertical-align: middle;
        user-select: none;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        background: #fff;
        color: #4A4A4A;
        border-radius: 10px;

    #IfHudOn {
        display: none;
        transition: 1s all;

    select:hover {
        border: 2.5px solid #212121;
    .Button_style {
        cursor: url(, default;
        vertical-align: middle;
        user-select: none;
        box-sizing: border-box;
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        outline: 0;
        display: inline-block;
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<div id="StopWalkBtn">Stop walking</div>
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 const HTML = `
<div class="TimeDate"></div>
<div class="Fps">FPS: Loading...</div>
<div id="Coord">Loading...</div>
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        } else {
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 let Global = {
     deathFade: window.config.deathFadeout,
     nameY: (window.config.nameY = newY),
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 let randomInt = (a, b) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (b - a + 1)) + a
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 let allColors
 let takeRandomColor
 let speedRanbowSkin = 250
 let tgl2 = false
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 } = {
     primary: null,
     secondary: null,
     foodType: null,
     wallType: null,
     spikeType: null,
     millType: null,
     mineType: null,
     boostType: null,
     turretType: null,
     spawnpadType: null,
     baitType: null
 let check1 = false
 let enemyAim = false
 let angleGlitch = false
 let OneTickAim = false
 let getName = []
 let {
 } = {
     enemiesNear: null,
     nearEnemy: null,
     IsEnemyNear: null,
     nearEnemyAngle: null
 let {
 } = {
     myID: null,
     myX: null,
     myY: null,
     myDir: null,
     ObjectB: null,
     Weapon: null,
     Variant: null,
     Clan: null,
     IsLeader: null,
     Hat: null,
     Acc: null,
     IsSkull: null,
     Health: 100,
     aim: null,
     trap: null

 let mult1 = 2
 let EnemyAim
 let autoWalk =
 let ma = {
     meaning: 0,
 let An = [
     [], false
 let AutoHeal = true,
     AntiInsta = true,
     SoldierForAutoHeal = false,
     AutoRespawn = false,
     mouseClick = false,
     AntiTrap = false,
     Aim = false,
     AutoReloadInstaKill = false,
     angleGlitch2 = false,
     oneTickInsta = false,
     checkOneTick = false
 let foods = [],
     trees = [],
     stones = [],
     mines = [],
     nearestTree = [],
     nearestFood = [],
     nearestStone = [],
     nearestMine = [],
 let {
 } = {
     CheckAB: false,
     step: false,
     AutoAntiBull: false
 let ma2 = {
     meaning: 0,
 let lastTrapped =
 let Coord = document.getElementById("Coord")
 let check = false
 let speedAntiInsta = 80
 let end = false
 let date =
 let date2 =
 let speedMill = 150
 let old =
 let $el_id =
 let $el_chat = document.getElementById("#chatHolder")
 let AutoMill = false
 let w, he, mX, mY
 let counter = 0
 let health = 65
 let tgl = false
 let wS
 let msgPack = msgpack
 let En = [
     [], false
 let ka2 = {
     tgl: false,
     fix: 65,
     delay: null,
     meaning: 0,
     speed: 58,
     type: 1
 let ka = {
     tgl: false,
     fix: 100,
     delay: null,
     meaning: 0,
     speed: 75,
     type: 1
 let autowalk = [{
     ch: "WalkMode coords.",
     x: null,
     y: null
 let player = {
     wood: 100,
     stone: 100,
     food: 100,
     points: 100
 let autobreak = {
     angle: null,
     toggle: true,
     id: null
 let melee = false
 setTimeout(() => {
     document.getElementById("gofood").value == "go food"
     document.getElementById("gostone").value == "go stone"
     document.getElementById("gotree").value == "go tree"
     document.getElementById("gomine").value == "go mine"
     document.getElementById("Normal").value == "Normal Insta"
     document.getElementById("Smart").value == "Smart Insta"
     document.getElementById("OnlyPolearm").value == "Only Polearm"
     document.getElementById("BackMusket").value == "Back Musket"
     document.getElementById("Start4traps").value == "4 start trap"
     document.getElementById("Start4spikes").value == "4 start spike"
     document.getElementById("Start4mill").value == "4 start mill"
     document.getElementById("End4traps").value == "4 end trap"
     document.getElementById("End4spikes").value == "4 end spike"
     document.getElementById("End4mill").value == "4 end mill"
     document.getElementById("End2spikes2trap").value == "2 end spikes2 trap"
 }, 50)
 setInterval(() => {
     if (document.getElementById("Auto1v1OnlyMeleeBot").checked) {
         send.Packet("33", nearEnemyAngle)
         melee = true
 }, 150)
 setInterval(() => {
     if (document.getElementById("Auto1v1OnlyMeleeBot").checked && melee) {
         send.Packet("7", 1)
         send.FullPacket("5", primary, true)
         setTimeout(() => {
             send.Packet("7", 1)
         }, 200)
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, 360)
 }, 400)
 setInterval(() => {
     if (document.getElementById("SpamChat").checked) {
         send.Packet("ch", spam(true))
 }, 500)
 setTimeout(() => {
     Global.deathFade = 0
 }, 3500)
 setInterval(() => {
     if(document.getElementById("AFKMode").checked) {
        send.Packet("ch", $("#AfkMsg").val())
 }, 1000)
  setInterval(() => {
     if(document.getElementById("AFKMode").checked && document.getElementById("PlaceSpike").checked) {
       send.Place(spikeType, myDir + send.toRad(135))
       send.Place(spikeType, myDir + send.toRad(150))
       send.Place(spikeType, myDir + send.toRad(165))
       send.Place(spikeType, myDir + send.toRad(180))
       send.Place(spikeType, myDir + send.toRad(270))
       send.Place(spikeType, myDir + send.toRad(360))
     } else {
       return null
 }, 15)
 setInterval(() => {
     if (trap == true && autobreak.toggle == true && document.getElementById("AntiTrap").checked) {
         autobreak.aim = true
         if (secondary == 10) {
             send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]])
         } else {
             send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
         send.Packet("c", 1)
         setTimeout(() => {
             send.Packet("c", 0)
             autobreak.aim = false
         }, 90)
 }, 163)
 setInterval(() => {
     takeRandomColor = randomInt(0, 13)
     allColors = ["#7be0d8", "#7b9de0", "#ae2929", "#a929ae", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "#000000", "#ffffff", "#737373", "#13107f", "#207f10", "#e42121", "#ffea05", "#4dff7f", "#650094"]
     rainbowSkin = String(allColors[takeRandomColor])
     Global.newSkinColors = (window.config.skinColors = ["#bf8f54", "#cbb091", "#896c4b", "#fadadc", "#ececec", "#c37373", "#4c4c4c", "#ecaff7", "#738cc3", rainbowSkin])
 }, speedRanbowSkin)
 setInterval(() => {
     if (autobreak.aim == true && document.getElementById("AntiTrap").checked) {
         send.Packet("2", autobreak.angle)
 }, 25)
 setInterval(() => {
     if (document.getElementById("AutoWalk").checked) {
         send.Packet('33', Math.atan2(mY - he / 2, mX - w / 2))
 }, 25)
 setInterval(() => {
     if (document.getElementById("AntiInsta").checked && ka2.tgl == true) {
         if ( - ka2.last >= 70) {
             send.FullPacket(["c", [1, null]])
             send.Place(foodType, Infinity)
             send.Cycle(mult1, foodType)
             send.FullPacket(["c", [0, null]])
             send.Packet("ch", "MooMooAntiInsta")
             ka2.last =
             ka2.tgl = false
 setInterval(() => {
     if (document.getElementById("AutoHeal").checked && ka.tgl == true) {
         if ( - ka.last >= ka.speed) {
             for (let i = 0; i < (ka.fix / (foodType === 0 ? 23 : 33)); i++) {
                 send.Place(foodType, Infinity)
                 send.Packet("ch", $("#AutoHealChat").val())
                 if (document.getElementById("SoldierForAutoHeal").checked) send.EquipHat(6)
                 ka.last =
             ka.tgl = false
 setInterval(() => {
     if (OneTickAim) send.Packet("2", nearEnemyAngle + send.toRad(180))
 }, 25)
 setInterval(() => {
     enemyAim == true && (send.Packet("2", nearEnemyAngle), send.Packet("2", nearEnemyAngle), send.Packet("2", nearEnemyAngle))
 }, 25)
 setInterval(() => {
     document.getElementById("angleGlitch").checked && (send.Packet("2", 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14), send.Packet("2", 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14), send.Packet("2", 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14))
 }, 25)
 setInterval(() => {
     angleGlitch2 && (send.Packet("2", 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14), send.Packet("2", 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14), send.Packet("2", 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14 * 99e14))
 }, 25)
 setInterval(() => {
     if (document.getElementById("SpamClan").checked) {
         send.Packet("9", null)
         send.Packet("8", spam(false))
     send.Packet("testing", 6);
 }, 500)
 document.msgpack = msgpack
 WebSocket.prototype.oldSend = WebSocket.prototype.send
 WebSocket.prototype.send = function(e) {
     if (!wS) {
         wS = this
         document.wS = this
         this.addEventListener("message", a => HANDLER(a))
 function hasEnough() {
     return (
         (!nearestTree || player.wood >= 1000) &&
         (!nearestStone || player.stone >= 1000) &&
         (!nearestFood || >= 1000)
 const sleep = ms => {
     return new Promise(resolve => {
         setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms)

 function hit(e) {
     send.FullPacket(["c", [true, e]])
     send.FullPacket(["c", [null, e]])

 function weapon(e) {
     send.FullPacket(["5", [e, true]])

 function watch(e) {
     send.FullPacket(["2", [e]])

 function take(e) {
     send.FullPacket(["5", [e, null]])

 function walk(e) {
     send.FullPacket(["33", [e]])

 function place(e, t = myDir) {
 $("#StopWalkBtn").click(function() {
     document.getElementById("AutoCoordWalk").checked = false
     send.Packet("33", null)
     $("#StopWalkBtn").css("display", "none")

 function onTick(e) {
     if (trees) {
         nearestTree = trees.sort(
             (a, b) =>
             Math.hypot(a[2] - myY, a[1] - myX) -
             Math.hypot(b[2] - myY, b[1] - myX)
         if (nearestTree) {
             nearestTreeAngle = Math.atan2(
                 nearestTree[2] - myY,
                 nearestTree[1] - myX
     if (foods) {
         nearestFood = foods.sort(
             (a, b) =>
             Math.hypot(a[2] - myY, a[1] - myX) -
             Math.hypot(b[2] - myY, b[1] - myX)
         if (nearestFood) {
             nearestFoodAngle = Math.atan2(
                 nearestFood[2] - myY,
                 nearestFood[1] - myX
     if (stones) {
         nearestStone = stones.sort(
             (a, b) =>
             Math.hypot(a[2] - myY, a[1] - myX) -
             Math.hypot(b[2] - myY, b[1] - myX)
         if (nearestStone) {
             nearestStoneAngle = Math.atan2(
                 nearestStone[2] - myY,
                 nearestStone[1] - myX
     if (mines) {
         nearestMine = mines.sort(
             (a, b) =>
             Math.hypot(a[2] - myY, a[1] - myX) -
             Math.hypot(b[2] - myY, b[1] - myX)
         if (nearestMine) {
             nearestMineAngle = Math.atan2(
                 nearestMine[2] - myY,
                 nearestMine[1] - player.x
     if (document.getElementById("FollowAnimals").checked) {
         if (An[1]) {
             e = Math.atan2(An[1].y - myY, An[1].x - myX);
     if (!hasEnough() && document.getElementById("AutoFarm").checked) {
         send.Packet("ch", "MooMooAutoFarm")
         nearestFood && < $("#NextResource").val() && farm(nearestFoodAngle);
         nearestStone && player.stone < $("#NextResource").val() && farm(nearestStoneAngle);
         nearestTree && player.wood < $("#NextResource").val() && farm(nearestTreeAngle);
     } else if ( - autoWalk >= 10e3 && document.getElementById("AutoFarm").checked) {
         autoWalk =;
         walk(Math.PI * 2 * Math.random());
     if (document.getElementById("AutoFarmType").checked) {
         document.getElementById("goRes").value == "go food" && nearestFood && (send.Packet("ch", "MooMooFarmFood"), farm(nearestFoodAngle))
         document.getElementById("goRes").value == "go stone" && nearestStone && (send.Packet("ch", "MooMooFarmStone"), farm(nearestStoneAngle))
         document.getElementById("goRes").value == "go tree" && nearestTree && (send.Packet("ch", "MooMooFarmWood"), farm(nearestTreeAngle))
         document.getElementById("goRes").value == "go mine" && nearestTree && (send.Packet("ch", "MooMooFarmGold"), farm(nearestMineAngle))

 function farm(e) {

 function checkAnimals() {
     An[1] = null;
     An[2] = false;
     if (!An[0].length) return null;
     An[1] = An[0].sort(
         (a, b) =>
         Math.hypot(a.y - myY, a.x - myX) -
         Math.hypot(b.y - myY, b.x - myX)
     An[2] = Math.hypot(An[1].y - myY, An[1].x - myX) <= 300;
 const HANDLER = (e) => {
     let what = [
         "what mod",
         "what mode",
         "what name",
         "name mod",
         "what ur mod",
         "what name mod",
         "what name u mod",
         "what name ur mod",
         "mod what name",
         "name mode",
         "mode name",
         "mod what",
         "mode what",
         "whate mod",
         "whate mode",
         "name cheat",
         "mod name"
     let antiMsg = [
     "gold bot", "wolf is", "use Happy mod", "i am super pro", "super pro", "am super", "warning", "i am su", "i-", "su-_", "pr-", "r_p", "up--", "-er", "-up", "a-",
     "a__s", "-p", "s__r", "--a", "am_", "_ a", "i_a", "m_s", "e_", "-a", "am-", "up-r", "a___u", "i- -m", "i a_", "__u", "r pro", "sup_r", "a_", "p_r", "i_", "_m", "s-_", "i --", "i -m", "p-o", "--_-r"
     , "pr_", "su-e", "r _--", "s_per", "_per", "-up", "-su", "- p", "_u", "is jesus mod", "s---", "--r", "_o", "---_", "==>", "|", "Dmg:", "MooMoo", "legit?"
     let AntiHitInsta = false
     let PeopleCheck
     let getNameChat = []
     let nameInChat
     let we = document.getElementById("gameCanvas"),
         be = we.getContext("2d"),
     let DataHP = 100
     let now =
     let deCode = msgPack.decode(new Uint8Array(
     let data
     if (deCode.length > 1) {
         data = [deCode[0], ...deCode[1]]
         data[1] instanceof Array ? data = data : ""
     } else {
         data = deCode
     let item = data[0]
     let checkH
     let h = ("h" == item),
         id = data[1],
         hp = data[2],
         s = (item == "11")
     if (!data) return
     if (item == "io-init") {
         w = we.clientWidth
         he = we.clientHeight
         $(window).resize(function() {
             w = we.clientWidth
             he = we.clientHeight
         we.addEventListener("mousemove", e => {
             mX = e.clientX
             mY = e.clientY
     item == "1" && myID == null ? myID = id : ""
     if (item == "a") {
         if (!data[1] || !data[1].length) {
             return null;
         An[0] = [];
         for (e = 0; e < data[1].length; e += 7) {
             [2, 3, 4].includes(data[1][e + 1]) &&
                     x: data[1][e + 2],
                     y: data[1][e + 3],
                     id: data[1][e + 1]
     if (item == "2") {
         document.getElementById("helloMode").checked && send.Packet("ch", `${data[1][2]}, ${$("#MsgText").val()}`)
         getName[data[1]] = data[1][2]
         nameInChat = data[1][2]
     if (item == "9") {
         if (data[1] == "wood") {
             player.wood = data[2];
         } else if (data[1] == "stone") {
             player.stone = data[2];
         } else if (data[1] == "food") {
    = data[2];
         } else if (data[1] == "points") {
             player.points = data[2];
     if (item == "6") {
         for (let i = 0; i < data[1].length / 8; i++) {
             let j = data[1].slice(8 * i, 8 * i + 8);
             if (j[5] == 0) {
             if (j[5] == 1) {
             if (j[5] == 2) {
             if (j[5] == 3) {
     if (item == "33") {
         enemiesNear = []
         for (let i = 0; i < data[1].length / 13; i++) {
             let j = data[1].slice(13 * i, 13 * i + 13)
             if (j[0] == myID) {
                 myX = j[1]
                 myY = j[2]
                 myDir = j[3]
                 ObjectB = j[4]
                 Weapon = j[5]
                 Variant = j[6]
                 Clan = j[7]
                 IsLeader = j[8]
                 Hat = j[9]
                 Acc = j[10]
                 IsSkull = j[11]
             } else if (j[7] !== Clan || j[7] == null) {
     if (document.getElementById("AutoCoordWalk").checked) {
         send.Packet("ch", autowalk[0].ch)
         autowalk[0].y = $("#WalkY").val()
         autowalk[0].x = $("#WalkX").val()
         send.Packet("33", Math.atan2(Number(autowalk[0].y) - myY, Number(autowalk[0].x) - myX))
         $("#StopWalkBtn").css("display", "block")
     if (item == "6" && document.getElementById("AntiTrap").checked) {
         for (let i = 0; i < data[1].length / 8; i++) {
             let antiTrapArray = data[1].slice(8 * i, 8 * i + 8)
             if (antiTrapArray[6] == 15 && antiTrapArray[7] != myID && Math.sqrt(Math.pow((myY - antiTrapArray[2]), 2) + Math.pow((myX - antiTrapArray[1]), 2)) < 90) {
                 autobreak.angle = Math.atan2(antiTrapArray[2] - myY, antiTrapArray[1] - myX)
                 for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                     let angleStartPlace = myDir + send.toRad(i * 22.5)
                     if (document.getElementById("StartPlace").value == "4 start spike") send.Place(spikeType, angleStartPlace)
                     if (document.getElementById("StartPlace").value == "4 start trap") send.Place(boostType, angleStartPlace)
                     if (document.getElementById("StartPlace").value == "4 start mill") send.Place(millType, angleStartPlace)
                 send.Packet("ch", $("#AntiTrapChat").val())
        = antiTrapArray[0]
                 trap = true

     if (item == "12" && trap == true && == data[1] && document.getElementById("AntiTrap").checked) {
         trap = false
         send.Packet("c", 0)
         for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
             let angleEndPlace = myDir + send.toRad(i * 22.5)
             if (document.getElementById("EndPlace").value == "4 end spike") send.Place(spikeType, angleEndPlace)
             if (document.getElementById("EndPlace").value == "4 end trap") send.Place(boostType, angleEndPlace)
             if (document.getElementById("EndPlace").value == "4 end mill") send.Place(millType, angleEndPlace)
             if (document.getElementById("EndPlace").value == "2 end spikes2 trap") {
                 send.Place(boostType, angleEndPlace)
                 send.Place(spikeType, angleEndPlace)
     if($("#chatHolder").css('display') == 'block') {
     $(".ChatBox").css("display", "block")
     } else {
     $(".ChatBox").css("display", "none")
     if ($("#loadingText").css('display') == 'none') {
         $("#gameName").css("display", "block")

     if (s && document.getElementById("AntiTrap").checked) {
         aim = true
         trap = false
     } - ma.last > 2000 && ma.meaning > 0 && (ma.last =, ma.meaning -= 1) - ma2.last > 1 && ma2.meaning > 0 && (ma2.last =, ma2.meaning -= 3)
     Coord.innerText = `X: ${myX}, Y: ${myY}`
     enemiesNear ? nearEnemy = enemiesNear.sort((a, b) => send.dist(a) - send.dist(b))[0] : ""
     if (!nearEnemy) {
         nearEnemyAngle = myDir
     if (nearEnemy) {
         nearEnemyAngle = Math.atan2(nearEnemy[2] - myY, nearEnemy[1] - myX)
     if (item === 'ch' && id != myID) {
         let chat = data[2]
         for (let i of what) {
             if (chat.toLowerCase().includes(i.toLowerCase())) {
                 send.Packet("ch", "Name cheat: MooMooMod v8")
     if (item === 'ch' && id == myID) {
         let msg = data[2]
         if (msg.startsWith(`${$("#PrefixCommands").val()}clear`)) {
           document.getElementById("textChat").innerHTML = ""
         if (msg.startsWith(`${$("#PrefixCommands").val()}join `)) {
             let arg1 = msg.split(" ")
             send.Packet("10", arg1.join(" "))
         if (msg.startsWith(`${$("#PrefixCommands").val()}leave`)) send.Packet("9", null)
         if (msg.startsWith(`${$("#PrefixCommands").val()}create `)) {
             let arg2 = msg.split(" ")
             send.Packet("9", null)
             send.Packet("8", arg2.join(" "))
         if (msg.startsWith(`${$("#PrefixCommands").val()}km`)) {
             send.Packet("6", 3)
             send.Packet("6", 17)
             send.Packet("6", 31)
             send.Packet("6", 23)
             send.Packet("6", 9)
             send.Packet("6", 38)
             send.Packet("6", 4)
             send.Packet("6", 15)
         if (msg.startsWith(`${$("#PrefixCommands").val()}pm`)) {
             send.Packet("6", 5)
             send.Packet("6", 17)
             send.Packet("6", 31)
             send.Packet("6", 23)
             send.Packet("6", 9)
             send.Packet("6", 38)
             send.Packet("6", 28)
             send.Packet("6", 15)
         if (msg.startsWith(`${$("#PrefixCommands").val()}kh`)) {
             send.Packet("6", 3)
             send.Packet("6", 17)
             send.Packet("6", 31)
             send.Packet("6", 23)
             send.Packet("6", 10)
             send.Packet("6", 38)
             send.Packet("6", 4)
             send.Packet("6", 25)
     if (item == 'ch') {
     if (id !== myID) {
     let EnemyChat = data[2]
         for (let e of antiMsg) {
             if (EnemyChat.toLowerCase().includes(e.toLowerCase())) return ""
         document.getElementById("textChat").innerHTML += `<span id="colorTextCheck" style="color: red; font-size: 18px;">Enemy</span>|${EnemyChat} <br>`
     if(id === myID) {
         let myChat = data[2]
         document.getElementById("textChat").innerHTML += `<span style="color: green; font-size: 18px;">You</span>|${myChat} <br>`
     if (h && data[1] == myID) {
         if (ka.fix >= data[2]) {
             ka.meaning = (100 - data[2])
             ka.delay = ( - ka.last)
             ka.last =
             ka.tgl = true
         } else {
             k = ( -
             if (k < 120) {
                 ma.meaning > 7 ? ma.meaning = 0 : ""

             } else {
                 ma.meaning -= 2
                 ma.meaning < 3 ? ma.meaning = 0 : ""
             ma.last =
         ka.fix = data[2]
     if (h && data[1] == myID) {
         if (ka2.fix <= 65) {
             ka.meaning = (100 - data[2])
             ka2.last =
             ka2.tgl = true
         } else {
             ma2.last =
         if (data[2] == 100) {
         ka2.fix = (data[2] - 35)
     //New anti insta v9
     /*if (item == "7" && id !== myID && AntiHitInsta == true) {
     if (nearEnemy[5] == 4 && nearEnemy[9] == (7 || 53)) {
       send.Packet("ch", "Katana hit detected.")
       speedAntiInsta = 64
     } else if (nearEnemy[5] == 5 && nearEnemy[9] == (7 || 53)) {
       send.Packet("ch", "Polearm hit detected.")
       speedAntiInsta = 73
     } else {
       send.Packet("ch", "Hit detected.")
       speedAntiInsta = 80
     if (h && id == myID) {
     if (hp <= 60) {
     AntiHitInsta = true
     console.log("AntiInsta: Work!")
         setTimeout(() => {
             AntiHitInsta = false
             speedAntiInsta = 80
         }, 250)
         setTimeout(() => {
             end = true
         }, (999 - window.pingTime))
     if ( - date2 >= speedAntiInsta) {
       send.Place(foodType, null)
       date2 =
     if (h && id == myID && document.getElementById("AutoAntiBull").checked == true) {
         if (hp <= 60) {
             step = true
             setTimeout(function() {
                 if (nearEnemy[5] == 4 && nearEnemy[9] == 7) {
                     setTimeout(function() {
                         if (nearEnemy[5] == 4 && nearEnemy[9] == 7) {
                             if (step) {
                                 send.Packet("ch", "AutoAntiBull: On")
                                 CheckAB = false
                                 ka.type = 0
                                 ka.speed = 105
                                 if (document.getElementById("AntiInsta").checked == true) document.getElementById("AntiInsta").checked = false
                                 send.Packet("7", 1)
                                 setTimeout(() => {
                                 }, 500)
                                 setTimeout(() => {
                                 }, 1000)
                                 setTimeout(() => {
                                     document.getElementById("AntiInsta").checked = true
                                     ka.type = 1
                                     ka.speed = 75
                                     step = false
                                 }, 1500)
                             } else {
                                 return ""
                         } else {
                             CheckAB = true
                             if (CheckAB) {
                                 ka.type = 1
                                 setTimeout(function() {
                                     CheckAB = false
                                 }, 100)
                                 step = false
                                 send.Packet("ch", "AutoAntiBull: Off")
                     }, 1000)
             }, 200)
     if (h && myID == id && document.getElementById("AntiInsta").checked == true && data[2] <= 65) {
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, 250)
         setTimeout(() => {
             end = true
         }, (999 - window.pingTime))
     if (h && myID == id && document.getElementById("AntiInstaOld").checked == true && data[2] <= 65) {
         send.Packet("ch", $("#AntiInstaChat").val())
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, 250)
         setTimeout(() => {
             end = true
         }, (999 - window.pingTime))
         if ( - date > 72) {
             send.Cycle(2, foodType)
             date =
     /*if (h && id === myID && e && hp <= 65) {
     if ( - date >= 80) {
        for (let i = Health; i < 100; i += 25) send.Place(foodType)
              date =
         send.Packet("ch", $("#AntiInstaChat").val())
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, 75)
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, 250)
         setTimeout(() => {
             end = true
         }, 925)
     if (document.getElementById("oneTickType").value == "Back Musket") {
         document.getElementById("oneTickType2").style.opacity = "1"
     } else {
         document.getElementById("oneTickType2").style.opacity = "0"
     s && document.getElementById("AutoRespawn").checked && send.Spawn(1)
     s && (ma.meaning = 0, = 0, ma2.meaning = 0, = 0)
 class Fncs {
     FullPacket(e) {
         wS.oldSend(new Uint8Array(Array.from(msgPack.encode(e))))
     Packet(e, a) {
         send.FullPacket([e, [a]])
     Spawn(e) {
         send.FullPacket(['sp', [{
             name: ($("#AutoRespawnName").val() || localStorage.getItem("moo_name")),
             moofoll: "1",
             skin: e
     Place(type, angle = Math.atan2(mY - he / 2, mX - w / 2)) {
         send.FullPacket(["5", [type, null]])
         send.FullPacket(["c", [1, angle]])
         send.FullPacket(["c", [0, angle]])
         send.FullPacket(["5", [Weapon, true]])
     Cycle(x, type) {
         for (let i = 0; i < x; i++) send.Place(type, Infinity)
     EquipAcc(id) {
         send.FullPacket(["13c", [1, id, 1]])
         send.FullPacket(["13c", [0, id, 1]])
     EquipHat(id) {
         send.FullPacket(["13c", [1, id, 0]])
         send.FullPacket(["13c", [0, id, 0]])
     toRad(angle) {
         return angle * 0.01745329251
     dist(a) {
         return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((myY - a[2]), 2) + Math.pow((myX - a[1]), 2))
     eV(e) {
         return e.offsetParent !== null
     getId() {
         for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) primary = i
         for (let i = 9; i < 16; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) secondary = i
         for (let i = 16; i < 19; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) foodType = i - 16
         for (let i = 19; i < 22; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) wallType = i - 16
         for (let i = 22; i < 26; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) spikeType = i - 16
         for (let i = 26; i < 29; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) millType = i - 16
         for (let i = 29; i < 31; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) mineType = i - 16
         for (let i = 31; i < 33; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) boostType = i - 16
         for (let i = 33; i < 36; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) turretType = i - 16
         for (let i = 36; i < 37; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) spawnpadType = i - 16
         for (let i = 37; i < 39; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) turretType = i - 16
         for (let i = 38; i < 40; i++) if (send.eV(document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i.toString()))) baitType = i - 16
     StackInsta() {
         if (document.getElementById("StackInsta").checked) {
             send.Packet("ch", "MooMooFastInsta")
             let tutu11 = setInterval(send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]]), 0);
             let tutu22;
             if (Acc == 11) {
             send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]]);
             send.Packet("2", nearEnemyAngle);
             send.FullPacket(["c", [1, nearEnemyAngle]]);
             setTimeout(() => {
                 send.Packet("2", nearEnemyAngle);
                 send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]]);
                 tutu22 = setInterval(send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]]), 0);
             }, 88);
             setTimeout(() => {
                 send.FullPacket(["c", [0, null]]);
                 send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]]);
                 if (myY < 2400) {
                 } else if (myY > 6850 && myY < 7550) {
                 } else {
             }, 220);
     SpikeInsta() {
     if (document.getElementById("SpikeInsta").checked == true && document.getElementById("StackInsta").checked == false && document.getElementById("oneTickInsta").checked == false) {
     if (Acc == 11) send.EquipAcc(0)
     send.Packet("ch", "MooMooSpikeInsta")
     send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
     send.Packet("2", nearEnemyAngle)
     send.FullPacket(["c", [1]]);

     setTimeout(() => {
     send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]])
     setTimeout(() => {
     }, 25)
     setTimeout(() => {
     if (myY < 2400) {
                 } else if (myY > 6850 && myY < 7550) {
                 } else {
     send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
     send.FullPacket(["c", [0, null]]);
     }, 200)
     }, 88)
     InstaKill() {
         if (document.getElementById("oneTickInsta").checked == false && document.getElementById("StackInsta").checked == false && document.getElementById("SpikeInsta").checked == false) {
             if (Acc == 11) send.EquipAcc(0)
             if (document.getElementById("Aim").checked) enemyAim = true
             send.Packet("ch", "MooMooInsta")
             send.Packet("c", 1)
             send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
             setTimeout(() => {
                 send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]])
                 setTimeout(() => {
                     send.Packet("c", 0)
                     if (!AutoReloadInstaKill) send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
                     if (AutoReloadInstaKill) send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]])
                     if (document.getElementById("Aim").checked) enemyAim = false

                 }, 200)
             }, $("#InstaSpeed").val())
             if (document.getElementById("AutoReloadInstaKill").checked) {
                 setTimeout(() => {
                     send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]])
                 }, 1000)
                 setTimeout(() => {
                     send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]])
                 }, 2000)
                 setTimeout(() => {
                     send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
                 }, 3000)
     OneTickInsta() {
         if (document.getElementById("oneTickInsta").checked) {
             if (document.getElementById("oneTickType2").value == "Smart Insta" && nearEnemy[9] == 6) checkOneTick = true
             else checkOneTick = false
             if (Acc == 11) send.EquipAcc(0)
             if (document.getElementById("oneTickType").value == "Back Musket") {
                 if (checkOneTick == false) {
                     send.Packet("ch", "MooMooOneTick")
                     send.Packet("c", 1)
                     OneTickAim = true
                     send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]])
                     setTimeout(() => {
                         OneTickAim = false
                         angleGlitch2 = true
                         send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
                     }, 75)
                     setTimeout(() => {
                         angleGlitch2 = false
                         send.Packet("c", 0)
                     }, 140)
                 if (document.getElementById("oneTickType2").value == "Smart Insta") {
                     checkOneTick = true
                     if (checkOneTick == true) {
                         if (nearEnemy[9] == 6) {
                             send.Packet("ch", "MooMooInsta")
                             send.Packet("c", 1)
                             send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
                             setTimeout(() => {
                                 send.FullPacket(["5", [secondary, true]])
                                 setTimeout(() => {
                                     send.Packet("c", 0)
                                     send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
                                     checkOneTick = false
                                 }, 200)
                             }, $("#InstaSpeed").val())
             if (document.getElementById("oneTickType").value == "Only Polearm") {
                 send.Packet("ch", "MooMooOneTick")
                 send.Packet("c", 1)
                 send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
                 setTimeout(() => {
                     angleGlitch2 = true
                 }, 75)
                 setTimeout(() => {
                     angleGlitch2 = false
                     send.Packet("c", 0)
                 }, 140)
     KM() {
         setTimeout(() => {
             send.Packet("6", 3)
             send.Packet("6", 17)
             send.Packet("6", 31)
             send.Packet("6", 23)
             send.Packet("6", 9)
             send.Packet("6", 38)
             send.Packet("6", 4)
             send.Packet("6", 15)
         }, 100)
     boostSpike() {
         send.Place(spikeType, myDir + send.toRad(90))
         send.Place(spikeType, myDir - send.toRad(90))
         send.Place(boostType, myDir)
     TripleMills(diraim) {
         if ((!old || - old) - window.pingTime >= 47) {
             send.Place(millType, diraim - send.toRad(0))
             send.Place(millType, diraim + send.toRad(73))
             send.Place(millType, diraim - send.toRad(73))
             old =
     rpt(k, i, itr) {
         let {
         } = {
             skeyDown: 0,
             itrvl: undefined
         return {
             start: function(keycode) {
                 if (keycode == k && != 'chatBox') {
                     skeyDown = 1
                     if (itrvl == undefined) {
                         itrvl = setInterval(() => {
                             !skeyDown && (clearInterval(itrvl), itrvl = undefined)
                         }, itr)
             stop: function(keycode) {
                 keycode == k && != 'chatBox' && (skeyDown = 0)

 let send = new Fncs()
 const MillType1 = send.rpt(78, () => {
     send.Place(millType, Math.atan2(mY - he / 2, mX - w / 2))
 }, 5)
 const SpikeType1 = send.rpt(86, () => {
     send.Place(spikeType, Math.atan2(mY - he / 2, mX - w / 2))
 }, 5)
 const BoostType1 = send.rpt(70, () => {
     send.Place(boostType, Math.atan2(mY - he / 2, mX - w / 2))
 }, 5)
 const FoodType1 = send.rpt(81, () => {
     send.Place(foodType, Math.atan2(mY - he / 2, mX - w / 2))
 }, 5)
 const BaitType1 = send.rpt(46, () => {
     send.Packet("ch", "Place: Bait")

 const TurretType1 = send.rpt(72, () => {
     send.Place(turretType, Math.atan2(mY - he / 2, mX - w / 2))
 }, 5)
 const spawnPadsx4 = send.rpt(74, () => {
     for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
         let aP1 = myDir + send.toRad(i * 22.5)
         send.Place(spawnpadType, aP1)
 }, 5);
 const boostSpike1 = send.rpt(71, () => {
 }, 5);

 document.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
     if (document.getElementById("mouseClick").checked) {
         if (e.button == 0) {
             send.Packet("7", 1)
             send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
             setTimeout(() => {
                 send.Packet("7", 1)
             }, 200)
             setTimeout(() => {
             }, 360)
         if (e.button == 2) {
             send.Packet("7", 1)
             send.FullPacket(["5", [primary, true]])
             setTimeout(() => {
                 send.Packet("7", 1)
             }, 360)
 }, false)
 document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
     if (["allianceinput", 'chatbox'].includes( return null;
     if (e.code == $("#BindAntiInsta").val()) {
         if (document.getElementById("AntiInsta").checked == false) {
             send.Packet("ch", "AntiInsta: On")
             document.getElementById("AntiInsta").checked = true
         } else {
             send.Packet("ch", "AntiInsta: Off")
             document.getElementById("AntiInsta").checked = false
     if (e.code == $("#BindAntiTrap").val()) {
         if (document.getElementById("AntiTrap").checked == false) {
             send.Packet("ch", "AntiTrap: On")
             document.getElementById("AntiTrap").checked = true
         } else {
             send.Packet("ch", "AntiTrap: Off")
             document.getElementById("AntiTrap").checked = false
     if (e.code == $("#hit360").val()) {
         if (document.getElementById("angleGlitch").checked == false) {
             send.Packet("ch", "360 hit: On")
             document.getElementById("angleGlitch").checked = true
         } else {
             send.Packet("ch", "360 hit: Off")
             document.getElementById("angleGlitch").checked = false
     e.keyCode == 90 && (send.EquipHat(40), send.EquipAcc(19))
     if (e.keyCode == 16) {
         if (myY < 2400) send.EquipHat(15)
         else if (myY > 6850 && myY < 7550) send.EquipHat(31)
         else send.EquipHat(12)
     e.code == $("#BindBull").val() && send.EquipHat(7)
     e.code == $("#BindSamurai").val() && send.EquipHat(20)
     e.code == $("#BindEmp").val() && send.EquipHat(22)
     e.keyCode == 82 && (send.InstaKill(), send.OneTickInsta(), send.StackInsta(), send.SpikeInsta())
     e.keyCode == 38 && (send.KM())
     e.keyCode == 77 && (AutoMill == true ? (AutoMill = false, send.Packet("ch", "TripleMills: Off")) : (AutoMill = true, send.Packet("ch", "TripleMills: On")))
     if (AutoMill == true) {
         if (e.keyCode == 87 && e.keyCode == 65) send.TripleMills(0.79)
         else if (e.keyCode == 87 && e.keyCode == 68) send.TripleMills(2.36)
         else if (e.keyCode == 83 && e.keyCode == 65) send.TripleMills(-0.79)
         else if (e.keyCode == 83 && e.keyCode == 68) send.TripleMills(-2.36)
         else if (e.keyCode == 83) send.TripleMills(-1.57)
         else if (e.keyCode == 87) send.TripleMills(1.57)
         else if (e.keyCode == 68) send.TripleMills(3.14)
         else if (e.keyCode == 65) send.TripleMills(0)
 document.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => {
let InbundleMyPlayer

 let killChat = false
 let $el_killCounter
 let newKill = 0
 function SendKillChat() {
     $el_killCounter = parseInt(document.getElementById("killCounter").innerText).toString()
     if ($el_killCounter > newKill && document.getElementById("killChat").checked) send.Packet("ch", $("#KillChat").val())
     newKill = $el_killCounter
 setInterval(SendKillChat, 0)
 const ANTIINSTA = document.getElementById("AntiInsta")
 ANTIINSTA.addEventListener('change', function() {
     if (this.checked) document.getElementById("AntiInstaOld").checked = false
  const a1 = document.getElementById("StackInsta")
 a1.addEventListener('change', function() {
     if (this.checked) {
     document.getElementById("oneTickInsta").checked = false
     document.getElementById("SpikeInsta").checked = false

   const b121 = document.getElementById("SpikeInsta")
 b121.addEventListener('change', function() {
     if (this.checked) {
     document.getElementById("StackInsta").checked = false
     document.getElementById("oneTickInsta").checked = false
  const b1 = document.getElementById("oneTickInsta")
 b1.addEventListener('change', function() {
     if (this.checked) {
     document.getElementById("StackInsta").checked = false
     document.getElementById("SpikeInsta").checked = false
 const ANTIINSTAOLD = document.getElementById("AntiInstaOld")
 ANTIINSTAOLD.addEventListener('change', function() {
     if (this.checked) document.getElementById("AntiInsta").checked = false
 const SOLDFORAH = document.getElementById("SoldierForAutoHeal")
 SOLDFORAH.addEventListener('change', function() {
     if (this.checked) SoldierForAutoHeal = true
     else SoldierForAutoHeal = false
 const KILLCHAT = document.getElementById("killChat")
 KILLCHAT.addEventListener('change', function() {
     if (this.checked) killChat = true
     else killChat = false
 const AUTORESPAWN = document.getElementById("AutoRespawn")
 AUTORESPAWN.addEventListener('change', function() {
     if (this.checked) AutoRespawn = true
     else AutoRespawn = false

 const AUTOANTIBULL = document.getElementById("AutoAntiBull")
     AUTOANTIBULL.addEventListener('change', function() {
         if (this.checked) AutoAntiBull = true
         else AutoAntiBull = false
 const AUTOCOORDWALK = document.getElementById("AutoCoordWalk")
 AUTOCOORDWALK.addEventListener('change', () => {
     if (this.checked) {
         $("#StopWalkBtn").css("display", "block")
     } else {
         send.Packet("33", null)
         $("#StopWalkBtn").css("display", "none")
 const ANGLEGLITCH = document.getElementById("angleGlitch")
 ANGLEGLITCH.addEventListener('change', () => {
     if (this.checked) angleGlitch = true
     else angleGlitch = false
 const MOUSECLICK = document.getElementById("mouseClick")
 MOUSECLICK.addEventListener('change', () => {
     if (this.checked) mouseClick = true
     else mouseClick = false
 const ANTITRAP = document.getElementById("AntiTrap")
 ANTITRAP.addEventListener('change', () => {
     if (this.checked) AntiTrap = true
     else AntiTrap = false
 const AIM = document.getElementById("Aim")
 AIM.addEventListener('change', () => {
     if (this.checked) Aim = true
     else Aim = false

 const AUTORELOADINSTAKILL = document.getElementById("AutoReloadInstaKill")
 AUTORELOADINSTAKILL.addEventListener('change', () => {
     if (this.checked) AutoReloadInstaKill = true
     else AutoReloadInstaKill = false
 const ONETICKINSTA = document.getElementById("oneTickInsta")
 ONETICKINSTA.addEventListener('change', () => {
     if (this.checked) oneTickInsta = true
     else oneTickInsta = false
 const BETTERHOTBAR = document.getElementById("BetterHotBar")
 BETTERHOTBAR.addEventListener('change', () => {
     if (BETTERHOTBAR.checked) {
         let newStyleHotBar = `
.actionBarItem {
transition: 1s all;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
border: 2.5px dashed black;
border-radius: 50%;
.actionBarItem:hover {
box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 10px black;
     } else {
         let oldStyleHotBar = `
.actionBarItem {
transition: 1s all;
margin-left: 5px;
margin-right: 5px;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
border: none;
box-shadow: none;
.actionBarItem:hover {
box-shadow: none;

 function spam(use) {
     let txt = ["", "~", "/", "$", "&", "^", "-"]
     let rdm = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6)
     let result = ''
     let characters
     let count = 0
     if (use) characters = $("#SpamChatName").val()
     else characters = $("#SpamClanName").val()
     if (use) {
         characters = characters.padStart((70 - characters.length) / 6 + characters.length)
         characters = characters.padEnd(30);
     for (let i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
         if (Math.floor(Math.random() * $("#SpamClanName").val().length) == 1) result += txt[rdm]
         else result += characters.charAt(i);
     return result;
 function newDOM() {
     setTimeout(() => {
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, 100)
     }, 500)
     setTimeout(() => {
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, 100)
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, 350)
     }, 1250)
     setTimeout(() => {
         setTimeout(() => {
         }, 100)
     }, 2000)
     setTimeout(() => {
     }, 2750)
     document.getElementById("storeHolder").style = "height: 450px; width: 400px;"
     document.getElementById("moomooio_728x90_home").style.display = "none"
     document.getElementById("enterGame").innerHTML = "Spawn"
     document.getElementById("gameName").innerHTML = `<div style="text-align: center; color: #b67520; font-size: 100px;">MooMoo<span style="color: #c6c6c6;">Mod</span></div><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 50px; color: #4A4A4A; opacity: 0.6;">The Leading public mod for</div>`
     document.querySelector(".menuLink").textContent = "00100110"
     document.getElementById("loadingText").innerHTML = '<progress id="loadingText" value="0" max="100" class="progressBar"></progress><br>Loading...'
     setInterval(() => {
         if ($(".progressBar").val() == "100") {
             document.getElementById("loadingText").innerHTML = '<progress id="loadingText" value="100" max="100" class="progressBar"></progress><br>The loading is complete! Wait!'
     }, 250)
     $("#gameName").css("display", "none")

 let $el_lT = document.getElementById("loadingText")
 const RELOAD = setInterval(() => {
     switch ($el_lT.textContent) {
         case "disconnectedreload":
             document.getElementById("gameName").textContent = "AutoReload: Start!"
             window.onbeforeunload = null
             setTimeout(() => clearInterval(RELOAD), 100)
 }, 250)

 If you want to copy something, then do it correctly!
 Do not forget that JS knowledge is used here, which is unknown to you (most of it).
 I don't mind you copying my code! But do not forget about honor! After all, I wrote this script!
 Have a nice game!